Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

I believe God does judge nations that are morally bankrupt. Sodom was morally bankrupt and we see it was judged by fire. I believe God would have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah if he didn't judge America. Don't you? Lets look at what will bring judgment on a nation.. murder of 50 million babies ( abortion! check! ) openly celebrating homosexuality which is an abomination to God ( check! ) building altars to baal - Mosques included on land that was dedicated to God Almighty ( America! Check! ) Interfering with Israels right to defend herself - dividing up her land ( big judgment coming for that one ) siding with her enemies ( arab oil is not an excuse - neither is intimidation, folks ) these are the very things that have brought the judgment of God and with it? Obama. I don't believe America will have another president after Obama - what you see is it.. our nation was blessed tremendously because we were a nation who served God, knew the bible, attended church, we acknowledged God in everything we did but now? Now we have a judgment that is going to be so severe your very hair will turn white over it. I don't expect it will be very long before our enemies attack us from without and within - judgment of God is at the door now. There is no denying it. Even unbelievers know something is up.

So here is the good news... Under a nuclear attack those who belong fully to the LORD have nothing to worry about. The bad news is...... The rest of you have alot to worry about. Then there is the Good News that Jesus saves... whosoever will can come to Him and he will receive them - Psalm 91 will become theirs in an instant! Then there is the bad news...... that some of you are STILL going to reject him. If I were an unbeliever I'd buy a bible and read it from cover to cover with the prayer that God would reveal His Son to me and save me. That is what I'd do. - Jeremiah

Morally bankrupt?

Again, are you going to sit here and tell me that we are less moral now vs 1850 when (as I mentioned before) millions and millions of African Americans were being kidnapped (by Americans) and shipped in 130 degree slave ships across the Atlantic to work slave labor for life? Imagine someone coming into your home, breaking up your entire family (never to be seen again) and shipping you off to a completely foreign country to work slave labor for life. Oh yea, and you’ll probably get raped a few times a month too.

Explain to me – please – how our society was less morally “bankrupt” back then as compared to now…
And folks, again... (Katz/Jeremiah)

Is gay marriage more acceptable now or 50 years ago? Is gay marriage more acceptable now or 30 years ago? How about 15 years ago?

If you said yes to any of these, then essentially you are admitting that (at the very least) public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of gay marriage to some degree. Correct?
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The SCOTUS is the highest court, so there is no court to which to appeal.

It would take a Constitutional amendment.


It didn't take a Constitutional amendment to legalize abortion. Nor to legalize marijuana.

The question was, if the SCOTUS rules in favor of national Same-sex Civil Marriage based on gender, could the decision be appealed. Similar to what happened in the Loving v. Virginia case that overruled anti-discrimination in terms of Civil Marriage based on race. The answer is no. To overrule the SCOTUS on a Constitutional issue, the requirement is then to pass a Constitutional Amendment.


So--SCOTUS rules and each state decides to do whatever it decides to do?


<Is the Supreme Court about to legalize gay marriage in the United States?

Not exactly. The DOMA cases affect couples who are already married under state law. If DOMA is found to be unconstitutional, same-sex married couples across the United States will receive the same treatment as hetero married couples under federal law. But new couples can't get married in states where same-sex unions are not legal. The Diaz case only deals with health benefits for domestic partners employed by the government. In the Proposition 8 case, if the Supreme Court takes it on and finds the amendment unconstitutional, there is a chance the reasoning could be used by courts in other states to legalize gay marriage.>

ok--separate issue --states legalizing same sex marriage.
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Is it more acceptable to be a drug addict today than in 1953? How about a serial womanizer?

Someone invariably equates homosexuality with pedophilia, or incest, or bestiality. I guess we can add drug addiction and adultery to that list of logical fallacies.

Your error is in not admitting that acceptance of perversion invariably leads to more perversion. Acceptance of the normalcy of homosexuality has already led to acceptance of beastiality. That's why Yale could host a workshop on the normalcy of beastiality. Harvard could have an Incestfest, promoting incest. All normal behavior, because perversion itself is becoming normal behavior.

We now accept drug addicts to the point of legalizing drugs, being a serial polygamist, or a polygamist in fact if not by law, or a child rapist, like Senator Menendez, is perfectly acceptable.
Army guy - the gallup polls support my claim. Not yours. Here are some credible links you should look at. If they don't post correctly you can google the titles and read it for yourself. The majority of Americans oppose gay Marriage and Gallup Poll Link proves this to be true also. - Jeremiah

NOM Claims Majority Oppose Gay Marriage - On Top Magazine | Gay ...
On Top Magazine21 hours ago
Mar 14, 2013 · ... NOM claims a majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. ... marriage, the overwhelming majority voted ... Against Gays? Increasing Support For Gay ...
Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage
Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage ... increasingly likely to believe that the law should not discriminate against gay individuals and gay ...

