Roe overturned

Like I did before. Pity them and the baby they murdered.

What will you do? Rub your filthy paws with glee?

I'm not going to do anything. I don't have to. You're the one that is sticking their nose in other peoples business. Not me.

This is all about you. And only you. Or so you think so anyway.
Yeah, those states arresting women and doctors for abortion will clearly be less government intervention
You do understand that people get arrested for breaking the law, right? Don't break the law; go to somewhere that abortion is still legal, and no one gets arrested.
I'm not going to do anything. I don't have to. You're the one that is sticking their nose in other peoples business. Not me.

This is all about you. And only you. Or so you think so anyway.

Oooh you're mad. Good you disgusting piece of filth

Get something straight right now, I despise people like you. Therefore your BS means nothing to me, absolutely nothing
I thought I read here that you support abortion in some cases such as rape and incest. Am I wrong? Do you support life in every case, and abortion never except emergency cases of life of the mother?
Not sure what you mean by support. I can explain what I consider to be a Constitutional argument for rape and life of the mother exceptions to a ban on abortions.

As for incest, unless it was consensual, it is same as rape. Isn't it?
These 5 justices were appointed by two presidents who lost the popular vote, yet overturned what was a 7-2 decision in 1973, a decision that Americans have considered settled for 50 years. This Court is out of touch with the people and increasingly suffers a legitimacy crisis.

Remember that the reason we have justices at all is that we have a constitution. That very fact destroys every notion in your post.

  • Presidents in the United States don't get elected by the majority vote - it's the Constitution and has been since 1789.
  • Had the Court, in 1973, followed the actual Constitution then we wouldn't be where we are today.
  • Slavery was settled law, too.
  • The problem here is not that the Court is out of touch with the people; it is that the people have no understanding of the Constitution and how our government is supposed to work.
Let's hope this de-centralization of government power continues. It will actually give the coastal states more power over their people. You'll like that.
So you believe that something which some find "immoral" should be "illegal"?

That's insane.

My late morally strong grandmother would have a very real problem with the fact that my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I enjoy a rather spirited sex life. Is sex outside of marriage something you believe should be outlawed?
Is rape immoral? I believe it is; do you? My church believes it is immoral; do you? I believe it should be against the law; do you? Yes, immoral behaviors that impact the lives and liberty of others should be illegal.

Sex outside of marriage need not be outlawed. Killing babies should be outlawed.

The sad thing is that you girlfriend has chosen to have sex with a person that we all know, so she must certainly know as well, is not fit to be a father and will never commit to raising a child that comes out of that sex-life, even if spirited as you claim. She has chosen to have sex with a man who will expect her to kill her child should she get pregnant.
There's no need for her to have an abortion but she should seriously reconsider with whom she has sex.
Conservatives don't oppose helping people in need
Correct. I think the more left wing you are, the more empathy you have, but it's not a solution and it divides people. Empathy is linked to anger and evil. The more right wing you are, the more you display rational compassion, they assess the outcomes, consequences, and alternative options. Conservatives can and do help people, but it's done structurally as opposed to emotionally.
Oooh you're mad. Good you disgusting piece of filth

Get something straight right now, I despise people like you. Therefore your BS means nothing to me, absolutely nothing

No, I’m not mad either. A simpleton like you does not have the capacity to make me angry.

Since you obviously can’t figure it out, I’ll spell it out for you.

I’m laughing in your face. You are an angry and bitter person. The only thing that has any meaning in your pathetic life, is if you can hurt someone. The tell tale sign of a sociopath.
Trump said it was "God's decision". Yea, Trump really said that.

His advisers had encouraged Mr. Trump to keep quiet about the issue until a ruling was issued, in part to ensure he was not accused of trying to influence the decision. Still, the contrast between Mr. Trump and conservatives who have heralded the decision and who worked in his administration, such as former Vice President Mike Pence, has been striking. On Friday morning, Mr. Pence issued a statement saying, “Life won,” as he called for abortion opponents to keep fighting “in every state in the land.”

