Roe overturned

Thank all of you who participated in the discussion of dinging males for fathering children out of wedlock. Frankly, in my experience, that is a rather rare occurrence unless the state actually requires it for public assistance. But still.
Your comments drip with naivety but, by accident I think, ends up being correct.

Fathering children out of wedlock is not at all rare. 40% of all children born in the United States were fathered out of wedlock. For black children, 70% were fathered out of wedlock.

For millennial women, the overall number is 57% fathered outside of wedlock.

Many of those are because the Government pays women to have children outside of wedlock. More babies, more money. And no accountability at all to those fathers, if the mother even knows who the father is. So, you're probably right that welfare is a driver for the high number but that's not "rare unless". Your "unless" is more likely the norm and, in any case, it is absolutely not rare, welfare or not.
There are people starting up all sorts of entrepreneurial businesses getting women to travel via airplanes and other methods of transportation to states that will perform abortions. The thing is, 93% of abortions occur in the first trimester now. So, most people aren't for 2nd and 3rd term abortions. Even pregnant women. Especially when they feel the baby moving around.
Most of the states will allow abortions in first trimester
But only Congress can make law. If the Dems pick up two seats in November, the filibuster is gone, and abortion rights will be the law of the land.

And since the filibuster will be gone, a wrecking ball will be taken to conservative laws upheld by the court.

Citizens United. Gone

Voting Rights Act. Reinstated

National background check law for all gun purchases

National right to unionize workplaces in all 50 states

And that's just the short list.
There are about a dozes states on the east coast, west coast, and serval in the mid section that will not restrict abortion. There are also about a dozen more that will have limited restrictions. The remainder of the states mostly in the south will band abortion entirely. However, the abortion pill can now be sent legally through the mail so a number of countries which sell the pills over the counter will sell them in the US. For those who choose not to use the abortion bill, they can always get an abortion from the states that don't restrict abortions. Planned Parenthood and other organizations are there to help those with financial problems.

With the overturning of Roe v Wade I doubt that the number of abortions will decrease significantly. However we won't really know for sure since abortions via the pill will remain unknown
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My husband and I are both retired
We can afford

Tell that to the people working in your grocery store and many other median income jobs.

Oh, I suppose they either should have gone to college or a trade school.
" Consistency Of Belief Means More "
It's the economy, stupid
* Classical Liberalism *
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on limited government, economic freedom, and political freedom.

* @NonNomian *

A creedo of e pluribus unum is based in individualism to include non enumerated wrights of negative liberties from Us 9th amendment , equally protected from government and from other individuals . Us 9th non enumerated wrights are not deprecated by state interests from Us 10th .

Negative liberties represent protections , independence and individualism . Positive liberties represent endowments , dependence and collectivism . E pluribus unum means individualism . Democracy against individualism conspires tyranny by majority .

E Pluribus Unum Republicanism seeks a republic founded upon principles of non violence and individualism between its citizens . Republicanism asserts that negative liberties are to be equally protected . Republicanism dissents that positive liberties may not be equally endowed .

* Liberal Versus Conservative Paradigm Is Intellectual Buffoonery *

" Political Science Terminology : Negative / Positive : Wrights / Liberties : Protections / Endowments "

* Stupid Fucks *

As sanctimonious theocratic bureaucratic authoritarians on the right promote a genetic afterlife for rapists , sanctimonious adherents for redemption through the religion of secular humanism on the left will grant visitation and child custody to the rapists .

The mandated debt of fetal abnormalities is not to be dictated by individuals which are delusional about the literal meaning in the metaphors of an after life , a chance for eternal life , a life to come , reincarnation , etc . as other than passing on ones genetic identity .
These people don't know what they've done. Roe versus Wade came about because states were passing too many egregious abortion bills. Now states are passing bills which are even more egregious. And you expect something good to come up this. You just created more misery, more heartache and a whole lot more problems. It solves nothing, this is nothing to celebrate.
It is absolutely something to celebrate. It gives us hope that the Constitution may survive the left afterall. Another member posted that it's disappointing because it didn't outright ban abortion. That is, and should be, the ultimate goal - a constitutional amendment banning abortion - but this wasn't that opportunity. Abortion in the United States is alive and well.

