Roe overturned

Correct, Congress should have taken care of this decades ago. Stupid that they turned this into a political football for 5 decades.

What they did was violate the separation of powers, by abdicating their legislative responsibility to the judicial branch.

The very first sentence of enumerated powers is very clear.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.”
" Not A Democrat Fan By Any Means Rather A Pro Choice Republican Muted By Religious Reich "

* Principle Of This Issue Transcends Partisan Hacks *

You people are brainwashed cultists.

Do you every really look at the Democrat Party?

Who among you is pro-life? NO ONE!

I know many pro-choice republicans and that is before explaining the actual constitutional basis to them .
You do understand that not all women who are democrat have had an abortion don't you?

A person can be pro choice and choose not to have an abortion.

Many if us do not think we have the right to tell other people what they can or can't do with their own bodies.
all this decision does is put the issue to the voters of each state, where it belongs. Why do you libs and dems fear the voters?
Late term abortions are extremely rare
What is a "late term abortion"? If it is, then why do so many oppose ANY restrictions on it?

What are 'late-term’ abortions?
“Late-term” abortions are generally understood to take place during or after the 21st to 24th week of gestation, which is late in the second trimester. That gestational period roughly corresponds to the point of “fetal viability” or when a fetus might be able to survive outside the womb with or without medical assistance. However, there is no precise medical or legal definition of “late-term,” and many doctors and scientists avoid that language, calling it imprecise and misleading. They say “late-term” may imply that these abortions are taking place when a woman has reached or passed a full-term pregnancy, which is defined as starting in the 37th week

Yes IT IS. And it has gone on far too long. In half the country they allow this. Including at the day of birth.

These are the same people who will riot over it. They will also tell LIES on how they will have to use coat hangers again. In states where their are no abortion laws at all. And the idiots will believe them.

The MEDIA is a pack of LIARS.

all this decision does is put the issue to the voters of each state, where it belongs. Why do you libs and dems fear the voters?
I am not a democrat for the umpteenth time. Not a republican either.

No person has the right to tell anyone what they can and cannot do to their own body.
What is a "late term abortion"? If it is, then why do so many oppose ANY restrictions on it?

What are 'late-term’ abortions?
“Late-term” abortions are generally understood to take place during or after the 21st to 24th week of gestation, which is late in the second trimester. That gestational period roughly corresponds to the point of “fetal viability” or when a fetus might be able to survive outside the womb with or without medical assistance. However, there is no precise medical or legal definition of “late-term,” and many doctors and scientists avoid that language, calling it imprecise and misleading. They say “late-term” may imply that these abortions are taking place when a woman has reached or passed a full-term pregnancy, which is defined as starting in the 37th week

They rarely happen so obsessing over them is like obsessing over murders with an AR 15.
I am not a democrat for the umpteenth time. Not a republican either.

No person has the right to tell anyone what they can and cannot do to their own body.
While I agree with you, I wonder where this argument was when the faux vax was mandated?
They rarely happen so obsessing over them is like obsessing over murders with an AR 15.
They don't "rarely" happen, but either way you should have no problem with stopping the brutal practice.

Aren't you one of those "pro choice" Republican voters, the far left says doesn't exist?
And you will constantly run around screaming the sky is falling.

For 5 years after Trump was elected I told everyone that RvW was safe, I supported each SCOTUS pick from Trump and was stupid enough to believe them in their confirmation hearings.

No more, after yesterday nothing is safe in this country. Not same sex marriage, not birth control, not interracial marriage.
They don't "rarely" happen, but either way you should have no problem with stopping the brutal practice.

Aren't you one of those "pro choice" Republican voters, the far left says doesn't exist?

97% of abortions occur in the first 16 weeks and most of that 97% occur in the first 6 weeks
You do understand that not all women who are democrat have had an abortion don't you?

A person can be pro choice and choose not to have an abortion.

Many if us do not think we have the right to tell other people what they can or can't do with their own bodies.

This is one thing that the far right really cannot understand. They only want things they wish to do to be legal, everything else should not be.

They think one has to be gay to support same sex marriage.

They think one wants to smoke pot to support legalization.

The list goes on and on
No one was forced to get a vaccine just like no one is forced to get an abortion.
Of course they were. Many lost their jobs in Medical and companies with Federal Contracts. Military members were forced out. And companies started saying get the jab or get fired.

That IS FORCE. Do as I say or we will destroy you. Only reason it didn't happen with OSHA was SCOTUS.

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