Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

I don't believe that it will hurt the GOP to stand with the will of the people. The matter has been addressed. Most Americans do not believe in same sex marriage and don't want it. Marriage belongs between a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Talk about confusion! No better word to describe the mindset of the homosexuals in this country.

I'm just wondering what happens when ALAC ( American Law for American Courtrooms ) gets turned back and Sharia law comes in full swing to the courtrooms. ( part of Obamas promise to MB on what he'd do for muslims in America ) All of you are on record demanding your rights as gays. The penalty for being gay under Sharia Law is death. Some of you are definitely not thinking with your heads here. - Jeremiah

The majority of Ameircans currently support same sex marriage.

While a majority of the citizens of some states may oppose it, nationally this is not the case.

You can't have it both ways.

You can't say that the majority of Americans support it then say that the majority of citizens oppose it.

A March Quinnipiac University poll found 47% support and 43% opposed among all voters.

A March Fox News poll indicated that 46% of Americans both support and oppose same-sex marriage.

Given the margin or error and the fact that in the Quinniac poll for example less than 2000 people were polled it hardly supports the contentioin that same sex marriage is widely accepted.

There you go again with your reading comprehension problem. Clearly ArmyCowboy said that in SOME states, the majority of people oppose gay marriage but NATIONALY that is not the case.
There is little doubt at all that public opinion is turning to support same sex marriage. It is also turning in support of drug legalization, it is turning against protection of children with strong sentencing for child sexual abuse. The nation isn't becoming a better place. It is slowly sliding into a national depravity. Wer'e becoming a modern day Sodom.
No doubt Portman has seen what happened to other politicians who have gay children but still kept their Christian faith and decided to take preemptive action. Portman has his own eye on a presidential run.

Since gay marriage will soon be legal in this country regardless of what right wing Christians believe, that was very smart of Portman indeed but I don't think he came around solely because he is eyeing a Presidential run.
Its 2013.

Amendments passed and votes taken 10 or more years ago really mean nothing now, when it come to determining
national preferrence.

Yea, I think it's pretty obvious where the national opinion is heading on this one. Much of the progress, too, has occurred in just the past 5 years so any sort of polls/graphs that are older than a few years are pretty much irrelevant at this point.

Every day I see more and more Conservative Congressmen/women coming out and saying that they support gay marriage. Why? Because (again) the tide is turning in that direction, and they don't want to be on the wrong side when it finally flips over permanently.

Many thanks to the person who put up the map proving my point. State by State the majority of Americans voted clearly in favor of marriage being between a man and a woman ONLY! This was only recently so you would think homosexuals would respect the wishes of the American people but obviously not.. - Jeremiah

Jeremiah, why don't you think about it for about one minute...

Would it be easier for an openly gay Senator to run for office in 1953 or 2013? Is a gay family more likely to be accepted into any given community in 1953 or 2013? Is gay marriage more likely to be legal in your state in 1953 or 2013?

You can oppose gay marriage all you want personally, and that's fine (it's your opinion).

However to say that the tide isn't shifting towards the favor of the gay community means that your either willfully ignorant or unaware of anything going on around you.

Again, think 1953 vs 2013 and we can go from there.
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There is little doubt at all that public opinion is turning to support same sex marriage. It is also turning in support of drug legalization, it is turning against protection of children with strong sentencing for child sexual abuse. The nation isn't becoming a better place. It is slowly sliding into a national depravity. Wer'e becoming a modern day Sodom.

Your small, narrow, boxed-in world is being busted apart and I'm loving every minute of it.
I noticed nobody wants to comment on the reality I posted two posts ago.

I guess the truth really bothers some folks who just want talk a bunch of smack rather than address the truth of the matter. The Bible doesn't talk about it much but I've discovered there are valid reasons against Gay sex for both men and women. God doesn't forbid practices just for shits and giggles. Heath concerns, emotional issues as well as moral issues arise in many cases. Suicide, sense of loss, loneliness when losing a name it.
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You can look at all the polls and draw a conclusion but the facts are in the details. How many states have voted for and or against it?

Let’s look at states that have amended their state constitutions in such a way as to prevent the legalization of same-sex “marriage” in those states. Including North Carolina, there are thirty (30) states in which the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman has been directly enshrined in the state’s constitution in explicit language.

I would argue that this fact is a clear indication that the majority NATIONALLY oppose same sex marriage.


Map Lengend and Source

Its 2013.

Amendments passed and votes taken 10 or more years ago really mean nothing now, when it come to determining
national preferrence.

Yea, I think it's pretty obvious where the national opinion is heading on this one. Much of the progress, too, has occurred in just the past 5 years so any sort of polls/graphs that are older than a few years are pretty much irrelevant at this point.

Every day I see more and more Conservative Congressmen/women coming out and saying that they support gay marriage. Why? Because (again) the tide is turning in that direction, and they don't want to be on the wrong side when it finally flips over permanently.

