Rod Rosenstein is resigning

not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....
I've got three confirmed hits on it. He has resigned.
Odium, those news reports were wrong. Rosenstein has refused to resign and he is meeting with Trump on Thursday. Maybe we will find out then if Rosenstein is still in the job.
After talking about wearing an illegal wire so he can use it as a predicate to remove the president, do you think he should keep his job? Do you think any president should tolerate that?

Yes, of course.

This isn't about Trump obstructing justice. This is about senior members in the FBI obstructing justice.
After 2 years Mueller has failed to produce any evidence that an investigation into Russian interference involving the President ever warranted an investigation let alone a Special Counsel investigation, and he sure has NOT produced the slightest evidence that supports the accusations made against Trump.
The Special Counsel was to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.“

Are you seriously claiming that Mueller has no evidence of any links or coordination between the Russian government and members of Trump’s campaign?
And criminal charges against 33 people have resulted, with several convictions and guilty pleas.
How'd that resignation turn out yesterday, OP?
The day and week are still young...
I heard late yesterday, the president has the letter and is planning on meeting with Rosenstein Thursday. He's busy doing presidential things outside the traitor's business.
Yep... Rod submitted a letter but we do not yet know what Trumps answer is to accepting his resignation.
The Special Counsel was to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.“

Are you seriously claiming that Mueller has no evidence of any links or coordination between the Russian government and members of Trump’s campaign?
And criminal charges against 33 people have resulted, with several convictions and guilty pleas.

Hillary Clinton took over $140 Million from THE Russian who ended up leading the KGB Bank's effort to purchase Uranium One, while her husband received $500k from the same bank for giving a 1-hour speech, dursing which time he attempted to meet with Russian Nuclear Agency Reps - failing to do that he met instead with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in attempting to win the 2016 election, in the form of a Russian-authored false report - now believed to have been written by a Russian friend of Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel conducting this ridiculous clown show of an investigation.

Hillary's Campaign manager, John Podesta, co-owned a Lobbying Firm with his brother, 'Fat Tony' Podesta. JOHN received THOUSANDS f unreported Russian stocks while 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have direct links to the Kremlin and / Or Vladimir Putin. His firm was working for both the Russians and THE Russian Intel / Spy agency. 'Fat Tony' was personally handling those while John was running Hillary's campaign. 'Fat Tony' failed to legally register as a foreign agent while working for the Russians, again working for the Russians and THE Russian Spy Agency, the same one who - along with China and 4 other foreign entities - supposedly illegally accessed Hillary's server and stole TOP SECRET data, data so classified Barak Obama said about it - 'it is so classified that it can not be released in any format without causing GRAVE DANGER to or national security'. (In other words, Fat Tony was working for the spies whose espionage Hillary facilitated by operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET data.)

So are YOU attempting to claim that Hillary Clinton and HER campaign staff had NO communication with / connection to Russians, engaged in NO activity involving the Russians in an attempt to alter the outcome of the 2016 election?

Unlike regarding Trump, there is an overwhelming amount of existing, concrete evidence already presented proving illegal collusion, connection, coordination with Russians and other criminal activity by Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff - DIRECT INVOLVEMENT / INTERACTION WITH RUSSIANS...evidence Mueller will not acknowledge / investigate and evidence the Liberal media continues to ignore.

The AMAZING, hypocritical, and laughable part of this entire 2-year circus waged by butt-hurt snowflakes is that they have been searching for any evidence of cheating and of illegal collusion with the Russians by a candidate, so desperate to do so that they tried to SET-UP / manufacture crimes against Trump and his team:

Flynn was nabbed in a classic 'Perjury Trap', a trap in which the FBI already knows information, brings someone in, and asks questions in an attempt to catch the individual in a lie, ie 'Perjury'. EVIDENCE proves that what Flynn lied about has nothing to do with illegal collusion with any Russians, he did not lie about anything illegal, and that FBI Director Comey testified before Congress that his agents do not believe Flynn lied during his interview with Strzok but Sctrzok indicted him for lying to the FBI just the same. IMO, Strzok spun the poor idiot around until he didn't know if he was coming or going and inadvertently gave conflicting testimony. Never the less, Flynn pleaded guilty to a crime having nothing to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

Papadopoulos was set-up by an Australian Hillary supporter / donor who arranged the meeting, tipped off the FBI, and not long after Papa was indicted for lying to the FBI about a meeting with a Hillary donor - a 'drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. Again, it was a 'Perjury Trap' - the FBI knew about it in advance of the interview, and papa admitted he lied about the timing of the meeting, not about the contents of the meeting and not about any non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

Manafort's indictment, like the other 2, had absolutely ZERO to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians. Mueller had to go back over a decade - before Obama was elected - to find a crime, one in which Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta and his brother 'Fat Tony' were involved in...but they were given immunity.

