riots in Minneapolis prove social distancing is nothing but a political hammer used by the left !

They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
You are a disgusting moron.
Businesses and people with nothing to do with it are losing everything.
Do everyone a favor and fuck off with that bullshit.

The message is lost in the looters flames.

Can you say George Floyd with a straight face. You are disgusting just like tramp and barr.
I sure can you pathetic piece of shit.
The cop will face charges, but Freeman needs to gather evidence so the case sticks and we don't end up with a situation where the cops are acquitted like in Baltimore.
We don't listen to mobs.

They have enough evidence.
The county attorney Mike Freeman will make that decision, not mob like aholes like you.
170 businesses destroyed, many owned by local blacks.
You are garbage.
It's heartwarming to see people being responsible, wearing their masks, practicing social distancing, as they burn their town down.
They are rioting because they are angry and stealing makes them feel better. The fire department showed up then left. The police are gone. The mob is in the vacant police building tearing it apart.

This is the way to end a lockdown!!

I am kinda proud of blacks for letting white people in Minnesota experience all the joy of diversity and authentic black culture.

They just gave Trump win in November elections.

No, tramp appointed this women: US Attorney MacDonald and she said anyone with more videos please come forward!!

Can one imagine this, they have a video which clearly shows a cops knee on the neck of Floyd. She is in close contact with Barr and Tramp.

JC, the cops should be in jail.

How is anything you wrote, in any way, related to my post?
This mayor is apart of the Global cabal. And which he is campaigning for the Green New Deal that will turn everyone into slaves.
If they borrowed $100 trillions dollars and have the American people to pay it back plus with interest. And then have homeowners to turn their homes into sustainable housing. It will put the American people into a debt that they cannot afford to pay it off. That the bankers will come in and start confiscating people's homes and property for not paying their debt. That it will leave the banks to own all of the land. And they will not have anymore currencies, but having the people to become slaves. That they will only be working for food and a roof over their heads. And that is how it is going to be since they owns all of the land. That everyone will be actually be working just to live on their land.
They are trying to restart slavery all over again. But this time, they'll have the whole wide world in their hands.
And so this mayor is no good at all. He and the rest of them using this riot to spark off their Agenda 21.
Next year is 2021.


They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
i have no problem with people being angry about the death of MR Floyd ! what they did to that poor man is a crime ! i also have no problem with people publicly gathering to protest just like the people who gathered in other states to protest the government not allowing them to go back to work so they can feed their families ! i do however have a problem with leftist like you having a double standard when it comes to those gatherings ! the left called protesters selfish ,stupid, and irresponsible when people gathered to protest gov overreach but say nothing negative about the people gathering in large groups to protest loot and burn ! so are the people [even the people not rioting or looting ] being selfish and irresponsible when they gather close together to protest in Minneapolis during a pandemic like the people in Michigan did a few weeks that did not burn down buildings or not ?

This is a protest , and do you see masks and people in M0. Also in MI they were armed protestors, can you even say intimidation.

What does one have to do to get heard and get justice.
soooo burning down a city is ok during a pandemic but peacefully protesting and excercising your 1st and 2nd amendment rights are not ?? maybe the protesters of the lockdown [most of whom also wore protective masks] may have felt the peaceful actions they took were what they had to do to be heard also hypocrite !
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weve all seen or heard of the video of the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of abusive officers in Minneapolis ! and anyone who watched the video should agree that charges should be brought against the officers involved in Floyds death ! but what weve also learned is that the same leftwing media that has been so vehement in their criticism of people defying orders from their leaders to stay home and not go back to work to feed their families has been silent about social distancing and the dangers and selfish behavior they accused people of when it comes to the large gatherings in the past couple of days ! where is the lefts criticism of the protesters in Minneapolis and other large cities ? where is the msm condemnation of people putting others at risk of getting covid19 by gathering in large crowds ? the left criticized people for gathering to protest the lockdown in the past few weeks but the left has said nothing about the people gathering and rioting and burning and supposedly putting others in danger of getting covid ! does that mean that the virus doesnt spread when the left gathers in large numbers and burns down buildings ? what it really means is the virus and the lockdown is nothing more than a political cudgel the left uses to set a political narrative ....
/——-/ The double standards of Left is astounding.
weve all seen or heard of the video of the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of abusive officers in Minneapolis ! and anyone who watched the video should agree that charges should be brought against the officers involved in Floyds death ! but what weve also learned is that the same leftwing media that has been so vehement in their criticism of people defying orders from their leaders to stay home and not go back to work to feed their families has been silent about social distancing and the dangers and selfish behavior they accused people of when it comes to the large gatherings in the past couple of days ! where is the lefts criticism of the protesters in Minneapolis and other large cities ? where is the msm condemnation of people putting others at risk of getting covid19 by gathering in large crowds ? the left criticized people for gathering to protest the lockdown in the past few weeks but the left has said nothing about the people gathering and rioting and burning and supposedly putting others in danger of getting covid ! does that mean that the virus doesnt spread when the left gathers in large numbers and burns down buildings ? what it really means is the virus and the lockdown is nothing more than a political cudgel the left uses to set a political narrative ....

