Rittenhouse ordered to stand trial


Some one made a point about Rittenhouse being in violation of a gun law.

I pointed out a way of looking at it, that could be argued that he was NOT in violation.

A certain asshole, keeps making a stupid response.

I don't want my brilliant post buried by a dumb comment from a drooling retard, so I keep reposting my point.

People have a right to see and read my ideas. NOt to have them buried by a retarded leftie.

You keep posting the exact same thing over and over while expecting a different result. You do know what that defines, don'tcha? :badgrin:

I was making a valid point. YOu were the one acting like a retarded faggot.

Actually, you ridiculously claimed you "dismissed" me. Proven factually false since you kept repeating you were dismissing me. No one has to dismiss the same thing more than once unless they're really just bluffing, as you were.

And it matters not if he was being a tidy little boy scout. He illegally obtained a gun and then used it to shoot someone in the back. He's going to prison for a loooong time.


1. I don't care to discuss the semantics of "dismiss" with you.

2. The point being discussed was one about his supposed violation of a law. I addressed that supposed violation. And now after ridiculing my point for multiple posts, you want to change the subject? That is you admitting that my point was valid.

3. For a want a be cop, actually maintaining order in a riot, would be "educational".

For whom will it be educational? His fellow inmates? Who else do you imagine he will reach?

The actual practice of protecting a building from a violent mob, would be educational to HIM, you fucking moron.

Seriously, wtf is wrong with you, that that was not obvious to you?

Oh, right, you are pretending to be retarded, so that you can avoid my point, and thus, dodge having to admit that you can't refute it.

Wow. I didn't think it was that strong of a point. That would make you run away from it, like a scared faggot.

Was I unfairly harsh on myself? Or are you just reflexively a dishonest asshole?
He should have stayed home. All he did was prove the worthlessness of the unorganized militia regarding the security of our free States.

He protected the building and himself. That the government arrested him for it, is not an argument against teh Militia, but against the corrupt government.
The business owner didn't ask him to. Just because he decided to play Rambo doesn't mean he's allowed to.

He stood up to a violent mob, protecting a building and himself.

That is not a man "playing Rambo".

That is a man standing up for his community and doing it well.

That the government found it to be cause to arrest him, is a sign of how fucked up we are as a nation.
He should not have been there to begin with. He could have been providing support to firefighters instead.

He chose to be there, to protect his community from a violent and murderous mob.

That you find that bad behavior, is why Mexico is the kind of place that people like you leave, to come to a place built by people like Rittenhouse.
He also chose to buy a weapon that could not legally be sold to him.

He also chose to carry that weapon in violation of state law.

He also chose to shoot someone in the back because he couldn't control that very weapon he was illegally carrying.

He made a lot of bad choices. He should have stayed home and played GTA5 if he wanted to shoot up a crowd.

That you feel you have to lie, to support your position, shows that you know your position is wrong.

He did not "shot up a crowd", he shot three individuals that attacked him.

That was you admitting that you know you want to put him in jail, not for doing something wrong, but for doing something RIGHT.

You know that you and your side, are the bad guys and you embrace it.
He should have stayed home. All he did was prove the worthlessness of the unorganized militia regarding the security of our free States.

He protected the building and himself. That the government arrested him for it, is not an argument against teh Militia, but against the corrupt government.
The business owner didn't ask him to. Just because he decided to play Rambo doesn't mean he's allowed to.

He stood up to a violent mob, protecting a building and himself.

That is not a man "playing Rambo".

That is a man standing up for his community and doing it well.

That the government found it to be cause to arrest him, is a sign of how fucked up we are as a nation.
He should not have been there to begin with. He could have been providing support to firefighters instead.

He chose to be there, to protect his community from a violent and murderous mob.

That you find that bad behavior, is why Mexico is the kind of place that people like you leave, to come to a place built by people like Rittenhouse.
Not as an individual person of the people. Well regulated militia are expressly declared necessary not optional to the security of our free States.

He was there with a group. You silly word games do not change that.
He was not enrolled militia. All he proved was how worthless to the security of our free States he was, by helping cause the incident which lead him to homicide some persons.

He did not make that mob attack him. Those people are responsible for their own actions.

That you blame the target of the attack, the would be victim, shows that you are right to side with the vile left, because that is the type of vile shit they always do.
"He did not make that mob attack him. Those people are responsible for their own actions."

