Roe overturned

No one I know was forced to get a shot.

You didn't get one so you were not forced either.

I can't believe you're still whining about this even when COVID is over
I did get the first two moderna shots, zero negative reaction, but I still caught covid later, No one could travel without a vax card, or enter public buildings, or go to a sporting event-------so yes, we were forced if we wanted to live normal lives.
I did get the first two moderna shots, zero negative reaction, but I still caught covid later, No one could travel without a vax card, or enter public buildings, or go to a sporting event-------so yes, we were forced if we wanted to live normal lives.
I was never asked for a vaccine card and I went to concerts and restaurants and the Town Hall I traveled to other states too.
" Off Track "

* Moron More On *

No , imbecile , women enter abortion clinics when they are about to miscarry and would otherwise bleed to death .

The medical question is when and whether to administer anesthesia , whatever the circumstance .
That’s a small percentage, most if not the vast majority of abortions are out of convenience reasons.
No one I know was forced to get a shot.

You didn't get one so you were not forced either.

I can't believe you're still whining about this even when COVID is over
Believe it. Because we know you Fascist fucks will try this again. Had Trump NOT WON. Biden would have done what Trudeau did and you know it.

Trying to pass laws by FIAT..........OSHA.............

Yeah........we ARE NOT OVER CALLING YOUR SORRY ASSES OUT ON THAT. Or the Vaccine injuries that are ongoing that you deny.
I was never asked for a vaccine card and I went to concerts and restaurants and the Town Hall I traveled to other states too.
I do not believe you. I had to show a vax card to enter an NFL stadium last year and to get on a plane, and to enter a courthouse. Had to wear a mask to enter a doctor's office, get on a plane, walk into an airport, go to a down town bar, go to a hotel. You are lying.
It's over.
Calling you out on this BS is NOT OVER............Get used to it............and get used to Lawyers ads eventually.......Did your company force you to take the vaccine and are INJURED.......Call now for a Free council and join the class action suit against Dildo incorporated.
I'll try again too, people need to remember how to prevent unwanted pregnancies again because we ought to act always as to produce the greatest good for the greatest possible number.

The many do not seek abortions, the few do. Abortion causes psychological, moral, financial and long term problems on societies. The many suffer from the few because they need to learn how to prevent unwanted pregnancies again.

You do know the effects that abortions have on society, do you? I assumed you did, but evidently, obviously not due to your confusion.

So what's your answer to Spock's wisdom now that you know abortion impacts on society?

Dude, last time: The woman in Colorado wants to terminate her pregnancy. The ten men in Maine don't want her to.

Why should their desire that she not terminate her pregnancy supersede her desire to do so?
I do not believe you. I had to show a vax card to enter an NFL stadium last year and to get on a plane, and to enter a courthouse. Had to wear a mask to enter a doctor's office, get on a plane, walk into an airport, go to a down town bar, go to a hotel. You are lying.
New Orleans passed a local VACCINE PASSPORT law........Never went there but know some who did ........Everyone just flashed fake careds.........hand made and went SEE MY PASSPORT. lmao

They passed it and everyone ignored it.
You said that abortion is a moral question based on our religion. You're wrong. If moral questions come only from religion then rape would be in the same category. You claim you're ok with punishing rapists so is that because of your religion? Your anger just proves that you're a hypocrite and that I've proven it absolutely.

You've proven nothing.

I'm okay with punishing rapists because I think rapists are pieces of shit. I don't follow any religion. I don't need some fantasy set of rules to tell me what is wrong and what is right...

I'm pretty sure I've also never suggested that two people get married because they make a baby. I'm very careful to speak of commitment and not marriage. You don't need a piece of paper from the Church or State to make and be a family but you do need a forever commitment. I'm glad you and your baby's mother did that.

And the fact that we did that completely annihilated your ignorant comment about how I would expect a woman I get pregnant to have an abortion.

So, again, go fuck yourself...

Just don't tell me that my objection to ripping apart, limb-by-limb, the body of a feeling, unborn, baby is invalid because leaders of my church also object to the ripping apart, limb-by-limb, the body of a feeling, unborn, baby, and then you don't apply the same logic to your own objection to rape. It shows you for the hypocrite that you are and makes you irrelevant in the discussion.

When did I ever say your opinion is invalid? I never said that, so stop lying.

Would you rather be a hypocrite or a lying piece of shit like you?
Dude, last time: The woman in Colorado wants to terminate her pregnancy. The ten men in Maine don't want her to.

Why should their desire that she not terminate her pregnancy supersede her desire to do so?
Colorado will probably vote to allow abortions, other states may ban it. so if you disagree with your states decision, move.
Dude, last time: The woman in Colorado wants to terminate her pregnancy. The ten men in Maine don't want her to.

Why should their desire that she not terminate her pregnancy supersede her desire to do so?
Colorado allows abortion. They already do abortions who fly in from states like Texas.

Roe v Wade didn't change that. What the hell are you smoking. Pass it out.

bullshit, I have no desire to control any life but mine. But you asshole libs want to force everyone to get a shot that has proven dangerous, wear masks that do nothing, and buy $6 gas.

Its the left that wants to force its views on everyone. We live in a representative republic where the voters determine who represents them, and the voters decide issues like this at the ballot box.

you left wing assholes want to live like the Chinese or North Koreans, its amazing how ignorant you are.

You are the one that wants the "people" to decide who a person can marry and what, if any, form of birth control they can use.

You cries of whataboutism fall on deaf ears
I apologize for the part about you asking your girlfriend to kill the baby. I was thinking about another member who has said specifically that he wants throw away women and would not marry them. I confused the two. I apologize.

If you can't pay closer attention to who you're talking to, maybe the internet's not for you.

Apology accepted.

Now you can apologize for your lie that I think your opinion is invalid.

The fact is that I don't think YOUR opinion is invalid, but you need to keep in mind that it is YOUR opinion, and what happens in someone else's life should not be determined by anyone else's opinion.

Would you also do away with same-sex marriage?

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