Robert Reich: Corporate Welfare Is Destroying Our Economy

. Some estimates put it over $100 billion –

100% stupid and liberal:
1) 100 billion is only 2.5% of Fed spending so impossible to destroy economy
2) if corporate taxes go up prices go up so we pay for it anyway
3) best example of "corporate welfare" in not given to avoid embarrassment

1) Sure, but it's $100 billion that has to be made up somewhere else.
2) Prices will go up whether or not taxes are raised or not. Reduced product in packaging is the most common price increase.
3) 4 Examples Of Corporate Welfare In Action Taxpayers for Common Sense
Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families -- an increasing portion goes to corporate handouts.

Corporations aren’t people, despite what the Supreme Court says, and they don’t need or deserve handouts.

When corporations get special handouts from the government – subsidies and tax breaks – it costs you. It means you have to pay more in taxes to make up for these hidden expenses. And government has less money for good schools and roads, Medicare and national defense, and everything else you need.

You might call these special corporate handouts “corporate welfare,” but at least welfare goes to real people in need. In the big picture, corporate handouts are costing tens of billions of dollars a year. Some estimates put it over $100 billion – which means it’s costing you money that would otherwise go to better schools or roads, or lower taxes.

read more Robert Reich Corporate Welfare Is Destroying Our Economy VIDEO Alternet

"Special handouts"?

As in... taking less from a corporation that is theirs in the first place?

You fuckers never cease to amaze me. :slap:

Taxation is theft, right?

Without proper representation validation and verification, yes.

What is your particular point, Brotch? :slap:

First of all, what is brotch? Taxation taken from corporations and people is justified under the law. You seem to resent that, so you must have the belief that taxation is theft.

Brotch is a nomenclature assigned to moderately idiotic fools such as yourself.

You're both a Bro and a bitch. The crosslink being "Brotch".

I commend you, then I slap you. Like this :slap:

Your comments have merit, but are really fucked up at the same time.

You're on the right path, for all the wrong reasons.

Bottom line- Fcuk you. But with trepid variance.

Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families -- an increasing portion goes to corporate handouts.

Corporations aren’t people, despite what the Supreme Court says, and they don’t need or deserve handouts.

When corporations get special handouts from the government – subsidies and tax breaks – it costs you. It means you have to pay more in taxes to make up for these hidden expenses. And government has less money for good schools and roads, Medicare and national defense, and everything else you need.

You might call these special corporate handouts “corporate welfare,” but at least welfare goes to real people in need. In the big picture, corporate handouts are costing tens of billions of dollars a year. Some estimates put it over $100 billion – which means it’s costing you money that would otherwise go to better schools or roads, or lower taxes.

read more Robert Reich Corporate Welfare Is Destroying Our Economy VIDEO Alternet

"Special handouts"?

As in... taking less from a corporation that is theirs in the first place?

You fuckers never cease to amaze me. :slap:

Taxation is theft, right?

Without proper representation validation and verification, yes.

What is your particular point, Brotch? :slap:

First of all, what is brotch? Taxation taken from corporations and people is justified under the law. You seem to resent that, so you must have the belief that taxation is theft.

Brotch is a nomenclature assigned to moderately idiotic fools such as yourself.

You're both a Bro and a bitch. The crosslink being "Brotch".

I commend you, then I slap you. Like this :slap:

Your comments have merit, but are really fucked up at the same time.

You're on the right path, for all the wrong reasons.

Bottom line- Fcuk you. But with trepid variance.

All this anger you have towards a simple question I asked. When you're prepared to have a decent conversation about the taxation subject I'm ready. Leave the childish insults at home.
Which reasons are those, Person on the ridiculous right?

Interesting. I provide CBO info which shows at least 48% of the federal budget going to individuals and families and you repost HVAC's lie.
Why not repost your alleged, good rebuttal instead of merely claiming to have refuted it since it may be indistinguishable from a simple appeal to ignorance.

Woo ... you really are every bit as stupid as you seem:


Other mandatory (welfare) spending seems to be about 12%; how stupid is that?

Here is your claim: "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --"

As proven by the CBO chart, some 60% of federal spending goes to "individuals and families." You were LYING (but thanks for playing).
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?
And, if they are not under defense spending, how can Congress justify them under a warfare-State political-economic paradigm, especially without wartime tax rates when resorting to the coercive use of force of the State to Infringe upon Individual Liberty.
Interesting. I provide CBO info which shows at least 48% of the federal budget going to individuals and families and you repost HVAC's lie.
Why not repost your alleged, good rebuttal instead of merely claiming to have refuted it since it may be indistinguishable from a simple appeal to ignorance.

Woo ... you really are every bit as stupid as you seem:


Other mandatory (welfare) spending seems to be about 12%; how stupid is that?

Here is your claim: "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --"

As proven by the CBO chart, some 60% of federal spending goes to "individuals and families." You were LYING (but thanks for playing).
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?

