Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Self Centered Excuses By Traitors To Principles Of Individualism For Us Republic "

* Creed Of Zealots Violating Us 1st Amendment Establishment Clause *

In your pinhead universe, is it even possible or you to grasp that a society can place value on human life outside of religious bases?
A venn diagram to elaborate the myopia of anthropocentric egoism by apex predators for the fervent fanatic fetish of protecting every instance of its own fashion , falsely attempts to satisfy a subjective altruism that its introspection should exist in perpetuity , while denying natural law where not all instances of its introspection are required to satisfy the subjective altruism .

* Universal Scale Of Exploitation Exception Limits For Introspection *
" Simple Tons Of No Thing "

* Archaic Invocation Of Homunculus Introspection *

Still not clear , try again .

From the legal perspective of a state , one means countable by census , as an individual , as does the preposition per .

Thus , per son as defined in title 1 section 8 of us code is being unlawfully violated by sedition of scotus , through its dumbfounded dobbs decision , which is supported by traitors to us 14th amendment , to us 9th amendment , to us 1st amendment and to principles of us republic .
You said abortion is legal, while it’s banned in many states.
If it is legal in one state, it should be legal in all states. The Dobbs decision actually made it plausible and confirmed the fact that even six Catholic anti/abortion justices cannot go against the constitution and say that abortion is illegal.

If abortion were murder, homicide, infanticide as you lie about how could the Supreme Court allow the states to kill US citizens while they are fetuses if the majority wants to kill them.
Please describe how a legal private medical procedure harms you or deprives you of life liberty and pursuit of happiness as guaranteed by the US Constitution.

I don't care if someone else getting murdered doesn't harm me

Outside of self defense If an individual expects to live a full life as a free individual he cannot murder another individual and expect to remain free. He should be captured tried and lose his liberty or even his own life. If a birth dated individual kills a birth dated individual without prosecution and incarceration when found guilty you wouid be harmed just like everyone else because you could not live without fear that you could be next and chaos in society would overwhelm us all.,

Aborting an unwanted fetus during the first twenty weeks of pregnancy as a matter of choice has zero detrimental effect on society. It harms zero persons who have met a live birth requirement when an abortion takes place as a very private matter.

nf.23.07.14 #9,729
myrpls23.07.15 #9,734
nf.23.07.15 #9,745
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" Self Centered Excuses By Traitors To Principles Of Individualism For Us Republic "

* Creed Of Zealots Violating Us 1st Amendment Establishment Clause *

A venn diagram to elaborate the myopia of anthropocentric egoism by apex predators for the fervent fanatic fetish of protecting every instance of its own fashion , falsely attempts to satisfy a subjective altruism that its introspection should exist in perpetuity , while denying natural law where not all instances of its introspection are required to satisfy the subjective altruism .

* Universal Scale Of Exploitation Exception Limits For Introspection *
What is an “Us republic” you gibberish spewing retard?
" On Principles Of Individualism In Us Republic "

* Obviation Of Self Evident From Proper Noun *

By the way , you is second person accusative , and by reflection , alludes to both the accuser and the accused .
You don’t write in English very well. And your misuse and abuse of grammar is grating.

But you compensate for those failures with the fact that you have nothing intelligent to say, anyway.
Ahhh. The busybody statists are still at it. Getting up in other people's business.. Up inside other people's business, you might say.

I think some people just sit and dwelling on what other people are up to, and how they can control them with laws and government. Some people are real dickwads.
" Deconstruction Reconstruction Of Associations Engaging In Sew Fist Tree "

* Hew Ewe Hue Due Knot Complete A Paradigm *

So apparently, you ignorant twat, what you meant was “the republic of the United States” or the “U.S. republic.” The word “Us” has a different meaning. You putz.
Apparently , the method for implementing euphemism through sophistry for subterfuge is working .

A motto with a credo of e pluribus unum is imbued with an interpretation which includes principles of individualism .

