Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Yea, I think it's pretty obvious where the national opinion is heading on this one. Much of the progress, too, has occurred in just the past 5 years so any sort of polls/graphs that are older than a few years are pretty much irrelevant at this point.

Every day I see more and more Conservative Congressmen/women coming out and saying that they support gay marriage. Why? Because (again) the tide is turning in that direction, and they don't want to be on the wrong side when it finally flips over permanently.

That is remarkable. Every day? Every single day? I'd bet this is the first time in your life you've heard a story of a conservative switching to gay marriage vote. It is the first time in my life I've ever seen it happen and I am a conservative. Strange, eh? On your second comment ( also false ) the tide is going to turn alright but not how you imagine it will. As of this writing the Majority of Americans are Standing with Marriage is between man and woman ONLY. I believe it will remain that way. - Jeremiah

I challenge you to man up and answer this question:

Was being gay more acceptable in 1953, or is it more acceptable now in 2013?

Which way is the tide moving?

Is it more acceptable to be a drug addict today than in 1953? How about a serial womanizer?
Timeline: Gay marriage chronology - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

stupid question--If SCOTUS rules in favor of same sex marriages --then what happens? Appeals--???

It is difficult to anticipate that my state, Georgia, will move quickly. Maybe they will?
Good question wavingrl, not sure myself. I'm sure there will be many states holding out until the very end. Maybe the issue will have to eventually go back to SCOTUS?

The SCOTUS is the highest court, so there is no court to which to appeal.

It would take a Constitutional amendment.


It didn't take a Constitutional amendment to legalize abortion. Nor to legalize marijuana.
Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has reversed his stance on same-sex marriage two years after learning that his son is gay, several Ohio news outlets, including the Columbus Dispatch and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, reported Friday.

In an interview with Ohio reporters in his Senate office, Portman said that his son, Will, came out to the senator and his wife in February 2011.

"It allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective, and that's of a Dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities that his brother and sister would have -- to have a relationship like Jane and I have had for over 26 years," Portman said.

Portman said that his son, who is now a junior at Yale University, inspired him to reassess his position on same-sex unions. The senator also consulted clergy on the matter, as well as friends such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary is openly gay. According to Portman, Cheney told the senator to "follow [his] heart" on the matter.

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule, and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said.

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

I am happy that he has changed his mind. Perhaps if others had a first hand experience, they'd change their minds, too.

[ame=]Youngest Brother Has the Highest Chance To Be Gay pt1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Youngest Brother Has the Highest Chance To Be Gay pt2 - YouTube[/ame]​
I noticed nobody wants to comment on the reality I posted two posts ago.

I guess the truth really bothers some folks who just want talk a bunch of smack rather than address the truth of the matter. The Bible doesn't talk about it much but I've discovered there are valid reasons against Gay sex for both men and women. God doesn't forbid practices just for shts and giggles. Heath concerns, emotional issue, and moral issues arise in many cases. Suicide, sense of loss, loneliness when losing a name it.

I'll comment: the Bible has nothing to do with the issue.

And Sun Tzu has nothing to say about war.
There is little doubt at all that public opinion is turning to support same sex marriage. It is also turning in support of drug legalization, it is turning against protection of children with strong sentencing for child sexual abuse. The nation isn't becoming a better place. It is slowly sliding into a national depravity. Wer'e becoming a modern day Sodom.

Your small, narrow, boxed-in world is being busted apart and I'm loving every minute of it.

No doubt. You have to know that nations who become this degenerate never exist for long. Is it because God destroys them? Or, is it because they eventually reach a state of such self-hating degeneracy that they commit a kind of national suicide? I opt for self-hating degeneracy.

I don't understand. So we're worse off now than in the past?

Not sure if you recall, but it wasn't more than 170 years ago that this country shipped millions and millions of african americans over to the US to work slave labor for life. 1 and 3 died on the slave ships (and we were OK with that!). Entire families were ripped apart, and individuals were raped, beaten, and given zero pay. Alcoholism was also rampant and life was crude.

Oh, but I guess white folks went to church more often..

