Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

BackAgain230309-#7,499 “I also noted in that it is sometimes true that a pregnant woman or a woman in the process of giving birth will die@​

NFBW: You acknowledgment there is potential harm every woman faces when she finds out that she is pregnant. When you have no knowledge of and no relationship with a pregnant woman, is there potential harm to you in any way as a result of her being pregnant? END2303081817
Irrelevant. The question isn’t about harm to me. It is about the termination of a human life.

If we agree that there ought to be exceptions — in certain cases — to any law prohibiting abortions, then the next question should be “which exceptions?”

The life of the mother being in actual risk is obvious. The health of the mother probably will outweigh the preborn child’s right to life. Less logically valid, but some of us conservatives concede that a case of incest, a child’s pregnancy a case of rape would probably have to be included on the list of exceptions. I recognize the inherent contradiction. I just don’t care. I’d agree with those exceptions.

5 Women Denied Lifesaving Abortions Sue Texas Over Its 6-Week Ban​

One plaintiff developed sepsis after being denied an abortion and has suffered permanent damage to her reproductive organs.
Lydia O'Connor
Mar 7, 2023, 06:46 PM

ITS ON YOU for voting for Trump and a six Catholic Supreme li Court

One of the most harrowing accounts in the lawsuit comes from 35-year-old Zurawski, an Austin woman who was nearly 18 weeks pregnant last August when her doctor diagnosed her with an “incompetent cervix,” meaning the organ had prematurely dilated and there was no possibility of her pregnancy resulting in a viable baby.​

Amanda Zurawski, one of the plaintiffs, speaks outside the Texas Capitol on Tuesday.

Amanda Zurawski, one of the plaintiffs, speaks outside the Texas Capitol on Tuesday.​
Those complications began to make her sick, but because she was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat, the hospital told her the Texas ban meant there was nothing her doctors could do except wait for her to go into labor. Because there was a possibility she could deliver in the coming hours, doctors told her to stay within 15 minutes of the hospital ― eliminating the option of traveling out of state for an abortion.​
On her way home from a check-up with her obstetrician days later, Zurawski “developed chills and started shivering, and by the time she got home, she had a temperature of 101 degrees and was not responding to her husband’s questions — all signs of sepsis,” the lawsuit lays out.​
It wasn’t until doctors confirmed she was septic ― a life-threatening reaction in the bloodstream to an infection ― that the hospital agreed to induce labor on a baby that would die shortly after birth.​
Her infection persisted, landing her in the intensive care unit and causing severe scar tissue to develop in her uterus and fallopian tubes. One of her fallopian tubes remains closed and non-functional. Because of the damage to her reproductive organs, her doctors have told her she will likely have to attempt in vitro fertilization to become pregnant again ― a process that’s often invasive, expensive and unsuccessful.​
Listen you, if anyone be it state, federal or local official's somehow screw around to basically allow for some sort of idiot's to attempt to set them up on the abortion issue, then we need knew official's who don't succumb to such a set up and/or won't cave to one.......

No apologies, because the bull shite has gone on for way to long (it got way out of control), otherwise whenever the conservatives and Christian conservatives try to do the civilized decent thing in promoting life, then here comes the leftist using every type of tactic it can to push an evil agenda above and beyond a righteous common sense agenda on the right..... The left is simply against the right countering the left on a bad left-wing agenda.

People who have not the capacity to use their so called common sense in order to discern between what is a life threatening situation or not, then they don't need to ever practice medicine again. Period.

It's not politics, but rather it's just idiocy and retardation going on with the left-wing today.
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The question isn’t about harm to me.
NFBW: You are a proponent of taking away an every pregnant woman’s freedom to avoid harm, including potentially loss of life to herself.

The only reason our government can deny liberty to any citizen or visitor to this great nation, as if they are doing harm to another person, citizen, or visitor to this great nation.

I take it from your attempt to avoid answering a relevant question and/or my point, you are unable to explain what harm comes to you BackAgain when a woman does something in the privacy of her own bedroom and in the privacy of a medical office with her family and doctors.

Why do you make it your business to get involved in some of the private affairs when those private affairs bring no harm to you or others?

NFBW: You are a proponent of taking away an every pregnant woman’s freedom to avoid harm, including potentially loss of life to herself.