A spokesman for Mr. Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment about his private remarks, or his view of the ruling. But in an interview that Fox News published after the decision on Friday, Mr. Trump, asked about his role, said, “God made the decision.” He said the decision was “following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago.”

“I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody,” Mr. Trump told Fox News.

Mr. Trump supported abortion rights for many years, although he said he abhorred the procedure. In 2011, preparing for a possible campaign, he reversed course and told a conservative political conference that he opposed abortion rights. And throughout his political career, he has privately called it a “tough issue” and publicly struggled to discuss it.

In an interview with The New York Times in May, Mr. Trump uttered an eyebrow-raising demurral in response to a question about
the central role he had played in tipping the balance on the Supreme Court and paving the way for the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

“I never like to take credit for anything,” said Mr. Trump, who spent his career affixing his name to almost anything he could.

I don't like to criticize posts that seem accurate.Or are in the most
part ... relatively spot-on.
Therefore I heard a Joe Biden interview from 2006 where he basically
knocked Roe vs. Wade as if not very good law.And since he has been on
the Senate Judiciary Committee for years he should know.
In the 2006 Interview Biden said ...
" I do not view Abortion as a choice and a right. "
No, I’m not mad either. A simpleton like you does not have the capacity to make me angry.

Since you obviously can’t figure it out, I’ll spell it out for you.

I’m laughing in your face. You are an angry and bitter person. The only thing that has any meaning in your pathetic life, is if you can hurt someone. The tell tale sign of a sociopath.

Go away, moonbat. You were just told I take nothing you spew seriously
Correct. I think the more left wing you are, the more empathy you have, but it's not a solution and it divides people. Empathy is linked to anger and evil. The more right wing you are, the more you display rational compassion, they assess the outcomes, consequences, and alternative options. Conservatives can and do help people, but it's done structurally as opposed to emotionally.
Abject 100 % + LIE.Being leftists means never having to say your
sorry for Lying.The left Does Not Value TRUTH.
The right wing court has taken a constitutional right.
And perhaps saved the lives of 20 million black babies over the next 50 years since over 20 million black babies were killed, ripped apart limb-by-limb, dissolved alive in the womb, heads snipped off at the edge of the vagina...

Had abortion never been legalized, instead of 46 million black Americans today, there would easily be over 100 million black Americans today.

I can't find a number of total black people who were held as slaves in the colonies and the United States but in the 1790 census there were 700000 slaves and in 1860 there were 4000000 slaves. Considering the generational growth in numbers, in 70 years there were possibly 5 generations to get to the 4 million number. Probably 1/2 or more of all slaves were alive in 1860 so let's call it a total of 10 million slaves total - feel free to correct this if you have the numbers.

So, 10 million total slaves ever in the United States. You have killed over 20 million. You've killed twice the number of slaves held in the United States.

If you include 4400 black lynchings, let's call it another couple of thousand from other racial events such as Tulsa and others.

I don't feel like digging into how many black people have died in crimes at the hands of both black or non-black attackers so let's take the most current numbers and use it for every year to 1973. There were roughly (less than) 3000 homicides of black people in 2019 so let's go with that number * 50 years, that's 150,000 (actually far less) black deaths by homicide from 1973 to now.

So if you take all of the slaves and count every one of their deaths, and every single lynching of a black person, and every black person that died in a crime, regardless of the race of attacker, and every black person that was murdered in prison, and every black person that died in a racial massacre, abortion has killed more than that because YOU support the killing of 20 million black babies over the past 50 years.

But, you know, racism... Saving the lives of millions of black babies is clearly white supremacy.
Abortion is not a religious issue. Abortion is a human issue. Your external locus of control is showing.

It's a religious issue but it is also about controlling women.

(As for "external locus of control", well that's what abortion laws are all about: controlling women's bodies for them.)

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