Rod Rosenstein is resigning

This thread about Rod Rosenstein got me wondering; WHO is Rod Rosenstein?

Rosenstein has a very solid background, a solid education, a solid record of service with the US Government thru' multiple POTUS administrations (both GOP & Dem), and surprise, surprise, surprise; UNLIKE our current 'fornicator in chief' Rosenstein has been married (drum roll please) ..................... ONE TIME. :321:

Rosenstein seems like a stand up guy; maybe he should run for political office, on day.


Hey, I thought they locked you up?

how would you know if you only joined today unless your that stupid and just told on yourself making a new profile LOL
This thread about Rod Rosenstein got me wondering; WHO is Rod Rosenstein?

Rosenstein has a very solid background, a solid education, a solid record of service with the US Government thru' multiple POTUS administrations (both GOP & Dem), and surprise, surprise, surprise; UNLIKE our current 'fornicator in chief' Rosenstein has been married (drum roll please) ..................... ONE TIME. :321:

Rosenstein seems like a stand up guy; maybe he should run for political office, on day.


Hey, I thought they locked you up?
Dale and I busted her out.

We had some regulating to do. . .

This thread about Rod Rosenstein got me wondering; WHO is Rod Rosenstein?

Rosenstein has a very solid background, a solid education, a solid record of service with the US Government thru' multiple POTUS administrations (both GOP & Dem), and surprise, surprise, surprise; UNLIKE our current 'fornicator in chief' Rosenstein has been married (drum roll please) ..................... ONE TIME. :321:

Rosenstein seems like a stand up guy; maybe he should run for political office, on day.


Hey, I thought they locked you up?

how would you know if you only joined today unless your that stupid and just told on yourself making a new profile LOL
After 2 years Mueller has failed to produce any evidence that an investigation into Russian interference involving the President ever warranted an investigation let alone a Special Counsel investigation, and he sure has NOT produced the slightest evidence that supports the accusations made against Trump.
The Special Counsel was to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.“

Are you seriously claiming that Mueller has no evidence of any links or coordination between the Russian government and members of Trump’s campaign?
And criminal charges against 33 people have resulted, with several convictions and guilty pleas.
All of the charges were related to people working for Trump’s campaign, and all of the Russians were indicted for crimes related to interefering with the election in favor of Trump.

So, all of the charges are related to those in his campaign who had links to Russia and committed crimes related to those links, or for foreigners who broke US law to try and help elect Trump.
After 2 years Mueller has failed to produce any evidence that an investigation into Russian interference involving the President ever warranted an investigation let alone a Special Counsel investigation, and he sure has NOT produced the slightest evidence that supports the accusations made against Trump.
The Special Counsel was to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.“

Are you seriously claiming that Mueller has no evidence of any links or coordination between the Russian government and members of Trump’s campaign?
And criminal charges against 33 people have resulted, with several convictions and guilty pleas.
All of the charges were related to people working for Trump’s campaign, and all of the Russians were indicted for crimes related to interefering with the election in favor of Trump.

So, all of the charges are related to those in his campaign who had links to Russia and committed crimes related to those links, or for foreigners who broke US law to try and help elect Trump.
What a lying piece of shit...

Those Trump employed had no connections to the 13 Russians. All of those employed by Trump were charged with crimes unrelated to the campaign.... and many were over 15 years old....
This thread about Rod Rosenstein got me wondering; WHO is Rod Rosenstein?

Well, I went here: Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Rosenstein has a very solid background, a solid education, a solid record of service with the US Government thru' multiple POTUS administrations (both GOP & Dem), and surprise, surprise, surprise; UNLIKE our current 'fornicator in chief' Rosenstein has been married (drum roll please) ..................... ONE TIME. :321:

Rosenstein seems like a stand up guy; maybe he should run for political office, on day.



blantant trolling, abusive shit; where are the mods?
All of the charges were related to people working for Trump’s campaign, and all of the Russians were indicted for crimes related to interefering with the election in favor of Trump.

So, all of the charges are related to those in his campaign who had links to Russia and committed crimes related to those links, or for foreigners who broke US law to try and help elect Trump.
Zero indictments or convictions of crimes having to do with illegal Russian collusion.

Zero indictments or prosecutions that provide any evidence of a crime warranting an investigation or Special Counsel.

Every indictment / prosecution of Trump campaign associates have zero connection to Trump personally and have zero evidence of illegal Trump collusion.

Every indictment / conviction was a result of investigations after the Russian investigation began, not as part of what was being investigated.

Flynn was indicted for Lying to the FBI - despite Comey testifying his agents believed Flynn never lied during his interview. According to the US IG, Flynn was indicted by the same FBI agent who chose not to indict Hillary aides Abedin and Mills for the same exact crime - lying to the FBI.

Hillary was the only candidate to rig primaries, cheat in debates, engage in election fraud, violate Election and Campaign Finance Laws, to have a presidential administration keep her out of jail & try to prevent her opponent from winning...and still lose the election.