All of Trump's associates were set up, even Manfort. His 'co-conspirators' / cohorts - connected to Hillary - were protected while Mueller went after Manafort to get to his real target, Trump. Mueller even found a technical way to legally violate Attorney-Client privilege by seizing all of Cohen's records and files he was not entitled to. The conspirators were determined to take down Trump while, as the evidence shows, protecting Hillary and her associates.

This has all been exposed, recorded, reported....from Oher flipping and declaring he and Steele had been working with Mueller since early in 2016, before he was appointed Special Counsel, to the US IG's reports documenting the FBIs abandoning its own rules / processes and even altering witness testimony after the fact, to official Congressional Records, to the FISA Warrant Requests, to Page telling Congress that the texts Strzok sent mean EXACTLY what they sound like they mean, to Strzok's texts... There is LITERALLY no way in hell any sane, rational person can deny / refuse to acknowledge such an overwhelming abundance of ACTUAL existing evidence.
Yep... Rod submitted a letter but we do not yet know what Trumps answer is to accepting his resignation.
IMO, Trump should call Sessions in, tell him this is HIS DOJ and to start acting like it. Ask Sessions to make the call, to take back control of his agency. If Trump fires him the left will howl about more 'Obstruction' despite Rosenstein's betrayal consideration made public.
The Special Counsel was to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.“

Are you seriously claiming that Mueller has no evidence of any links or coordination between the Russian government and members of Trump’s campaign?
And criminal charges against 33 people have resulted, with several convictions and guilty pleas.

Hillary Clinton took over $140 Million from THE Russian who ended up leading the KGB Bank's effort to purchase Uranium One, while her husband received $500k from the same bank for giving a 1-hour speech, dursing which time he attempted to meet with Russian Nuclear Agency Reps - failing to do that he met instead with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in attempting to win the 2016 election, in the form of a Russian-authored false report - now believed to have been written by a Russian friend of Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel conducting this ridiculous clown show of an investigation.

Hillary's Campaign manager, John Podesta, co-owned a Lobbying Firm with his brother, 'Fat Tony' Podesta. JOHN received THOUSANDS f unreported Russian stocks while 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have direct links to the Kremlin and / Or Vladimir Putin. His firm was working for both the Russians and THE Russian Intel / Spy agency. 'Fat Tony' was personally handling those while John was running Hillary's campaign. 'Fat Tony' failed to legally register as a foreign agent while working for the Russians, again working for the Russians and THE Russian Spy Agency, the same one who - along with China and 4 other foreign entities - supposedly illegally accessed Hillary's server and stole TOP SECRET data, data so classified Barak Obama said about it - 'it is so classified that it can not be released in any format without causing GRAVE DANGER to or national security'. (In other words, Fat Tony was working for the spies whose espionage Hillary facilitated by operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET data.)

So are YOU attempting to claim that Hillary Clinton and HER campaign staff had NO communication with / connection to Russians, engaged in NO activity involving the Russians in an attempt to alter the outcome of the 2016 election?

Unlike regarding Trump, there is an overwhelming amount of existing, concrete evidence already presented proving illegal collusion, connection, coordination with Russians and other criminal activity by Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff - DIRECT INVOLVEMENT / INTERACTION WITH RUSSIANS...evidence Mueller will not acknowledge / investigate and evidence the Liberal media continues to ignore.

The AMAZING, hypocritical, and laughable part of this entire 2-year circus waged by butt-hurt snowflakes is that they have been searching for any evidence of cheating and of illegal collusion with the Russians by a candidate, so desperate to do so that they tried to SET-UP / manufacture crimes against Trump and his team:

Flynn was nabbed in a classic 'Perjury Trap', a trap in which the FBI already knows information, brings someone in, and asks questions in an attempt to catch the individual in a lie, ie 'Perjury'. EVIDENCE proves that what Flynn lied about has nothing to do with illegal collusion with any Russians, he did not lie about anything illegal, and that FBI Director Comey testified before Congress that his agents do not believe Flynn lied during his interview with Strzok but Sctrzok indicted him for lying to the FBI just the same. IMO, Strzok spun the poor idiot around until he didn't know if he was coming or going and inadvertently gave conflicting testimony. Never the less, Flynn pleaded guilty to a crime having nothing to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

Papadopoulos was set-up by an Australian Hillary supporter / donor who arranged the meeting, tipped off the FBI, and not long after Papa was indicted for lying to the FBI about a meeting with a Hillary donor - a 'drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. Again, it was a 'Perjury Trap' - the FBI knew about it in advance of the interview, and papa admitted he lied about the timing of the meeting, not about the contents of the meeting and not about any non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

Manafort's indictment, like the other 2, had absolutely ZERO to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians. Mueller had to go back over a decade - before Obama was elected - to find a crime, one in which Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta and his brother 'Fat Tony' were involved in...but they were given immunity.