The supposed right wing purports to deride collectivism , to deride authoritarian dictates of a collective , to promote principles of individualism , to promote equal protection of negative liberties between individuals , and yet they appear in full visage with hypocrisy and heresy against principles of antinomianism and individualism .

* Retrospective Admonition To Amend Faux Pas Judgement And Move On To Illegal And Legal Immigration Limits *

The #dobbs decision is dumbfounded conclusion and seditious law against us 14th amendment , against us 9th amendment , against us 1st amendment , and against title 1 section 8 of us code .

By us 14th amendment , any other stipulation to become a citizen is incidental except for a live birth requirement and , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen that would include a wright to life .

By us 14th amendment , a non enumerated wright exists which prohibits states , by us 10th amendment , from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , hence states are prohibited from proscribing abortion .

The paraphrased statement of blackmun , " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest , ... not ... prior to live birth . " , applies equitable doctrine to a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen and , based on an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , natural viability was substituted in lieu of a live birth requirement , which the court referred to as potential life .

There is nothing obtuse , or askew , or unreasonable about #roevwade conclusion or decision , except the disgraceful and despicable incompetence of jurisprudence at large , of abortion choice and anti-choice pundits and of the fee press , for its pathetic need to have a " Logically , of course , ... " statement from blackmun explained to them !

* Awl Eat Toe Dumb Founded Ignorant Basis For Interjecting Collective Authoritarian Dictates In The Busy Nest Of Individuals *

That is , with less brevity , the potential life reference means a potential entitlement to a wright to life based on an ability to satisfy a live birth requirement , and #roevwade ruled that states could proscribe abortion in the 3rd trimester ( post natural viability ) , while states could regulate abortion procedures in 2nd trimester to ensure safety , while 1st trimester abortions were considered safe and between the doctor and patient .
" Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on pre-viability abortions. The Court did not explain the basis for this line, and even abortion supporters have found it hard to defend Roe’s reasoning. "
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" Deconstruction Reconstruction Of Associations Engaging In Sew Fist Tree "

* Hew Ewe Hue Due Knot Complete A Paradigm *

Apparently , the method for implementing euphemism through sophistry for subterfuge is working .

A motto with a credo of e pluribus unum is imbued with an interpretation which includes principles of individualism .

The supposed right wing purports to deride collectivism , to deride authoritarian dictates of a collective , to promote principles of individualism , to promote equal protection of negative liberties between individuals , and yet they appear in full visage with hypocrisy and heresy against principles of antinomianism and individualism .

* Retrospective Admonition To Amend Faux Pas Judgement And Move On To Illegal And Legal Immigration Limits *

The #dobbs decision is dumbfounded conclusion and seditious law against us 14th amendment , against us 9th amendment , against us 1st amendment , and against title 1 section 8 of us code .

By us 14th amendment , any other stipulation to become a citizen is incidental except for a live birth requirement and , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen that would include a wright to life .

By us 14th amendment , a non enumerated wright exists which prohibits states , by us 10th amendment , from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , hence states are prohibited from proscribing abortion .

The paraphrased statement of blackmun , " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest , ... not ... prior to live birth . " , applies equitable doctrine to a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen and , based on an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , natural viability was substituted in lieu of a live birth requirement , which the court referred to as potential life .

There is nothing obtuse , or askew , or unreasonable about #roevwade conclusion or decision , except the disgraceful and despicable incompetence of jurisprudence at large , of abortion choice and anti-choice pundits and of the fee press , for its pathetic need to have a " Logically , of course , ... " statement from blackmun explained to them !

* Awl Eat Toe Dumb Founded Ignorant Basis For Interjecting Collective Authoritarian Dictates In The Busy Nest Of Individuals *

That is , with less brevity , the potential life reference means a potential entitlement to a wright to life based on an ability to satisfy a live birth requirement , and #roevwade ruled that states could proscribe abortion in the 3rd trimester ( post natural viability ) , while states could regulate abortion procedures in 2nd trimester to ensure safety , while 1st trimester abortions were considered safe and between the doctor and patient .
" Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on pre-viability abortions. The Court did not explain the basis for this line, and even abortion supporters have found it hard to defend Roe’s reasoning. "
The gibberish onslaught continues.

