robert e lee statue removed

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If the issue was settled 150 years ago we would not have white supremacist marching in our cities today. Those statues built by the KKK undermine everything it means to be an American. The threat they pose is very real and it's still exists. Each step we take, however small, is a step away from that hatred and ignorance.

No, that conflict was about secession and slavery (and regional issues). All of that was moot 150 years ago.

The KKK was about something else. And then it died out.

The threat who poses? The few w.s. left? Most of the leftards on this site, are constantly talking shit about how ALL whites, or ALL not left leaning whites, are "cucks" and "weak" and "old" and "dying off".

But every now and then, suddenly they become this big danger.

I've seen lefties ridicule whites for being cucks and weak IN THE SAME SENTENCE as they whine about what a danger they are.

You seem to be conflating a lot of issues together over a long stretch of time, to justify attacking people today.
No, that conflict was about secession and slavery (and regional issues). All of that was moot 150 years ago.

The KKK was about something else. And then it died out.

The threat who poses? The few w.s. left? Most of the leftards on this site, are constantly talking shit about how ALL whites, or ALL not left leaning whites, are "cucks" and "weak" and "old" and "dying off".

But every now and then, suddenly they become this big danger.

I've seen lefties ridicule whites for being cucks and weak IN THE SAME SENTENCE as they whine about what a danger they are.

You seem to be conflating a lot of issues together over a long stretch of time, to justify attacking people today.
Correct the civil war was about slavery. After the civil war the KKK paid to put up those statues to continue to try to control the black population by intimidation and other means. And acting Jim Crow laws for one example, and of course the constant threat of lynching if you got out of line. If you didn't stay in your place. Totally barbaric, tribal practices that have no place in America. Just look at the statistics, whites having these kind of attitudes are much greater threat than any black could ever be. There's a difference between instigating and reacting to terrorism.
Truth or something that's universal, it cannot be denied. trump and other fools like him are finding that out the hard way.
hard way what? the libs are making fools of themselves with the hearings.
Wow ! I guess you haven't been listening to the hearings, trump has hanged himself.
i know eaxctly what is going on and its same bs they cried about at the impeachment trials. it didnt work then and it wont now. and no one is barely watching the ratings suck.
i know eaxctly what is going on and its same bs they cried about at the impeachment trials. it didnt work then and it wont now. and no one is barely watching the ratings suck.
You're concerned about ratings ? I'm sorry this isn't about a popularity contest, this is about seeking Justice. So far the committee has proven all five elements of a crime, and trump is the perpetrator. None of the atrocity, now known to every American as January 6th, a day of infamy, would have never happened if trump didn't exist. This is all on him.
You're concerned about ratings ? I'm sorry this isn't about a popularity contest, this is about seeking Justice. So far the committee has proven all five elements of a crime, and trump is the perpetrator. None of the atrocity, now known to every American as January 6th, a day of infamy, would have never happened if trump didn't exist. This is all on him.
Let's keep it real Stann, Trump Humpers don't care. Trump stands as a beacon of the Good Ole Days when you could call a black man the Nword and if he retaliated you just waited until dark and brought 10 of your buddies with you to teach that Nword a lesson. When black folks could be openly discriminated against and the Law looked the other way. When racism rained supreme, many on this very forum long for those Good Ole Days.
Let's keep it real Stann, Trump Humpers don't care. Trump stands as a beacon of the Good Ole Days when you could call a black man the Nword and if he retaliated you just waited until dark and brought 10 of your buddies with you to teach that Nword a lesson. When black folks could be openly discriminated against and the Law looked the other way. When racism rained supreme, many on this very forum long for those Good Ole Days.
You keep demonstrating what you think is you're a good side. You don't even understand how repulsive you sound. Hatred and bigotry have no place in America. You should move to Russia. They seem to love ignorance over there and they view all other people as enemies.
You keep demonstrating what you think is you're a good side. You don't even understand how repulsive you sound. Hatred and bigotry have no place in America. You should move to Russia. They seem to love ignorance over there and they view all other people as enemies.
Fool America was founded on hatred, bigotry and racism. Come out of that fantasy world you are living in.
If the issue was settled 150 years ago we would not have white supremacist marching in our cities today. Those statues built by the KKK undermine everything it means to be an American. The threat they pose is very real and it's still exists. Each step we take, however small, is a step away from that hatred and ignorance.
If the issue was settled 150 years ago we would not have white supremacist marching in our cities today. Those statues built by the KKK undermine everything it means to be an American. The threat they pose is very real and it's still exists. Each step we take, however small, is a step away from that hatred and ignorance.
Delusional. ^^^

These asinine progtards have ZERO understanding of human nature.

