Roe overturned

Correct. I think the more left wing you are, the more empathy you have, but it's not a solution and it divides people. Empathy is linked to anger and evil. The more right wing you are, the more you display rational compassion, they assess the outcomes, consequences, and alternative options. Conservatives can and do help people, but it's done structurally as opposed to emotionally.
Very interesting take. . .

However, I have to ask; Where is the evidence of the left having or showing empathy for children in the womb?
Not sure what you mean by support. I can explain what I consider to be a Constitutional argument for rape and life of the mother exceptions to a ban on abortions.

As for incest, unless it was consensual, it is same as rape. Isn't it?
Interesting. So you still argue that there are constitutional protections for abortion. Please do tell us how the Constitution supports ripping babies apart limb-by-limb in the womb and sucking out the parts with a vacuum because of the sin of how the child was conceived.

And tell us about those exceptions that you believe warrant that.

How stateswoman like.She's a Liar who makes up crap.
Becomes virile at the drop of a political quandary.
Who gives a shitty fuck in hell what this Extremist
nutbag boston rabble-rouser thinks.She's nutty.
Ties with Maxine Waters as most Nutty Politician in
recent american history.Plus both nutters are spoiled
political brats.
You can't continue to implement stare decisis on something that has been incorrectly decided. For example, Dred Scott v. Sandford. Had we continued stare decisis there, the Civil Rights movement as we know it today would have deen dead on arrival.

Yet another person who invokes Dred Scott, as if the Supreme Court overturned it.
Very interesting take. . .

However, I have to ask; Where is the evidence of the left having or showing empathy for children in the womb?
Todays Leftists are worse than Rats during the Black plague.
Because they have the capacity to think not become
dependent on sewer dwelling and lack of a food source.
Rabble-rousing is the Food of Leftists.
Correct. I think the more left wing you are, the more empathy you have, but it's not a solution and it divides people. Empathy is linked to anger and evil. The more right wing you are, the more you display rational compassion, they assess the outcomes, consequences, and alternative options. Conservatives can and do help people, but it's done structurally as opposed to emotionally.
Are you nuts? Left wing have never in history been more empathetic. How left wing was Pol Pot? Stalin? How empathetic is it to kill 60 million babies, scarring 50 million women with a thing that will haunt them the rest of their lives?

How empathetic is burning down business, killing business owners and others in riots? How empathetic is it to watch hundreds of thousands of women and children get sexually assaulted and/or raped coming to our southern border? How empathetic is it to release known violent criminals on to the streets of minority neighborhoods to rape and kill all over again.

The idea that the left is more empathetic, that they have empathy at all, is just plain stupid.
There is good cause to overturn gay marriage. No surprise in that.

And even more people support gay marriage then abortion. Right now there is as much talk about what is taken away next as there is about abortion. That is what will drive people to the voting booth in Nov.

Justice Thomas even wants to readdress legal birth control. You think maybe his statement about that might find its way to a few Dem ads this election season?
Interesting. So you still argue that there are constitutional protections for abortion. Please do tell us how the Constitution supports ripping babies apart limb-by-limb in the womb and sucking out the parts with a vacuum because of the sin of how the child was conceived.

And tell us about those exceptions that you believe warrant that.

I'm not really feeling the need to respond to such a hostile confrontation. However, I will say that the Constitutional argument in favor of permitting abortions in cases of rape has nothing to do with punishing the child for the sins of the father.
And even more people support gay marriage then abortion. Right now there is as much talk about what is taken away next as there is about abortion. That is what will drive people to the voting booth in Nov.

Justice Thomas even wants to readdress legal birth control. You think maybe his statement about that might find its way to a few Dem ads this election season?
You overplay the emotion of the moment card. Four months is a long time. Several lifetimes of liberal attention span. Things will shift and settle in weeks, then something new will arrive, and all the while inflation will rise, gas prices will remain high, and crime will remain rampant.
And even more people support gay marriage then abortion. Right now there is as much talk about what is taken away next as there is about abortion. That is what will drive people to the voting booth in Nov.

Justice Thomas even wants to readdress legal birth control. You think maybe his statement about that might find its way to a few Dem ads this election season?
That's " THAN Abortion " Not " then abortion ".
Plus it's [ precedents ] NOT " precedence ".
I doubt many on a message board are crossing their fingers
in hope you won't get into cursive style presentation.
Like use of Mommy and Daddy.
You overplay the emotion of the moment card. Four months is a long time. Several lifetimes of liberal attention span. Things will shift and settle in weeks, then something new will arrive, and all the while inflation will rise, gas prices will remain high, and crime will remain rampant.

We will see. Right now it is anger over RvW, in the coming weeks and months it turns to fear over what you all will take away next. That will not go away because you all will keep trying to take stuff between now and then
You overplay the emotion of the moment card. Four months is a long time. Several lifetimes of liberal attention span. Things will shift and settle in weeks, then something new will arrive, and all the while inflation will rise, gas prices will remain high, and crime will remain rampant.
Then again Virginia could be a good bellweather.When Youngkin
beat Terry McAuliffe { who ran around pleading about Abortion }
and then lost his race for Governor.A poll showed than over 60 %
of females { mostly in the suburbs } voted for Youngkin,despite
Abortion being played big time by McAuliffe.
I am Jewish. I am pro-life. I am anti-gun. I support Welfare. Yesterday we studied the part of Talmud which obligates people to give charity. Liberal and Conservative ideologies have flaws.

Welfare is not charity; it's robbery. Charity is when I choose on my own to donate to others.

And an anti-gun Jew? Apparently you haven't heard what happened the last time Jews were stripped of their right to keep and bear arms. Besides the 9 million killed in the Holocaust, many others were killed in the 1930s after being disarmed.

The anti-gun, anti-Semite, left like to point out that the Jews were 1% of the population in Germany and that all of their guns wouldn't have stopped the Holocaust. That is probably true, but what their guns might have done is to have allowed them to defend themselves in attempts to escape to safer places.

Apparently you haven't heard that American gun law was taken almost verbatim from Nazi gun law.

This is from Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership,

There were appeaser Jews in Nazi Germany and those countries the Nazi's took over. There were Jews that helped with the genocide. You would clearly have been one of those.

I have nothing but contempt for an anti-gun Jew.
And he's not even on the ballot. Amazing.

But does the Left even care about being dishonest? I don't think so.

He is not on the ballot, but many that agree with him are.

If the GOP wins big then nothing will be safe, they will take it as a sign the people want them to take away as many rights as possible.
Human Life is precious. I disagree with Liberals who support abortion. I disagree with Conservatives who oppose helping people in need.
Conservatives do not oppose helping people in need. They do it in their churches, their synagogues, their neighborhoods, etc. They do it because they care and oppose the government using guns to take their money and give to the lazy and irresponsible.
I highly recommend that everyone preoccupied with killing babies should move to Cali or NY.

Also, if you are worried about living in a red state and having to birth an unwanted child, there are plenty of people who will help you kill your baby in a blue state.

I loved legal weed in Colorado, but I like the beach more, so I live in Florida.
It’s now libs turn to live with a decision they disagree with….So far, as expected they are acting like children in the toy isle that just got told no.

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