That is remarkable. Every day? Every single day? I'd bet this is the first time in your life you've heard a story of a conservative switching to gay marriage vote. It is the first time in my life I've ever seen it happen and I am a conservative. Strange, eh? On your second comment ( also false ) the tide is going to turn alright but not how you imagine it will. As of this writing the Majority of Americans are Standing with Marriage is between man and woman ONLY. I believe it will remain that way. - Jeremiah

"Until now, this was a secret to most people in politics, but not everyone.

Last year, when Romney was vetting Portman to be his running mate, the Ohio Republican informed both Romney and his top campaign advisers that he has a gay son.

"I told Mitt Romney everything," said Portman with a laugh. "That process is, intrusive would be one way to put it. But, no, yeah, I told him everything."

Portman, who was ultimately passed over as the GOP vice-presidential candidate in favor of Rep. Paul Ryan, said the fact that his son is gay was not the deal breaker for Romney. How does he know?

"Well, because they told me," said Portman."

Many thanks to the person who put up the map proving my point. State by State the majority of Americans voted clearly in favor of marriage being between a man and a woman ONLY! This was only recently so you would think homosexuals would respect the wishes of the American people but obviously not.. - Jeremiah
Please refer to post #152 in which I state right wingers can't think past their noses.

Your point was so NOT proven. 5 years ago, the map would have been nearly solid red. That's called CHANGE dingbat. In a few years, perhaps even months, there will be NO RED, meaning gay marriage will be legalized in EVERY state. Get it now?

Timeline: Gay marriage chronology - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

stupid question--If SCOTUS rules in favor of same sex marriages --then what happens? Appeals--???

It is difficult to anticipate that my state, Georgia, will move quickly. Maybe they will?
Good question wavingrl, not sure myself. I'm sure there will be many states holding out until the very end. Maybe the issue will have to eventually go back to SCOTUS?
I noticed nobody wants to comment on the reality I posted two posts ago.

I guess the truth really bothers some folks who just want talk a bunch of smack rather than address the truth of the matter. The Bible doesn't talk about it much but I've discovered there are valid reasons against Gay sex for both men and women. God doesn't forbid practices just for shts and giggles. Heath concerns, emotional issue, and moral issues arise in many cases. Suicide, sense of loss, loneliness when losing a name it.

I'll comment: the Bible has nothing to do with the issue.
Yea, I think it's pretty obvious where the national opinion is heading on this one. Much of the progress, too, has occurred in just the past 5 years so any sort of polls/graphs that are older than a few years are pretty much irrelevant at this point.

Every day I see more and more Conservative Congressmen/women coming out and saying that they support gay marriage. Why? Because (again) the tide is turning in that direction, and they don't want to be on the wrong side when it finally flips over permanently.

Many thanks to the person who put up the map proving my point. State by State the majority of Americans voted clearly in favor of marriage being between a man and a woman ONLY! This was only recently so you would think homosexuals would respect the wishes of the American people but obviously not.. - Jeremiah

You just refuse to believe that public opinion is turning against your position, don't you?

That's OK though, because the same thing happened during the Civil Rights movement in the '60's as well.

I think you have a problem with the truth. You need to look into that. Public opinion is marriage should be between a man and a woman. By a HUGE Majority. I expect it will stay that way.
Its 2013.

Amendments passed and votes taken 10 or more years ago really mean nothing now, when it come to determining
national preferrence.

Yea, I think it's pretty obvious where the national opinion is heading on this one. Much of the progress, too, has occurred in just the past 5 years so any sort of polls/graphs that are older than a few years are pretty much irrelevant at this point.

Every day I see more and more Conservative Congressmen/women coming out and saying that they support gay marriage. Why? Because (again) the tide is turning in that direction, and they don't want to be on the wrong side when it finally flips over permanently.

That is remarkable. Every day? Every single day? I'd bet this is the first time in your life you've heard a story of a conservative switching to gay marriage vote. It is the first time in my life I've ever seen it happen and I am a conservative. Strange, eh? On your second comment ( also false ) the tide is going to turn alright but not how you imagine it will. As of this writing the Majority of Americans are Standing with Marriage is between man and woman ONLY. I believe it will remain that way. - Jeremiah


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There is little doubt at all that public opinion is turning to support same sex marriage. It is also turning in support of drug legalization, it is turning against protection of children with strong sentencing for child sexual abuse. The nation isn't becoming a better place. It is slowly sliding into a national depravity. Wer'e becoming a modern day Sodom.

By “drug legalization” are you referring to Marijuana?

Let me ask you something, is it ethical to lock up millions of Americans for their involvement with a drug that (a) you can’t overdose on, (b) when you smoke it, it makes you calm and introspective, and (c) is all natural and non-toxic?
Please refer to post #152 in which I state right wingers can't think past their noses.

