robbers wearing hoodie.. ABC News..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
ABC News did a segment about the dramatic rise in pharmacies being robbed...for drugs!
In the video there were at least 6 different robbery acts.
All but one the robberies wore hoodies... shock..amaze.. inside the store.. why??
Just because you dress like Ted Bundy, that doesn't make you a serial killer.
.... the beauty of a sawed off 12 gauge behind the counter could assuage that. Tho, I know those baby like "hoodies' are really really roughy boy stuff... Jesus......


Hey.. I was just observing the f..king OBVIOUS that if MOST robberies shown on the ABC clip showed
A) blacks.
B) Wearing hoodies
C) Robbing and threatening to kill...

DUH... wouldn't it just be a little suspicious?

I mean I passed a black man wearing a hoodie in 80 degrees yesterday and I honestly had the initial concern for my safety!

I mean you lying sacks... who DON"T admit that if a Black person wearing a hoodie IN 80 degree weather MAKES you pause you are either lying sacks of crap OR you are short for this life and not just because of the danger from a black wearing a hoodie in 80 degree weather!

That is you obviously don't have the built in Survival of the fittest mentality that has kept me alive for 70 years!
ABC News did a segment about the dramatic rise in pharmacies being robbed...for drugs!
In the video there were at least 6 different robbery acts.
All but one the robberies wore hoodies... shock..amaze.. inside the store.. why??

Let me guess....another reason from the righties on why Zimmerman had the right to kill Travyon?
UNLIKE you I would prefer our judicial system to determine guilt or innocence and not some KKK in reverse Sharpton/Jackson lynch mob!
I mean everyone has called him GUILTY. A murderer.

Or are you one of those take the law in your own hands vigilante people like Sharpton calling for violence in the street!

At least the KKK didn't go on rampages of destruction which is all your kind know how to do!
Jump to conclusions. Incite HYPERBOLE... blow way out of proportion WITHOUT know the full story!
Yay drug war!!!

This is shining example of the many great fallouts from the drug war, I hope it never ends!
So if it was a white man wearing a hoodie on an 80 degree day would that cause you to be fearful also?
Yay drug war!!!

This is shining example of the many great fallouts from the drug war, I hope it never ends!

Not quite because these robbers were certainly not after illegal drugs. They were after legal drugs. Unless all drugs of every kind is given away free or at least over the counter, this isn't the drug war, this is the drug war to come!
So if it was a white man wearing a hoodie on an 80 degree day would that cause you to be fearful also?

Well based on the clip from ABC where there were almost all blacks wearing hoodies and one white guy wearing a baseball hat NO!
I'm just looking at the statistics.
Most of the robbers were wearing hoodies. Most were black. Therefore there is a greater possibility if a black man walks into a pharmacy wearing a hoodie in 80 degree temperatures... GEEZ would you NOT assume there was a possibility of something bad
BASED on prior experiences i.e. the video clip from ABC news show most of the robberies by black men wearing hoodies???

By the way do I need to explain WHY they were wearing hoodies I mean it should be obvious BUT I guess I have to explain.. THEY WERE HIDING THEIR FACES!!! DUH!!!

SO keeping it simple..
A) Black men
B) wearing hoodies in a pharmacy..
MEANS something may be going wrong!
So if it was a white man wearing a hoodie on an 80 degree day would that cause you to be fearful also?

Well based on the clip from ABC where there were almost all blacks wearing hoodies and one white guy wearing a baseball hat NO!
I'm just looking at the statistics.
Most of the robbers were wearing hoodies. Most were black. Therefore there is a greater possibility if a black man walks into a pharmacy wearing a hoodie in 80 degree temperatures... GEEZ would you NOT assume there was a possibility of something bad
BASED on prior experiences i.e. the video clip from ABC news show most of the robberies by black men wearing hoodies???

By the way do I need to explain WHY they were wearing hoodies I mean it should be obvious BUT I guess I have to explain.. THEY WERE HIDING THEIR FACES!!! DUH!!!

SO keeping it simple..
A) Black men
B) wearing hoodies in a pharmacy..
MEANS something may be going wrong!

Odd, I think any person wearing a hoodie in those conditions deserves a second look.

Okay then...
Yay drug war!!!

This is shining example of the many great fallouts from the drug war, I hope it never ends!

Not quite because these robbers were certainly not after illegal drugs. They were after legal drugs. Unless all drugs of every kind is given away free or at least over the counter, this isn't the drug war, this is the drug war to come!

