Roe overturned

I was in my late 20 twenties in the South when Roe v Wade struck down abortion laws. Prior to that abortions were widely available in Louisiana and Mississippi even though the penalties were severe. Yet there were very few convictions for abortion except when the abortionists killed their patients. In determining if an abortion is needed many doctors used the heart beat rule or they fell back to quickening rule; that is movement by the fetus. If the doctor says I don't hear a heartbeat or the fetus has not moved and it should have occurred, an abortion was in order and no one questioned the decision. If the doctor believed another child would be detrimental to health of the mother an abortion was performed. In short, abortions have always been a personal decision between a women and her doctor. It will be interesting to see what happens when the courts gets involved and are faced with HIPPA laws and other laws proving patient privacy.

Before Row, Whites typically sent their pregnant daughters off to live with relatives till the child was born. However, many sent them to rest homes for their nerves where an abortion was recommended and done. Suicide was also an alternative although the police never reported that. It was just and accident being investigated.

In black communities, abortions were common but rarely investigate. A lot of whites view of black abortions was expressed well by a local sheriff when he said, "I certain don't favor abortions, black or white but a black abortion is one less name on the welfare rolls.

All can be cleared up if people would just go back to having 90% moral's and standard's in which they and their families lived by, and not allow the 10 percenter's destroy their culture, standard's, and societies at large. Everything has gotten way out of control or balance over the year's, because as nation's fall further and further into the abyss, the evil one is enjoying the show most evilly..... You working in ways to somehow twist the stats or maybe not use the stats in some form or way that makes sense, but to try and justify what has taken place since the time periods and lower percentages that you attempt to use is you working for the evil side. Just so you know, that's what leftist do and are all about.
But it's not force or intimidation to say get the q tip weekly or lose your job.

Screw you. That is the POINT.
And an employer has the right to fire you if you do not comply.

You do believe that an employer has the right to fire anyone for any reason don't you?

I know I do.
There is no point to miss.

No one was forced to get a vaccine.
Why do you blatantly lie ??? My daughter was forced to get the vaccine before a company she works for would hire her. She said she wouldn't have gotten it, but they refused her employment until she did. Oh and they gave her the vaccine at her work. Now she worries about any long term affects showing up, especially with all the reports of people having problem's later on. So far she's ok, but she only was required to get the one shot, and that's all she ever got. Now stop talking about things you don't know, and maybe even give eagle an apology.
And an employer has the right to fire you if you do not comply.

You do believe that an employer has the right to fire anyone for any reason don't you?

I know I do.
You have no right to order me to a medical procedure I don't agree with.

And the damage being done by these shots is REAL. As time goes on more and more will show this. And I hope they sue the living shit out of people like you.

You ARE SAYING OBEY ME OR ELSE.,............Else will eventually come out of the box if you keep PUSHING.


Why do you blatantly lie ??? My daughter was forced to get the vaccine before a company she works for would hire her. She said she wouldn't have gotten it, but they refused her employment until she did. Oh and they gave her the vaccine at her work. Now she worries about any long term affects showing up, especially with all the reports of people having problem's later on. So far she's ok, but she only was required to get the one shot, and that's all she ever got. Now stop talking about things you don't know, and maybe even give eagle an apology.
My daughter took the J & J vaccine one dose. Never had high blood pressure. Now has it.
And is forced to take medicine for it. While people will deny it.........maybe I think the clot shot did it.

Will she have to take the medicine for the rest of her life...........I Hope not.

I've shown over the years more than enough information to show the JABS WERE NEVER NEEDED and that places like India had better vaccines without the risk of mRNA BS.
the bible yes,, the constitution no,,
You're right Hunter, and that's why charities and program's subsidized by government at time's to assist charitable organizations was always in play throughout time or history, but when the government saw the need or want to take over the help the poor and downtrodden gig completely, then that's when this nation got into serious trouble and decline. The government usually these days is being directed by evil human beings that are in turn causing tremendous damage to this nation, to it's culture's, it's purpose, and to it's stability.
" Off Track "

* Moron More On *
Ofcourse they are, because rather than wear a condom you’d rather just kill the baby for your convenience.
No , imbecile , women enter abortion clinics when they are about to miscarry and would otherwise bleed to death .

The medical question is when and whether to administer anesthesia , whatever the circumstance .
You're right Hunter, and that's why charities and program's subsidized by government at time's to assist charitable organizations was always in play throughout time or history, but when the government saw the need or want to take over the help the poor and downtrodden gig completely, then that's when this nation got into serious trouble and decline. The government usually these days is being directed by evil human beings that are in turn causing tremendous damage to this nation, to it's culture's, it's purpose, and to it's stability.
" Off Track "

* Moron More On *

No , imbecile , women enter abortion clinics when they are about to miscarry and would otherwise bleed to death .

The medical question is when and whether to administer anesthesia , whatever the circumstance .
bullshit, PP was started to eliminate the black race which the founder described as defective or human weeds.

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