Roe overturned

On Hannity, they're showing the leftist mob was heading for Schumer's home to try to force him to pass a new abortion law.

Midway, they changed direction and it is believed that they're headed to the Fox News studio.

This could get very bad in the gun-free zone of NYC.
" Whatever You Say Domestic Terrorist "

I am hoping that states start arresting mothers for having abortions.

* Neophytes And Mental Degenerates *

All eat toe is a fucking retarded lying imbecile along with the rest of the pro-choice administrators and politicians whom for +25 years were too stupid to intimate and explain the constitutional basis of roe v wade as a birth requirement for equal protection .

A " potential life " by Blackmun in post viability related that a birth requirement was sufficient in its potential and sufficient for state interests to begin .

That is , a state is comprised of citizens , while citizens and their constitutional protections are instantiated with a birth requirement , ergo birth is a requirement for equal protection .

* A Categorical Dumbass *

Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on previ-ability abortions. The Court did not explain the basis for this line, and even abortion supporters have found it hard to defend Roe's reasoning.

* Too Stupid To Understand Non Enumerated Wrights In Us 9th Precede State Interests In Us 10th *

Every time supreme court nominations were brought forward they pro-choice administrators and politicians were notified and directed to challenge them with the following , but they were too arrogant , complacent and incompetent to listen .

" Demand Any Nomination For Us Supreme Court Justice Explain Blackmun ' Logically Of Course ' Statement From Roe V Wade "



* Pro Choice Republican Going To Drop The Traitorous Party On Its Head *

The meaning of an after life , a chance for eternal life , the life to come , reincarnation , born again , are all metaphors for passing on ones genetic identity through ones offspring , so that another both figuratively and literally as oneself , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded as life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of eternal damnation and final judgement .

The success criteria of nature , for a sophisticated physical state , has not changed nor will it ; you will not be waking up from a dirt nap .

Consider what gawd thinks of your wife being a whore and you being deceived into being a surrogate for a bastard that does not represent your genetic afterlife and survival .

" Congressional Thumpers Demand That Abortion Be Legal For Adultery "

* Best Not To Provoke All Intent To Destroy You *

The dumbass ascetics better stop trying to validate its faith by violating us constitution , or contend with unadulterated version for the meaning of life .

The only thing to be heard out of your stupid mouths is we are praying and ministering to those who have been compelled to make such choices .…

" And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. "
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He is not on the ballot, but many that agree with him are.

If the GOP wins big then nothing will be safe, they will take it as a sign the people want them to take away as many rights as possible.
Imagine that; the GOP would take it as a sign that the people who voted for them wanted them to do what the people who voted for them want...

Representative government... I'm glad you thought of that. Too bad you weren't around in the late 18th century so it could be built into our Constitution....

But you needn't worry; the Republicans won't do a thing. They never do anything. Even now, they're not running on ideas; they're running on not being Democrats and on getting Schumer and Pelosi out. There's no difference between Schumer and McConnell. No difference between Pelosi and McCarthy. Socialism is safe in America.
On Hannity, they're showing the leftist mob was heading for Schumer's home to try to force him to pass a new abortion law.

Midway, they changed direction and it is believed that they're headed to the Fox News studio.

This could get very bad in the gun-free zone of NYC.

They seem lost and confused
It’s now libs turn to live with a decision they disagree with….So far, as expected they are acting like children in the toy isle that just got told no.
Just wait until they get to the candy display!
I am bothered by the notion that 50 years of legal precedent can be dismissed merely by a change in the membership of the court. That seems a bad road to go down.

I am also interested to see if this has any impact on the mid-terms.
This is going to hurt Republicans in November. Bet on it.
Yesterday, I could have gone out and gotten an abortion of I needed one. As of today, it's now illegal. So much for deeply rooted traditions.

But the real damage here is that there is not one single Supreme Court precedent that means anything anymore. From now on, all past precedents will be subject to the political leanings of the court at that moment in time. Heller? Enjoy it while it lasts. Yesterday's ruling on gun rights? It has an expiration date.

The democrats will respond with moves to pack the court. Things will spiral more and more out of control in our country. And China will be the ultimate winner.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

Yes, you are a moron. Overturning Roe V. Wade did not make abortion illegal, It just turned the decision back to the states.
He is not on the ballot, but many that agree with him are.

If the GOP wins big then nothing will be safe, they will take it as a sign the people want them to take away as many rights as possible.

I think that is a load of crap. Nothing will be safe = bullshit. Whether the GOP wins big or not, the SC is going to do what they do but I don't think they will reopen any case regarding constitutional rights without a new case to review as a basis for any new decision. And they are not going to take away as many rights possible, that is ridiculous. But they eventually will take a look at some constitutional rights that are incorrectly based on a right to privacy that itself is questionable. IOW, the constitutional right shouldn't exist in the first place. No one really knows how any of this will play out, maybe Clarence Thomas drops dead and the Court will not overturn those other cases. Roberts voted to allow the Dobbs case to stand but he voted against overturning Roe v Wade and he might very well do the same with the others. So it's ridiculous to be bitching about something that may never happen. Unless of course all you really want to do is stir up some baseless fear to get out the vote, even though the November election has nothing to do with those other rights.

IMHO, the establishment of a constitutional right should not be in the hands of 9 unelected people. If such a right is not found in the context of the Constitution then it ought to be codified into law by congressional legislation that is signed by the president. But to stretch the right to privacy into saying that means a woman has the right to an abortion is way over the top. And if such legislation does not exist, then it should be left to the states to determine as they see fit for their citizens. Some people aren't going to like blue states offering unrestricted abortions, while other people are not going to like red states denying abortions under whatever limitations if any. I say tough shit. If you don't like what your state is doing then vote out those people and get it changed. And if you don't like what some other state is doing, well maybe it's none of your effing business, or you can move to that state and work to change things there. Or pass legislation in the US Congress to set abortion rights at the federal level. Today's ruling only means the constitution has no right to an abortion in it, but that does not mean the Congress can't create civil abortion rights.
My prediction: The Democrats will keep the House and win more seats in the Senate in November 2022.
I can hardly wait! ☺
" Definitely Fucking Up A Great Opportunity "
This is going to hurt Republicans in November. Bet on it.
As a pro-choice republican whom values citizenship , believes in negative liberty and despises authoritarians , I am sad to do it because demonrats are authoritarian ass clowns as well , but i am voting against repugnicans because on this issue they need to be rectified .
Yet another person who invokes Dred Scott, as if the Supreme Court overturned it.
They did, moron!

"But a series of the Court's later decisions, beginning with the 1954 decision Brown v. Board of Education—which held that the "separate but equal" doctrine is unconstitutional in the context of public schools and educational facilities—have severely weakened Plessy to the point that it is considered to have been de facto overruled."

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