Roe overturned

I see your point now; thanks. But I'll argue that conservatives are capable of feeling empathy and still making the right logical choices. Real empathy understands the concept of give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

We have compassion and empathy for the poor but we understand that feeding them perpetuates their poverty. Fighting government to improve schools and demanding personal accountability and responsibility will lead them into a lifetime of success.

We are conservatives because of our empathy for the poor. Liberals are liberal because of their pity for the poor.
Well, there are associations between empathy and the temperaments. But that is something that needs and awful lot of study as opposed to trying to post it as comments on a forum.

If Trump went bankrupt and became poor, would you pity and have empathy for Trump?

And rather than fight government, why work with them and vote for the independent candidate that would make a politician. Both in the UK and US, the majority seem stuck with tunnel vision of two parties.

I don't normally vote in local elections, I normally just vote Tory in the general election, but this time, I voted for the Green candidate in the local election, simply because he got off his backside to come see the constituents. The Tory guy ignored the affluent side of the town because his stuck up belief they would vote for him anyhow. As for the general election, I think I'll vote for a party other than Conservative and Labour, I'm kinda fed up with them. Different party, same shit.
Bull crap. The question about what her lawyers told her only came up after the outrage over her veto. Let it tie up in court. Don't let the opportunity to stand up go by but she buckled to pressure from the NCAA to keep games in her state. She's as reliable of a conservative as is GWB.
BS. I watched that and other videos after that was brought up.

She wants to go after them using TITLE IX. Her legal team stated it was a losing case when it goes to court.

Her words were to not WASTE TIME on a battle that can't legally be won. I looked into the Title IX and it is where the Trans and NCAA uses it to FORCE THE ISSUE. If you don't do as we say we will sue you and bring you up on charges. That is TITLE IX.

She wants to Change that 1972 law to stop the insanity of transmen into women's sports. That IS THE LAW THAT NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED TO END THIS.

I LEARNED THIS after people like you attacked her for this.

I STAND BY HER and DISREGARD your saying it's Bull Crap. I read up on it and MADE AN INFORMED DECISION. She is RIGHT. And YOU ARE WRONG in my opinion.
Really? Please quote any post where I ever said a person should be forced to get a shot.

I SAID no one was forced to get a shot because they had the option of getting tested on a regular basis
Lie. People either had to get the mystery substance injected or were terminated.

Either way you’re forcing a medical procedure upon someone.
" Speculation "

* References *

Any resource will be entertained while conjectures appear to be diverse and inconclusive .

My suspicions are maintained against all researchers , especially those purposely seeking to establish anti-choice .
Ofcourse they are, because rather than wear a condom you’d rather just kill the baby for your convenience.
Justice Thomas was referring to the fact that the Federal Government has no authority to set marriage regulations and those also belong at the States. He didn't suggest making it illegal or legal but only to return them to the States - and he's absolutely right, that's where it belongs. All of these other rights he mentioned, were decided on the basis of a made up constitutional theory that is as fraudulent and made up as was the right to privacy - namely Substantive Due Process.

Like when his state banned interracial marriage?
Interracial marriage is protected by the Constitution. It is, and should be, and will be, safe.

No more so than abortion, birth control and same sex marriage.

Interracial marriage does not fall under the same logic. The 14th Amendment clearly protects interracial marriage.

The 14th Amendment does not mention marriage at all. And for the past few days we have been told that if the Constitution does not mention is specifically then it is left up to the states.

Well, hopefully that will change. But not the way you'd like. Hopefully it will become illegal at 0 weeks.

And I hope you all run on that platform as well as doing away with same sex marriage. It is a sure winning strategy.
We do not live by mob rule in this country.
was the summer of 2021 not mob rule? you libs are so disingenuous. you call voting on an issue mob rule, but hundreds of riots, burning, and killing by leftists is not mob rule.'

Voting on an issue is democracy, mandating the everyone get a shot is mob rule.

It never ceases to amaze me how dumb the left is in this country.
No more so than abortion, birth control and same sex marriage.

The 14th Amendment does not mention marriage at all. And for the past few days we have been told that if the Constitution does not mention is specifically then it is left up to the states.

And I hope you all run on that platform as well as doing away with same sex marriage. It is a sure winning strategy.
all of those issues belong with the voters of each state, not the clowns in DC. Why are you so scared of the will of the people?
all of those issues belong with the voters of each state, not the clowns in DC. Why are you so scared of the will of the people?

Because there are too many people like you that want to control each and every thing in a person's life.
yo, libs, condoms and BC pills are still legal everywhere, so is the morning after pill.

If you don't want to risk getting pregnant, take precautions. Take responsibility for your life and your decisions.
Because there are too many people like you that want to control each and every thing in a person's life.
bullshit, I have no desire to control any life but mine. But you asshole libs want to force everyone to get a shot that has proven dangerous, wear masks that do nothing, and buy $6 gas.

Its the left that wants to force its views on everyone. We live in a representative republic where the voters determine who represents them, and the voters decide issues like this at the ballot box.

you left wing assholes want to live like the Chinese or North Koreans, its amazing how ignorant you are.
I have been told about 10,000 times on this forum the United States is not a democracy....that democracy is in fact mob rule.

Now you say it is not.
we do not have a pure democracy, that is correct. a representative republic is not pure democracy. Mob rule is what is going on in our major cities and what the left implemented the entire summer of 2021, and are trying to do today by attacking SC justices and their families. That, my little friend, is mob rule.
"Cherry-Picking Sock Tucker Self Defeats his own Premature Pontification"

It's so funny that you bolded Section C, as it's clear that you are misinterpreting it, completely.

"Nothing in this section shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand, or contract any legal status or legal right applicable to any member of the species homo sapiens at any point prior to being “born alive” as defined in this section. "

As it pertains to children in the womb;
The translation is;

"Nothing in this section shall be construed to DENY legal status or legal RIGHTS to any member of the species Homo Sapiens At Any Point Prior to their being born alive"

Now, with that section in mind, let's look at some of the definitions under the "Unborn Victims of Violence Act." Shall we?

"(C) If the person engaging in the conduct thereby intentionally kills or attempts to kill the unborn child, that person shall instead of being punished under subparagraph (A), be punished as provided under sections 1111 (MURDER), 1112 (ATTEMPT MURDER), and 1113 (HOMICIDE) of this title for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being.

As used in this section, the term “unborn child” means a child in utero, and the term “child in utero” or “child, who is in utero” means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."

For the sake of entertainment, let's see you do some more of that self-owning stuff. You have the makings of a great foil.
Pure logic and reasoning used.... Great response and great comprehension...
So you can't quote any post where I said people should be forced to get a vaccine against their will.

And I'm not the one saying that you did say that... But some of the other stuff you are defending or using to debate back with I can't agree with.
we do not have a pure democracy, that is correct. a representative republic is not pure democracy. Mob rule is what is going on in our major cities and what the left implemented the entire summer of 2021, and are trying to do today by attacking SC justices and their families. That, my little friend, is mob rule.
Exactly right redfish.... The left has since pushed and pushed the justice system in it's attempts to make changes through mob rule instead of through proper democratic/diplomatic processes by way of the constitution.

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