And folks, again... (Katz/Jeremiah)

Is gay marriage more acceptable now or 50 years ago? Is gay marriage more acceptable now or 30 years ago? How about 15 years ago?

If you said yes to any of these, then essentially you are admitting that (at the very least) public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of gay marriage to some degree. Correct?

You want get any answers to this from those opposing gay marriage other than deflections to the slippery slope fallacy.
I believe God does judge nations that are morally bankrupt. Sodom was morally bankrupt and we see it was judged by fire. I believe God would have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah if he didn't judge America. Don't you? Lets look at what will bring judgment on a nation.. murder of 50 million babies ( abortion! check! ) openly celebrating homosexuality which is an abomination to God ( check! ) building altars to baal - Mosques included on land that was dedicated to God Almighty ( America! Check! ) Interfering with Israels right to defend herself - dividing up her land ( big judgment coming for that one ) siding with her enemies ( arab oil is not an excuse - neither is intimidation, folks ) these are the very things that have brought the judgment of God and with it? Obama. I don't believe America will have another president after Obama - what you see is it.. our nation was blessed tremendously because we were a nation who served God, knew the bible, attended church, we acknowledged God in everything we did but now? Now we have a judgment that is going to be so severe your very hair will turn white over it. I don't expect it will be very long before our enemies attack us from without and within - judgment of God is at the door now. There is no denying it. Even unbelievers know something is up.

So here is the good news... Under a nuclear attack those who belong fully to the LORD have nothing to worry about. The bad news is...... The rest of you have alot to worry about. Then there is the Good News that Jesus saves... whosoever will can come to Him and he will receive them - Psalm 91 will become theirs in an instant! Then there is the bad news...... that some of you are STILL going to reject him. If I were an unbeliever I'd buy a bible and read it from cover to cover with the prayer that God would reveal His Son to me and save me. That is what I'd do. - Jeremiah

Morally bankrupt?

Again, are you going to sit here and tell me that we are less moral now vs 1850 when (as I mentioned before) millions and millions of African Americans were being kidnapped (by Americans) and shipped in 130 degree slave ships across the Atlantic to work slave labor for life? Imagine someone coming into your home, breaking up your entire family (never to be seen again) and shipping you off to a completely foreign country to work slave labor for life. Oh yea, and you’ll probably get raped a few times a month too.

Explain to me – please – how our society was less morally “bankrupt” back then as compared to now…

Revisionist history. Americans never kidnapped any slaves. The africans kidnapped were taken by africans as a result of tribal warfare ans sold to ARAB slave traders.

The left is dependent on ignorance.
Army guy - the gallup polls support my claim. Not yours. Here are some credible links you should look at. If they don't post correctly you can google the titles and read it for yourself. The majority of Americans oppose gay Marriage and Gallup Poll Link proves this to be true also. - Jeremiah

NOM Claims Majority Oppose Gay Marriage - On Top Magazine | Gay ...
On Top Magazine21 hours ago
Mar 14, 2013 · ... NOM claims a majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. ... marriage, the overwhelming majority voted ... Against Gays? Increasing Support For Gay ...
Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage
Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage ... increasingly likely to believe that the law should not discriminate against gay individuals and gay ...


Your Gallop link was from 2009.

Mine was from 2011.

Thanks for making my point for me.
The federal government awards all kinds of cash and prizes to married people. This is accomplished through the law. Some heterosexuals are demanding those special priveleges be kept just for themselves. They do not want gay marriages to be able to collect these cash and prizes. These are greedy people who think they, and they alone, should get special privileges.

State governments also award cash and prizes to married people. And again, some greedy people want to keep these special privileges to themselves.

There is a right to equal protection of the laws. The greedy people have been denying this equal protection for a long time.

But the times are a'changing. Rights are not determined by popular vote, whether it is the right to own a gun or the right to equal protection of the law.
Is it more acceptable to be a drug addict today than in 1953? How about a serial womanizer?

Someone invariably equates homosexuality with pedophilia, or incest, or bestiality. I guess we can add drug addiction and adultery to that list of logical fallacies.