So are you suggesting that God was prouder of us in that era vs now?

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That is remarkable. Every day? Every single day? I'd bet this is the first time in your life you've heard a story of a conservative switching to gay marriage vote. It is the first time in my life I've ever seen it happen and I am a conservative. Strange, eh? On your second comment ( also false ) the tide is going to turn alright but not how you imagine it will. As of this writing the Majority of Americans are Standing with Marriage is between man and woman ONLY. I believe it will remain that way. - Jeremiah

I challenge you to man up and answer this question:

Was being gay more acceptable in 1953, or is it more acceptable now in 2013?

Which way is the tide moving?

Is it more acceptable to be a drug addict today than in 1953? How about a serial womanizer?

It was much more acceptable in 1953 to be a drug addict (ie alcohol) than in 2013. Remember how folks used to drink during their lunch break and it'd be OK? That stuff doesn't fly anymore.

Serial Womanizer? 1953 without a doubt. Think of the roles of men/women then as they compare to now...
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I dont get it. Gay marriage is a policy issue. You are either for it or against it based on your view of whether it is good policy or not. That you have a son who likes to take it up the ass really should have no bearing on whether you think one policy or another is correct. It doesnt suddenly change the equation. Only Democrats think like that.

Really? How condescending and insulting to gay forum members here. Is that your experience, taking it up the ass? Because that does not define gayness, homosexuality or one's sexual orientation. Many women and so-called "straight men" "take it up the ass", so that can't be "it". And you have no clue as to how Democrats "think".
I dont get it. Gay marriage is a policy issue. You are either for it or against it based on your view of whether it is good policy or not. That you have a son who likes to take it up the ass really should have no bearing on whether you think one policy or another is correct. It doesnt suddenly change the equation. Only Democrats think like that.

.....As-opposed-to Republicans....who do what they're TOLD!!!


.....Even if it's some fat, Gay dude.
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I noticed nobody wants to comment on the reality I posted two posts ago.

I guess the truth really bothers some folks who just want talk a bunch of smack rather than address the truth of the matter. The Bible doesn't talk about it much but I've discovered there are valid reasons against Gay sex for both men and women. God doesn't forbid practices just for shts and giggles. Heath concerns, emotional issue, and moral issues arise in many cases. Suicide, sense of loss, loneliness when losing a name it.

I'll comment: the Bible has nothing to do with the issue.

......were based on the biblical teaching that homosexuality - beastiality are an abomination to God. Our nation is still a Christian nation even though the president lies and says it isn't.

Load o' crap.

Gay marriage in the US is an issue regarding FEDERAL recognition, not RELIGIOUS recognition.

You get married in your church, I'll get married in mine.
So supporting same sex marriage is the enlightened position?

That would make opposition to same sex marriage the unenlightened position.

Some of us have been trying to educate some of you people on that for a very long time.

So supporting a balanced budget is the enlightened position.

That would make opposition to a balanced budget the unenlightened position.

Some of us have been trying to educate some of you people on that for a very long time

Are you 8?

My record of supporting a balanced budget is well established on this the literate.
Why do Republicans feel the need to support same sex marriage when a friend or family member comes out? Their constituents elected them to act on their behalf, not make decisions based on personal beliefs.

Heaven forbid a politician should be a leader rather than stick his finger in the political wind before making a move.
Many thanks to the person who put up the map proving my point. State by State the majority of Americans voted clearly in favor of marriage being between a man and a woman ONLY! This was only recently so you would think homosexuals would respect the wishes of the American people but obviously not.. - Jeremiah

You just refuse to believe that public opinion is turning against your position, don't you?

That's OK though, because the same thing happened during the Civil Rights movement in the '60's as well.

I think you have a problem with the truth. You need to look into that. Public opinion is marriage should be between a man and a woman. By a HUGE Majority. I expect it will stay that way.

I've given you links.

You've seen the reults of the most recent votes in November.

If you want to cling to this belief, go for it. However it isn't supported by facts.
I dont get it. Gay marriage is a policy issue. You are either for it or against it based on your view of whether it is good policy or not. That you have a son who likes to take it up the ass really should have no bearing on whether you think one policy or another is correct. It doesnt suddenly change the equation. Only Democrats think like that.

