Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

And this is another logical point, which if it was up to most far-left, they would do away with states their ability to govern themselves. They would want a totalitarian government to rule over them and decide what is best for them instead of allowing the people to decide.

I think a good portion of the US population are ignorant to how our Federal and State governments are to be ran. And part of that ignorance is our MSM's focus on POTUS. It's as if the POTUS is the only governance of our country. In fact, our local and state politics should be a greater focus than our national federal government because our local governments should have a great impact on our lives. But most could care less about local politics because they just don't care. They will follow the MSM lead to feed them what they should know.
Yes, the libs would defInitely like a singular approach to how the country is run - with them making the decisions of course. That’s why they tried to nationalize elections.

I also agree that an ignorant voter is the biggest danger to our country. That’s why the Democrats want mail-in ballot harvesting: they can go to the most stupid, ignorant, and/or lazy citizens, manipulate them into believing all sorts of nonsense, and get them to check “D.” That is also why they are setting up the Truth Ministry - to block valid information from the other side that might educate voters to the true situation.
What you still don’t get is that’s not how our country works. It goes state by state. So if the majority of the people in a state think abortion is wrong, or needs tighter restrictions, that’s for them to say. Unless someone (YOU) want to enforce your personal beliefs onto others in a state you don’t live in.

Otherwise, why have states at all? We would just have one central government and one large country. Our founders wisely realized that there is too much of a difference among people to allow a blanket policy for every one.
A state has no believes it is not a person. I can't enforce my beliefs on something that is not a person. I respect the opinion on abortion from everybody. This includes anybody in any State. You on the other hand do not.
A state has no believes it is not a person. I can't enforce my beliefs on something that is not a person. I respect the opinion on abortion from everybody. This includes anybody in any State. You on the other hand do not.
Oye. You’re clueless as to how our Constitution is set up. You, as a resident of one state, have no say as to how the voters in another state want to set up their state.

We are not one monolithic country, where when 47% of the country as a whole thinks one way, and 46% of the country thinks the other, and the 47% gets to decide the rules for each state.

I really wish they would go back to teaching CIvics in high school instead of far-left social justice. There is no mention of abortion in the Constitution, and thus it reverts to states rights.
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What are the real chances this will be overturned and given to the states to decide.

I say less than 50%.
No, I just point out hypocrites when I see them. Don't want to be pointed out, don't be a hypocrite!

Naah, I never said that. I didn't attack you for disagreeing with me, I called out your hypocrisy.

Pot, meet kettle.

No, hon, you tried to call out your talking points' idea of someone else's hypocrisy. And then, when you got confronted with someone who could answer your inane accusation, you just started screaming, "Hypocrite! Hypocrite!!" for no discernible reason. Then you pissed your frillies and ran away.

Had you been "calling out my hypocrisy", you'd have been able to stick around and actually tell me how I'm a "hypocrite", in any way other than, "Hypocrite means someone who disagrees with me!"

Noticeably, I've been inviting you to tell me of my "hypocrisy" since then, and all you've had to say in return is juvenile insults. Is that how you "call out hypocrisy"?

Whenever you're ready to "point out hypocrisy", instead of just screaming, "Hypocrite!" randomly, bring it.
Lol, having trouble sleeping?

I'm an optimist by nature. I believe that humans, when the need is high enough, are capable of solving nearly any problem. How much of that is hope and how much is reality I wouldn't know.
I work nights, so my sleep pattern varies a lot. When I sleep I sleep good. I am not concerned about me, I've done all I can and I won't be here much longer. I'm concerned for everyone else on the planet. Despite some problems, I had a wonderful life and I wish people in the future could have just as good a life. This planet was a paradise and a beautiful place to visit, if even for a period of time as physical life is given here.
What are the real chances this will be overturned and given to the states to decide.

I say less than 50%.
The problem is that now that the leftists - even including a U.S. senators - have threatened violence, a decision to uphold it will:

1) be suspicious, because we don’t know to what extent the terrorist liberals scared Roberts into pressuring two conservative justices to let the original ruling stand, and

2) show the terrorist liberals that threatening the lives of justices if they don’t submit to the liberal position will work, and they will do it each time,

3) show the leaker that leaking the direction a decision is going gives the violent leftists a chance to threaten justices, and it can keep happening.
I suspect that draft opinion will be the ultimate decision at least substantively. Some wording may change. I’d guess the chances are close to 100%.
Even though the leftists had threatened violence and even death to justices? They have children and grandchildren, and I wouldn’t put it past these leftists to let it be known that they are willing to sacrifice their kiddies. After all, we see how little value they place on the lives of children.
Correct, it's been called " settled law " for most of the 50-year history. It's only now that a minority of malcontents are contesting it.

We've been contesting it all along, and you've been so comfortable with your "We forced them to accept what we want, and we are entitled to have it FOREVER!" that you didn't pay attention to what was happening around you. Too bad, so sad, that's on you.

Turns out all your labels and slogans didn't actually force anyone to accede to your tyranny.
I work nights, so my sleep pattern varies a lot. When I sleep I sleep good. I am not concerned about me, I've done all I can and I won't be here much longer. I'm concerned for everyone else on the planet. Despite some problems, I had a wonderful life and I wish people in the future could have just as good a life. This planet was a paradise and a beautiful place to visit, if even for a period of time as physical life is given here.
This sentiment actually made my eyes water. Yes, it has been a beautiful place to visit, and about half of us do not want to see the opportunity you and I were given robbed from a developing child.

But we understand that not everyone agrees with us - there’s your half, who while enjoying a life because his mother allowed him to continue his development toward birth, is OK with others not getting the gift of life - and that’s why we leave it up to the people in each state to decide whether a growing life should be given a chance, at least, of visiting this beautiful place you called “paradise” - or robbed of it depending on its “mother’s” wishes.
Try to get over your emotions and you'll see this issue more clearly for what it actually is.

Try to look less desperate for an attack and you might find an argument that's actually valid. Trying to deflect off onto "Your response to my idiocy means you're all emotional!" is just sad and bush league, even by your standards.
I guess that depends on whose rights are being violated and how powerful their oppressors are. Said commentary on a nation that's supposed to have Justice and equality for all.

Oh, my God, could you sound any more like a hysterical, melodramatic girl at this moment? This is a sad commentary on the state of leftist education.

If you need a timeout to go whimper in the corner for how badly you're losing this debate, I won't mind. Go ahead.
Oh, my God, could you sound any more like a hysterical, melodramatic girl at this moment? This is a sad commentary on the state of leftist education.

If you need a timeout to go whimper in the corner for how badly you're losing this debate, I won't mind. Go ahead.
When libs start throwing around the word “oppressors,” you know they’ve been brainwashed beyond belief.
Well if the people are given a choice, it's not even a done deal here in Nebraska, a very Republican state, the effort to try to get a trigger Bill attached to the Roe versus Wade outcome didn't Garner enough votes to pass. People here generally live by the rule. " Live and let livlive

And you're fighting like Hell to put a stop to that very mindset. Congratulations.
The whole reason bro versus Wade came into existence was because different states were passing egregious abortion laws. Even if Roe versus Wade does go by the wayside. The same thing is about to happen all over again, so it will have to be brought back and the federal government will settle the matter once again hopefully for all time.

"We only imposed our will on people because too many of them were doing something we didn't like!"

Uh huh. We know.
No, they're not. No woman's rights activist is trying to force any so-called pro-life woman to have an abortion. Your argument is totally unfounded.


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