Roe overturned

" Traitors To Citizenship "

* Shadow Puppets *

If you believe that opportunist has somehow met with redemption you are out of your mind and he pandered to the religious reich because they are gullible and fanatic .

I voted based on stopping immigration and economics and figured pro-choice leadership would have enough competent sense to challenge any supreme court nominee to explain Blackmun's " Logically , of course " statement .

Heavens knows jurisprudence of the us is about as stupid as it gets , so how about you , are you competent to explain Blackmun's " Logically , of course " statement ?
Unfortunately they will.
Great, another summer of riots, arsons, lootings, attacks on cops and innocent people getting killed.
I have a very bad feeling about this - just like after the cops in Rodney King were acquitted.
Well, how else are they going to get people to listen? Voting doesn't work, quite clearly.
Like it was said......"The Party of Satan is not having a good day today".

Truer words were never spoken.
What a load of fucking absolute crap, from someone who often posts such crap, this post outdoes most of that.
" Traitors Getting What They Deserve "

* Consequences Of Assaulting The Citizenship *

Well, how else are they going to get people to listen? Voting doesn't work, quite clearly.
We always hear about patriots calling for blood when their constitutional wrights are being trample .

Imagine if patriots actually had the mental capacity to realize the numb skulls of the supreme court trampled the constitutional wrights of citizenship .
" Foment Poverty Over Population And Puritanism Based On Auspices Of Communism "

* Latin American Bungholes *

A party only cares about getting what it wants, and it isn't rights.
Turning the US into a Christian version of Saudi Arabia one bit at a time.
The knights of columbus are some of the most stupid fuck ups america has to offer - Knights of Columbus - Wikipedia .

The us has literally lost the spanish american war 300 years later .

The brittish were vastly more intelligent .
" Traitors Getting What They Deserve "

* Consequences Of Assaulting The Citizenship *

We always hear about patriots calling for blood when their constitutional wrights are being trample .

Imagine if patriots actually had the mental capacity to realize the numb skulls of the supreme court trampled the constitutional wrights of citizenship .

Rights, they're rights.

And "patriots" is a ridiculous thing to call people who A) usually support the Confederacy and support ceding from the Union and B) because of what the term "patriot" actually means.

Beyond that I have no idea what you want to say.
" Foment Poverty Over Population And Puritanism Based On Auspices Of Communism "

* Latin American Bungholes *

The knights of columbus are some of the most stupid fuck ups america has to offer - Knights of Columbus - Wikipedia .

The us has literally lost the spanish american war 300 years later .

The brittish were vastly more intelligent .

Who are the "brittish"?
And again, another post that makes no sense.
There are people starting up all sorts of entrepreneurial businesses getting women to travel via airplanes and other methods of transportation to states that will perform abortions. The thing is, 93% of abortions occur in the first trimester now. So, most people aren't for 2nd and 3rd term abortions. Even pregnant women. Especially when they feel the baby moving around.
The most necessary ones are often the ones least wanted, the happily married mother of other children who finds out on her 20 week check-up that the child has a genetic defect that makes it non-viable. Those are the worse abortions, expecting and wanting a baby and having a funeral instead.
Very interesting take. . .

However, I have to ask; Where is the evidence of the left having or showing empathy for children in the womb?
Probably none because they don't class a baby in the womb as life, a person, whereas rational compassion takes this into account.

I only say this because I read Paul Bloom's book, Against Empathy.
Are you nuts? Left wing have never in history been more empathetic. How left wing was Pol Pot? Stalin? How empathetic is it to kill 60 million babies, scarring 50 million women with a thing that will haunt them the rest of their lives?

How empathetic is burning down business, killing business owners and others in riots? How empathetic is it to watch hundreds of thousands of women and children get sexually assaulted and/or raped coming to our southern border? How empathetic is it to release known violent criminals on to the streets of minority neighborhoods to rape and kill all over again.

The idea that the left is more empathetic, that they have empathy at all, is just plain stupid.
Empathy is bad, rational compassion is better. Like I said, empathy can cause evil, because it causes dehumanisation and objectification, and those are partly caused by empathy for the self.

Against Empathy was written by Paul Bloom. He talks about Rational Compassion and you can see this played out in life. It's just that I see more Left Wing leaning people go for empathy, and Right Wing leaning people display rational compassion. You see this particularly with illegal immigration.