Now you’re trying to argue facts not in evidence.

You need evidence that the people that attacked him are responsible for their own actions?

YOu raise a good point. As liberals there is a good chance that they are mentally ill and should have been locked up for their own safety.

If so, that is on society as a whole, for our fear of doing so.

BUT, I not sure that liberals are so universally mentally ill that we can just assume that all liberals are not responsible for their actions.

HOWEVER, I am not certain of that. I have not researched it. I am open to hearing your arguments in support of your position, ie that all liberals are mentally ill and thus not responsible for their own actions.

Wisconsin Gun Laws
The state of Wisconsin is an open carry state, meaning you are legally permitted to carry a loaded weapon in public. Open carry does not require a permit or license to legally do so. A person is considered to be openly carrying a gun if the gun is in plain view while you are in public. If the gun is hidden from ordinary view, then it is considered to be concealed and you must have a permit to legally carry the firearm. You must also be at least 18 years old to openly carry a gun in Wisconsin.

He breaking WI gun laws.

So why don't you think he should be severely punished?

No, that's wrong. Wisconsin has an explicit exception for 16-17 year olds (Kyle was) openly carrying (he was) a long gun (he was). Note that the exact wording is extremely confusing and requires jumping to half a dozen different sections of the criminal code. (I only know about it because a lawyer-licensed and practicing in Wisconsin-explained it.)
Did Rittenhouss have a hunting certification, or was it not required? That is the point in the law that made me think he was guilty of the illegal possession charge.

It is not required, if you read the entire law, including the other sections of the law referenced in it, rather than just stopping reading as soon as you think you've found what you wanted to see.
You certainly do like to assume you know what other people are thinking, don’t you?

You certainly do like to ASSume you're some big mystery, despite the fact that you're posting your thoughts and opinions right here on the board FOR ME TO READ.

Don't blame me if your thoughts aren't as impressive to other people as they are to you.

Then I'm sure you can quote me saying I stopped reading as soon as I thought I found what I wanted to see?

Or perhaps you just assume that anyone with a different opinion of what the law says than you must have had a preconceived notion about it and stopped looking as soon as they found something that fit with that notion?

Hell, the post of mine you quoted was me asking whether or not a certification is required, yet you seemingly took that to mean I have a firm opinion based on something you decided I wanted to see and that I stopped looking once that opinion was validated in any way.

LOL, I think I'm a big mystery. :p

Yeah, tell me that I'm obligated to take all your words at face value, and I'm not allowed to understand the meaning behind them. I'm sure that'll work, because we both know that I respect you so deeply that I'm going to take orders from you, especially to be deliberately obtuse so that you don't have to answer for what you reveal about yourself.

Alternatively, I can dismiss you as a dishonest, hypocritical piece of shit.

Guess which one I'm going with.

Hell, the post of mine that you quoted was me telling you that the law states certification is not required, and you would know that if you had bothered reading the entire law, yet you seemingly thought you could bully me out of noticing that you didn't do the homework before opening your ignorant mouth.

You want to talk to me? Read the ENTIRE law, and then speak to it. Do not speak to only the parts that serve your purpose, and then throw a tantrum because I point it out. Because believe me, Punkin, you aren't contributing anything to the conversation at the moment that I would miss if you storm off with your panties ruffled.
I’m bullying you? Throwing a tantrum? Giving you orders? :lmao:
Yep, you clearly read a LOT into a post.
Why would I storm off? Then I’d miss the story you are creating in your head about all these things you think I’m doing! ;)
So far the left is trying to make a case for a misdemeanor citation and that's all.
Persons died. It should be about homicide.
Why are you not off someplace playing with yourself?

What makes you think he's not?

Libs get a hardon when they imagine that a young boy won't be able to properly defend himself in the pen against the Gay Inmates.
Like right wingers are going to care more with for-profit prisons.
So far the left is trying to make a case for a misdemeanor citation and that's all.
Persons died. It should be about homicide.
Why are you not off someplace playing with yourself?

What makes you think he's not?

Libs get a hardon when they imagine that a young boy won't be able to properly defend himself in the pen against the Gay Inmates.
Like right wingers are going to care more with for-profit prisons.

What is possibly wrong with the government signing a contract to provide correctional services?

