Right wingers: You're losing badly, its snowballing, and gaining momentum

From what I understand, Republicans still don't think their is anything wrong with their product. They seem to think that they just need a new sales pitch. AMC used to think the same way, even after producing the Gremlin and the Pacer.

It is best for everyone to just let them keep thinking that way.

Evidently, you understand little. Looking at politics as marketing may be part of your problem.

Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?
not one single intelligent response from anyone on the right. What the OP stated is true in one format or another. The GOP is in deep shit because they wont recognize a changing nation, the OP makes claim to this as well.

Perhaps one of you intellects on the right can actually post something of substance to refute the OPs original post. As it stand now, none of you can ever come close to dealing with these truths.
Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

Ahhh yes, you must be referring to Lee Atwater, right?
Evidently, you understand little. Looking at politics as marketing may be part of your problem.

Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

The fact that image plays such a significant role is a symptom of a much larger cultural problem.

But, either way, the GOP has to play the hand it's dealt.

Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

Ahhh yes, you must be referring to Lee Atwater, right?

If your going to quote me, do it in complete context.
Evidently, you understand little. Looking at politics as marketing may be part of your problem.

Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

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Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


The fact that glib sloganeering and thinly disquised propaganda pass for rhetoric among the ignorant left does not change the fact that people should vote on principle.

That is a foreign notion to you. isn't it? Your reply speaks volumes.

I see, and what does my reply say, precisely?


It says:

"Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it."

Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

By the "coming generation" I assume you are referring to 20 somethings. Of course if you knew history you'd be aware that every generation of 20 somethings is very generous, it isn't until later that they divide into different groups. Those that are Consnervative remain generous and continue to share what they have. Those that turn Liberal lose interest in sharing what they have and instead insist that the government confiscate what others have earned and share it with the less fortunate. If you don't believe me try actually looking up facts instead of just regurgitating what you hear on HuffPo.

As for Gay Marriage I just want to be clear on your position. You believe that a Secular government that is not yet 225 years old run by a Constitution that I'm sure you think contains the phrase "Wall of seperation between Church and state" should be re-defining a 5,000 year old Religious Sacrament. Even though there is an obvious and simple solution of Civil Unions available. I guess that Wall has a big ass gate for the things you like to go through.

WTH does O'Reilly have to do with the Right, he's a Moderate who finally realized that President O'bama is intentionally destroying the economy by bankrupting the country. Then someone he invited on his program lied dead in his face repeatedly and he got upset. Did you have a point?

The housing and job markets are "creeping" up, I'd say that would be a good word for it, like a snail with a bum knee. And that is with us printing and borrowing as fast as we possibly can, what do you think is going to happen when an adult is put in charge and they have to stop borrowing half the money we spend and slows the printing presses enough that they at least stop smoking?

The deficit is showing signs of stability:tongue: I didn't know you were living in Fantasyland or do you just think a steady Trillion dollars a year in growth is stability? And while we're on the subject you mentioned the Tea Party. In your opinion a 17 Trillion dollar deficit and an annual debt of a Trillion dollars are stability and the people who look at those numbers and say that maybe we should get control of our spending are Looney. You really do have some interesting Points of View.

I suppose it's possible you're right, if the Liberals continue to turn the United States into a nation of whiners who think they have it tough and just want the government to do more and more for them, then Conservatism will fall out of favor. Of course as PM Thatcher said, eventually you run out of other people's money. By that time you will have turned this once great country into a cesspool that looks like a mix of Cuba, Venezuela and the old Soviet Union. At that point the people will turn to Conservatives to fix things and if you haven't taken it too far we will make the country prosperous and great again and the process will start all over.

But what do you care, by then you will have lived a life funded by government checks written on accounts funded by money that was borrowed, printed with nothing to back it or simply confiscated from the people who earned it. Enjoy and you're welcome!
Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

The fact that image plays such a significant role is a symptom of a much larger cultural problem.

But, either way, the GOP has to play the hand it's dealt.


You'll get no argument from me, it's time for the GOP to start playing the same game as the dems. They have tried to be the nice guys and stay clean in a mud fight, that will get ya beat every time.
not one single intelligent response from anyone on the right. What the OP stated is true in one format or another. The GOP is in deep shit because they wont recognize a changing nation, the OP makes claim to this as well.

Perhaps one of you intellects on the right can actually post something of substance to refute the OPs original post. As it stand now, none of you can ever come close to dealing with these truths.

The OP's post is juvenile posturing based on his (or her?) limited understanding of American politics.

What are conservitives losing, anyway?

An MSNBC poll?
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Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

Anyone watch CPAC footage?

Add that disaster to the evidence that the R is gasping, frantically searching for a way back.

The so-called big names were pretty lame but the funniest part was Trump - Nobody showed up. He and $arah are neck-and-neck as the Court Jester.
Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

lol, here you are big guy. Complete context you asked for, here it is. Again, ill ask, are you referring to Lee Atwater. Sure seems like it if you mean what you say.
The OP's post is juvenile posturing based on his (or her?) limited uderstanding of American politics.

What are conservitives losing, anyway?

An MSNBC poll?

regardless, waxing poetic on this topic will make little different. The GOP is in deep shit. I can site the 51% total Obama won on November but looking deeper Obama winning FL and VA ,along with Ohio says a lot. If the GOP was as strong as FOX news and other would have us believe the GOP would have surely won 2 out of three of these states.
Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?


Funny, they kept editing when a non white came into frame and to top it off they provided music by one of the biggest socialist in the country. I bet that bit of propaganda wasn't easy to find.
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Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

Anyone watch CPAC footage?

Add that disaster to the evidence that the R is gasping, frantically searching for a way back.

The so-called big names were pretty lame but the funniest part was Trump - Nobody showed up. He and $arah are neck-and-neck as the Court Jester.

Obama is the result of ReagaNUTism, nutballs. As suggested above, CPAC is a joke.

Pigboy's drug addled performance a year or two ago looks like a command performance compared to this year's clown show. The only rational speaker to show up was Rand Paul.

Dig it.
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Politics is known as "the art of the possible".

The Right defines it as, "the rightousness of being uncompromising, while losing elections".
Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

lol, here you are big guy. Complete context you asked for, here it is. Again, ill ask, are you referring to Lee Atwater. Sure seems like it if you mean what you say.

Whom did you attribute the 'quote' to?

Ummm, no one...
not one single intelligent response from anyone on the right. What the OP stated is true in one format or another. The GOP is in deep shit because they wont recognize a changing nation, the OP makes claim to this as well.

Perhaps one of you intellects on the right can actually post something of substance to refute the OPs original post. As it stand now, none of you can ever come close to dealing with these truths.

At it's best the OP is voicing their opinion at it's worst they are just repeating the standard liberal talking points in regards to the right neither of which fall under the heading of facts or truth and it's hardly worth the effort to refute. But since you ask and I have few moments to kill consider after 2008 the Democrats had the White House the Senate with as close to super majority as you could get and the House of Representatives with a huge numbers advantage after the 2010 midterms they no longer controlled the House and their Senate advantage was greatly reduced after the 2012 election things were still pretty much the same. Do the Republicans have some things they need to improve on yes is the party in it's death throes no.

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