Roe overturned

Believe it. Because we know you Fascist fucks will try this again. Had Trump NOT WON. Biden would have done what Trudeau did and you know it.

Trying to pass laws by FIAT..........OSHA.............

Yeah........we ARE NOT OVER CALLING YOUR SORRY ASSES OUT ON THAT. Or the Vaccine injuries that are ongoing that you deny.
Yeah OK

If this If that

you're whining about shit that never even happened now.
Colorado allows abortion. They already do abortions who fly in from states like Texas.

Roe v Wade didn't change that. What the hell are you smoking. Pass it out.

For now. But almost all prominent Repubs are saying that the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling should lead to a national ban on abortion. This is the plan should they win back control of congress.

First this, then same sex marriage and then if they have time birth control.
Colorado allows abortion. They already do abortions who fly in from states like Texas.

Roe v Wade didn't change that. What the hell are you smoking. Pass it out.

If you can't keep up, don't comment.

I'm quite aware that Colorado permits abortion, which is why my question was written as it was.

The very idea that an elderly black man in Washington DC gets to have an opinion on this matter is fascinating to me...
Colorado will probably vote to allow abortions, other states may ban it. so if you disagree with your states decision, move.

Just... stop.

Despite your apparent belief that you're responding to what I've written, you're actually not...
If you can't keep up, don't comment.

I'm quite aware that Colorado permits abortion, which is why my question was written as it was.

The very idea that an elderly black man in Washington DC gets to have an opinion on this matter is fascinating to me...
He had an opinion because the State of Mississippi asked the question. And it his job to give an answer based on the Constitution.

Now he made a decision. He said no where in the Constitution is the right to Abortion Guaranteed. It's not there. So he overruled a previous decision that many believe was wrong.

And in the Roe decision they stated that LIFE DOES BEGIN IN THE WOMB. Why they used the term viability and 22 weeks bans are allowed. They also stated they did not decide WHEN LIFE BEGINS. THEY SAID THAT IS THE LEGISLATURE'S JOB.

And 50 years later that HAS NOT BEEN CODIFIED.
Maybe you want the government's nose up your crotch - I don't.
Of course you do,which is why the pro abortion crowd constantly makes demands for the government to grant them things related to reproduction.
And in the Roe decision they stated that LIFE DOES BEGIN IN THE WOMB. Why they used the term viability and 22 weeks bans are allowed. They also stated they did not decide WHEN LIFE BEGINS. THEY SAID THAT IS THE LEGISLATURE'S JOB.

This is confusing as fuck.

Did they decide life begins in the womb or not?

And what are you trying to convey with "Why they used the term viability and 22 weeks bans are allowed." That's not a sentence with any decipherable meaning...
This is confusing as fuck.

Did they decide life begins in the womb or not?

And what are you trying to convey with "Why they used the term viability and 22 weeks bans are allowed." That's not a sentence with any decipherable meaning...
Read the dang decision. Read about VIABILITY AND GET BACK TO ME.
" None Of Your Business In The First Place "

* Over Population Poverty No Problem The Excuse We Are Communists *

That’s a small percentage, most if not the vast majority of abortions are out of convenience reasons.

* Gawd Thoughts On Genetic Perpetuity *

" Congressional Thumpers Demand That Abortion Be Legal For Adultery "
A Sotah (Hebrew: שוטה [1] / סוטה) is a woman suspected of adultery who undergoes the ordeal of bitter water or ordeal of jealousy ..

If the fetus aborts as a result of the ordeal, this presumably confirms her guilt of adultery, otherwise her innocence is presumed if the fetus does not abort .

* Conclusions Of Gawd *

The criteria of success according to nature is to survive and from the trial of bitter water it is apparent that being duped into raising the bastard of another apparently does not satisfy the criteria .

An after life , a chance for eternal life , the life to come , reincarnation , born again , etc. are metaphors for passing on ones genetic identity so that another , both figuratively and literally as oneself , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience and sapience that is afforded as life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement or eternal damnation .

* Lion Of Judea ? *

When a new coalition of males takes over a pride, they almost always kill the prides’ cubs, since they are not biologically related and do not want to spend energy ensuring that other lions’ genes will be passed on.

* Scientists Rush to Understand the Murderous Mamas of the Monkey World *

Infanticide is disturbingly common in nature. It's typically committed by males that take over a pride or pack and kill whatever babies are present to make room for the ones they plan to father. It's not nearly as common for parents to behave murderously toward their own babies, and it's much rarer still for a mother to be the attacker — especially among primates.

When there were at least three assisting males in the troop, the researchers found, the survival rate for infants was an impressive 75%; when there were two or fewer males, the number fell to 42%. When a mother-to-be was the only gestating female in a group, the baby she gave birth to had an 80% chance of surviving at least three months. When there were two or more pregnancies, that forecast plunged to just 20%. "Births must be spaced by three months or more," the authors wrote, "in order to allow efficient helping behavior."
Read the dang decision. Read about VIABILITY AND GET BACK TO ME.

Your post wins the "Confusing Nonsense" Award.

What are you saying when you make this statement:

Why they used the term viability and 22 weeks bans are allowed.

That's simply not a proper sentence and, as such, it conveys nothing. I'm rather certain, though, that conveying nothing was not your intent.

So, unknot your panties, I'm just asking for clarification...
Your post wins the "Confusing Nonsense" Award.

What are you saying when you make this statement:

Why they used the term viability and 22 weeks bans are allowed.

That's simply not a proper sentence and, as such, it conveys nothing. I'm rather certain, though, that conveying nothing was not your intent.

So, unknot your panties, I'm just asking for clarification...
Had you read up on the issue you would understand. But you are NOT INFORMED.

Read the Roe V Wade decision and learn about VIABILITY.
If you can't keep up, don't comment.

I'm quite aware that Colorado permits abortion, which is why my question was written as it was.

The very idea that an elderly black man in Washington DC gets to have an opinion on this matter is fascinating to me...
That “elderly black man“ is a Supreme Court justice, charged with seeing the Constitution is not violated. You libs scream racism at your opponents, but as soon as a black disagrees with liberalism, you demean and disrespect him.
Had you read up on the issue you would understand. But you are NOT INFORMED.

Read the Roe V Wade decision and learn about VIABILITY.

I know what viability means.

What I don;t understand is the gibberish sentence you wrote. It makes no sense whatsoever...
That “elderly black man“ is a Supreme Court justice, charged with seeing the Constitution is not violated. You libs scream racism at your opponents, but as soon as a black disagrees with liberalism, you demean and disrespect him.

Pull your head out of your ass, kitten. I voted for Trump twice. I'm hardly a lib.

Believe it or not, there are conservatives who are pro-choice...
I know what viability means.

What I don;t understand is the gibberish sentence you wrote. It makes no sense whatsoever...
Exactly. You are trashing people and don't even know what it meant.

Most here by now who looked at this know what it means.

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