All of Trump's associates were set up, even Manfort. His 'co-conspirators' / cohorts - connected to Hillary - were protected while Mueller went after Manafort to get to his real target, Trump. Mueller even found a technical way to legally violate Attorney-Client privilege by seizing all of Cohen's records and files he was not entitled to. The conspirators were determined to take down Trump while, as the evidence shows, protecting Hillary and her associates.

This has all been exposed, recorded, reported....from Oher flipping and declaring he and Steele had been working with Mueller since early in 2016, before he was appointed Special Counsel, to the US IG's reports documenting the FBIs abandoning its own rules / processes and even altering witness testimony after the fact, to official Congressional Records, to the FISA Warrant Requests, to Page telling Congress that the texts Strzok sent mean EXACTLY what they sound like they mean, to Strzok's texts... There is LITERALLY no way in hell any sane, rational person can deny / refuse to acknowledge such an overwhelming abundance of ACTUAL existing evidence.
easy, it's truly a waste of time to convince some group of hacks about reality. They live in an alternate world they think they control. Hahahahahahaahha :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Not one of them has any news of fact.
The Special Counsel was to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.“

Are you seriously claiming that Mueller has no evidence of any links or coordination between the Russian government and members of Trump’s campaign?
And criminal charges against 33 people have resulted, with several convictions and guilty pleas.

Hillary Clinton took over $140 Million from THE Russian who ended up leading the KGB Bank's effort to purchase Uranium One, while her husband received $500k from the same bank for giving a 1-hour speech, dursing which time he attempted to meet with Russian Nuclear Agency Reps - failing to do that he met instead with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in attempting to win the 2016 election, in the form of a Russian-authored false report - now believed to have been written by a Russian friend of Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel conducting this ridiculous clown show of an investigation.

Hillary's Campaign manager, John Podesta, co-owned a Lobbying Firm with his brother, 'Fat Tony' Podesta. JOHN received THOUSANDS f unreported Russian stocks while 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have direct links to the Kremlin and / Or Vladimir Putin. His firm was working for both the Russians and THE Russian Intel / Spy agency. 'Fat Tony' was personally handling those while John was running Hillary's campaign. 'Fat Tony' failed to legally register as a foreign agent while working for the Russians, again working for the Russians and THE Russian Spy Agency, the same one who - along with China and 4 other foreign entities - supposedly illegally accessed Hillary's server and stole TOP SECRET data, data so classified Barak Obama said about it - 'it is so classified that it can not be released in any format without causing GRAVE DANGER to or national security'. (In other words, Fat Tony was working for the spies whose espionage Hillary facilitated by operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET data.)

So are YOU attempting to claim that Hillary Clinton and HER campaign staff had NO communication with / connection to Russians, engaged in NO activity involving the Russians in an attempt to alter the outcome of the 2016 election?

Unlike regarding Trump, there is an overwhelming amount of existing, concrete evidence already presented proving illegal collusion, connection, coordination with Russians and other criminal activity by Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff - DIRECT INVOLVEMENT / INTERACTION WITH RUSSIANS...evidence Mueller will not acknowledge / investigate and evidence the Liberal media continues to ignore.

The AMAZING, hypocritical, and laughable part of this entire 2-year circus waged by butt-hurt snowflakes is that they have been searching for any evidence of cheating and of illegal collusion with the Russians by a candidate, so desperate to do so that they tried to SET-UP / manufacture crimes against Trump and his team:

Flynn was nabbed in a classic 'Perjury Trap', a trap in which the FBI already knows information, brings someone in, and asks questions in an attempt to catch the individual in a lie, ie 'Perjury'. EVIDENCE proves that what Flynn lied about has nothing to do with illegal collusion with any Russians, he did not lie about anything illegal, and that FBI Director Comey testified before Congress that his agents do not believe Flynn lied during his interview with Strzok but Sctrzok indicted him for lying to the FBI just the same. IMO, Strzok spun the poor idiot around until he didn't know if he was coming or going and inadvertently gave conflicting testimony. Never the less, Flynn pleaded guilty to a crime having nothing to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

Papadopoulos was set-up by an Australian Hillary supporter / donor who arranged the meeting, tipped off the FBI, and not long after Papa was indicted for lying to the FBI about a meeting with a Hillary donor - a 'drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub'. Again, it was a 'Perjury Trap' - the FBI knew about it in advance of the interview, and papa admitted he lied about the timing of the meeting, not about the contents of the meeting and not about any non-existent illegal collusion with Russians.

