Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Why? Because it can. Does all the time to folks on Medicare and Medicaid and vets depended on the VA
When is a medical procedure other than abortion banned because the state does not want an individual to avoid the risk of death by having it done?
What is your interpretation of the 14th amendment?
IT’s a matter of what “government” cannot do to a law abiding individual just because she ends up with a fertilized egg in her body.
No government shall ever deprive a woman of the liberty to make decisions about what she chooses to do with her body. Forced gestation to full term by a government is forcing a woman to take on the risk of harm to her body including potential death.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The states that do not recognize a woman’s bodily autonomy and freedom to choose, and the right to prevent harm to herself, will eventually lose the right to ban abortions. STATES have no constitutional right to use the government to force mandatory gestation on a woman against her will. Fetuses have no rights as individuals until they are born., the Confederacy has another lost cause.
Why can a state government deprive a law abiding individual from getting a medical procedure that could save her life
Why? Because it can.
Where is “due process” per the 14th Amendment given to a law abiding woman when the state deprives her the opportunity to save and protect her life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness by banning a medical procedure that will prevent the possibility of dying while giving birth to a child?
In Massachusetts, the state’s highest court recognized that the right to abortion is found within the state constitutional due process rights.
read Dobbs, abortion is not some special medical procedure that can’t be regulated by govt.
If one state respects reproductive autonomy that lies at the heart of liberty then as goes that state, so goes the nation.

White Christian Nationalism shit itself all over the entire Republican Party with Trump begotten Dobbs.

The right to abortion is firmly rooted in the Constitution’s promise of “a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.”. It is essential to the rights of personal autonomy and bodily integrity guaranteed in the 14th Amendment.

Abortion has become the most special medical procedure in the history of mankind as It separates the tyranny of the white Christian Nationalists with their submissive judgment of those of us unbeholden to their metaphysical whims on the nature of existence, from the spirit of independence, liberty and enlightenment that drove our first four president to give birth to a nation with ideals that Republicans like struth no longer holds and will cherish until death does he part.

nf.23.08.21 #10,424
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In Massachusetts, the state’s highest court recognized that the right to abortion is found within the state constitutional due process rights.

If one state respects reproductive autonomy that lies at the heart of liberty then as goes that state, so goes the nation.

White Christian Nationalism shit itself all over the entire Republican Party with Trump begotten Dobbs.

The right to abortion is firmly rooted in the Constitution’s promise of “a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.”. It is essential to the rights of personal autonomy and bodily integrity guaranteed in the 14th Amendment.

Abortion has become the most special medical procedure in the history of mankind as It separates the tyranny of the white Christian Nationalists with their submissive judgment of those of us unbeholden to their metaphysical whims on the nature of existence, from the spirit of independence, liberty and enlightenment that drove our first four president to give birth to a nation with ideals that Republicans like struth no longer holds and will cherish until death does he part.

nf.23.08.21 #10,424
Cool. Each state has their own Constitution. If the people of my state vote to change it, then so be it…I personally don’t think a change to my state constitution is needed, I am fine with laws allowing it, the laws of my state currently are just fine
Trump was the apple of Putin’s eye:
"Putin would have never gone into Ukraine, but that was just on my relationship with him. My personality over his. [He] would have never gone in. I used to speak to him. I was the apple of his eye, but I said 'Don't ever do it.' DJT August 2023​

TRUMP! is president, Putin does nothing.
Quid Pro Joe is president, Putin invades Ukraine.
There must be at least 700 million combinations of potential realities to explain why that historical outcome manifested into a reality, but one involving Putin’s fear of Trump coinciding with no fear of Biden does not appear to be the slightest but plausible to a rational mind

Understanding that authoritarian’s with mega/wealth like Putin and Trump are thin-skinned against even slight criticism, I prefer the Zelinski sitcom explanation of the timing of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Zelensky’s character “Holoborodko” in his own sitcom about a like-able everyman who inadvertently becomes president - through the simple means of telling the truth.

The Servant of the People (Sluga Narodu) ran on Ukrainian TV 2015-2018. It was extremely popular - popular enough to earn Zelensky 73 per cent of the vote when he stood for real winning the April 2019 Presidential elections.

There’s a particularly funny moment when the Prime Minister played by Stanislav Bolkan, is showing Holoborodko the sort of luxurious accessories he can now expect to wear as President, including an array of designer watches. Putin, he explains, wears a Hublot. “Putin - Hublot?” Holoborodko responds. This is a play on Putin khuilo, a popular Donbas football chant meaning, basically, F**k Putin.

Perhaps Putin as a madman with the “apple of his eye” sitting in the White House wanted to take Zelinki out by full scale invasion but the Apple told him to hold off because an invasion would make the Apple look weak and hurt the chances of being re-elected . Perhaps the Apple convinced Putin if re-elected the Apple had three years to soothe things over if Russia takes over Ukraine in 2021 and by 2024 what does the Apple care if the Russian Flag is flying over the new Trump Tower in Kiev. Wink and a nod sort of thing.

nf.23.08.21 #10,426
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You are MAGA.

I care that a fetus being gestated is a life. It is a potential human being and if anyone kills it other than the woman gestating it, murder or manslaughter laws should apply if they do not already as in some states.

Why do you accuse me of not caring? It’s a matter of prioritizing rights between a woman with a conscious life and a living fetus with no conscious of life. Gestating a fetus has a maternal mortality rate attached to it.

That means giving birth can kill the birth mother.

I prioritize that women unknown to me have a right to stop gestation in their own bodies because it’s none of my business. But more importantly a eonsn’s right to eliminate the potential risk of harm or death supersedes the right of a brainless potential human to receive full term gestation from her life.