So I see it that they apply empathy for the mother, we take the unborn baby into account due to rational compassion.

There are some critics to Against Empathy, but after reading the book, it's bang on.
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Is rape immoral? I believe it is; do you? My church believes it is immoral; do you? I believe it should be against the law; do you?

Absolutely. That you would even ask such a question demonstrates how absolutely fucking stupid you are...

Yes, immoral behaviors that impact the lives and liberty of others should be illegal.

Sex outside of marriage need not be outlawed. Killing babies should be outlawed.

Does your church believe that sex outside of marriage is moral? Doesn't sex outside of marriage impact the lives of both individuals?

How can you be such a fucking hypocrite?

The sad thing is that you girlfriend has chosen to have sex with a person that we all know, so she must certainly know as well, is not fit to be a father and will never commit to raising a child that comes out of that sex-life, even if spirited as you claim.

Go fuck yourself, you cocksucking little bitch.

I successfully raised a child who's now quite a successful woman. When my daughter's mother got pregnant, she and I were not married. So, what did I do? What did I, this person you seem to know so much about, do?

I married her. She and I were together for 27 years, and married for 26, when I lost her.

Don't pretend to know a single thing about me, you ignorant fuck, because it makes you look monumentally stupid when you do...

She has chosen to have sex with a man who will expect her to kill her child should she get pregnant. There's no need for her to have an abortion but she should seriously reconsider with whom she has sex.

She and I have spoken of marriage but, at this point in our lives, neither of us are going anywhere and she can't have any more children. But, if she were to, somehow, magically get pregnant, I'd marry her in a New York minute, and she knows it.

No, I would not expect her to terminate the pregnancy, and nothing I've said on this forum would give even the slightest intelligent individual that impression.

You're ignorant and stupid and you know nothing about me.

But, again, keep pretending that you know what the fuck you're talking about...
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And totally a woman's choice to move to a different state if she doesn't like the abortion laws in her state. Thanks for doing MY work for ME!
Move or either travel to another state for the sick procedure. Yes either or... Especially if the current state of residence no longer allows the procedure. Agree.
Rape only contributes to a tiny tiny percentage of abortions, barely 1%, yet it comes out 100% of the time to support abortion.

Jesse Jackson was conceived from rape and he went on to do great things that 99% of the population have never done, and many would have aborted him.
Rape only contributes to a tiny tiny percentage of abortions, barely 1%, yet it comes out 100% of the time to support abortion.

That 1% is no less important that the other 99%...

Jesse Jackson was conceived from rape and he went on to do great things that 99% of the population have never done, and many would have aborted him.

All he's done is further fuel the racial divide in this country.

This would be a better world had his mother aborted him...
Kristi Noem is like Kamala Harris; she blows....with the wind.
She vetoed the first bill from her legislature to protect female athletes from having to compete against men in dresses and men in women's swimming suits. When she got blasted for it, she changed her tune. She's no conservative but she'll play one more and more as her reelection gets closer.
And after you look into it that is UTTER BS. She is going after this crap under Title ix where they are using the 1972 law to force trans into the sport. The law pushed in her state would be nothing more than grandstanding. Her legal teams said it would be tied up in court and CHANGE NOTHING.

She is after a coalition of states to go after the NCAA...........And force the laws under Title ix. to be changed.

The Swamp doesn't like they are making up this BS against her like they always do.
Been way past time to tell those who allow late term Abortion to GFY.

For 50 years these ANIMALS have dictated to every state their TWISTED BS..........States have SAID ENOUGH.

Take a good look at the picture before it is REMOVED........That is the barbarism you have pushed for far too long. The decision doesn't stop it in BLUE SHIT HOLE STATES. It doesn't ban it in half the country. YOU JUST CAN'T DO IT HERE IN OUR STATE.

The State of Alabama STANDS WITH THE BABY who can't speak for themselves. To the PRO ABORTION CLOWNS............GFY.
That is gruesome and evil.
Yes IT IS. And it has gone on far too long. In half the country they allow this. Including at the day of birth.

These are the same people who will riot over it. They will also tell LIES on how they will have to use coat hangers again. In states where their are no abortion laws at all. And the idiots will believe them.

The MEDIA is a pack of LIARS.

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