Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

"I’m a miracle baby. Doctors told my mom to abort me because she risked dying. She risk led her life for mine. Still, that was her decision to make & hers alone. Before she died that her body, her choice. No woman should be told what to do with their bodies." - Jeremy Salas
50 senators could preempt this decision tomorrow by ending the filibuster and enacting the Women's Health Protection Act.

“Abortion” isn’t in the constitution, but neither is “filibuster.”
The Right to Choose isn't just on the ballot - it's the whole ballgame this November.
What gets me here is this particular argument that, and I quote: "the fetus is a clump of cells dependent on the nutrients of mother for survival and is therefore a part of her body."

Gee what about the newborn outside of the womb? You gonna kill them when they're outside her womb and NOT a part of her body too, ya ghoul? If you drop a newborn in a desert and leave it there, they will not go looking for food or water, they will die of starvation and thirst.

Just as dependent outside the womb as they are inside. THIS is where that argument falls completely apart.

I'll be waiting for rebuttals here.
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Rights you don't have: speech, guns, federalism, keeping your earnings, declining crummy insurance

Right you do: aborting a baby
There is zero constitutional right to abort a baby. And the horrendous Roe v. Wade decision seems likely to get overturned.

By contrast, the Constitution DOES guarantee our right to freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. It does provide for federalism. And except for a crappy SCOTUS decision, it does say the government can’t tell us which fucking insurance we have to buy.

So, your prior post earns five out of a possible four Pinnochios. 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
Just checking in with all those folks who thought it wasn’t that important to vote for Hillary. How are you doing tonight?
50 senators could preempt this decision tomorrow by ending the filibuster and enacting the Women's Health Protection Act.

“Abortion” isn’t in the constitution, but neither is “filibuster.”

I do not believe the Women's Health Protection Act can pass in the Senate with only 50 votes. Reconciliation is only for budgets, spending and revenue. Sorry, you're gonna need 60.
What gets me here is this particular argument "the fetus is a clump of cells dependent on the nutrients of mother for survival and therefore is a part of her body."

Gee what about the newborn outside of the womb? You gonna kill them when they're outside her womb and NOT a part of her body too, ya ghoul? If you drop a newborn in a desert and leave it there, they will not go looking for food or water, they will die of starvation and thirst.

Just as dependent outside the womb as they are inside. THIS is where that argument falls completely apart.

I'll be waiting for rebuttals here.
I wouldn't waste time.It's like arguing with an
Idiot Savant { genius in campaigning } about how
well-deserved Biden's 2020 Election.
When most Americans know udderwise.
Where Trump won 2,497 counties.
Biden winning 477 counties.
Trump winning 18 of 19 Battle ground bellwether
No President in over 150 years had lost a Re-election
when they Increased their lead.
Trump had over 3 million more votes in 2020.
Plus a Baby is a Human Life.A Fetus is a tiny baby inside
another human life.
Why degrade humanity past the point of
insatiable lunacy.Think of your Grandparents and
and what they would have thought.Or Great Grandparents.
Today's leftist Democrat has done nothing but ruined
this Country.In nearly all aspects.
Name one area where leftists Democrats have helped
preservedthe Dignity of the Greatest Nation on Earth.
The Left Know nothing But how to destroy Americana
and usher in chaos.Psychologically that translates into
their own hatred of themselves.left with nothing but
Projecting their own loathing of self onto We the People.
Throughout History this is the Madness of Tyrants.

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