RINOs want to deny us choice

I'm not following the last paragraph. The last paragraph describes Democrats, not Republicans.
Yes, that is the point. People who:

"hate Trump precisely because he actually acted on those platforms instead of letting the Democrats stop him. The RINO's are the Republicans who would vote for Biden or Newsome, or Harris, or whoever runs against Trump. We saw in the 2016 and 2020 primaries that this is a small number indeed,"

are actually Democrats, even if they got elected by running as Republicans. Hence, they are Republicans in name only.
However, there are people who just hate Trump and vote a different way, but that is not because of the policies Trump supported. They still like the policies, they just hate Trump.
Yes, which is why many of them would support someone like DeSantis.
You have to admit, Trump is an obnoxious asshole
Yes. He certainly is.
and some people just can't deal with that, even if the obnoxious asshole favors the very same policies that that voter likes.
Then, they are foolish and weak and their folly and weakness will help bring the country to the fascist socialist state envisioned by Germans in the 1930's and Democrats in the 2020's.

Trump is an obnoxious asshole, but that is what it takes to deal with Democrats and RINO's in getting those policies that put America first and will make America great in place. The other Republicans played nice with the Dems and got screwed at every turn. They were afraid to stand up to the Dems for fear of the DNC/MSM complex.

I'm not on board with DeSantis instead of Trump for two reasons:

1) The media will treat him equally as bad as they have treated Trump, as long as he tries to impliment Trumpian policies.

2) He may not have the thick skin and skull that Trump has that allows him to stand up the media.

Still, he is not a RINO, even if he runs against Trump. Can you imagine if Liz Cheney somehow got the nomination (GOP nomination)?
Sorry bout that,

1. RINO's have been around for decades, long before Trump ever was.
2. A RINO will almost always vote with a democratic measure , when the vote is a very important, libtard issue, while sitting in a conservative seat, of any office.
3. There are a couple RINO's on the SC as well, they proudly puff out their chest trying to fool the public, but deep down inside they are libtards.
4. Sunken hollow chested creeps, like biden, pedophiles by heart, children seekers, baby butchers, pure evil.
5. Its all true.

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Yes, that is the point. People who:

"hate Trump precisely because he actually acted on those platforms instead of letting the Democrats stop him. The RINO's are the Republicans who would vote for Biden or Newsome, or Harris, or whoever runs against Trump. We saw in the 2016 and 2020 primaries that this is a small number indeed,"

are actually Democrats, even if they got elected by running as Republicans. Hence, they are Republicans in name only.

Yes, which is why many of them would support someone like DeSantis.

Yes. He certainly is.

Then, they are foolish and weak and their folly and weakness will help bring the country to the fascist socialist state envisioned by Germans in the 1930's and Democrats in the 2020's.

Trump is an obnoxious asshole, but that is what it takes to deal with Democrats and RINO's in getting those policies that put America first and will make America great in place. The other Republicans played nice with the Dems and got screwed at every turn. They were afraid to stand up to the Dems for fear of the DNC/MSM complex.

I'm not on board with DeSantis instead of Trump for two reasons:

1) The media will treat him equally as bad as they have treated Trump, as long as he tries to impliment Trumpian policies.

2) He may not have the thick skin and skull that Trump has that allows him to stand up the media.

Still, he is not a RINO, even if he runs against Trump. Can you imagine if Liz Cheney somehow got the nomination (GOP nomination)?
I personally don't consider Cheney a RINO. She is just a flat out traitor.
I don't accept that definition because the term "RINO" was around long before Trump even came into the picture. Therefore, the term has nothing to do with Trump.
Before, it had nothing to do with Trump, sure. But language changes over time.

That’s what RINO means now.
Because I was wondering what others thought it meant. You can't just call someone a RINO without defining what that means, just as Biden can't refer to someone as MAGA Republican without defining what that means.
What they think it means is someone who doesn’t eagerly kiss Trump‘s ass.
And I thought this was a free country.

---RINO and Former Speaker Paul Ryan Says President Trump “Is Not Going to Be the Nominee” in 2024---

Paul Ryan was a do nothing House Speaker.

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