Lame deflection, Princess. You claimed "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --" but that CBO chart shows at least 48% goes to individuals and families ... ergo you lied (and continue to do so).
Why not repost your alleged, good rebuttal instead of merely claiming to have refuted it since it may be indistinguishable from a simple appeal to ignorance.

Woo ... you really are every bit as stupid as you seem:


Other mandatory (welfare) spending seems to be about 12%; how stupid is that?

Here is your claim: "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --"

As proven by the CBO chart, some 60% of federal spending goes to "individuals and families." You were LYING (but thanks for playing).
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?

Lame deflection, Princess. You claimed "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --" but that CBO chart shows at least 48% goes to individuals and families ... ergo you lied (and continue to do so).
Not a deflection at all; you claim what you claim and I can claim only about twelve percent gets to where it is supposed go, for the purposes of promoting or providing for the general welfare; it is the general warfare that is being paid for, not the general welfare.

And, if they are not under defense spending, how can Congress justify them under a warfare-State political-economic paradigm, especially without wartime tax rates when resorting to the coercive use of force of the State to Infringe upon Individual Liberty.
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Woo ... you really are every bit as stupid as you seem:


Other mandatory (welfare) spending seems to be about 12%; how stupid is that?

Here is your claim: "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --"

As proven by the CBO chart, some 60% of federal spending goes to "individuals and families." You were LYING (but thanks for playing).
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?

Lame deflection, Princess. You claimed "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --" but that CBO chart shows at least 48% goes to individuals and families ... ergo you lied (and continue to do so).
Not a deflection at all; you claim what you claim and I can claim only about twelve percent gets to where it is supposed go, for the purposes of promoting or providing for the general welfare; it is the general warfare that is being paid for, not the general welfare.

More of your silly babble. So I should ignore the CBO and believe you?
Does 48%=12%?
Are you familiar with this old maxim: When in over your lying head, STOP DIGGING!
Other mandatory (welfare) spending seems to be about 12%; how stupid is that?

Here is your claim: "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --"

As proven by the CBO chart, some 60% of federal spending goes to "individuals and families." You were LYING (but thanks for playing).
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?

Lame deflection, Princess. You claimed "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --" but that CBO chart shows at least 48% goes to individuals and families ... ergo you lied (and continue to do so).
Not a deflection at all; you claim what you claim and I can claim only about twelve percent gets to where it is supposed go, for the purposes of promoting or providing for the general welfare; it is the general warfare that is being paid for, not the general welfare.

More of your silly babble. So I should ignore the CBO and believe you?
Does 48%=12%?
Are you familiar with this old maxim: When in over your lying head, STOP DIGGING!
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending? It is an important distinction to make for implied consent of implied powers.
"Special handouts"?

As in... taking less from a corporation that is theirs in the first place?

You fuckers never cease to amaze me. :slap:

Taxation is theft, right?
Without proper representation validation and verification, yes.

What is your particular point, Brotch? :slap:

First of all, what is brotch? Taxation taken from corporations and people is justified under the law. You seem to resent that, so you must have the belief that taxation is theft.
Brotch is a nomenclature assigned to moderately idiotic fools such as yourself.

You're both a Bro and a bitch. The crosslink being "Brotch".

I commend you, then I slap you. Like this :slap:

Your comments have merit, but are really fucked up at the same time.

You're on the right path, for all the wrong reasons.

Bottom line- Fcuk you. But with trepid variance.

"Special handouts"?

As in... taking less from a corporation that is theirs in the first place?

You fuckers never cease to amaze me. :slap:

Taxation is theft, right?
Without proper representation validation and verification, yes.

What is your particular point, Brotch? :slap:

First of all, what is brotch? Taxation taken from corporations and people is justified under the law. You seem to resent that, so you must have the belief that taxation is theft.
Brotch is a nomenclature assigned to moderately idiotic fools such as yourself.

You're both a Bro and a bitch. The crosslink being "Brotch".

I commend you, then I slap you. Like this :slap:

Your comments have merit, but are really fucked up at the same time.

You're on the right path, for all the wrong reasons.

Bottom line- Fcuk you. But with trepid variance.

All this anger you have towards a simple question I asked. When you're prepared to have a decent conversation about the taxation subject I'm ready. Leave the childish insults at home.
Blame it on the :beer:
My apologies. :(
1) Sure, but it's $100 billion that has to be made up somewhere else.

dear, if they raise corporate taxes $100 billion, prices go up $100 billion. Corporations are tax collectors not taxpayers. You've learned that 35 times but you're too slow to grasp it.
Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families -- an increasing portion goes to corporate handouts.

Corporations aren’t people, despite what the Supreme Court says, and they don’t need or deserve handouts.

NOBODY deserves handouts from the Government. No person. No corporation. NOBODY.
Woo ... you really are every bit as stupid as you seem:


Other mandatory (welfare) spending seems to be about 12%; how stupid is that?

Here is your claim: "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --"

As proven by the CBO chart, some 60% of federal spending goes to "individuals and families." You were LYING (but thanks for playing).
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?