It is a potential human being and if anyone kills it other than the woman gestating it, murder or manslaughter laws should apply if they do not already as in some states.

You admit it’s a potential human life, so, why would it be murder if someone else kills it…but not murder if the mother does it? How does that work? How does the act of terminating a human life change depending on who’s doing it?

Why do you accuse me of not caring?

Because you agree with the Jewish belief that a fetus has less value than a born baby.

I prioritize that women unknown to me have a right to stop gestation in their own bodies because it’s none of my business

I can understand that, and I agree. It is really none of our business. I also believe that it’s not the federal governments business either.
thssm.23.08.18 #10,386

That is not my argument at all. You have never responded to my argument.

This is what a fetus during gestating is:

Modified slightly by me from original
By Robert P George Arguing the Ethics of Stem Cell Research : The embryonic, fetal, infant, child and adolescent stages are stages of development of a determinate and enduring entity -- a human being -- who comes into existence as a zygote and develops by a gradual and gapless process into adulthood many years later.

{The gestating fetal human being} is a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information. The direction of its growth is not extrinsically determined, but is in accord with the genetic information within it.

That is not “a clump of cells that is not a life”

nf.23.08.19 #10,386

I said “the left” as in general. If that doesn’t include you, great, but the left, in general, does believe that it’s not a life and that it is nothing more than tissue.
" Not Based On Principles Of Us Republic "

* Orwellian Double Speak Clown Shoes *

All the populism bullshit , of bantering for democracy as tyranny by collective majority , is the premise of a democrat , which is not the premise of a republican bantering for a republic based on principles of individualism .

Perhaps you are dismayed to know it , you are a democrat on the abortion issue .
I keep telling them that.

I challenge them to ask me why I am a Republican.
Is it possible that God knows Judaism and Jews are ok?

I ask you that question Jewish people believe the sanctity of life begins at first breath or as it can be seen emerging from the womb.

Are you saying Jews are uncivilized for not believing what Catholics believe which is the sanctity of life begins at conception.

I’m not saying they are uncivilized at all, they just believe differently.
lnnyprtv.23.07.20 22.04.13 22.11.13
#2 #1 #151
Blacks are too stupid to vote Republican.
Infiltration for evil is the name of the game. It's a power struggle we must fight in our government and now in the churches.
White Evangelicals are America.

Black evangelicals are smart enough to know a Republican racist when they see one put it in writing.

It will be a cold day in Hell when white Evangelical Republicans ever apologize to Ruby Freeman for electing the President who turned the White House into a national criminal enterprise to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of black Biden voters to get around the reality that he lost the election. What Rudy and the election deniers did to Ruby and her daughter in Georgia was racist, criminal, unconscionable, unchristian and unpatriotic behavior.

But none of ya care because black lives do not matter to Republicans
nf.23.08.21 #10,431
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lnnyprtv.23.07.20 22.04.13 22.11.13
#2 #1 #151

Black evangelicals are smart enough to know a Republican racist when they see one put it in writing.

It will be a cold day in Hell when white Evangelical Republicans ever apologize to Ruby Freeman for electing the President who turned the White House into a national criminal enterprise to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of black Biden voters to get around the reality that he lost the election. What Rudy and the election deniers did to Ruby and get Georgia was racist, criminal, unconscionable, unchristian and unpatriotic behavior.

But none of ya care because black lives do not matter to Republicans

You have no proof of any of that. The accusations the right made against ruby would have also happened if she were white.

They didn’t make the accusations because she is black, they did it because they think she did something fraudulent.
lnnyprtv.23.07.20 22.04.13 22.11.13
#2 #1 #151

Black evangelicals are smart enough to know a Republican racist when they see one put it in writing.

It will be a cold day in Hell when white Evangelical Republicans ever apologize to Ruby Freeman for electing the President who turned the White House into a national criminal enterprise to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of black Biden voters to get around the reality that he lost the election. What Rudy and the election deniers did to Ruby and get Georgia was racist, criminal, unconscionable, unchristian and unpatriotic behavior.

But none of ya care because black lives do not matter to Republicans
You sound irrational and angry. Might want to talk to someone about that.
Where is the liberty for the unborn child?

Blacks are too stupid to vote Republican.

White Evangelicals are America.

You sound irrational and angry.

If you and Lenny were true Americans, you’d be angry as well when a President of the United States who represents the white political party, operates a criminal enterprise to overturn the election for a second term that he lost by criminally disenfranchising over 75 million voters from the multicultural party to which 9 out of 10 black Americans belong.


If you and Lenny were true Americans, you’d be angry as well when a President of the United States who represents the white political party, operates a criminal enterprise to overturn the election for a second term that he lost by criminally disenfranchising over 75 million voters from the multicultural party to which 9 out of 10 black Americans belong.

Translation: I'm mad about something else, and you should be mad too!!!
Translation: I'm mad about something else, and you should be mad too!!!
no! You would disenfranchise my vote + tens of millions so you could keep your orange anti-Christ in office. It’s not a discussion between rational human beings anymore since your side continues to back Trump’s criminal enterprise that you do not want to be brought to justice or even have a trial - you want him to keep trying.
no! You would disenfranchise my vote + tens of millions so you could keep your orange anti-Christ in office. It’s not a discussion between rational human beings anymore since your side continues to back Trump’s criminal enterprise that you do not want to be brought to justice or even have a trial - you want him to keep trying.
We were talking about Roe v Wade and you want to rant about something else. Why don't you start your own thread about it?
No, it's not part of her body.

We were talking about Roe v Wade

Yes. A fetus is part of the mother’s nervous system and you say it isn’t. And then throw a tantrum that I won’t say you are right.

There is no way a fetus is not part of its mothers body, because if it was not, there would be no need for this discussion
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