Were they able to get these drugs legally? Or did they get them illegally because that was the only way?
So if it was a white man wearing a hoodie on an 80 degree day would that cause you to be fearful also?

Well based on the clip from ABC where there were almost all blacks wearing hoodies and one white guy wearing a baseball hat NO!
I'm just looking at the statistics.
Most of the robbers were wearing hoodies. Most were black. Therefore there is a greater possibility if a black man walks into a pharmacy wearing a hoodie in 80 degree temperatures... GEEZ would you NOT assume there was a possibility of something bad
BASED on prior experiences i.e. the video clip from ABC news show most of the robberies by black men wearing hoodies???

By the way do I need to explain WHY they were wearing hoodies I mean it should be obvious BUT I guess I have to explain.. THEY WERE HIDING THEIR FACES!!! DUH!!!

SO keeping it simple..
A) Black men
B) wearing hoodies in a pharmacy..
MEANS something may be going wrong!

Profile much? What about all of the white guys in wife beater T-shirts down South? Do they all deserve a second look as well?
So if it was a white man wearing a hoodie on an 80 degree day would that cause you to be fearful also?

You bet!

Well BASED strictly on the anecdotal evidence of ABC news clip you should be fearful but less fearful if it was a white man... I'm just repeating the anecdotal evidence..
Most were blacks.. Most blacks were wearing hoodies.. therefore based on these anecdotal video clips a black guy walking into a pharmacy wearing a hoodie is more suspect then a white guy... plain simple profiling facts!!!
The difference is, unless it's cold or bad weather, if I see a white guy in a hoodie coming towards me, I'll move my purse to the opposite side. If it's a black guy in a hoodie coming toward me, I'lll change direction. The sheer number of violent acts committed by young black males demands prudence at the very least. .
Yay drug war!!!

This is shining example of the many great fallouts from the drug war, I hope it never ends!

Not quite because these robbers were certainly not after illegal drugs. They were after legal drugs. Unless all drugs of every kind is given away free or at least over the counter, this isn't the drug war, this is the drug war to come!

Were they able to get these drugs legally? Or did they get them illegally because that was the only way?

Off hand, they couldn't get a doctor to prescribe them or they intend to sell them. Should no drugs be subject to limitation? I'm not going to say it shouldn't happen but should say, percoset be available like aspirn? Cancer requires some pretty powerful pain killers, should those be available at 7-11? If they are, would that mean no one would ever rob a 7-11 to get them?
So if it was a white man wearing a hoodie on an 80 degree day would that cause you to be fearful also?

Well based on the clip from ABC where there were almost all blacks wearing hoodies and one white guy wearing a baseball hat NO!
I'm just looking at the statistics.
Most of the robbers were wearing hoodies. Most were black. Therefore there is a greater possibility if a black man walks into a pharmacy wearing a hoodie in 80 degree temperatures... GEEZ would you NOT assume there was a possibility of something bad
BASED on prior experiences i.e. the video clip from ABC news show most of the robberies by black men wearing hoodies???

By the way do I need to explain WHY they were wearing hoodies I mean it should be obvious BUT I guess I have to explain.. THEY WERE HIDING THEIR FACES!!! DUH!!!

SO keeping it simple..
A) Black men
B) wearing hoodies in a pharmacy..
MEANS something may be going wrong!

Profile much? What about all of the white guys in wife beater T-shirts down South? Do they all deserve a second look as well?

HEY i'm an equal opportunity observer!
I'm not concerned about a white wife beater wearing a T-shirts because I've not seen the same type of activities THAT I"M Specifically commenting about i.e. ABC's news showing mostly blacks wearing hoodies robbing pharmacies.
Show me a video where most T-shirt wearing white men were robbing and I'd make the same conclusion!
Not quite because these robbers were certainly not after illegal drugs. They were after legal drugs. Unless all drugs of every kind is given away free or at least over the counter, this isn't the drug war, this is the drug war to come!

Were they able to get these drugs legally? Or did they get them illegally because that was the only way?

Off hand, they couldn't get a doctor to prescribe them or they intend to sell them. Should no drugs be subject to limitation? I'm not going to say it shouldn't happen but should say, percoset be available like aspirn? Cancer requires some pretty powerful pain killers, should those be available at 7-11? If they are, would that mean no one would ever rob a 7-11 to get them?

Nope, they should be regulated just like cigs and alcohol.

But i'd rather have them sold and benefit the american economy without a crime taking place, then have them stolen and sold by gang bangers and terrorists.
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