Lame deflection, Princess. You claimed "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --" but that CBO chart shows at least 48% goes to individuals and families ... ergo you lied (and continue to do so).
Not a deflection at all; you claim what you claim and I can claim only about twelve percent gets to where it is supposed go, for the purposes of promoting or providing for the general welfare; it is the general warfare that is being paid for, not the general welfare.

And, if they are not under defense spending, how can Congress justify them under a warfare-State political-economic paradigm, especially without wartime tax rates when resorting to the coercive use of force of the State to Infringe upon Individual Liberty.

OMG learn English
Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families -- an increasing portion goes to corporate handouts.

Corporations aren’t people, despite what the Supreme Court says, and they don’t need or deserve handouts.

NOBODY deserves handouts from the Government. No person. No corporation. NOBODY.

even conservatives and libertarians would be happy to hand out handouts as long as they work rather than cause crippling dependency
Other mandatory (welfare) spending seems to be about 12%; how stupid is that?

Here is your claim: "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --"

As proven by the CBO chart, some 60% of federal spending goes to "individuals and families." You were LYING (but thanks for playing).
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?

Lame deflection, Princess. You claimed "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --" but that CBO chart shows at least 48% goes to individuals and families ... ergo you lied (and continue to do so).
Not a deflection at all; you claim what you claim and I can claim only about twelve percent gets to where it is supposed go, for the purposes of promoting or providing for the general welfare; it is the general warfare that is being paid for, not the general welfare.

And, if they are not under defense spending, how can Congress justify them under a warfare-State political-economic paradigm, especially without wartime tax rates when resorting to the coercive use of force of the State to Infringe upon Individual Liberty.

OMG learn English
Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families -- an increasing portion goes to corporate handouts.

Corporations aren’t people, despite what the Supreme Court says, and they don’t need or deserve handouts.

NOBODY deserves handouts from the Government. No person. No corporation. NOBODY.

even conservatives and libertarians would be happy to hand out handouts as long as they work rather than cause crippling dependency
OMG learn to not resort to fallacies
Here is your claim: "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --"

As proven by the CBO chart, some 60% of federal spending goes to "individuals and families." You were LYING (but thanks for playing).
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?

Lame deflection, Princess. You claimed "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --" but that CBO chart shows at least 48% goes to individuals and families ... ergo you lied (and continue to do so).
Not a deflection at all; you claim what you claim and I can claim only about twelve percent gets to where it is supposed go, for the purposes of promoting or providing for the general welfare; it is the general warfare that is being paid for, not the general welfare.

And, if they are not under defense spending, how can Congress justify them under a warfare-State political-economic paradigm, especially without wartime tax rates when resorting to the coercive use of force of the State to Infringe upon Individual Liberty.

OMG learn English
Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families -- an increasing portion goes to corporate handouts.

Corporations aren’t people, despite what the Supreme Court says, and they don’t need or deserve handouts.

NOBODY deserves handouts from the Government. No person. No corporation. NOBODY.

even conservatives and libertarians would be happy to hand out handouts as long as they work rather than cause crippling dependency
OMG learn to not resort to fallacies

I'll pay you $10,000 if you have evidence that its a fallacy. Bet??
2) Prices will go up whether or not taxes are raised or not.

100% stupid as always. Prices go up to reflect all costs including taxes . That is why airplanes always cost more than apples. Over your head- right??

433,000 pounds of apples is the same price as a Cirrus.
100% stupid as always. Prices go up to reflect all costs including taxes . That is why an airplane always cost more than an apple. Over your head- right??[/QUOTE
Lying about what. Where is the spending broken down for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; shouldn't they be under defense spending?

Lame deflection, Princess. You claimed "Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families --" but that CBO chart shows at least 48% goes to individuals and families ... ergo you lied (and continue to do so).
Not a deflection at all; you claim what you claim and I can claim only about twelve percent gets to where it is supposed go, for the purposes of promoting or providing for the general welfare; it is the general warfare that is being paid for, not the general welfare.

And, if they are not under defense spending, how can Congress justify them under a warfare-State political-economic paradigm, especially without wartime tax rates when resorting to the coercive use of force of the State to Infringe upon Individual Liberty.

OMG learn English
Only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families -- an increasing portion goes to corporate handouts.

Corporations aren’t people, despite what the Supreme Court says, and they don’t need or deserve handouts.

NOBODY deserves handouts from the Government. No person. No corporation. NOBODY.

even conservatives and libertarians would be happy to hand out handouts as long as they work rather than cause crippling dependency
OMG learn to not resort to fallacies

I'll pay you $10,000 if you have evidence that its a fallacy. Bet??
non sequiturs are usually considered fallacies; and, i am PayPal friendly. :p

Not a deflection at all; you claim what you claim and I can claim only about twelve percent gets to where it is supposed go, for the purposes of promoting or providing for the general welfare; it is the general warfare that is being paid for, not the general welfare.

And, if they are not under defense spending, how can Congress justify them under a warfare-State political-economic paradigm, especially without wartime tax rates when resorting to the coercive use of force of the State to Infringe upon Individual Liberty.

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