Wow...that is the dumbest premise I've ever heard of. The rioting proves social distancing is a political construct. I must say, I'm surprised that you didn't blame the officer for making your blob look bad in an election year. I'm sure it's coming at some point. Trump supporters are as dumb as a box of rocks.
and here we go folks the communist are once again attempting to turn a tragedy into a political advantage ! the left is shameless !
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Health trumps freedom but minorities rights to riot trumps health
Another example of the hoax being forced on decent and disciplined people.
weve all seen or heard of the video of the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of abusive officers in Minneapolis ! and anyone who watched the video should agree that charges should be brought against the officers involved in Floyds death ! but what weve also learned is that the same leftwing media that has been so vehement in their criticism of people defying orders from their leaders to stay home and not go back to work to feed their families has been silent about social distancing and the dangers and selfish behavior they accused people of when it comes to the large gatherings in the past couple of days ! where is the lefts criticism of the protesters in Minneapolis and other large cities ? where is the msm condemnation of people putting others at risk of getting covid19 by gathering in large crowds ? the left criticized people for gathering to protest the lockdown in the past few weeks but the left has said nothing about the people gathering and rioting and burning and supposedly putting others in danger of getting covid ! does that mean that the virus doesnt spread when the left gathers in large numbers and burns down buildings ? what it really means is the virus and the lockdown is nothing more than a political cudgel the left uses to set a political narrative ....

Wow...that is the dumbest premise I've ever heard of. The rioting proves social distancing is a political construct. I must say, I'm surprised that you didn't blame the officer for making your blob look bad in an election year. I'm sure it's coming at some point. Trump supporters are as dumb as a box of rocks.
and here we go folks the communist are once again attempting to turn a tragedy into a political advantage ! the left is shameless !
Governor Walz announced 8pm curfew. National Guard out around remnants of 3rd Precinct.

Wanna bet no one will pay attention to this new stay at home order?
weve all seen or heard of the video of the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of abusive officers in Minneapolis ! and anyone who watched the video should agree that charges should be brought against the officers involved in Floyds death ! but what weve also learned is that the same leftwing media that has been so vehement in their criticism of people defying orders from their leaders to stay home and not go back to work to feed their families has been silent about social distancing and the dangers and selfish behavior they accused people of when it comes to the large gatherings in the past couple of days ! where is the lefts criticism of the protesters in Minneapolis and other large cities ? where is the msm condemnation of people putting others at risk of getting covid19 by gathering in large crowds ? the left criticized people for gathering to protest the lockdown in the past few weeks but the left has said nothing about the people gathering and rioting and burning and supposedly putting others in danger of getting covid ! does that mean that the virus doesnt spread when the left gathers in large numbers and burns down buildings ? what it really means is the virus and the lockdown is nothing more than a political cudgel the left uses to set a political narrative ....

Wow...that is the dumbest premise I've ever heard of. The rioting proves social distancing is a political construct. I must say, I'm surprised that you didn't blame the officer for making your blob look bad in an election year. I'm sure it's coming at some point. Trump supporters are as dumb as a box of rocks.
and here we go folks the communist are once again attempting to turn a tragedy into a political advantage ! the left is shameless !

Strange... you mentioned:
leftwing media
the left
political cudgel

In the OP. Fuck off.
weve all seen or heard of the video of the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of abusive officers in Minneapolis ! and anyone who watched the video should agree that charges should be brought against the officers involved in Floyds death ! but what weve also learned is that the same leftwing media that has been so vehement in their criticism of people defying orders from their leaders to stay home and not go back to work to feed their families has been silent about social distancing and the dangers and selfish behavior they accused people of when it comes to the large gatherings in the past couple of days ! where is the lefts criticism of the protesters in Minneapolis and other large cities ? where is the msm condemnation of people putting others at risk of getting covid19 by gathering in large crowds ? the left criticized people for gathering to protest the lockdown in the past few weeks but the left has said nothing about the people gathering and rioting and burning and supposedly putting others in danger of getting covid ! does that mean that the virus doesnt spread when the left gathers in large numbers and burns down buildings ? what it really means is the virus and the lockdown is nothing more than a political cudgel the left uses to set a political narrative ....

Wow...that is the dumbest premise I've ever heard of. The rioting proves social distancing is a political construct. I must say, I'm surprised that you didn't blame the officer for making your blob look bad in an election year. I'm sure it's coming at some point. Trump supporters are as dumb as a box of rocks.
and here we go folks the communist are once again attempting to turn a tragedy into a political advantage ! the left is shameless !

