Roe overturned

I didn't lose my job because of a Q tip .

But had the OSHA rule been passed that might have changed.

You want to force your beliefs on everyone. I suggest you do it in person. Go ahead.

People like you fucked this country. And you would have us be like that bitch in Canada if you could.

Screw you.
No I don't.

Like I said you were not forced to get a vaccine.

You take a stand against a Q tip good for you.
I didn't lose my job because of a Q tip .

But had the OSHA rule been passed that might have changed.

You want to force your beliefs on everyone. I suggest you do it in person. Go ahead.

People like you fucked this country. And you would have us be like that bitch in Canada if you could.

Screw you.
Canada is the most respected country in the world. We`re number 22.
No I don't.

Like I said you were not forced to get a vaccine.

You take a stand against a Q tip good for you.
That is FORCE...........PERIOD.......

Do as I say or I'll shove a swab up your nose once a week til you DO AS I SAY.

Got news for you ..........You would never get to do it once...........

I will do it ONLY IF I CHOOSE TO DO IT. Same with the vaccine.....PERIOD...

But you be a FASCIST........that's how the left rolls.
For 5 years after Trump was elected I told everyone that RvW was safe, I supported each SCOTUS pick from Trump and was stupid enough to believe them in their confirmation hearings.

No more, after yesterday nothing is safe in this country. Not same sex marriage, not birth control, not interracial marriage.
Oh good lord....can the hyperbolic bullshit would you?

The reason Roe was overturned is that it was foundationally flawed...The moment Roe was put in place, people like you that want the killing of unborn babies, should have fought to make an amendment....But you couldn't could you? Because in the end you know deep down you don't have the support for that...
Canada is the most respected country in the world. We`re number 22.
Europe trashed Trudeu over the passport mandates and what he did to truckers.
I am not a democrat for the umpteenth time. Not a republican either.

No person has the right to tell anyone what they can and cannot do to their own body.
no one is telling anyone what they can do with their own body (except the dems with the mandatory vax)

abortion will now be determined by the voters of each state, you can vote your opinion and the majority opinion will prevail. Its called democracy, like it or not.
I bet a Navy seal isn't afraid of a Q tip like you are

And I wasn't doing anything to anyone during Covid because I retired.

If a business owner has the right to refuse service to anyone then that business owner can require employees get vaccinated as a term of employment
yes, and that owner has to deal with the consequences of his mandate. no employees. freedom cuts both ways
I bet a Navy seal isn't afraid of a Q tip like you are

And I wasn't doing anything to anyone during Covid because I retired.

If a business owner has the right to refuse service to anyone then that business owner can require employees get vaccinated as a term of employment
Stop playing this psycho BS on me. Oh YOUR SCARED OF A Q TIP.

STFU. That is childish nonsense.

Here is the deal. I said NO. I WILL NOT TAKE THE JAB OR YOUR Q TIP.

If you fire me for my FREEDOM and try to destroy me FOR NOT OBEYING and it hurts my family. Then this country will get violent soon.

We ARE NOT CANADA..........You have no RIGHT IN AMERICA to ORDER ME TO OR ELSE...........

It's past overdue we settle our differences with people like you in this country.
Oh good lord....can the hyperbolic bullshit would you?

The reason Roe was overturned is that it was foundationally flawed...The moment Roe was put in place, people like you that want the killing of unborn babies, should have fought to make an amendment....But you couldn't could you? Because in the end you know deep down you don't have the support for that...
WTF is an unborn baby?
The reason Roe was overturned is that it was foundationally flawed

And that same "flaw" exist in the laws allowing same sex marriage, birth control and interracial marriage according to at least one SC Justice and a great many people on the right.

If you do not wish to the same thing happen to those rights you are an outlier among your own tribe.
" Big Pharma And Big Tech Hay Pay Day "

* Devious Schemes *

They WON IN COURT lefty.

Guess you didn't know they said we will NOT TAKE IT.......and WON IN COURT.........Same as Anthrax.
In my opinion ivermectin could have been administered to the public at large as a general prophylaxis , simply as a trial with a drug that has been used on billions of people since ; however , big pharma wanted a big payday .

Those who were unable to get a vaccination were prescribed steroids and other medicines promptly when symptoms onset and recovered without issue .

* NIH.GOV Outs Big Pharma *

The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope specific, possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains.


* Diabetes Research And Gain Of Function To Disable A Battle Field *

Diabetic patients are three times as likely as nondiabetics to develop a severe case of COVID and they are two to three times as likely to die of it.

Unless it is type 1 in children , diabetes is a progressive disease brought on by the cane killed able high fructose insulin industry .

* Dissenting From Bandwagon Mentality *

I know of at least 5 people with complications from covid vaccinations , healthy middle age males .

One died of congestive heart failure , two died of blood clots and two others are having long term congestive heart issues .

One that died of blood clots had diabetes and was described by office mates as being literally bruised purple in the coffin .

I believe to have caught it on a plane from florida that was packed with 120 band students coming from a band conference , one week before my company sent everyone to work from home .

At the time there was not testing to confirm and i do not have any intention of getting the vaccination .

* Documentary Video For Prosecution Of Racketeering *

Don't play that crap on me. You try to stick it up my nose to keep my job You WILL REGRET IT.

Mind your OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. The jab is BS.........And your saying take it or get fired or I WILL DESTROY FASCISM.

The jab and Covid by people like you have fucked this country to where we are now.........I have no reason to LISTEN OR OBEY a Branch COVIDIAN.
In my state FLA, there are literally hundred's of thousand's who never got the jab, and they never wore a mask, never were isolated from other's at work or at play, never quit working through the pandemic, never locked down, some have never had the virus even though they've been around people that have had it, most however have had the virus gaining natural immunity from it, some got it more than once giving them finally some much needed immunity from it, but at least it didn't kill them, no one but a tiny fraction are wearing mask now, and life is fully 99% back to normal for the state, uhhhh other than what Biden and his minion's are doing to it that is crippling the economy now.

Not sure if the virus was an attack on us by an enemy or what, but if this nation doesn't continue it's investigation into it's origins, and it's possible use as a bio weapon, and to do so for national security reasons, and it doesn't do it's due diligence in that investigation, then our enemy has won the battle... Worse is that the alledged enemy could be working to strike yet again. Anyone that is found to have been involved in the alledged attack that is a US citizen should be detained as traitor's, and executed for treason, otherwise if it was found out that it was an attack aided and abetted by American traitor's within.

It's that serious in my opinion.

Open border's is a serious national security threat, and for our government under Democrat rule to ignore the threat's due to incompetence or other is reason for impeachment, recalls, and the firing of anyone who went along with the open border shananigans in which put this nations health and security in grave danger. Waking up from the drunkenness this nation has been under is going to be an amazing thing when it finally sobers up, and hopefully it does before it's to late.

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