robert e lee statue removed

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We’ve been telling the whole truth for sixty years. That has warped into full-on attack on American history for the purpose of expunging the culture just to pave the way for Marxism.
White supremacy is the narrative and is the contrived excuse to demonize US history. No context allowed. No consideration of an advanced European culture confronted by the primitive cultures of indigenous north Americans and west Africans. No consideration of survival mode and the Darwinism of advanced culture winning out in the name of progress. Just the usual indoctrination and gaslighting. If you can’t admit that you’re either a dupe or a dishonest, willing accomplice.
yep you are right. worst crime today is black on black crime.
lol lol lol lol lol you fool. fbi is lebral liars. fbi does not know shit. they are not on the streets. they are working for liberal left. they lieing to get black votes. the police will tell you and statistics tell you black on black crime is worst. fact.
Sorry, I thought I was talking to a reasonable and sane person. I was obviously mistaken. Please get some help before you totally lose your mind. Try to have a good night, I plan on it. Goodbye.
Robert E. Lee, George Washington, Stonewall Jackson, Thomas Jefferson and more are not vilified and cancelled because they were slave owners. oh no. THAT is just a convenient excuse to hide the real reason. The real reason is that these men, who MAY have been slave owners simply because they inherited them, in lee's case or that they wanted to release them but saw a societal problem in doing so in Jefferson's case, or NEVER HAD A SLAVE in the case of Stonewall Jackson and then many of them had plans for freeing these slaves at their death, because they were men of great character, integrity and faith. Slavery would have died out in the south and that wasn't the reason for the second war for independence anyway. The left has NO character, no integrity, a desire to be their OWN gods and no trust from the american public.
"Slavery would have died out in the South" because you say so? The plan was to spread slavery southward to Central America.
Post the link.
https://www.purdueedu>uns Prof:Lincoln fought. Slavery's spread to Latin America, not just the West. Only after 1854 then did Southerners launch a concerted effort to expand slavery into Central America and even annex Cuba as a slave state. After the war with Mexico the south felt that they had directional Destiny to spread slavery to Mexico and Central America as well as the Caribbean. So this effort started even before the civil war.
Robert E. Lee, George Washington, Stonewall Jackson, Thomas Jefferson and more are not vilified and cancelled because they were slave owners. oh no. THAT is just a convenient excuse to hide the real reason. The real reason is that these men, who MAY have been slave owners simply because they inherited them, in lee's case or that they wanted to release them but saw a societal problem in doing so in Jefferson's case, or NEVER HAD A SLAVE in the case of Stonewall Jackson and then many of them had plans for freeing these slaves at their death, because they were men of great character, integrity and faith. Slavery would have died out in the south and that wasn't the reason for the second war for independence anyway. The left has NO character, no integrity, a desire to be their OWN gods and no trust from the american public.
It's a war to replace us white men who made america.
only hate and racism and superiority i see is from blacks.
you need to figure out who build the lost cause statues.

Statues of the founders are a bit more ... multi-faceted. Possibly some historical context, maybe in terms of how much Washington and Jefferson were econ dependent upon slaves.
you need to figure out who build the lost cause statues.

Statues of the founders are a bit more ... multi-faceted. Possibly some historical context, maybe in terms of how much Washington and Jefferson were econ dependent upon slaves.

only parts of it, most was made by whites in the colonies before black got here.
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and who are those idiots? And what is their hatred? Stann
White supremacy was the underlying reason no statues were built in the first place. White supremacy is the reason they stood for so long in the public arena. Common sense and decency is the reason they are now gone.
you need to figure out who build the lost cause statues.

Statues of the founders are a bit more ... multi-faceted. Possibly some historical context, maybe in terms of how much Washington and Jefferson were econ dependent upon slaves.
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows>howthecultofRobertELeewaaborn April14, 2017 explains how this cult started, denying the truth that the Confederate States said in their declaration of independence that this was being done to preserve slavery " Slavery today, Slavery tomorrow, Slavery forever! " It's totally indefensible.
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows>howthecultofRobertELeewaaborn April14, 2017 explains how this cult started, denying the truth that the Confederate States said in their declaration of independence that this was being done to preserve slavery " Slavery today, Slavery tomorrow, Slavery forever! " It's totally indefensible.

Why do you care so much about an issue that was settled to everyone's satisfaction, 150 years ago?
Why do you care so much about an issue that was settled to everyone's satisfaction, 150 years ago?
If the issue was settled 150 years ago we would not have white supremacist marching in our cities today. Those statues built by the KKK undermine everything it means to be an American. The threat they pose is very real and it's still exists. Each step we take, however small, is a step away from that hatred and ignorance.
White supremacy was the underlying reason no statues were built in the first place. White supremacy is the reason they stood for so long in the public arena. Common sense and decency is the reason they are now gone.
more black lies
more black lies
I guess you haven't been following the conversation, or you choose to be obtuse. Facts are facts and they have been proven over and over again, prejudice and hatred are the reasons those statues were built. They represent nothing that America is about. Or maybe you don't think equality and justice under the law doesn't mean anything. If that is true you should leave America, you don't deserve to be here.
I guess you haven't been following the conversation, or you choose to be obtuse. Facts are facts and they have been proven over and over again, prejudice and hatred are the reasons those statues were built. They represent nothing that America is about. Or maybe you don't think equality and justice under the law doesn't mean anything. If that is true you should leave America, you don't deserve to be here.
only to black people
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