Helpful hint. You do not come across as witty or sophisticated or even marginally intelligent when you find retarded alternative ways of spewing your nonsense. If you want to say “sophistry,” you dopey bag of shit, you could just simply spell the word.

You’re very dull and unsophisticated. But at least you say nothing worth saying.
Only if harmed. Women have been terminating pregnancies for fifty years. Has any one of those private medical procedures harmed you?

vnktr.23.07.14 #9,724
nf.23.07.14 #9,725
Fifty years sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. It's time to erase the screw up's that were ushered in by the 60s hippy chit show, and the 90s chit show as well................

After world war two, we had a great nation that had some sense and order to itself, otherwise one that represented a civilized order for most citizen's trying to move forward after that great war.. Yes we had racism sadly enough too, but the racism was being worked on by great movement's such as what King had going, and what he had ultimately paid for with his life following his great compassionate cause, and so the nation finally saw it's error in full view, and it was time to correct itself, and it worked very hard too. It began working.

Then the seventies came, and the civil rights laws and movement began to correct the nation's flaw's by leaps and bounds. Soon we were on a grand march to a greater nation that was beginning to shape up nicely for all citizen's regardless of race or gender.

The 80s and 90s saw a great period of prosperity, and then the internet explosion that made people more money than they had ever dreamed of, then came the racist regressive Obama, who decided that he was going to transform a country that was doing just great on it's current track of progress, into some sort of backwards race hustling bull shite that we are still dealing with today.

To summarize - Yes the nation made the mistake of using racism during the 50s, but after that was fixed for the most part, the Democrat's for political power in the 90s decided to revisit it in the 90s, and up to what is now the current racism being used by certain groups mainly for vengeful and/or get back purposes.......Except, this time it was for the purpose of Democrat's fooling groups of people for their vote, otherwise using race hustling scheme's for which sadly they've been gaining momentum on, and doing so because of the sick race hustling pandering Democrats with their leftist leaned knucklehead's in tow or maybe leading the way....

They have kept the Democrat party in complete disarray by feeding it brainwashing lies and bull shite like we've never seen before.
Abortion isn't legal
It doesn't deserve privacy
It {is not} medical / healthcare

It kills a human being in cold blood
I don't care if someone else getting murdered doesn't harm me
Aborting an unwanted fetus during the first twenty weeks of pregnancy as a matter of choice has zero detrimental effect on society. It harms zero persons who have met a live birth requirement when an abortion takes place as a very private matter.
You repeat untruth that abortion is not legal when you know the truth that abortion is legal when a majority in a state want it to be legal. Even where you live (presumably Texas) the majority want abortion to be legal but the voters have voted into office a Christian fascist Texas government on other issues like immigration and the right to buy firearms and shoot Hispanic kids in Texas schools where Texas cops stand around for an hour and let them die.

As a stand alone vote in Texas the right to an abortion would be restored and you should know it. The only reason Texas women lost their reproductive freedom to little atheist fascist goons such as you is because they were asleep at the wheel believing the Supreme Court would never become fascists and take a fifty year right away. But Dobbs woke them up - your anti women fascism will die in Texas too..

myrpls23.07.15 #9,734
nf.23.07.15 #9,745
nf.23.07.16 #9,754

From the Record:

Killing your patient or your patient’s family members for money is not healthcare.
Let's remember the number 90......the number of minutes the Uvalde police were ordered to wait an not engage the shooter.....
myrpls.23.05.24 #35
vgvy.23.05.24 #38
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" Idiomatic Standard "

* Thanks For Heckling Hailing Bump To Reiterate An Iterative Intent *

The gibberish onslaught continues.
Helpful hint. You do not come across as witty or sophisticated or even marginally intelligent when you find retarded alternative ways of spewing your nonsense. If you want to say “sophistry,” you dopey bag of shit, you could just simply spell the word.
You’re very dull and unsophisticated. But at least you say nothing worth saying.
When an other speaks , spelling is absent , and a clear understanding for jargon in innuendo relies on an idiomatic standard .