Manafort's indictment, like the other 2, had absolutely ZERO to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians. Mueller had to go back over a decade - before Obama was elected - to find a crime, one in which Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta and his brother 'Fat Tony' were involved in...but they were given immunity.

All of Trump's associates were set up, even Manfort. His 'co-conspirators' / cohorts - connected to Hillary - were protected while Mueller went after Manafort to get to his real target, Trump. Mueller even found a technical way to legally violate Attorney-Client privilege by seizing all of Cohen's records and files he was not entitled to. The conspirators were determined to take down Trump while, as the evidence shows, protecting Hillary and her associates.

This has all been exposed, recorded, reported....from Oher flipping and declaring he and Steele had been working with Mueller since early in 2016, before he was appointed Special Counsel, to the US IG's reports documenting the FBIs abandoning its own rules / processes and even altering witness testimony after the fact, to official Congressional Records, to the FISA Warrant Requests, to Page telling Congress that the texts Strzok sent mean EXACTLY what they sound like they mean, to Strzok's texts... There is LITERALLY no way in hell any sane, rational person can deny / refuse to acknowledge such an overwhelming abundance of ACTUAL existing evidence.
EVIDENCE SHOWS: Hillary Clinton took over $140 Million from THE Russian who ended up leading the KGB Bank's effort to purchase Uranium One”

Evidence shows .... you’re a brain-dead con

Hillary did not receive a $140 million bribe from Russia to approve the Uranium One deal. That money didn’t come from Russia and she wasn’t even Secretary of State when the money was given.
How'd that resignation turn out yesterday, OP?
The day and week are still young...
I heard late yesterday, the president has the letter and is planning on meeting with Rosenstein Thursday. He's busy doing presidential things outside the traitor's business.
“Presidential things?”

You mean like tweeting and playing golf?
Getting laughed at at the U.N.
at least the joke hit home eh?
Rosenstein should be fired, but I doubt he will resign if he’s on the same page as the anti-Trump deep state.
It's not that easy, dipshit plus you have to be prepared with the blowback lest there be an attempt to remove him?. Are you willing to fight those with more than your lame musings here? I guarantee you that blood would flow in the streets. This goes much deeper than politics or the tribalism that you engage in while waving the rainbow colored demcrat fag flag.

In this charged and insane atmosphere, I expect nothing less. Prepare your muskets dude.

It's those of your ilk that have made it that way. You REALLY believe that the majority of Americans want full blown communism/socialism....guess again.
Dude, I don’t give a shit what you do! Electoral College exists. Not much you’re going to about it now is there?. Boo fking hoo
Vote in November maybe ?
Then impeach!
Process. At the federal level, the impeachment process is a two-step procedure. The House of Representatives must first pass, by a simple majority of those present and voting, articles of impeachment, which constitute the formal allegation or allegations. Upon passage, the defendant has been "impeached".

Yabadabadoo Fred !!!

It's not that easy, dipshit plus you have to be prepared with the blowback lest there be an attempt to remove him?. Are you willing to fight those with more than your lame musings here? I guarantee you that blood would flow in the streets. This goes much deeper than politics or the tribalism that you engage in while waving the rainbow colored demcrat fag flag.
Oh look.....threats of violence. How trump-like.

Bannedecea, it's not the Trump supporters that have been assaulting and harrassing people. No, which side has been violent??? THINK really'll be a new experience for ya.

Dude, I don’t give a shit what you do! Electoral College exists. Not much you’re going to about it now is there?. Boo fking hoo
Vote in November maybe ?
Then impeach!
Process. At the federal level, the impeachment process is a two-step procedure. The House of Representatives must first pass, by a simple majority of those present and voting, articles of impeachment, which constitute the formal allegation or allegations. Upon passage, the defendant has been "impeached".

Yabadabadoo Fred !!!

It's not that easy, dipshit plus you have to be prepared with the blowback lest there be an attempt to remove him?. Are you willing to fight those with more than your lame musings here? I guarantee you that blood would flow in the streets. This goes much deeper than politics or the tribalism that you engage in while waving the rainbow colored demcrat fag flag.

Is that a threat? Threats are a no-no.

Nope, I am giving you a dose of reality. There are plenty of people that are not fooled by the lamestream CIA infested media and see this for what it is.
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

Rod Rodenstein is a crisis actor.

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