Really? How condescending and insulting to gay forum members here. Is that your experience, taking it up the ass? Because that does not define gayness, homosexuality or one's sexual orientation. Many women and so-called "straight men" "take it up the ass", so that can't be "it". And you have no clue as to how Democrats "think".

Dude.....please stop.

You're cracking me up. Lol.

If you're a dude and you take a "penis" up the ass you're Gay or a victim.
There is little doubt at all that public opinion is turning to support same sex marriage. It is also turning in support of drug legalization, it is turning against protection of children with strong sentencing for child sexual abuse. The nation isn't becoming a better place. It is slowly sliding into a national depravity. Wer'e becoming a modern day Sodom.

Your small, narrow, boxed-in world is being busted apart and I'm loving every minute of it.

No doubt. You have to know that nations who become this degenerate never exist for long. Is it because God destroys them? Or, is it because they eventually reach a state of such self-hating degeneracy that they commit a kind of national suicide? I opt for self-hating degeneracy.

I believe God does judge nations that are morally bankrupt. Sodom was morally bankrupt and we see it was judged by fire. I believe God would have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah if he didn't judge America. Don't you? Lets look at what will bring judgment on a nation.. murder of 50 million babies ( abortion! check! ) openly celebrating homosexuality which is an abomination to God ( check! ) building altars to baal - Mosques included on land that was dedicated to God Almighty ( America! Check! ) Interfering with Israels right to defend herself - dividing up her land ( big judgment coming for that one ) siding with her enemies ( arab oil is not an excuse - neither is intimidation, folks ) these are the very things that have brought the judgment of God and with it? Obama. I don't believe America will have another president after Obama - what you see is it.. our nation was blessed tremendously because we were a nation who served God, knew the bible, attended church, we acknowledged God in everything we did but now? Now we have a judgment that is going to be so severe your very hair will turn white over it. I don't expect it will be very long before our enemies attack us from without and within - judgment of God is at the door now. There is no denying it. Even unbelievers know something is up.

So here is the good news... Under a nuclear attack those who belong fully to the LORD have nothing to worry about. The bad news is...... The rest of you have alot to worry about. Then there is the Good News that Jesus saves... whosoever will can come to Him and he will receive them - Psalm 91 will become theirs in an instant! Then there is the bad news...... that some of you are STILL going to reject him. If I were an unbeliever I'd buy a bible and read it from cover to cover with the prayer that God would reveal His Son to me and save me. That is what I'd do. - Jeremiah
I noticed nobody wants to comment on the reality I posted two posts ago.

I guess the truth really bothers some folks who just want talk a bunch of smack rather than address the truth of the matter. The Bible doesn't talk about it much but I've discovered there are valid reasons against Gay sex for both men and women. God doesn't forbid practices just for shts and giggles. Heath concerns, emotional issue, and moral issues arise in many cases. Suicide, sense of loss, loneliness when losing a name it.

I'll comment: the Bible has nothing to do with the issue.

And Sun Tzu has nothing to say about war.

War has nothing to do with the issue either.
Is it more acceptable to be a drug addict today than in 1953? How about a serial womanizer?

Someone invariably equates homosexuality with pedophilia, or incest, or bestiality. I guess we can add drug addiction and adultery to that list of logical fallacies.
Good question wavingrl, not sure myself. I'm sure there will be many states holding out until the very end. Maybe the issue will have to eventually go back to SCOTUS?

The SCOTUS is the highest court, so there is no court to which to appeal.

It would take a Constitutional amendment.


It didn't take a Constitutional amendment to legalize abortion. Nor to legalize marijuana.

The question was, if the SCOTUS rules in favor of national Same-sex Civil Marriage based on gender, could the decision be appealed. Similar to what happened in the Loving v. Virginia case that overruled anti-discrimination in terms of Civil Marriage based on race. The answer is no. To overrule the SCOTUS on a Constitutional issue, the requirement is then to pass a Constitutional Amendment.


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