Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Why doesn’t Trump convene a huge public spectacle for Newsmax ratings by gathering all the state legislators who have publicly and officially passed a request to recall the certified Biden Electors because they discovered after certification that they missed absolute evidence of outcome determinative massive election fraud.

You say Trump has it, why doesn’t he hold his own even to show and tell us all about it?
Nobody will allow it in a court.

This stuff has been shown all this week on social media detailing the witnesses that came forward in the weeks after the Nov. 2020 election. Every day there's at least a dozen witnesses in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and other's testifying what they saw during the counting of ballots.

Think of it this way - if Trump thought the bank stole his money - Trump cannot rob the bank to steal it back legally.,

Trump tried to rob the United States of an election he “thought with no proof” was stolen from him.

he committed 92 crimes so far.,

Even if irrefutable proof surfaced that he won the 2020 election he will still be a criminal when a jury convicts him any of the charges against him

That bankrupted US Corporation bullshit. It’s q-anon loony toons bullshit
Think of it this way - if Trump thought the bank stole his money - Trump cannot rob the bank to steal it back legally.,

Trump tried to rob the United States of an election he “thought with no proof” was stolen from him.

he committed 92 crimes so far.,

Even if irrefutable proof surfaced that he won the 2020 election he will still be a criminal when a jury convicts him any of the charges against him

That bankrupted US Corporation bullshit. It’s q-anon loony toons bullshit
You're thinking is pretty screwed up.
It's not like bank robbery.
It's the destruction of democracy in America.
Everyone that was involved is guilty of numerous RICO violations.
This stuff has been shown all this week on social media detailing the witnesses that came forward in the weeks after the Nov. 2020 election. Every day there's at least a dozen witnesses in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and other's testifying what they saw during the counting of ballots.
I’m sure there is. MAGA Believers make up
all kinds of stuff every day that they worship Trump until they don’t. Some day you won’t.

But that is not what you said.

You wrote:

I bet you didn't know that 5-6 states wanted to recall their electors because they discovered massive election fraud and wanted to redo the election?

When a state speaks that they want to decertify their certifications of electors it hads to be official and publicly documented.

Where is it.

FYI once a state certifies its election by December 8 following the election there is no way to take it back. If you think six states made a catastrophic error to certify the loser - you are just plain fucking nuts.

I’m sure there is. MAGA Believers make up
all kinds of stuff every day that they worship Trump until they don’t. Some day you won’t.

But that is not what you said.

You wrote:

When a state speaks that they want to decertify their certifications of electors it hads to be official and publicly documented.

Where is it.

FYI once a state certifies its election by December 8 following the election there is no way to take it back. If you think six states made a catastrophic error to certify the loser - you are just plain fucking nuts.

Sorry. The only person that sounds nuts is you, Bud.

There is supposed to be checks and balances in government but the Uniparty went around those checks and balances by not including the legislation in the process.
Many of the state's legislators demanded a recall of electors but their Secretary of State certified the election anyway.

Here's just one example of the irregularities that went on in Georgia:

Many of the state's legislators demanded a recall of electors but their Secretary of State certified the election anyway.

So Secretaries of six states committed election fraud. Is that what you are saying

Georgia does not appear to be one of them. Right?
Sorry. The only person that sounds nuts is you, Bud.

There is supposed to be checks and balances in government but the Uniparty went around those checks and balances by not including the legislation in the process.
Many of the state's legislators demanded a recall of electors but their Secretary of State certified the election anyway.

Here's just one example of the irregularities that went on in Georgia:

So it is Georgia,

Raffensperger has testified under oath that your bullshit cheating never happened, If it happened in a Republican state you’d think
People who committed voter fraud wouid be charged and prosecuted,

Ask your brain a question. Why are none of the 67,000 illegal votes not prosecuted?

And if there’s proof 67.000 votes were illegal but Raffensperger and prosecutors covered it up why after three years is nobody investigating this under a lawsuit by the Trump campaign?.

It seems Trump could sue Georgia in a federal court for damages if Georgia screwed him out of his win there
So it is Georgia,

Raffensperger has testified under oath that your bullshit cheating never happened, If it happened in a Republican state you’d think
People who committed voter fraud wouid be charged and prosecuted,

Ask your brain a question. Why are none of the 67,000 illegal votes not prosecuted?

And if there’s proof 67.000 votes were illegal but Raffensperger and prosecutors covered it up why after three years is nobody investigating this under a lawsuit by the Trump campaign?.

It seems Trump could sue Georgia in a federal court for damages if Georgia screwed him out of his win there
Well....up until now he didn't have standing.

Now he has a trial coming up to prove his case, thanks to the Fulton Co. DA.

The very DA “Fani Willis” going after President Trump and those who called out the election fraud was a beneficiary of the fraud. She was on the ballot! And she’s now trying to go after people exposing what really happened. – Heather Mullins
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Now he has a trial coming up to prove his case, thanks to the Fulton Co. DA.
If it’s proven that he won Geirgia it will be a seiarate trial

He still needs to win his freedom by convincing one person on a Fulton County Jury that he did not commit the crimes he fad been charged with.