That’s a ridiculous leap and of course, it’s untrue.
The only reason our government can deny liberty to any citizen or visitor to this great nation, as if they are doing harm to another person, citizen, or visitor to this great nation
It’s kind of great harm to end a life.
I take it from your attempt to avoid answering a relevant question and/or my point, you are unable to explain what harm comes to you
Already answered.
BackAgain when a woman does something in the privacy of her own bedroom and in the privacy of a medical office with her family and doctors.
That’s not a sentence.
Why do you make it your business to get involved in some of the private affairs when those private affairs bring no harm to you or others?


Why do you permit cops to arrest people for committing murder? Or for judges to sentence them to prison for it?
NFBW: You are a proponent of taking away an every pregnant woman’s freedom to avoid harm, including potentially loss of life to herself.

The only reason our government can deny liberty to any citizen or visitor to this great nation, as if they are doing harm to another person, citizen, or visitor to this great nation.

I take it from your attempt to avoid answering a relevant question and/or my point, you are unable to explain what harm comes to you BackAgain when a woman does something in the privacy of her own bedroom and in the privacy of a medical office with her family and doctors.

Why do you make it your business to get involved in some of the private affairs when those private affairs bring no harm to you or others?

Your last statement tells me that you fear certain people getting involved, because after a while you have got to realize that you have lost this debate, but I know, I know, you'll just keep writing and flooding the thread in hopes to look like you are winning, but instead you are just making a complete fool of yourself.
Your last statement tells me that you fear certain people getting involved, because after a while you have got to realize that you have lost this debate, but I know, I know, you'll just keep writing and flooding the thread in hopes to look like you are winning, but instead you are just making a complete fool of yourself.
Can you ever bring yourself to discuss the issue beagle9 ?????
Can you ever bring yourself to discuss the issue beagle9 ?????
I wish you could stay on the issue, but as soon as someone scolds you, and then shows you the error of your ways, then you take off on some leftist tangent or rant that makes everyone scratch their head's in thought while thinking - Is this dude crazy or what ? ROTFLMBO 🤣
Why do you permit cops to arrest people for committing murder?
When has a cop arrested a woman who terminated a pregnancy and so she could be charged with murder?

If a person kills another person that is not inside their body they are committing a crime that is based upon common law going back for centuries. Society needs laws against (born) persons killing other (born) persons because those of us law-abiding (born) persons (I assume you have been born BackAgain ) could not live our lives in pursuit of happiness if any person could murder us without the consequence of losing their liberty. That is prevention of harm to (born) persons.

The pregnant women being discussed subsequent to the Dobbs decision is a born person terminating an unborn life inside her own body and therefore is not a threat to other born persons when she is not prosecuted for getting a legal abortion at a clinic or at home using a pharmaceutical.

Again what harm comes to you BackAgain if a woman gets pregnant and does not want to be so she takes a pill to end it in the 12th week in the privacy of her home?

When has a cop arrested a woman who terminated a pregnancy and so she could be charged with murder?

If a person kills another person that is not inside their body they are committing a crime that is based upon common law going back for centuries. Society needs laws against (born) persons killing other (born) persons because those of us law-abiding (born) persons (I assume you have been born BackAgain ) could not live our lives in pursuit of happiness if any person could murder us without the consequence of losing their liberty. That is prevention of harm to (born) persons.

The pregnant women being discussed subsequent to the Dobbs decision is a born person terminating an unborn life inside her own body and therefore is not a threat to other born persons when she is not prosecuted for getting a legal abortion at a clinic or at home using a pharmaceutical.

Again what harm comes to you BackAgain if a woman gets pregnant and does not want to be so she takes a pill to end it in the 12th week in the privacy of her home?

You answered the question with the wrong interpretation of the question, but you knew that, it's just how you roll.

12th week eh ? And what science are you using to determine the 12th week as being somehow a good time for a woman to take a pill and end her pregnancy ? Ok so next you'll say "up to the 12th week then", and my question will be still the same.

If a pill is to be used, it should be immediately administered after sex in order to prevent a pregnancy if it works that way or before sex as is traditional with a birth control pill.

Why is it so hard for liberals to follow instructions or rule's, otherwise when it comes to knowing how to prevent a pregnancy ?
wish you could stay on the issue,
NFBW: I am on it right now with BackAgain .
What harm comes to you if a woman terminates her pregnancy (an act you said should not be charged with murder)

beagle920810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers,​
Look at BackAgain bringing up Commin Law homicide when you say abortion is not murder.,

Explain to BackAgain why abortion is not comparable to a born person murdering another born person if you wish to be helpful .

NFBW: I am on it right now with BackAgain .
What harm comes to you if a woman terminates her pregnancy (an act you said should not be charged with murder)

beagle920810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers,​
Look at BackAgain bringing up Commin Law homicide when you say abortion is not murder.,

Explain to BackAgain why abortion is not comparable to a born person murdering another born person if you wish to be helpful .