Your point was so NOT proven. 5 years ago, the map would have been nearly solid red. That's called CHANGE dingbat. In a few years, perhaps even months, there will be NO RED, meaning gay marriage will be legalized in EVERY state. Get it now?

Timeline: Gay marriage chronology - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

stupid question--If SCOTUS rules in favor of same sex marriages --then what happens? Appeals--???

It is difficult to anticipate that my state, Georgia, will move quickly. Maybe they will?
Good question wavingrl, not sure myself. I'm sure there will be many states holding out until the very end. Maybe the issue will have to eventually go back to SCOTUS?

Perhaps 'several times'--I have forgotten how the process works.

On numerous occasions the consensus has been <this is a matter for the state(s)>.

I suppose the legislature then amends the state constitution---??20 years?? --the metro Atlanta area would be in full support and the rest of the state would oppose--jmo.
Please refer to post #152 in which I state right wingers can't think past their noses.

Your point was so NOT proven. 5 years ago, the map would have been nearly solid red. That's called CHANGE dingbat. In a few years, perhaps even months, there will be NO RED, meaning gay marriage will be legalized in EVERY state. Get it now?

Timeline: Gay marriage chronology - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

stupid question--If SCOTUS rules in favor of same sex marriages --then what happens? Appeals--???

It is difficult to anticipate that my state, Georgia, will move quickly. Maybe they will?
Good question wavingrl, not sure myself. I'm sure there will be many states holding out until the very end. Maybe the issue will have to eventually go back to SCOTUS?

The SCOTUS is the highest court, so there is no court to which to appeal.

It would take a Constitutional amendment.

There is little doubt at all that public opinion is turning to support same sex marriage. It is also turning in support of drug legalization, it is turning against protection of children with strong sentencing for child sexual abuse. The nation isn't becoming a better place. It is slowly sliding into a national depravity. Wer'e becoming a modern day Sodom.

Your small, narrow, boxed-in world is being busted apart and I'm loving every minute of it.

No doubt. You have to know that nations who become this degenerate never exist for long. Is it because God destroys them? Or, is it because they eventually reach a state of such self-hating degeneracy that they commit a kind of national suicide? I opt for self-hating degeneracy.
I noticed nobody wants to comment on the reality I posted two posts ago.

I guess the truth really bothers some folks who just want talk a bunch of smack rather than address the truth of the matter. The Bible doesn't talk about it much but I've discovered there are valid reasons against Gay sex for both men and women. God doesn't forbid practices just for shts and giggles. Heath concerns, emotional issue, and moral issues arise in many cases. Suicide, sense of loss, loneliness when losing a name it.

I'll comment: the Bible has nothing to do with the issue.

......were based on the biblical teaching that homosexuality - beastiality are an abomination to God. Our nation is still a Christian nation even though the president lies and says it isn't.
Its 2013.

Amendments passed and votes taken 10 or more years ago really mean nothing now, when it come to determining
national preferrence.

Yea, I think it's pretty obvious where the national opinion is heading on this one. Much of the progress, too, has occurred in just the past 5 years so any sort of polls/graphs that are older than a few years are pretty much irrelevant at this point.

Every day I see more and more Conservative Congressmen/women coming out and saying that they support gay marriage. Why? Because (again) the tide is turning in that direction, and they don't want to be on the wrong side when it finally flips over permanently.

That is remarkable. Every day? Every single day? I'd bet this is the first time in your life you've heard a story of a conservative switching to gay marriage vote. It is the first time in my life I've ever seen it happen and I am a conservative. Strange, eh? On your second comment ( also false ) the tide is going to turn alright but not how you imagine it will. As of this writing the Majority of Americans are Standing with Marriage is between man and woman ONLY. I believe it will remain that way. - Jeremiah

I challenge you to man up and answer this question:

Was being gay more acceptable in 1953, or is it more acceptable now in 2013?

Which way is the tide moving?
I dont get it. Gay marriage is a policy issue. You are either for it or against it based on your view of whether it is good policy or not. That you have a son who likes to take it up the ass really should have no bearing on whether you think one policy or another is correct. It doesnt suddenly change the equation. Only Democrats think like that.
Many thanks to the person who put up the map proving my point. State by State the majority of Americans voted clearly in favor of marriage being between a man and a woman ONLY! This was only recently so you would think homosexuals would respect the wishes of the American people but obviously not.. - Jeremiah

You just refuse to believe that public opinion is turning against your position, don't you?

That's OK though, because the same thing happened during the Civil Rights movement in the '60's as well.

I think you have a problem with the truth. You need to look into that. Public opinion is marriage should be between a man and a woman. By a HUGE Majority. I expect it will stay that way.

mmmm--One of the largest groups of voters---18-30 year olds seem to go with--'marriage is between a man and a woman and I support civil unions/same sex marriages'.

Very unofficial opinion---but that does seem to be a common belief. The 18-30 group---something with which to be reckoned.

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