Roe overturned


Kristi Noem, governor of South Dakota, where abortion is now illegal, announces a special legislative session later this year to "help mothers" in some way.

“We must do what we can to help mothers in crisis know that there are options and resources available for them."
Kristi Noem is like Kamala Harris; she blows....with the wind.
She vetoed the first bill from her legislature to protect female athletes from having to compete against men in dresses and men in women's swimming suits. When she got blasted for it, she changed her tune. She's no conservative but she'll play one more and more as her reelection gets closer.
They did, moron!

"But a series of the Court's later decisions, beginning with the 1954 decision Brown v. Board of Education—which held that the "separate but equal" doctrine is unconstitutional in the context of public schools and educational facilities—have severely weakened Plessy to the point that it is considered to have been de facto overruled."

I'm not sure if it's just plain ignorance or low key racism that has you fools confusing Dred Scott with Plessy. I mean, it's all just stuff about black people, right? Same same.
How about because June is when almost every Supreme Court case is released. The session year starts in October and ends the end of June.

It turns out that you don't know shit about the United States. What a fucking idiot. We need an Internet Firewall between the US and Canada.

LOL, this was one of the best posts I've read all day. Thank you for this, it invoked a hearty laugh.

You are correct, I still have much to learn, but at least I try.
That's not what they said about guns.
That's the difference between the enumerated rights like the right to keep and bear arms, and the now-admitted-to-be-fake right to privacy and to kill your children is an unenumerated right covered by the 10th Amendment.
Roe v. Wade made abortion a constitutionally protected activity. Don't play stupid.
Roe v Wade did not make it constitutionally protected. The Constitution was not modified when it was upheld and was not modified when it was overturned. Roe v Wade was precedent but unconstitutional. It was unconstitutional before it went to the Supreme Court, it was unconstitutional for the next 50 years, and is unconstitutional now.

If you break a law that is later determined to be unconstitutional then it is as if the law never existed and your conviction no longer exists.

So if you are protected by a law that is later determined to be unconstitutional and, then, it is as if the law never existed, can you now be charged? Can we now charge all those women with murder?

Ok, probably not. But I can wish, can't I?
Just what we needed was more unwed mothers. Should fix all our problems. Perfect for a country that already has no decent childcare. I’m sure teachers are excited about more bad students from overworked single parent homes. Wonder how many criminals come from single parent homes?

No doubt you're a big fan of Margaret Sanger and eugenics.
Well…they are attempting it aren’t they by prosecuting anyone who helps a woman do so?
People, politicians, fanatics, attempt all kind of crap, but not without consequence in life or the courts. This will not fly in the courts.
And get rid of the Scientology while we're at it!
I have no love for Scientology, Mormonism (I am an ex-mormon), Catholicism, or any other bullshit organized religion. That's why I chose Norse Paganism. It's not organized and glorifies killing enemies.

Machine guns or Valhalla!!!

But I will die to defend the right to practice bullshit religions because that is freedom.

Get rid of the clumsy, unnecessary 14th Amendment and you can do whatever you want in your communist hell hole.

Until then, fuck off. All gun laws, Fed, State, or local, are UNCONSTITUTIONAL via the 14th, so felons get belt-fed machine guns and they can carry them in every school, courthouse, or airport in America, and if you don't like it, fuck you. That's the breaks. "Shall not be infringed" means NO GUN LAWS.

Scientology is protected.
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But the real damage here is that there is not one single Supreme Court precedent that means anything anymore. From now on, all past precedents will be subject to the political leanings of the court at that moment in time. Heller? Enjoy it while it lasts. Yesterday's ruling on gun rights? It has an expiration date.
Truth. The moment I heard the words "super precedent"...I stopped thinking of the supreme court as anything other than just another political stage.
" Crowned Dumb Premises For Over Drawn Blanket Outlaw Actions "

* Overly Concerned With Grandiose Schemes For The Ridiculous *

If your vision includes killing a baby that has crowned, it seems off base. We have babies born months premature who turn out fine.
Stop using third trimester abortions as a justification for outlawing health decisions optioned for good cause , under a guise of some fabricated scenario someone might get a kick out of killing an otherwise healthy fetus , as if on such an extremely rare occasion if ever at all such a demented psychopath should be entitled to an afterlife in the first place .

Those born premature and survive do not delegitimize natural viability as a sufficient standard for a birth requirement .

Microvilli testing can occur as early as 8 weeks but is not typically administered , while amniocentesis can occur no earlier than 15 weeks with a 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage , and at 20 weeks with a 1 in 200 change of miscarriage , which is why 24 weeks ( viability ) is relevant to adequately deal with fetal abnormalities typically identified by ultrasound around 15 weeks .

* Back Pocket Expectations *
Your argument is that it is illegal to stop any procedure that would kill an unborn baby at any time.

What about once it is on the table? Full rights?
The first statement is inconsistent with my assertions and does not make sense to me .

As for the second statement , any born are entitled to equal protection including due process , which is the basis of constitutional protections by virtue of a birth requirement that is clarified under Title 1 Section 8 .

Perhaps you are making reference to deformities of a fetus that would not survive and is allowed to die without intervention or have euthanasia performed .

Or , perhaps you are making reference to a condition where premature birth occurs and asking whether an obligation to provide medical treatment to maintain its life , irrespective of whether the parents or doctor seeks intervention , to which the answer would be that medical treatment should be administered .
" Ninth Amendment Precedes The Tenth For A Reason Including Prevalence "

* Antifederalist Blathering About Statistism Is Faced With An Antifederatlist And AntiStatists Promoting Individualism *

That's the difference between the enumerated rights like the right to keep and bear arms, and the now-admitted-to-be-fake right to privacy and to kill your children is an unenumerated right covered by the 10th Amendment.
A state is comprised of citizens and citizens along with their constitutional protections are instantiated at birth , ergo birth is a requirement for equal protection and the onset of state interests , save judicial activism by virtue of post viability from roe v wade .

A fetus without constitutional protections is private property of the mother and privacy follows as incidental and secondary , but not principles to the constitutional basis for abortion or roe v wade .

The shit for brains supreme court did not establish that a fetus had constitutional protections , it does not , rather it violated the constitution and relegated the credo of e pluribus unum for individualism to the authoritarian dictates of religious fatwas by puritanical degenerates .

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[3]

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
" Sentience Requirement "

* Without The Slightest Clue And Other Numb Skull Beliefs *

I am sure that all the newborns who have not yet been born are happy today.

Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks.

Regardless of whether the emotional content of pain is acquired, the psychological nature of pain presupposes the presence of functional thalamocortical circuitry required for conscious perception, as discussed below.


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