Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

As was I. Until I was stopped. I am surrounded by people who have level heads and a better view of life than even I do.
Thank you for sharing. Best regards! Hopefully everything is all right now.

I never thought of harming myself -- yet I do lead an unhealthy lifestyle.
I vehemently oppose abortion but I do not consider life to be precious. Just tossing that out there for consideration.

Let me clarify, life is only precious up to a point.

When a murderer takes a life, his life is forfeit. A pregnant woman's life, doubly as forfeit.

And if you want me to be absolutely and brutally honest, women who terminate life for the sake of sating their personal conveniences and not for medical necessity or to correct a tragic encounter with a rapist or incestuous pervert, also make their lives worthless. They may be entitled to live, yet they have taken all the worth out of their life by taking the life of an unborn child.
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I am because no one else has rights over my body.

Curious, what rights will you lose when Roe is overturned?

List them.

Now, list the odds of a 'no exception' federal abortion ban becoming law in this country.

Very unlikely. That is the best way to end a political career. Simply get others to see you as unmerciful, and boom, you become politically irrelevant.

My view of life is such that if a woman's life is in danger due to her pregnancy and she is forced to give birth, and she dies, not only is her life lost, the life she has the potential to give birth to is also lost. If the woman is raped, where she was actually given no choice over her body, and you make no exceptions for it, poof, unmerciful, lack of compassion. Incest is the same way, because it can lead to genetic issues or deformities. How does lack of compassion enhance life? It doesn't.
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In truth, this issue brings out the worst in us. I wish it didn't. But I view life as precious, some people don't. I don't understand why.
You are thinking on the most base level. Physical life forms are necessary in order that our spiritual essence can dwell in them ( human beings being the most suitable host in this world ) . The fact that this occurs is what gives human beings that humanity. Overall, the spirit is what is important in this equation. People are simply The chosen species on this planet.
You are thinking on the most base level. Physical life forms are necessary in order that our spiritual essence can dwell in them ( human beings being the most suitable host in this world ) . The fact that this occurs is what gives human beings that humanity. Overall, the spirit is what is important in this equation. People are simply The chosen species on this planet.

Base thinking, huh? Then what's this? ^
Moving the goalposts. We're talking about healthy women of sound mind and conscience and the healthy babies forming in their wombs due to a choice THEY made.
Moving the Goalposts, I think that's your problem. You made the blatant statement that any woman that got to the second semester shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion. What you don't seem to understand is 92.7% of all abortions are performed before the 13th week of gestation. But many severe abnormalities don't show up until the second trimester blood work and chemistries are done and that is between the 15th and 20th week. There are even others that don't show up until late term checkups, thus the need for late term abortions. You just don't understand pregnancy at all. Most of these later abortions are not wanted,they're necessary. They affect women who wanted to have children, many are married, many have other children that they love and adore. So obviously you want to make them even more miserable and complicate this horrible decision they have to make by allowing the government to make arbitrary laws governing their reproductive Rights. This is not the end of the story. I have to keep talking to you over and over for it to sink in. Remember when I told you that most women 92.7% have their abortions before the 13th week. You see that's after the first trimester blood work and chemistry is coming between the 10th and 12th week. So abnormalities in the fetuses are starting to show up. At any rate the " unborn child " you are talking about at 13 weeks is still unrecognizable as a human being. It is 2.64 in Long it weighs 2.58 Oz or roughly the size of a half stick of margarine. That's why it's called a fetus and not a child.
I have never met a group of people in my life so consumed by fear of losing something they are in no danger of losing. So willing to permeate that fear among the unsuspecting and refusing to educate them about ways to mitigate or resolve it. Knowledge is the antidote to fear. Ignorance is the catalyst.
That has zero to do with whether Roe was a good decision from a legal perspective which it isn’t.
That is the opinion of those who oppose the decision, so much so that they - despite the pretense under oath to respecting it as established law - are willing to trash it, in contravention of the progress that has been made in advanced democratic nations, and the clear support of the established law by most Americans.

An ideological ilk, legislating from the bench, revoking a personal freedom that has for so long been respected, and arrogating it to the State apparatus in a blatant act of authoritarianism, will be seized upon by statists in regressive states, further dividing the nation.
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That is the opinion of those who oppose the decision, so much so that they - despite the pretense under oath to respecting it as established law - are willing to trash it, in contravention of the progress that has been made in advanced democratic nation, and the clear support of the established law by most Americans.

An ideological ilk, legislating from the bench, revoking a personal freedom that has for so long been respected, and arrogating it to the State apparatus in a blatant act of authoritarianism, will be seized upon by statists in regressive states, further dividing the nation.
Cleary you havent read the Roe v Wade Decision. It never addresed when life begins and kicked the can down the road. It established that states can legally have laws at the point of Viability. Which half the country has and half doesnt.

In the half that doesnt overturning Roe v Wade changes NOTHING.
Endless thread where the left believes if they yell loud enough and long emough they will get their way.

They cant handle No even when their mission is late term abortion murder if babies shall not be infringed even though it doesnt in blue shithole states.
It never addresed when life begins
That is a subjective criterion upon which one can speculate, including whether incipient "life" is the key. Every newly-formed epidermal cell is "life."

Is a microscopic, mindless aggregate of cells within a womb a person? Does a woman have proprietary, nine-points-of-the-law, control over her own womb?

Roe v Wade is a long-standing compromise solution that satisfies most Americans.

Statists trashing established law and denying Americans a personal freedom that has been respected for fifty years and arrogating it to politicians in regressive states is far from a triumph for medical science, nor for liberty.

Endless thread where the left believes if they yell loud enough and long emough they will get their way.

They cant handle No even when their mission is late term abortion murder if babies shall not be infringed even though it doesnt in blue shithole states.
See post 2512. I am more pro life that any of anti abortion people are
The abortion laws that are currently being put in place by states are so egregious they will be easily contested in court. Laws in free nations need to be reasonable and equitable. We are not a fascist country, where the state can force things on it's citizens. This is the ultimate in government outreach.

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