If he’s right about Georgia {impossible} he still did not win the 2020 election,
In 2020 I was alarmed by his track record of disrespecting people, his narcissism and the hatred that he stokes in people toward him that might have permanently split the country and ended the nation during a Donald Trump second term. But with all that said and acknowledgement that Donald Trump can and would likely act worse than described if there was a Presidential election today I would vote for Donald Trump for Presidency without a doubt I am one hundred percent certain I would.
Do you know when and how Trump and the white Evangelicals and Vigano Catholics of the Saving Baby Fetus cult hooked up with Trump in the GOP Primaries for 2016?


"I'll tell you one thing: I get elected president, we're going to be saying 'merry Christmas' again. Just remember that," he said. "And by the way, Christianity will have power, without having to form." •••• He added: "Because if I'm there, you're going to have plenty of power. You don't need anybody else. You're going to have somebody representing you very, very well. Remember that."​

TRUMP: If I'm president, 'Christianity will have power' in the US​

Jan 23, 2016, 2:58 PM ET​

Trump gave the zealots a major all Catholic Dobbs decision. He gave the zealots states rights to force full term gestation on every unwanted pregnancy,

Trump won 2016 on a wave of power mad white Christian zealotry and rage

And now he’s not helping his devoted evangelical election fraud liar lawyer with her legal fees . She has a daily half hour show on Evangelist Radio where she is very influential well loved and strongly opposed to reproductive freedom Christian She is starting to complain. If she turns against Trump as I’m hoping she does - She and other Christian leaders could be done with Trump in a heartbeat, They got Jesus. They don’t need Trump like Trump needs them.

nf23.08.25 #10,535
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Trump’s biggest victory For white Bible Believing Republican voters was appointing three Catholics who made it possible to overturn RvW.

It’s all there. Jenna Ellis’s show in the Morning. CHRISTIAN NATION STUFF for Saint Mashmont all day, and a black married preachy couple’s show in the afternoon getting the nation right with Trump and Jesus.

Jesus Politics on steroids sort of thing sprinkled with a little Armageddon spice just for fun all day. It’s the irrational explanation of everything going on by experts on irrationality at their finest.

Jefferson was a rational theist who must be rolling over in his grave to find out that irrational minds and self absorbed lower educated populists have electoral power ove the fate of the nation he helped establish with his most prized achievement being separation of church and state.

Everybody listed above is I generally believe from reading your opinions and analysis over the years here should listen to American Family Radio once in a while because those patriotic Christian people will decide if Trump and the Republican Party survives the next presidential election or ceases to exist.

I was listening one day after the Georgia Indictment of the Orange Messiah and Jenna Ellis which forced a discussion that day on the legality of the good Christian’s fake electors plot to overturn the 2020 election for Trump.

One host brought up the fact to a constitutional expert from some high school I’m guessing that all fifty states certified the election on December 14th but did not want to say the truth that the election was over and Trump had no legal or constitutional way to overturn his loss.

The host kept badgering the expert until the expert conceded yes yes yes Trump had to concede and should have moved on.

Then the spent the next ten minutes begging his listeners to not send him hate mail because he loves Trump as much as he loves Jesus.

I think white evangelicals in large numbers will begin disengaging from zealous anti-abortion politicking and return to being prepared for the second coming of Christ instead of wasting energy on the second election of the Pusey Grabber - because overturning RvW turns out to be a huge flop for religious conservatives hell bent on uniting church and state for Jesus.


Ok, you are responding to quotes from multiple different topics in different threads and responding with a morphing answer that starts in one topic and graduates to another.

Just admit you’re a bot lol
nf.23.08.25 #233
"Shawn Still, a Georgia Republican charged alongside former President Donald Trump in a racketeering conspiracy to subvert the 2020 election, says he signed false papers claiming to be a legitimate presidential elector at Trump’s direction."

Ok, you are responding to quotes from multiple different topics in different threads and responding with a morphing answer that starts in one topic and graduates to another.

disenfranchise: : to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity especially : to deprive of the right to vote

nf.23.08.21 #10,436
You would disenfranchise my vote + tens of millions so you could keep your orange anti-Christ in office.

We were talking about Roe v Wade and you want to rant about something else

nf.23.08.21 #10,439
Tell me, How was it that roe versus wade was overturned in the first place?

Can either of you two answer my question in post #10,439 from Monday?

Do you believe presidential elections and the motivations of citizen’s who vote which way or that, has anything to do with how RvW was overturned in the first place?

Did Trump beating Clinton in 2016 have anything to do with it?

Did Trump defeat Clinton with the voting block of white Evangelical Christian’s solidly behind him?

When Trump lost in 2023 and all fifty states had certified their slates of electors, Jenna Ellis, a white Evangelical Christian lawyer on the Trump campaign legal team, allegedly made false statements to overturn the 2020 election and solicited public officials including Shawn Still (see post 08.25 #233 ) to unlawfully appoint presidential electors. She, Trump and 17 others were charged last week in a sweeping racketeering indictment for alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia.


