Roe overturned

More leftist hysteria.

We've ALWAYS tried to explain to you the difference between abortion and contraception.

You FAR LEFTISTS only have hyperbole and fear left in your arsenal

Yet it is the far right Justice that brought it up and talked about removing it next.
Yup. Americans are getting fed up with all the extremist left-wing nonsense. The leftists’ attempt to silence, bully, and demonize dissenters isn’t going to work, and they will hear us loud and clear on Election Day.
Isn't that the republican modus operandi? No one is accepted in their party that doesn't support Trump 100% lock step?
" May Orc A TCO Shill "

* Is English Your First Language ? *

Rights, they're rights.

And "patriots" is a ridiculous thing to call people who A) usually support the Confederacy and support ceding from the Union and B) because of what the term "patriot" actually means.

Beyond that I have no idea what you want to say.
a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

* Petty Spelling Critic *

Who are the "brittish"?
That would be a missed spelling of british .

Distributions does not indicate whether any particular individual is intelligent , rather it indicates the expected median if of a first come first served , no one is mindng the door , immigration system is in place . IQ: Intelligence quotient by country

* Knights Of Columbus Are Psychopaths With Allegiance To Pope And Not US Constitution *

And again, another post that makes no sense.

* Affirmative Action Minority Majority And Other Self Entitled Anti-Racist Racist Bullshit *

And again, another post that makes no sense.
For Example : Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Advocacy Efforts
This year, the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce reaches 41 year of advocating for the economic and civic interests of the Houston Hispanic business community. Over the past forty-one years, the Chamber has evolved from a small group of active business leaders into the impactful organization with the reputation it enjoys today – the Leader of Houston’s New Majority ®.

" Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ? "

* Turning A Latin American Problem Into A North American Problem *
And again, another post that makes no sense.

" 600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own "

" Left Wing Mental Degenerates Undermining Reality Of Gangs "

" Homeland Threat Assessment October 2020 "


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" May Or Orc A TCO Shill "

* Is English Your First Language ? *

a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

* Petty Spelling Critic *

That would be a missed spelling of british .

* Knights Of Columbus Are Psychopaths With Allegiance To Pope And Not US Constitution *

* Affirmative Action Minority Majority And Other Self Entitled Anti-Racist Racist Bullshit *

For Example : Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Advocacy Efforts
This year, the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce reaches 41 year of advocating for the economic and civic interests of the Houston Hispanic business community. Over the past forty-one years, the Chamber has evolved from a small group of active business leaders into the impactful organization with the reputation it enjoys today – the Leader of Houston’s New Majority ®.

" Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ? "

* Turning A Latin American Problem Into A North American Problem *

" 600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own "

" Left Wing Mental Degenerates Undermining Reality Of Gangs "

" Homeland Threat Assessment October 2020 "

Your post is almost impossible to read. What do you want to say? I have no clue. Bye.
You’d better lobby for the ‘rubber’ amendment then.

And then people will tell me that nobody would try and do to birth control waht they did to abortion.

you people will not stop till same sex marriage, birth control and interracial marriage have all been done away with.
Isn't that the republican modus operandi? No one is accepted in their party that doesn't support Trump 100% lock step?
Who are these NOT ALLOWED..........hmmm

This all started with the Tea Party and the RINO hunt.

We want career politicians GONE..........BOTH SIDES.........Just taking out the garbage the best we can. But they are embedded in the Swamp.

When the zealots on the Left get around to remembering it was Trump who made this possible, they're REALLY going to lose their minds. ;)
I remember telling the Never Trumpers to vote for Trump because of the Court..........It was the NUMBER 1 ISSUE. And it stopped Hillary from packing the court.
Maybe, but the fascist left is pushing hard to pack the Supreme Court, or abolish it altogether. In light of the terrorist threats against justices coming from Chuck Schumer and others, the time to act was now.
If it upsets enough voters that they're willing to keep THIS party in power then they deserve the continued misery.
The stupid bitch can protect herself and demand her partner does as well
Yes, indeed! And after they have to go through this hassle once or twice, they'll begin using contraception just to avoid the time and inconvenience. Whatever it takes. There are rare instances where abortion can be defended but Roe made it possible for lazy, careless people to begin using abortion for contraception and that is evil. There is no excuse for it and I have zero sympathy for anyone who thinks that way.
" Clarence Is Okay With Private Contract Violations "

* Oh No ! Did Someone Just Tell Clarence Thomas He Married A Mud Shark ? *

And then people will tell me that nobody would try and do to birth control waht they did to abortion.

you people will not stop till same sex marriage, birth control and interracial marriage have all be done away with.
A republic based on e pluribus unum , unum is individualism , cedes that individuals are entitled to self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents by contract ) .

Negative liberties represent protections from both government and from other individuals , such as the disposition of ones private property for such things as civil unions .

Positive liberties are endowments and state recognition of marriage is included , such that state recognition of miscegenation marriages can be dissolved if a majority decided to do so , that is according to the insolence of clarence .
Wimpy decision by the court

If Abortion is immoral……say it is immoral and outlaw it
Letting 50 states determine morality makes no sense
The Mississippi law is more pro abortion than almost every European nations laws.

Funny how nobody talks about women being 2nd class citizens in Europe.

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