Sounds like a way to expedite matters and save money.
So far the left is trying to make a case for a misdemeanor citation and that's all.
Persons died. It should be about homicide.
Why are you not off someplace playing with yourself?

What makes you think he's not?

Libs get a hardon when they imagine that a young boy won't be able to properly defend himself in the pen against the Gay Inmates.
Like right wingers are going to care more with for-profit prisons.
For profit prisons is a superb idea. There is no reason why we need to support criminals. They are perfectly able to work.
So far the left is trying to make a case for a misdemeanor citation and that's all.
Persons died. It should be about homicide.
Why are you not off someplace playing with yourself?

What makes you think he's not?

Libs get a hardon when they imagine that a young boy won't be able to properly defend himself in the pen against the Gay Inmates.
Like right wingers are going to care more with for-profit prisons.
For profit prisons is a superb idea. There is no reason why we need to support criminals. They are perfectly able to work.

Even if the inmates aren't working, its cheaper for the government to just write a check to a contractor to house them than to hire state employees.
Bronson was fearless, no person poor or otherwise was going to scare him.

Bronson was an actor playing a character... I think your fantasy/reality interface is off.

The reality was weaselly Bernie Geotz shooting some teenagers on the subway because they were panhandling.

Mr. Goetz was exonerated of assault charges,although he was convicted of technical violations of New York's Draconian gun codes. Hardly "weaselly" , sentence according to the same bullshit laws that sent tremendous ballplayer Plaxico Burress to prison.
So far the left is trying to make a case for a misdemeanor citation and that's all.
Persons died. It should be about homicide.
Why are you not off someplace playing with yourself?

What makes you think he's not?

Libs get a hardon when they imagine that a young boy won't be able to properly defend himself in the pen against the Gay Inmates.
Like right wingers are going to care more with for-profit prisons.
For profit prisons is a superb idea. There is no reason why we need to support criminals. They are perfectly able to work.
Only until right wingers start creating Poor laws on a for-profit basis.
So far the left is trying to make a case for a misdemeanor citation and that's all.
Persons died. It should be about homicide.
Why are you not off someplace playing with yourself?
If only there were nice women I could play with instead. Woe is me, I am the victim.
Alas women will always despise you.
Woe is me, I am the victim.
Some one made a point about Rittenhouse being in violation of a gun law.

I pointed out a way of looking at it, that could be argued that he was NOT in violation.

You can twist it any way you want, but his possession of that firearm was unlawful. The way he obtained the gun was illegal.

He violated the law.


I don't want my brilliant post buried by a dumb comment from a drooling retard, so I keep reposting my point.

People have a right to see and read my ideas. NOt to have them buried by a retarded leftie.


Mighty high opinion of yourself, huh?
Some one made a point about Rittenhouse being in violation of a gun law.

I pointed out a way of looking at it, that could be argued that he was NOT in violation.

You can twist it any way you want, but his possession of that firearm was unlawful. The way he obtained the gun was illegal.

He violated the law.


I don't want my brilliant post buried by a dumb comment from a drooling retard, so I keep reposting my point.

People have a right to see and read my ideas. NOt to have them buried by a retarded leftie.


Mighty high opinion of yourself, huh?


Was it against the law for the BLM/Antifa/NAMBLA folks to have a riot?
The law is it is illegal for Rittenhouse to have been in possession of the firearm in the manner in which he was using it. You would know that if you had a brain which was capable of comprehending Rittenhouse's attorney's would be challenging the charge of illegal possession of a deadly weapon by a person under 18 based on Wisconsin law; but they're not, they're challenging it based on federal law which allows militias to be in possession of such weapons as young as 17.

The law may indeed say that (I don't know, I'll accept that it does).

What militia was he a member of? Who enlisted his help to protect a business?

The kid wasn't in a militia, and his attorney's not going to be able to make the case that he was. In fact, by his own admission, Rittenhouse was not a member of any militia:

"Rittenhouse, who told the Post he is not part of any militia group, said he was in Kenosha because he wanted to protect the community where he worked as a lifeguard."

Kyle Rittenhouse Says He Doesn’t Regret Bringing Gun To Kenosha, He’s Not Part Of A Militia

The worst thing to happen to Rittenhouse's lawyer was Rittenhouse making that statement...

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