Roe overturned

Of course they were. Many lost their jobs in Medical and companies with Federal Contracts. Military members were forced out. And companies started saying get the jab or get fired.

That IS FORCE. Do as I say or we will destroy you. Only reason it didn't happen with OSHA was SCOTUS.
Everyone had the choice of frequent testing.

And if you join the military you are already given all kinds of shots anyway
Everyone had the option of frequent testing. If they refused that's on them
Shove a swab up your nose weekly or ELSE.........LOL

That was the OSHA BS that was shot down in courts.

You have the OPTION TO NOT FUCK..........So if you get pregnant and can't abort IT'S ON YOU.

See how that works?
" Poster Child Parades "

* Ogrish Weirdos *

Not sure if that pic is what you are told or think that it is, but if it is what you are told and/or think that it is, then Democrat's are some seriously sick human beings. Anyone who votes for a Democrat is one sick puppy. They ought to hang their head's in shame.
The photo does not include a scale and does not include a factual narrative , the fetus appears to be intact and so it may be a miscarriage .

You should not get caught up in shock value sensationalism of goofballs who enjoy the macabre of freakish and most often extremely rare events .

I could post photographs of List of fetal abnormalities - Wikipedia for which nearly all , if not all , second and third trimester abortions occur , but i do not enjoy seeing it .

* Sentience And Empathy *

There are two justifiable reasons for representing a fetus by proxy , one is constitutional that by roe v wade allows abortion to be proscribed post viability based on an equal protection requirement by virtue of birth and another is empathy which requires the physical capacity for sentience , irrespective of whether anesthesia is issues .

Many with whom i have had discussion that considered themselves opposed to abortion were mostly concerned with fetal pain during the abortion and often do not understand that the onset of sentience occurs post viability .
Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks.

Regardless of whether the emotional content of pain is acquired, the psychological nature of pain presupposes the presence of functional thalamocortical circuitry required for conscious perception, as discussed below.
People lost their jobs over vaccine mandates. Stop with the lies
Shove a swab up your nose weekly or ELSE.........LOL

That was the OSHA BS that was shot down in courts.

You have the OPTION TO NOT FUCK..........So if you get pregnant and can't abort IT'S ON YOU.

See how that works?
OOOOH afraid of a cotton swab.

Stop being a fucking pussy
Everyone had the choice of frequent testing.

And if you join the military you are already given all kinds of shots anyway
I was in the military and had many jabs...........This one I DON'T AGREE WITH. Because by the old definition it didn't stop you from getting the virus or spreading it. It's NOT A VACCINE.

Anthrax was FORCED then discontinued after military members SUED to stop it.

Later it was found that it wasn't even needed,. Wouldn't have stopped the threat of air born artillery rounds. And was even dangerous.

I was in the military and had many jabs...........This one I DON'T AGREE WITH. Because by the old definition it didn't stop you from getting the virus or spreading it. It's NOT A VACCINE.

Anthrax was FORCED then discontinued after military members SUED to stop it.

Later it was found that it wasn't even needed,. Wouldn't have stopped the threat of air born artillery rounds. And was even dangerous.

Boo fuckin hoo

A soldier who is afraid of a cotton swab. That's funny
OOOOH afraid of a cotton swab.

Stop being a fucking pussy
Don't play that crap on me. You try to stick it up my nose to keep my job You WILL REGRET IT.

Mind your OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. The jab is BS.........And your saying take it or get fired or I WILL DESTROY FASCISM.

The jab and Covid by people like you have fucked this country to where we are now.........I have no reason to LISTEN OR OBEY a Branch COVIDIAN.
Don't play that crap on me. You try to stick it up my nose to keep my job You WILL REGRET IT.

Mind your OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. The jab is BS.........And your saying take it or get fired or I WILL DESTROY FASCISM.

The jab and Covid by people like you have fucked this country to where we are now.........I have no reason to LISTEN OR OBEY a Branch COVIDIAN.
IDGAF if you lose your job because you're afraid of a Q tip
" Insolence And Disregard For Credo And Citizenship At Its Worst "

* Non Enumerated Ninth Amendment Precedes Tenth Amendment *

What they did was violate the separation of powers, by abdicating their legislative responsibility to the judicial branch.

The very first sentence of enumerated powers is very clear.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.”
The entire principle behind e pluribus unum is individualism and that any individual is entitled to stand against the majority , even every other individual in the country .

None would expect the legislative branch to take up a cause that does not represent a populous political consensus .

Such arguments that wrights must be enumerated through legislation is nonsense .
Boo fuckin hoo

A soldier who is afraid of a cotton swab. That's funny
Go say that to the Seals or people in the service or who have served.

Do it...........IN PERSON.......Go up to them and SAY..........PUT THIS SWAB UP YOUR NOSE BECAUSE I SAY SO........OR YOUR FIRED.

Make sure you have medical coverage.........because YOU WILL NEED IT.

Which part of Americans saying FUCK YOUR JAB and your LOCK DOWNS don't you understand.

Bring that shit up November and remind everyone what assholes you were during covid. PLEASE DO THAT.
I was in the military and had many jabs...........This one I DON'T AGREE WITH. Because by the old definition it didn't stop you from getting the virus or spreading it. It's NOT A VACCINE.

Anthrax was FORCED then discontinued after military members SUED to stop it.

Later it was found that it wasn't even needed,. Wouldn't have stopped the threat of air born artillery rounds. And was even dangerous.

Exhibit A: Why we lead the world in Covid deaths. The dumb fucks of the planet.
IDGAF if you lose your job because you're afraid of a Q tip
I didn't lose my job because of a Q tip .

But had the OSHA rule been passed that might have changed.

You want to force your beliefs on everyone. I suggest you do it in person. Go ahead.

People like you fucked this country. And you would have us be like that bitch in Canada if you could.

Screw you.
Go say that to the Seals or people in the service or who have served.

Do it...........IN PERSON.......Go up to them and SAY..........PUT THIS SWAB UP YOUR NOSE BECAUSE I SAY SO........OR YOUR FIRED.

Make sure you have medical coverage.........because YOU WILL NEED IT.

Which part of Americans saying FUCK YOUR JAB and your LOCK DOWNS don't you understand.

Bring that shit up November and remind everyone what assholes you were during covid. PLEASE DO THAT.
The Seals and veterans are all thugs? Shame on you.
Go say that to the Seals or people in the service or who have served.

Do it...........IN PERSON.......Go up to them and SAY..........PUT THIS SWAB UP YOUR NOSE BECAUSE I SAY SO........OR YOUR FIRED.

Make sure you have medical coverage.........because YOU WILL NEED IT.

Which part of Americans saying FUCK YOUR JAB and your LOCK DOWNS don't you understand.

Bring that shit up November and remind everyone what assholes you were during covid. PLEASE DO THAT.
I bet a Navy seal isn't afraid of a Q tip like you are

And I wasn't doing anything to anyone during Covid because I retired.

If a business owner has the right to refuse service to anyone then that business owner can require employees get vaccinated as a term of employment

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