Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Go for it. I have stated that I oppose abortion and after my second kid - I got snipped because as a man I thought I should take responsibility and not put the burden in my wife. But for all the woman out there unrelated to me in any way - what they do with their health and their bodies is not my business nor is it the business of any church or state.

But I will love to see the day when woman won’t need to ever have to decide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy ever again . . , but it’s not here yet. Until such time get your nose and state officials creepy laws out of every fertile woman’s uterus. It’s none of your business.
If you don't see the complete disconnect between your 2 statements: "I oppose abortion after my second kid" and "what they do with their health and their bodies" (which factually is incorrect in the most obvious way -the growing life is NOT the woman's life) there is little motivation for me to further respond. Spinning wheels and the like.
there is little motivation for me to further respond
You make no sense as you run away. How do get clarification on what you just posted. I See no disconnect other than you may have misread the post you were responding to.

I oppose abortion in my personal life and that is why I had a vasectomy after my second kid.,
(which factually is incorrect in the most obvious way -the growing life is NOT the woman's life)

NFBW: Where do you get your facts? Jesus speak to you on this? ? Can the growing life harm the mother’s life in any way?

Can you personally guarantee to every woman that absolutely no pain or harm will come to her if she chooses not to terminate the growing life inside her and give birth to an unplanned child?

What makes you believe that your claim that the growing life is NOT the woman's life when the growing life cannot realistically survive on its own until 24 weeks of development have passed.

I believe after 24 weeks the growing life still in the womb is no longer the woman’s life based on viability. Can you prove me wrong Ms “FACTUAL” ClaireH ???

Added note: If you are trying to imply that a majority of Republic cans and conservatives back Graham’s leadership at this late date (his expiration date is up) you couldn’t be more wrong.
NFBW: I say what I think. I do not imply things. I think the majority of US Senate Republicans are dazed and confused by what Graham is trying to do.

I’m more interested in why GRAHAM would go on National TV to declare the Republican Party accepts nationwide abortion being Legal through fifteen weeks? It is important because it shows Graham dies not accept anti-abortion scientific propaganda that life begins at conception. END2209152145
Yes, the young human being - who is the offspring of the mother - is not the mothe

NFBW: That is not what ClaireH was saying.

What forces you to lie so easily?

The growing life is NOT the mother is true.

“the growing life is NOT the woman's life” per ClaireH

“the growing life is NOT the woman's life“ is nonsense because the growing life can have no life scientifically prior to 24 weeks of pregnancy unless it has the woman’s life supporting it.

FACT: the young human being’s life is and is part of, and wholly dependent upon it’s mother’s life until it can be alive on its own when separated fully from it’s mother.,it is scientifically referred to as viability.

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So you'd rather have the federal government make those decisions.
NFBW: No. You are embarrassingly confused Blaster .

Roe vs Wade was a guarantee that became settled law for fifty years, that there is a lnatural and implicit right to privacy under the 14th Amendment when a women experiences an unwanted pregnancy she can choose to terminate her pregnancy by a legal and safe medical procedure known as abortion.

Roe v Wade forbid Federal and State and local government from intervening in a woman’s private decisions she can make with regard to pregnancy. END2209160401
NFBW: That is not what ClaireH was saying.

Stop lying.
What forces you to lie so easily?
Stop projecting.

The growing life is NOT the mother is true.

“the growing life is NOT the woman's life”
There is no distinction to be had here, you consummate buffoon.

the growing life can have no life scientifically prior to 24 weeks of pregnancy
Objectively false, you fucking retard. Open a science textbook. Learn English first.

Life begins at fertilization.
Objectively false,

NFBW;,I am not wrong to point out that a fetus cannot survive without extreme physical impairment prior to 24 weeks of development within the womb without nutrients and oxygenated blood from it’s mother. You have confirmed CarsomyrPlusSix the truth of that in the following post:

They need some oxygen and nutrients from that blood, the addition of which the mother already naturally has the inclination to intake for their sake.

NFBW: AND I thank you when you manage albeit rarely to express truth and facts in your post..

Life begins at fertilization
NFBW: I agree as explained earlier.

Entirely independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view on the value of earliest stages of human life there are universally accepted scientific methods that indicates that human embryos from the one-cell sperm and egg fusion stage forward are indeed alive and developing individuals of the human species and that science should not be in dispute.​

NFBW: So what is your point CarsomyrPlusSix ???
NFBW; Prior to the discovery of DNA When life began at quickening nothing has changed. Life begins at viability not a unique genetic code.

NFBW: Viability according to science determines when human life actually begins. It used to be 28 weeks now it is down to 24 weeks for preemies if parents have a spare $100k laying around to keep them alive

Even when receiving the most advanced treatment possible, the vulnerability of a 22-week preemie is acute. The skin is thinner than paper, the lungs may be three or more months away from being able to take in air on their own and the brain, which is still forming basic structures, bleeds easily.​
To develop properly, a preemie needs to bond to the mother through touch, smell and hearing—but enveloped in tubes inside a small pod with tightly controlled temperature and air, that's often impossible. "We can't jeopardize the infant's health or stability to allow for that bonding," says Dr. Katherine Kosiv, a pediatric cardiologist at Yale Medical School.​
The fact that exactly one preemie ever has been saved at 21 weeks doesn't lead many experts to predict that similar feats will become commonplace. It's hard to find any experts who think viability will be pushed down to 20 weeks in the foreseeable future, given the severe immaturity of virtually every organ and piece of tissue in a fetus that young. "There's definitely a kind of biological barrier below about 22 weeks, and it seems to be insurmountable by current technology," says Dr. John Wyatt, a neonatal physician and professor of ethics and perinatology at University College, London.​

The Limits of Viability​

These efforts require maintaining teams of experts, and the cost of caring for a single very-premature baby typically runs to more than $100,000, with a typical NICU handling 20 or more babies at once. Such advanced NICUs are beyond the reach of most hospitals. The huge variation in survival rates of extreme preemies among hospitals reflects the differences in that investment. The University of Alabama at Birmingham operates a NICU with a staff of 350, while many other hospitals have no NICU at all.​
It's no wonder. At 22 weeks, the brain has just barely formed the cortex—the part that confers higher thought—and the brain cells are only beginning to form the first of the 100 trillion connections they would normally make while still safe and comfortable in a quiet, dark womb.​

NFBW: Your DNA argument is a religion driven bastardized interpretation of scientific data and discovery. END2208041158
Objectively false, you fucking retard.
NFBW: See above: 24 weeks appears to be the earliest a fetus can survive being separated from its mother. END2209160510

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