Trump, Ellis and Still are alleged to have conspired to disenfranchise the voters in Georgia by committing fraud and pressuring public officials to commit fraud for the purpose of keeping Trump in the Presidency for a second term.

All this is relevant to this thread because a Trump second term would give Trump more opportunity to continue packing the Supreme Court with justices dedicated to leaning in favor of Evangelical Christians who support Trump as if he were anointed by God.

I can’t force any MAGA to engage in a discussion where questions are a tool to get to the facts and the truth, but I can’t document every time I try at least.

nf.23.08.25 #10,537
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Fun Fact For Christian Gestation Enforcers: now there are 10 to 15 percent more pro-choice Americans than it was before Dobbs in state after state and national data

It is time that we have a revolution, ending abortion would go a long way to showing people that having a baby is the start of what life is all about.

I have no heroes except Christ.

crlnnnrbr.23.07.25 #1
He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country. DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

“my” country? Who it made “your” country ?

What if I do not want white your evangelical Christian transformation of our country into a cult of personality rule where everyone outside the cult is evil.

What if I want a black evangelical Christian transformation where minorities know more about the ideals and hope of our county after suffering the mist to attain progress.

Let’s never have a one term president again who tells his VP to ditch the fucking stupid Constitution and throw out seven states we couldn’t win to make us the winner.
If Black Biden voters (many of them churchgoing Christians) in big cities don’t like it Mike - fuck’em

Let’s never have State government forcing full term gestation on women if they say no,

nf.23.08.26 #10,538
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If you are wronged do you think you have the right to commit a crime to right the wron?
If one is wronged, then the crime has already been committed, so the attempt to right the wrong can't be a crime, but rather simply it's an expression of ones constitutional rights to exhaust every option allowed in order to correct that wrong.

It's good that you accept that he was possibly wronged in your words spoken, but what's odd is that you just think that he had no right to correct that wrong, and if he tried, well basically you are saying that in your way of thinking, then he should have just accepted the wrong because two wrongs don't make a right, otherwise in this new age of "fundamental transformation" where everything is simply being transformed for the worst (even our justice system ), eh ???

Trump not only was allegedly wronged, but the same wrong continued in order to deny him his rights in order for him to correct the wrong that was orchestrated against him.

If the establishment/Rhino's and deep state got highly upset because they had a new sheriff in hotbed DC corruption town, then we are witnessing exactly the results of that "Walking Tall" sheriff Trump who was doing everything he could to de-corrupt the established political environment that has led this nation into the very decline that we are seeing today, and is now getting destroyed right before our very eye's to see.

Hopefully the history of events will be shown precisely in the court of law, and it's damned well time too. Time to finish the righting of the wrong that was orchestrated in the 2020 election cycle against the Trump administration, and it will be a test of the justice system for sure.

I always figured that a huge public trial lasting longer than the Murdaugh trial down in South Carolina lasted, uhhhhh has been way past due, and hopefully we the people will finally get that trial in order to show the wrong that you undoubtedly know took place against the former President, but you can't talk about it except in the way that you did, otherwise all because of your political bias and your agenda.

Your conscious undoubtedly got the best of you for a second, otherwise for you to actually write a post that expressed the idea that even though a wrong was committed against the former president, then in your thinking he has no right to try to correct the wrong because it makes him appear to be commiting a wrong himself.

So what then should anyone do if a new system commits a wrong against someone ???? Just accept it and allow the corruption to just grow and grow once the wrong has been established as somehow being something that was right ??
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Fun Fact For Christian Gestation Enforcers: now there are 10 to 15 percent more pro-choice Americans than it was before Dobbs in state after state and national data



crlnnnrbr.23.07.25 #1

“my” country? Who it made “your” country ?

What if I do not want white your evangelical Christian transformation of our country into a cult of personality rule where everyone outside the cult is evil.

What if I want a black evangelical Christian transformation where minorities know more about the ideals and hope of our county after suffering the mist to attain progress.

Let’s never have a one term president again who tells his VP to ditch the fucking stupid Constitution and throw out seven states we couldn’t win to make us the winner.
If Black Biden voters (many of them churchgoing Christians) in big cities don’t like it Mike - fuck’em

Let’s never have State government forcing full term gestation on women if they say no,

nf.23.08.26 #10,538
What if you don't want the "Christian transformation of this country ??????

Are you this stupid ? All one has to do is bring up the history of this nation in order to know and see that this nation had always been a Christian nation in part there of, otherwise Christianity being a huge part of it's national character since the days of our founding of this nation, but what has transpired in the last maybe four or five decades (starting with the rebellion of the hippie's over the Vietnam war), was the beginning transformation that would be run by dishonest players who would exploit the weakness that became our government after the sad situation of the Vietnam war.

In summary the nation has always had a Christian character that helped to guide it through it's toughest times, so go tell your lies or ridiculous thinking to more gullible people, because we aren't going to buy any of your snake oil around here.

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