Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

are the rioters and dumpster fire starters your heros?
I keep pointing out the same thing to the leftists on this forum - that they are focusing all their contempt on a boy who broke curfew rather than the BLM barbarians setting the place on fire.

I see this IRL, too. The liberals are bringing up Kyle with complete disdain, and not saying a WORD about the violent rioters. In fact, the day after the black BLM racist criminal killed six people, a liberal started arguing with me about how awful it was that the white supremacist got off. Not a single word about the black mass murderer!
People complaining about the amount forget one thing. You ask for a large sum, then the settlement amount likely will be what you expected to get in the first place.
Yep, he's doing exactly what he should be doing, sitting back, letting his lawyers work, and collecting his part of the settlement checks.

Now when it's come to Tater I hope they don't settle and take it to trial just for the spectacle but a sizeable war chest will have to be gleaned from the talking heads and media outlets that defamed him first.
He didn't offer any medical assistance to the men he killed or a tournquet to the man who's arm he blew off.

He didn't even have enough sense to obey the curfew.
He was bushwhacked by a man who used a skateboard as a bat to hit him hard in the neck with its side like a weird weapon, and the other two had pointed loaded guns at him with threatening vocabulary just before he ended their murderous words and deeds. One of them was a brutal pedophile who had raped many innocent children, turning numerous little children that cancels childhood, basically. Not to worry. Biden has taxed this nation with thousands of pedophiles, brutalized minors and capitalizing parents, who if white would be imprisoned for abusive neglect when they sent little ones on a thousand mile trail of tears to sate monster pedophiles with satisfaction, not to mention a 33% chance their child would wind up in a shallow grave somewhere between Panama and several miles north of the Rio Grande River crossings where mesquite and cactus stands conceal man's inhumanity to child.

That Billion buck Extortionist Biden could care less. He put the lucky child hostages in Obama era confinement cages to suffer confinement that may take a lifetime of mental health therapy from suffering family abuse and then the arrogance of having fellow inmates with the same fate drying each other's tears of hopeless abandon of mercy from leadership on both sides who don't give a damn about them for weeks on end.

Is Biden an icy criminal kissing pedophile drug lord messy butts for money he gets out of this crumbum deal like he did in the Ukraine when he threatened to withdraw their FOREIGN AID money from American taxpayers, using his Vice President status as a threat if they didn't put a billion dollars cash on Air Force two in less than six hours? When I was growing up, extortion of money from a church was somewhere between snake snot and a cow patty. Now it is the crookedest crook ever to exercise the bully pulpit the US Presidency used to be before it came to jilt the College of electors of fairness and buy up acreages on Martha's Vineyard. Barf!!!
I keep pointing out the same thing to the leftists on this forum - that they are focusing all their contempt on a boy who broke curfew rather than the BLM barbarians setting the place on fire.

I see this IRL, too. The liberals are bringing up Kyle with complete disdain, and not saying a WORD about the violent rioters. In fact, the day after the black BLM racist criminal killed six people, a liberal started arguing with me about how awful it was that the white supremacist got off. Not a single word about the black mass murderer!
cause they are hypocritical fucks.
People complaining about the amount forget one thing. You ask for a large sum, then the settlement amount likely will be what you expected to get in the first place.
Precisely. If he settles for even 10% of the initial ask, he will have a very, VERY comfortable life. He can buy a nice house in a conservative city, send his sisters to college if they want, give a nice stipend to his mother so she can quit her job, and do whatever he wants. Figure:

Joy and Whoopi: sue for $60 million; settle for $6 million.
Biden: sue for $20 million; settle for $2 million.
CNN: sue for $100 million; settle for $10 million (a pittance to them)
MSNBC: same thing, and settle for $10m.

That‘s $28 million. Less lawyers fees, that’s around $18 or $19 million.

The simple plan:

- Buy a house in cash for $1.5 million.
- Set aside $500,000 for sisters’ education
- Buy immediate annuity with $3 million, throwing off around $10,000 a month income steam for mother
- Buy immediately annuity with another $3 million, for a similar $120,000 a year “base” for himself

That leaves $10 million.

- Give $5 million to charity.
- Have a professional invest and manage the remaining $5 million portfolio, which he shouldn’t touch, and will be $50 million in 40 years, as he approaches age 60, at a conservative earnings rate of 6%
The First Amendment is strong in America.

Prepare to be disappointed.

apparently it's negotiable.

you seem to be all for rights when you get them and all against them when others do. this is what is bullshit and the core of our divide.
Will be laughed out of court without as much as a hearing.
You said the same about Nick Sandmann, didn't you?
How did that work out for dolts like you?
What will happen is Rittenhouse being sued for wrongful death, and those families have a solid case.
I believe there was already a trial about that.
How fucking stupid are you, anyway? A rhetorical question...you are very very stupid.

apparently it's negotiable.

you seem to be all for rights when you get them and all against them when others do. this is what is bullshit and the core of our divide.
Yup. Leftists want to decide what is “for the public good” (as they define it of course), and pick and choose who gets First Amendment Rights and who gets silenced.
The families see a goldmine in Rittenhouse, and they want to get their hands on some of it.

Allowing a family to get money when their criminal thug relative tries to kill someone, and is instead killed in self-defense, would set a horrible precedent.
According to Turley, under Wisconsin law, odds are agin' the families.
Will be laughed out of court without as much as a hearing.

What will happen is Rittenhouse being sued for wrongful death, and those families have a solid case.
Laughed out of court? You mean like young Mr. Sandmann was laughed out of court?

That kind of laughter? The laughter sounded a lot like KA-CHING!
He didn't offer any medical assistance to the men he killed or a tournquet to the man who's arm he blew off.

He didn't even have enough sense to obey the curfew.

He was fleeing for his life, troll.
Kyle had NO authority to be running around in the dark with a weapon after curfew... and you are to stupid to understand why.

Neither did your rioters.


apparently it's negotiable.

you seem to be all for rights when you get them and all against them when others do. this is what is bullshit and the core of our divide.

Twitter needs to be destroyed.

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