Rightwing extremism is a much bigger problem than leftwing extremism

Extremism on either end only feeds extremism on the other. The two ends NEED each other, and the rest of the country is stuck in the middle of their moronic food fight.

I'm not so sure I would classify this orange stain thing as the "Right", though. This is its own animal. Classic conservatives are horrified and embarrassed by it, for good reason.
A cranky group indeed!

Yes. Incels are the real danger.

Extremism on either end only feeds extremism on the other. The two ends NEED each other, and the rest of the country is stuck in the middle of their moronic food fight.

I'm not so sure I would classify this orange stain thing as the "Right", though. This is its own animal. Classic conservatives are horrified and embarrassed by it, for good reason.

False. I have no need of the extreme left. I would be quite happy pushing for Paleo-conservative policies such as economic nationalism and reduced foreign entanglement, in a saner and more civil world.

In fact, I would greatly prefer it.
Nope. Because your side, the LEFT won the election. That is what hte riots were about. Creating the illusion that Trump's presidency was some sort of "not normal" crisis.

That shows that they were lefty political race riots, not just criminals looting.

It was political violence. From your side. That worked. So you know to use it next time too. It is the future of this country.

"Next time" there's going to be a lot of dead commies lying around.

There better not be a "next time".


And if there's a next time, it's going to get dumped right on their doorstep

It'll make Jan 6 look like a walk in the park on a balmy day
"Next time" there's going to be a lot of dead commies lying around.

There better not be a "next time".


And if there's a next time, it's going to get dumped right on their doorstep

It'll make Jan 6 look like a walk in the park on a balmy day

The tribalism of identity politics was/is certainly designed to get there sooner or later.
The tribalism of identity politics was/is certainly designed to get there sooner or later.
I don't fucking care about identities.

I'll shoot terrorists even if they're Americans.

ESPECIALLY if the little fucktards are Americans

This is NOT an issue of identity.

It's an issue of BOUNDARIES.

People are getting their boundaries trampled, and there's only one way that ends.
I don't fucking care about identities.

I'll shoot terrorists even if they're Americans.

ESPECIALLY if the little fucktards are Americans

This is NOT an issue of identity.

It's an issue of BOUNDARIES.

People are getting their boundaries trampled, and there's only one way that ends.

The dividing of people into opposing groups, was the first step in then using those groups to infringe on "boundaries" and interests.

The constant race baiting is to turn up the ire, to the point of violence.
The dividing of people into opposing groups, was the first step in then using those groups to infringe on "boundaries" and interests.

The constant race baiting is to turn up the ire, to the point of violence.

You still don't understand.

These people ALREADY threatened my family. Physically. With cops standing 100 feet away doing nothing.

I do not CARE who's doing the threatening I don't care what color they are. I don't even care if they're wearing badges.

EVERYONE is going to respect my boundaries. EVERYONE. Elected or not.
You don't even know what terrorism is, you stupid putz. 574 individual riots, 34 dead, more than 3,000 officers injured and almost 2 billion in damages. Are you seriously going to say those riots weren't meant to effect political change? Violence with the intent of political change is the very definition of terrorism.

terrorism tĕr′ə-rĭz″əm


  1. The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
Now take your troll thread and shove it.

That 34 number is such bullshit lol. Real sources put it at like half that. More importantly, most of those people were the black place people themselves rioting. Rioting does not need to equal terrorism.
That 34 number is such bullshit lol. Real sources put it at like half that. More importantly, most of those people were the black place people themselves rioting. Rioting does not need to equal terrorism.
You are a TOTAL fucking idiot.

Black people weren't the ones throwing Molotovs, shit for brains.

Yes, rioting DOES equal terrorism. Absa-fucking-lutely.
Black people rioting does not somehow make them ANTIfA or BLM. BLM, specifically, is a very specific organization. Either way those weren’t acts of terror. Most of the people who died were the black people themselves.
So you admit a black life doesn't matter? That is extreme, you're such a racist.
You are a TOTAL fucking idiot.

Black people weren't the ones throwing Molotovs, shit for brains.

Yes, rioting DOES equal terrorism. Absa-fucking-lutely.
Lol the black people weren’t? Then who was throwing them? The white people?

Even if you did want to count it, it would still pale in comparison to the amount of death from rightwing terror. But let me guess: you think that number is zero? Do you believe zero people have died as the result of rightwing terror?
Tha Anti-Defamation League has assessed 450 acts of terrorism in the US over the last 10 years.

Of these 450 killings, right-wing extremists committed about 75 percent. Islamic extremists were responsible for about 20 percent, and left-wing extremists were responsible for 4 percent.

Nearly half of the murders were specifically tied to white supremacists.

The right desperately tries to attach any sort of political violence to ANTIfA to balance out or excuse all the rightwing violence, but they are talking about an organization that hardly exists in the first place lol. It’s basically just random people calling themselves ANTIFA and maybe wear black. You rarely hear about it. The whole thing doesn’t make any sense. In one conversation the rightwing talks about how much lefties are snowflakes but in another conversation they assert the left is unhinged and violent. They basically will throw any negative stereotype they can think of at lefties even though these stereotypes clearly conflict. I mean seriously, pick one.

Make no mistake: Trump rhetoric is clearly one of the most toxic.
So basically what you are saying is that about the same number of people die each year from being struck by lightning as act of domestic terrorism regardless of who's doing it. Probably I'll worry about other shit first.
That 34 number is such bullshit lol. Real sources put it at like half that. More importantly, most of those people were the black place people themselves rioting. Rioting does not need to equal terrorism.

You really are a pathetic lair. Run along commie, no one here is buying your propaganda.

Black people rioting does not somehow make them ANTIfA or BLM. BLM, specifically, is a very specific organization. Either way those weren’t acts of terror. Most of the people who died were the black people themselves.
It's interesting that you have to stretch so far as to say riots are not acts of terror. They specifically are designed to terrorize the neighborhood in which they occur, to make people afraid to take certain actions or say certain things for fear of igniting the rent-a-mob again.
Lol the black people weren’t? Then who was throwing them? The white people?

Even if you did want to count it, it would still pale in comparison to the amount of death from rightwing terror. But let me guess: you think that number is zero? Do you believe zero people have died as the result of rightwing terror?


Please refer to post # 42
Tha Anti-Defamation League has assessed 450 acts of terrorism in the US over the last 10 years.

Of these 450 killings, right-wing extremists committed about 75 percent. Islamic extremists were responsible for about 20 percent, and left-wing extremists were responsible for 4 percent.

Nearly half of the murders were specifically tied to white supremacists.

The right desperately tries to attach any sort of political violence to ANTIfA to balance out or excuse all the rightwing violence, but they are talking about an organization that hardly exists in the first place lol. It’s basically just random people calling themselves ANTIFA and maybe wear black. You rarely hear about it. The whole thing doesn’t make any sense. In one conversation the rightwing talks about how much lefties are snowflakes but in another conversation they assert the left is unhinged and violent. They basically will throw any negative stereotype they can think of at lefties even though these stereotypes clearly conflict. I mean seriously, pick one.

Make no mistake: Trump rhetoric is clearly one of the most toxic.
For the last GD time! There is no right wing extremism. Compared to where the DEMONRAT party is at this point in time anyone dead or just a little right of center just looks extreme. Compared to the right, DEMONRATS are out of their skulls, mired in progressive socialism.
If you are going to make the ludicrous claim that gang membership is an example of right wing extremism you might fall into the extremist category yourself.

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