Hillary was the only candidate NOT to win their own party's nomination.

Hillary was the only candidate who colluded with and paid foreign spies (who were also working for the FBI) and Russians for their help in trying to win the election, purchasing a fake report authored by the Russians ... a man rumored to be Mueller's friend.

Hillary was the only candidate to receive $140+ million from the KGB Bank...

Hillary was the only candidate so stupid she did not know the electoral College was / is how Presidents are chosen...

'Nuff said.
All of the charges were related to people working for Trump’s campaign, and all of the Russians were indicted for crimes related to interefering with the election in favor of Trump.

So, all of the charges are related to those in his campaign who had links to Russia and committed crimes related to those links, or for foreigners who broke US law to try and help elect Trump.
Zero indictments or convictions of crimes having to do with illegal Russian collusion.
So? “Collusion” is not what was being investigated, was it? “Links and coordination and other matters arising”. All the indictments fall under that.

Zero indictments or prosecutions that provide any evidence of a crime warranting an investigation or Special Counsel.
Untrue. Since the initial investigations were intelligence and counter-intelligence operations (which can almost never be used in prosecutions), and since the crimes involved high ranking government officials, you pretty much have to go the Special Counsel route due to the inevitable politics and extreme sensitivity.

Every indictment / prosecution of Trump campaign associates have zero connection to Trump personally and have zero evidence of illegal Trump collusion.
Does that make them not crimes? Or did you really drink the flavor-aid that this was personal against Trump?

Every indictment / conviction was a result of investigations after the Russian investigation began, not as part of what was being investigated.
“Matters arising.” Umm isn’t that the point of an investigation? To discover crimes?

Flynn was indicted for Lying to the FBI - despite Comey testifying his agents believed Flynn never lied during his interview.
And what did Flynn lie about? “Links and coordination” with the Russian government. Huh.

According to the US IG, Flynn was indicted by the same FBI agent who chose not to indict Hillary aides Abedin and Mills for the same exact crime - lying to the FBI.
Are you saying that makes Flynn not guilty?

And FBI agents can’t indicate people.
All of the charges were related to people working for Trump’s campaign, and all of the Russians were indicted for crimes related to interefering with the election in favor of Trump.

So, all of the charges are related to those in his campaign who had links to Russia and committed crimes related to those links, or for foreigners who broke US law to try and help elect Trump.
Zero indictments or convictions of crimes having to do with illegal Russian collusion.
So? “Collusion” is not what was being investigated, was it? “Links and coordination and other matters arising”. All the indictments fall under that.

Zero indictments or prosecutions that provide any evidence of a crime warranting an investigation or Special Counsel.
Untrue. Since the initial investigations were intelligence and counter-intelligence operations (which can almost never be used in prosecutions), and since the crimes involved high ranking government officials, you pretty much have to go the Special Counsel route due to the inevitable politics and extreme sensitivity.

Every indictment / prosecution of Trump campaign associates have zero connection to Trump personally and have zero evidence of illegal Trump collusion.
Does that make them not crimes? Or did you really drink the flavor-aid that this was personal against Trump?

Every indictment / conviction was a result of investigations after the Russian investigation began, not as part of what was being investigated.
“Matters arising.” Umm isn’t that the point of an investigation? To discover crimes?

Flynn was indicted for Lying to the FBI - despite Comey testifying his agents believed Flynn never lied during his interview.
And what did Flynn lie about? “Links and coordination” with the Russian government. Huh.

According to the US IG, Flynn was indicted by the same FBI agent who chose not to indict Hillary aides Abedin and Mills for the same exact crime - lying to the FBI.
Are you saying that makes Flynn not guilty?

And FBI agents can’t indicate people.
1. Obama knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 and did nothing - Members of his own administration have said so.

2. The was / is no evidence of illegal collusion with Russians by Trump ... There is regarding Hillary, Coney, Mueller. ..

3. I am saying COMEY testified under oath before Congress saying his agents did not believe Flynn lied during his interview. I am saying the US IG also condemned the FBI for altering witness testimony after the fact, & the US IG stated Strzok failed to charge Hillary aides for the and crime. YOU ' do the math'.
he hasn't' resigned yet ...has he

wake me up when he does...hope it will be soon!

I'm looking forward it!:04:
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

Hopefully he will put somebody more trust worthy in. Trump has ot watch the people he hires since it seems the majoriy of them are back stabbing losers.
Hopefully Sessions is off somewhere getting special 'testical implant surgery' so he can come back with a set of balls and re-take control of his DOJ...
Hopefully Sessions is off somewhere getting special 'testical implant surgery' so he can come back with a set of balls and re-take control of his DOJ...

I hope he is next in line to be fired. That would be good for America.
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

Hopefully he will put somebody more trust worthy in. Trump has ot watch the people he hires since it seems the majoriy of them are back stabbing losers.
He only hires the best people after all.
Yeah, cause lots of people joke about betraying their boss, wearing a wire, & trying to get them ousted by declaring them to be unfit..

....really funny joke...


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