Well as there were laws on the books against it - labeling sodomy a crime - it might be a good idea.
I believe God does judge nations that are morally bankrupt. Sodom was morally bankrupt and we see it was judged by fire. I believe God would have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah if he didn't judge America. Don't you? Lets look at what will bring judgment on a nation.. murder of 50 million babies ( abortion! check! ) openly celebrating homosexuality which is an abomination to God ( check! ) building altars to baal - Mosques included on land that was dedicated to God Almighty ( America! Check! ) Interfering with Israels right to defend herself - dividing up her land ( big judgment coming for that one ) siding with her enemies ( arab oil is not an excuse - neither is intimidation, folks ) these are the very things that have brought the judgment of God and with it? Obama. I don't believe America will have another president after Obama - what you see is it.. our nation was blessed tremendously because we were a nation who served God, knew the bible, attended church, we acknowledged God in everything we did but now? Now we have a judgment that is going to be so severe your very hair will turn white over it. I don't expect it will be very long before our enemies attack us from without and within - judgment of God is at the door now. There is no denying it. Even unbelievers know something is up.

So here is the good news... Under a nuclear attack those who belong fully to the LORD have nothing to worry about. The bad news is...... The rest of you have alot to worry about. Then there is the Good News that Jesus saves... whosoever will can come to Him and he will receive them - Psalm 91 will become theirs in an instant! Then there is the bad news...... that some of you are STILL going to reject him. If I were an unbeliever I'd buy a bible and read it from cover to cover with the prayer that God would reveal His Son to me and save me. That is what I'd do. - Jeremiah

Morally bankrupt?

Again, are you going to sit here and tell me that we are less moral now vs 1850 when (as I mentioned before) millions and millions of African Americans were being kidnapped (by Americans) and shipped in 130 degree slave ships across the Atlantic to work slave labor for life? Imagine someone coming into your home, breaking up your entire family (never to be seen again) and shipping you off to a completely foreign country to work slave labor for life. Oh yea, and you&#8217;ll probably get raped a few times a month too.

Explain to me &#8211; please &#8211; how our society was less morally &#8220;bankrupt&#8221; back then as compared to now&#8230;

Revisionist history. Americans never kidnapped any slaves. The africans kidnapped were taken by africans as a result of tribal warfare ans sold to ARAB slave traders.

The left is dependent on ignorance.

Katz, really?

Regardless of how the Africans were initially "kidnapped", the White Americans shipped them over to the United States in 130 degree slave ships (1 of 3 perished), the White Americans auctioned them off (splitting apart families), the White Americans forced them to work on their plantations for no pay, the White Americans whipped and raped them, ect, ect.

Or am I mistaken, was it the Africans that ran the plantations and commerce in the US in 1850 and forced other Africans (in America) to work slave labor?

Be courageous and explain yourself.
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And folks, again... (Katz/Jeremiah)

Is gay marriage more acceptable now or 50 years ago? Is gay marriage more acceptable now or 30 years ago? How about 15 years ago?

If you said yes to any of these, then essentially you are admitting that (at the very least) public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of gay marriage to some degree. Correct?

You want get any answers to this from those opposing gay marriage other than deflections to the slippery slope fallacy.

The slip on the slippery slope has to come first. If we did not have a skyrocketing divorce rate and had already accepted men and women living together without being married and an outrageous out of wedlock birth and abortion rate there is no question that same sex marriage would never be an issue. Legalizing gay marriage reflects the slippery slope we've already gone down.
Listen lady, there are people who are attracted to kids too but they don't act out on the behavior or they will go to prison... were paedophiles born that way? No and neither were homosexuals. I didn't say the attraction isn't there - it is quite clear that lust is a huge factor in homosexuals acting out their fantasies - whatever - but the fact is if you are acting on it you are going to hell. I didn't say that Romans 1 says that and so does Revelation 21 so as long as you are willing to go to hell for it - it is your decision.

One more thing about the conservative who flipped on gay marriage. What they did was they denied Jesus Christ and His Word by putting their childs perverse lifestyle above their own relationship and dedication to God and His Word ( The bible ) - Jeremiah

- Jeremiah

There it is......the "homosexuals = pedophiles" argument.

Regardless how old the person is you just fucked in the ass you're still Gay.

But let's forget about the 1 in 4 girls sexually abused before they reach heterosexual men. Seems that it would be MORE fitting to say
Heterosexual men = Pedophiles.
There it is......the "homosexuals = pedophiles" argument.