The thing to celebrate is the rule of law; the restoration of the Constitution as the source of power in government and as the document behind Supreme Court decisions. Today we have hope. Now we need to keep it. We need to win in 2022 and in 2024. Then we need to get an Article V convention and limit the Court to 9. Otherwise, today's victory will be short lived.

As others have mentioned, one or two more senators for the Democrats in 2022 and the filibuster is gone, the Court has 15 seats, and abortion is once again, illegally and unconstitutionally, the psuedo law-of-the-land.
From page 119 of the decision.

For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, includ- ing Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Because any sub- stantive due process decision is “demonstrably erroneous,” Ramos v. Louisiana, 590 U. S. ___, ___ (2020) (THOMAS, J., concurring in judgment) (slip op., at 7), we have a duty to “correct the error” established in those precedents, Gamble v. United States, 587 U. S. ___, ___ (2019) (THOMAS, J., con- curring) (slip op., at 9). After overruling these demonstra- bly erroneous decisions, the question would remain whether other constitutional provisions guarantee the myr- iad rights that our substantive due process cases have gen- erated.
You know a concurring opinion means nothing. That was Justice Thomas' feelings on the topic and his alone.
" Children Pretending To Be Adults "
It is absolutely something to celebrate. It gives us hope that the Constitution may survive the left afterall. Another member posted that it's disappointing because it didn't outright ban abortion. That is, and should be, the ultimate goal - a constitutional amendment banning abortion - but this wasn't that opportunity. Abortion in the United States is alive and well.

The thing to celebrate is the rule of law; the restoration of the Constitution as the source of power in government and as the document behind Supreme Court decisions. Today we have hope. Now we need to keep it. We need to win in 2022 and in 2024. Then we need to get an Article V convention and limit the Court to 9. Otherwise, today's victory will be short lived.

As others have mentioned, one or two more senators for the Democrats in 2022 and the filibuster is gone, the Court has 15 seats, and abortion is once again, illegally and unconstitutionally, the psuedo law-of-the-land.
The most fundamental element of the constitution CITIZENSHIP was just destroyed by a bunch of neophyte dumbasses .

The left despises citizenship that is clearly evident by its open door trampling of it on the border .

The right just destroyed it completely and betrayed the foundational credo of e pluribus unum that emphasizes a republic protecting negative liberties of the individual against tyranny by majority .

* Copraphiliacs And Turd Digglers *

The dumbass supreme court did not establish that a fetus is entitled to equal protection without meeting a birth requirement , the dumbass supreme court established that as state can stick its shit sniffing nose in your personal business of which it does not have the slightest entitlement or interest .
So tell me: Is living paycheck to paycheck, wondering where you'll get your next meal or how to afford it, worrying about how you'll pay your mortgage or rent, or finding formula for your baby actually preferable to having Trump in office?

I find that very hard to believe.

Yeah, but... Trump sent mean tweets... and he's orange... The left would certainly sacrifice their hungry child to stop that... Afterall, it's just post-partem abortion.
Like it was said......"The Party of Satan is not having a good day today".

Truer words were never spoken.
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Yesterday, I could have gone out and gotten an abortion of I needed one. As of today, it's now illegal. So much for deeply rooted traditions.

But the real damage here is that there is not one single Supreme Court precedent that means anything anymore. From now on, all past precedents will be subject to the political leanings of the court at that moment in time. Heller? Enjoy it while it lasts. Yesterday's ruling on gun rights? It has an expiration date.

The democrats will respond with moves to pack the court. Things will spiral more and more out of control in our country. And China will be the ultimate winner.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade
Unless you live in a state that has declared abortion illegal, you're posting BS.
" Foolishness Of Absolutely Zero Attention To Detail Or Logical Deduction "
And then pass legislation. Trying to do this via SCOTUS and violating the Constitution is not the answer.
Non enumerated wrights of us 9th precede state interests in us 10th .

A state has ZERO interest and in fact violates us constitution by granting unequal protection to a fetus that has not met the requirement of birth for equal protection .
" Usurpers Of Constitution Pretending To Support It "
Like it was said......"The Party of Satan is not having a good day today".

Truer words were nover spoken.
As a pro-choice republican , your comments are nonsense .

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