I did say that, but after rehabilitation is complete, and everyone understands the new law's or rule's of the road, then shame on a woman if she allows the life of her unborn to be taken as a form of birth control because she wants to be a slut, and therefore uses the system in order to accommodate her bull shite that undoubtedly you have no problem with.
did say that, but after rehabilitation is complete, and everyone understands the new law's or rule's of the road, then shame on a woman if she allows the life of her unborn to be taken as a form of birth control because she wants to be a slut, and therefore uses the system in order to accommodate her bull shite that undoubtedly you have no problem with.
So BackAgain do you endorse that “after rehabilitation is complete” Taliban rule?
NFBW230309-#7,498 • The reality is what separates humans from animals is having a brain capable of self consciousness and exchanging thoughts with other human beings.

BackAgain230309-#7,499 • Is that “the reality?” Or is not merely a self serving premise (and an unconfirmed one at that)?

NFBW: Better than anything you have:

Hauser and his colleagues have identified four abilities of the human mind that they believe to be the essence of our "humaniqueness" mental traits and abilities that distinguish us from our fellow Earthlings. What Distinguishes Humans from Other Animals?
They are: generative computation, promiscuous combination of ideas, the use of mental symbols, and abstract thought. [Read: Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind]​
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NFBW230309-#7,498 Then your logic takes you to a point where she doesn’t have a right to life if she chooses not to assume the risk of pregnancy when she does so earlier than a point when a fetus has a brain.

BackAgain230309-#7,499 • Not what I said and not what logic leads to.

NFBW: BackAgain failed to respond to my post 7498 by complaining that he did not say a woman does not have a right to life.

I was not saying that BackAgain said it. It is clear I said his logic takes him to a point where a woman does not have a right to life. Of course BackAgain wont say a woman has no right to life but he demands every woman shall not be able to preserve her right to life by terminating her pregnancy early on because abortion at a safe medical facility or pharmaceutical abortifacients should be banned at the will of white Christian voters

NFBW230309-#7,498 • in that you and society, as a whole, has a duty to protect a human being who has never had a brain and a conscious thought.

BackAgain230309-#7,499 • You’re allowed to take that position. That you do so doesn’t make it reasonable, accurate of justified.

NFBW: For the sake of your argument BackAgain tell the readers and me why any society of conscious capable human beings as a whole, has a duty to protect a human (living in privacy of womb) organism that has never had a physically developed brain capable of actually having a conscious thought.

There is no harm to conscious society if a woman is permitted by society to end the life of a never conscious capable fetus using her body to survive because the mother fetus relationship is private. And a woman who kills her fetus for convenience as you snd beagle9 say during fifty years of Roe v Wade has never gone on fetus killing murder spree on a basis that abortion was legal meducal procedure up to 28 weeks in the state where she lives.

Have they?

I don’t know what you’re talking about
NFBW: I am talking about your expressed celebration of the unjustifiable oppression and basically religious persecution of pregnant women when their pregnancy is unplanned and unwanted as shown in this exchange on this thread that you were psyched to start:

Lakhota220502-#35 Lakhota
Sad news...for women!

BackAgain220502-#40 Excellent news for all people

bodecea220503-#505 bodecea • Males telling women what to do with their bodies.

BackAgain220503-#509 • The law deciding that murder is wrong

NFBW: Do you BackAgain want to charge Amanda Zurawski with murdering a fetus when it had a heartbeat in Texas in violation of Texas heartbeat laws that you celebrate being on the books.

Amanda Zurawski was nearly 18 weeks pregnant when her doctor diagnosed her with an “incompetent cervix,” which made her sick, but she was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat. Texas Law meant there was nothing her doctors could do except wait for her to go into labor. Zurawski “developed chills and started shivering, and by the time she got home, she had a temperature of 101 degrees and was not responding to her husband’s questions — all signs of sepsis,” Finally the hospital agreed to induce labor on a baby that would die shortly after birth.

Is that murder to you BackAgain ?

Amand’s infection persisted, landing her in the intensive care unit and causing severe scar tissue to develop in her uterus and fallopian tubes. One of her fallopian tubes remains closed and non-functional.

I am for abolishing the Texas Heartbeat law and getting white Texas Christian Republicans in that government off of Texas women’s uteruses before they actually kill a woman that does not have the means to good medical services and can’t afford to leave the state to get it.

What say you BackAgain ?


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