Regardless how old the person is you just fucked in the ass you're still Gay.

The overwhelming number of paedophiles against male children are gay, yes. There are groups within the USA working hard to make sex with children legal here in the USA. They have already managed to get beastiality ( sex with animals ) legalized within the military.

Stop picking on the Air Force. :razz:
And folks, again... (Katz/Jeremiah)

Is gay marriage more acceptable now or 50 years ago? Is gay marriage more acceptable now or 30 years ago? How about 15 years ago?

If you said yes to any of these, then essentially you are admitting that (at the very least) public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of gay marriage to some degree. Correct?

You want get any answers to this from those opposing gay marriage other than deflections to the slippery slope fallacy.

The slip on the slippery slope has to come first. If we did not have a skyrocketing divorce rate and had already accepted men and women living together without being married and an outrageous out of wedlock birth and abortion rate there is no question that same sex marriage would never be an issue. Legalizing gay marriage reflects the slippery slope we've already gone down.

You realize the slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy, right?
Listen lady, there are people who are attracted to kids too but they don't act out on the behavior or they will go to prison... were paedophiles born that way? No and neither were homosexuals. I didn't say the attraction isn't there - it is quite clear that lust is a huge factor in homosexuals acting out their fantasies - whatever - but the fact is if you are acting on it you are going to hell. I didn't say that Romans 1 says that and so does Revelation 21 so as long as you are willing to go to hell for it - it is your decision.

One more thing about the conservative who flipped on gay marriage. What they did was they denied Jesus Christ and His Word by putting their childs perverse lifestyle above their own relationship and dedication to God and His Word ( The bible ) - Jeremiah

- Jeremiah

There it is......the "homosexuals = pedophiles" argument.

Regardless how old the person is you just fucked in the ass you're still Gay.

Homophobes sure do bring up graphic gay sex a lot!
There it is......the "homosexuals = pedophiles" argument.

Please. There are far more heterosexuals that are pedophiles than gays. There are far more heterosexual deviants of all kinds (rapists, murderers, sadists, etc...) than there are deviant gays. Don't get me started.

If a man molests young boys, he's not a heterosexual.

Definition of HOMOSEXUAL
1: of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
2: of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex

More girls....MANY more girls are molested by men.....heterosexual men.
Your small, narrow, boxed-in world is being busted apart and I'm loving every minute of it.

No doubt. You have to know that nations who become this degenerate never exist for long. Is it because God destroys them? Or, is it because they eventually reach a state of such self-hating degeneracy that they commit a kind of national suicide? I opt for self-hating degeneracy.

I believe God does judge nations that are morally bankrupt. Sodom was morally bankrupt and we see it was judged by fire. I believe God would have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah if he didn't judge America. Don't you? Lets look at what will bring judgment on a nation.. murder of 50 million babies ( abortion! check! ) openly celebrating homosexuality which is an abomination to God ( check! ) building altars to baal - Mosques included on land that was dedicated to God Almighty ( America! Check! ) Interfering with Israels right to defend herself - dividing up her land ( big judgment coming for that one ) siding with her enemies ( arab oil is not an excuse - neither is intimidation, folks ) these are the very things that have brought the judgment of God and with it? Obama. I don't believe America will have another president after Obama - what you see is it.. our nation was blessed tremendously because we were a nation who served God, knew the bible, attended church, we acknowledged God in everything we did but now? Now we have a judgment that is going to be so severe your very hair will turn white over it. I don't expect it will be very long before our enemies attack us from without and within - judgment of God is at the door now. There is no denying it. Even unbelievers know something is up.

So here is the good news... Under a nuclear attack those who belong fully to the LORD have nothing to worry about. The bad news is...... The rest of you have alot to worry about. Then there is the Good News that Jesus saves... whosoever will can come to Him and he will receive them - Psalm 91 will become theirs in an instant! Then there is the bad news...... that some of you are STILL going to reject him. If I were an unbeliever I'd buy a bible and read it from cover to cover with the prayer that God would reveal His Son to me and save me. That is what I'd do. - Jeremiah

Sex really bothers you people, doesn't it? Let's dive into that problem.

You say God called homosexuality an abomination. Okay. God also said eating pork is an abomination. And Paul condemned masturbation in the same breath he condemned homosexuality. And Jesus said you will be judged as you judge others.

So the next time you are pulling your pork, when you are approaching climax, try not to think about all those pole-smoking gays you will be spending eternity with.

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