Strange... you mentioned:
leftwing media
the left
political cudgel

In the OP. Fuck off.
why are you inside posting ! shouldnt you be outside rioting with your political constituents ? be sure to practice safe social distancing when your out looting tonight harlot .:)
weve all seen or heard of the video of the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of abusive officers in Minneapolis ! and anyone who watched the video should agree that charges should be brought against the officers involved in Floyds death ! but what weve also learned is that the same leftwing media that has been so vehement in their criticism of people defying orders from their leaders to stay home and not go back to work to feed their families has been silent about social distancing and the dangers and selfish behavior they accused people of when it comes to the large gatherings in the past couple of days ! where is the lefts criticism of the protesters in Minneapolis and other large cities ? where is the msm condemnation of people putting others at risk of getting covid19 by gathering in large crowds ? the left criticized people for gathering to protest the lockdown in the past few weeks but the left has said nothing about the people gathering and rioting and burning and supposedly putting others in danger of getting covid ! does that mean that the virus doesnt spread when the left gathers in large numbers and burns down buildings ? what it really means is the virus and the lockdown is nothing more than a political cudgel the left uses to set a political narrative ....

Wow...that is the dumbest premise I've ever heard of. The rioting proves social distancing is a political construct. I must say, I'm surprised that you didn't blame the officer for making your blob look bad in an election year. I'm sure it's coming at some point. Trump supporters are as dumb as a box of rocks.
and here we go folks the communist are once again attempting to turn a tragedy into a political advantage ! the left is shameless !

Strange... you mentioned:
leftwing media
the left
political cudgel

In the OP. Fuck off.
why are you inside posting ! shouldnt you be outside rioting with your political constituents ? be sure to practice safe social distancing when your out looting tonight harlot .:)

Just correcting the record. It's a full time job with blob supporters.
They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
i have no problem with people being angry about the death of MR Floyd ! what they did to that poor man is a crime ! i also have no problem with people publicly gathering to protest just like the people who gathered in other states to protest the government not allowing them to go back to work so they can feed their families ! i do however have a problem with leftist like you having a double standard when it comes to those gatherings ! the left called protesters selfish ,stupid, and irresponsible when people gathered to protest gov overreach but say nothing negative about the people gathering in large groups to protest loot and burn ! so are the people [even the people not rioting or looting ] being selfish and irresponsible when they gather close together to protest in Minneapolis during a pandemic like the people in Michigan did a few weeks that did not burn down buildings or not ?

This is a protest , and do you see masks and people in M0. Also in MI they were armed protestors, can you even say intimidation.

What does one have to do to get heard and get justice.
Black protesters were carrying guns in Minneapolis not sure what your point is.
They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
i have no problem with people being angry about the death of MR Floyd ! what they did to that poor man is a crime ! i also have no problem with people publicly gathering to protest just like the people who gathered in other states to protest the government not allowing them to go back to work so they can feed their families ! i do however have a problem with leftist like you having a double standard when it comes to those gatherings ! the left called protesters selfish ,stupid, and irresponsible when people gathered to protest gov overreach but say nothing negative about the people gathering in large groups to protest loot and burn ! so are the people [even the people not rioting or looting ] being selfish and irresponsible when they gather close together to protest in Minneapolis during a pandemic like the people in Michigan did a few weeks that did not burn down buildings or not ?

This is a protest , and do you see masks and people in M0. Also in MI they were armed protestors, can you even say intimidation.

What does one have to do to get heard and get justice.
Black protesters were carrying guns in Minneapolis not sure what your point is.
and black protesters were carrying guns in Michigan during the lockdown protest ..... not one shot fired or one building burned ! conservatives white and black are civilized ... leftist are uncivilized.
They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
i have no problem with people being angry about the death of MR Floyd ! what they did to that poor man is a crime ! i also have no problem with people publicly gathering to protest just like the people who gathered in other states to protest the government not allowing them to go back to work so they can feed their families ! i do however have a problem with leftist like you having a double standard when it comes to those gatherings ! the left called protesters selfish ,stupid, and irresponsible when people gathered to protest gov overreach but say nothing negative about the people gathering in large groups to protest loot and burn ! so are the people [even the people not rioting or looting ] being selfish and irresponsible when they gather close together to protest in Minneapolis during a pandemic like the people in Michigan did a few weeks that did not burn down buildings or not ?

This is a protest , and do you see masks and people in M0. Also in MI they were armed protestors, can you even say intimidation.

What does one have to do to get heard and get justice.
Black protesters were carrying guns in Minneapolis not sure what your point is.
and black protesters were carrying guns in Michigan during the lockdown protest ..... not one shot fired or one building burned ! conservatives white and black are civilized ... leftist are uncivilized.
And in Dallas in 2016. Even when the police were fired on they did not open fire on those protesters. I swear to God liberals lie about everything.

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