Clearly , an inability to understand the direct and forthright predilections from the statements by blackmun in #roevwade , " logically , of course , a legitimate state interest .. not .. prior to live birth . " and " potential life " , proves only that the idiom is not understood .

A subjective perspective for idiom is based on the idiomatic standard , where a failure to understand an idiom is a state of idiocy , which sometimes includes an idiot , when a common standard for an idiom is accepted and implemented .

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After world war two, we had a great nation that had some sense and order to itself, otherwise one that represented a civilized order for most citizen's trying to move forward after that great war..
You dishonor the men and women who fought and won that war for civillizaty with your alignment with the minority subgroup of all Christian’s who have converted the Republican Party into an anti-democracy cult of personality for any strong authoritarian leader who claims to give a shit about saving baby fetuses from their mothers.

Most Christians are not in your saving baby fetus cult.
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But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.
Without women, there will be no children.
If we're going to arbitrarily decide which human beings are more unimportant than which other human beings, then I am going to declare that an intelligent, decent human being is far more important that a retarded sociopath such as yourself.
Humans are more important than humans?

Reply to #1 : Dobbs did not end the slaughter of innocent life. That decision decided that states having enough authoritarian white Christians who like the unChristian agenda that Republicans stand for, have the authority pass laws to ban women from getting a medical procedure that terminates an unwanted pregnancy whether the woman is a Christian or not.

Reply to #3 : The problem with St Blaylock’s argumentative absurdity is that woman who do not want to gestate a fetus to full term are not deciding that a conscious independently living human being is being killed during an abortion procedure. The fetus has no brain and no consciousness but th woman has both. She is more important than her fetus because she had met a live birth requirement and her fetus has not.

St Unkotare is simply clueless.

bckvgn.22.05.02 #1
jvsh.23.07.16 #337
bblylck.24.07.16 #342
vnktr.23.06.16 #343
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" Idiomatic Standard "

* Thanks For Heckling Hailing Bump To Reiterate An Iterative Intent *

When an other speaks , spelling is absent , and a clear understanding for jargon in innuendo relies on an idiomatic standard .

Clearly , an inability to understand the direct and forthright predilections from the statements by blackmun in #roevwade , " logically , of course , a legitimate state interest .. not .. prior to live birth . " and " potential life " , proves only that the idiom is not understood .

A subjective perspective for idiom is based on the idiomatic standard , where a failure to understand an idiom is a state of idiocy , which sometimes includes an idiot , when a common standard for an idiom is accepted and implemented .

More babble ^ from the Queenie of all things babble, monk-eye.
Reply to #1 : Dobbs did not end the slaughter of innocent life.

Not what I wrote, you illiterate retard.

What I wrote, way back then, was much more precise. It is no longer sanctioned by the United States. The court said it was a State issue.
bckvgn.22.05.02 #1
jvsh.23.07.16 #337
bblylck.24.07.16 #342
vnktr.23.06.16 #343

kirk, stardate whenever, eieio.
I’d rather lose elections, while protecting the innocent, than win elections by condemning the innocent to death.

When you lost the election in Kansas you lost any chance of saving baby fetus in Kansas. There aren’t enough white fanatic Christian’s to save baby fetus now that Dobbs woke everyone up who votes against having white fanatic Republican Christians impose their fanatic nonsense on everyone who does not conform to their religious interpretation that a brainless fetus is equal to the woman who carries it in her body.

hynrm.23.07.16 #344
nf.23.07.16 #9,760

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