Fucking dumbass fucking morons...
White Supremacists are real and according to the FBI, they and other groups are the biggest single threat to our nation. Even beating out foreign terrorists. As far as the Europeans being a more advanced and more civilized society. In the case of the Aztecs, they had a beautiful system in place and built roads in the mountains to connect everyone and everything, they were far more advanced and civilized than Europeans were at the time. One author on mesoamerican cultures put it simply, " if Atahualpa ( the Inca emperor ) was guileless, his captors were all guile. " Speaking of Pizarro and his comrades. Calling a civilization that could produce such despicable individuals more advanced is an insult to civilization itself.
The only white supremacists I know are white democrats who sympathize for minorities as they feel they’re inherently inferior.
The white supremacist narrative being pushed by the democrats is a canard, aimed at demonizing American culture. You’re a dupe.
White Supremacists are real and according to the FBI, they and other groups are the biggest single threat to our nation. Even beating out foreign terrorists. As far as the Europeans being a more advanced and more civilized society. In the case of the Aztecs, they had a beautiful system in place and built roads in the mountains to connect everyone and everything, they were far more advanced and civilized than Europeans were at the time. One author on mesoamerican cultures put it simply, " if Atahualpa ( the Inca emperor ) was guileless, his captors were all guile. " Speaking of Pizarro and his comrades. Calling a civilization that could produce such despicable individuals more advanced is an insult to civilization itself.
The only white supremacists I know are white democrats who sympathize for minorities as they feel they’re inherently inferior.
The white supremacist narrative being pushed by the democrats is a canard, aimed at demonizing American culture. You’re a dupe.
The only white supremacists I know are white democrats who sympathize for minorities as they feel they’re inherently inferior.
The white supremacist narrative being pushed by the democrats is a canard, aimed at demonizing American culture. You’re a dupe.

The only white supremacists I know are white democrats who sympathize for minorities as they feel they’re inherently inferior.
The white supremacist narrative being pushed by the democrats is a canard, aimed at demonizing American culture. You’re a dupe.
You're telling me that I've been duped. Those men that marched in Charleston saying white power were not Democrats, I can guarantee you that. The idiots that storm the capital on January 6th were not Democrats, that's another guarantee. Who are you trying to fool, yourself ?
You're telling me that I've been duped. Those men that marched in Charleston saying white power were not Democrats, I can guarantee you that. The idiots that storm the capital on January 6th were not Democrats, that's another guarantee. Who are you trying to fool, yourself ?
The Capitol riot was not a race attack.
Most traditional white supremacists have been marginal for decades and are given way too much press in order to fit the phony democrat narrative.
The closest I’ve ever come to knowing or even meeting anyone even remotely involved with any white supremacist group is an author who’s written books about the KKK. And he’s black.
The Capitol riot was not a race attack.
Most traditional white supremacists have been marginal for decades and are given way too much press in order to fit the phony democrat narrative.
The closest I’ve ever come to knowing or even meeting anyone even remotely involved with any white supremacist group is an author who’s written books about the KKK. And he’s black.
As the thorough January 6th investigation is revealing, hidden elements in the mob, the proud boys and the oath keepers led the assault on the Capitol. They are no friends to black people. They are crazy extremist and are no friends to the United States.
Correct the civil war was about slavery. After the civil war the KKK paid to put up those statues to continue to try to control the black population by intimidation and other means. And acting Jim Crow laws for one example, and of course the constant threat of lynching if you got out of line. If you didn't stay in your place. Totally barbaric, tribal practices that have no place in America. Just look at the statistics, whites having these kind of attitudes are much greater threat than any black could ever be. There's a difference between instigating and reacting to terrorism.

I like the way that you talk about how the statues were supposedly about intimidating the blacks, and then mention the actual murdererings, and state oppression as after thoughts.

It really showcases the complete sophistry of your position on this issue.

And today "the whites" are not the issue. It is you people causing problems. The stautes are quietly standing there in the parks, being ignored, a few guys sporting southern cross belt buckles, and now YOU PEOPLE are attacking them for no reason.

There is a difference between instigating and reacting to terrorism. And you are demonstrating it very well.
Sorry Stann, but history proves you are the sick bastard. Look at what has happened in this country since it was founded. Look at the treatment of black folks and Native Americans.
I think you have me confused with someone else. I am the exact opposite of a white supremacist. I believe there's no place for hatred and ignorance in America. There is only one race the human race and everyone needs to understand that if we are to survive.
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