Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Freak Farmer Fanatics Calling Severe Congenital Defects Miracles And Demanding Others Suffer "

* Anthropocentric Psychotics Swear Plastic Dolls Are Sentient *

How many deformed baby dolls are in your collection , or do you not want deformed baby dolls ?

This moniker is an abortion choice us republican , whom understands that #dobbs is sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , along with malfeasance against title 1 section 8 of us code , and that scotus should be charged with the crime .

The term " right " in your question is idiocy and slang , though it is consistent with the idiocy and slang in your use of term " babies " - Applying THe Term Rights As A Descriptor For Articles Of Constitution Is Slang And A Profound Error In Diction .

All Dobbs did is Defer Baby Murder to the STATES where it belongs. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that permits baby murder. Of course ,people were more civilized back then. They did not murder their babies for convenience. And women rarely went whoring around as they do today.
All Dobbs did is Defer Baby Murder to the STATES where it belongs. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that permits baby murder. Of course ,people were more civilized back then. They did not murder their babies for convenience. And women rarely went whoring around as they do today.
Nobody loses when the majority of voters decide. This is what you wanted no?
" Not Enumerated But Self Evident For Dummies "

* Arrest Warrant For Sedition Against Scotus For Dobbs Is Valid Against Banter For Dumbfounded Arrogance *

All Dobbs did is Defer Baby Murder to the STATES where it belongs.
The dobbs decision reviled the us citizen and independence of the individual , as do the traitors to us republic who support its dumbfounded sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments and malfeasance against title 1 section 8 of us code .

* Deceived From Equitable Doctrine And Informed Consent Of Us Republic *
There is NOTHING in the Constitution that permits baby murder.
There is everything in us constitution that stipulates equal protection with a citizen , and us 14th amendment stipulates a single non incidental requirement of live birth to become a citizen and therefore live birth is required for equal protection with a us citizen .

By a live birth requirement to become a us citizen from us 14th , states are prohibited in us 10th amendment from proscribing abortion , that is states are prohibited from providing equal protection with a citizen for any prior to a live birth .

Outside of a roe v wade conclusion that an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth at natural viability , the only other conclusion is that a constitutional amendment is required , however traitors against us constitution decided to embrace formal and unlawful sedition .

The anti-federalism claims are a red herring to embrace statistism , as traitors to principles of us republic to establish independence of the individual and its autonomy for self ownership and self determination .

The abortion anti-choice continues to play as stupid as it is able , that is until the free press overwhelms censure of the fee press , and the abortion choice leadership and jurisprudence at large are negligent and incompetent in articulating the actual basis for roe v wade as given by the " logically , of course " statement from blackmun that was not even introduced in dobbs .

* Brain Washing Rinse And Repeat *
Of course ,people were more civilized back then. They did not murder their babies for convenience. And women rarely went whoring around as they do today.
Stop confusing the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic perpetuity , and the metaphorical means by which to achieve it .

From the principles of individualism and those of us republic , the individual us citizen determines progeny and not fake us republicans - traitors against us republic and pandering as democrats for populism and democracy as tyranny by collective majority .

The principles of non violence stipulate that violence is illegitimate aggression and self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

The principles of individualism stipulate that individuals are entitled to self ownership , as free roam , as free association and as progeny , and individuals are entitled to self determination , as to retain private property and as exercise of willful intents to enter into social contracts made valid through informed consent .

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort for a violation of some precept .

Prior to entering into a social civil contract according to a constitution , individuals are subject to the moral relativism within nature and to improve ones chances for survival and for quality of life , individuals exchange natural freedoms for rites that are protected by retort .

Anything that can be alienated is not inalienable , and a subjective altruism is a perspective that ones introspection should exist in perpetuity , however nature of gawd does not expect that every instance of introspection must exist in perpetuity so satisfy the subjective altruism .

The motto of e pluribus unum for us republic expects independence of the individual , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , whether an individual is a citizen , or a collective state , or a federate , or a corporate .
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Nobody loses when the majority of voters decide. This is what you wanted no?
Yes. The Voters of Each STATE decide. That is how it should be. Personally ,I think it is murder. As a Citizen , I believe it is up to the Voters in Each State. ROE was an example of the Judiciary making LAW. It had to be overturned.
The Voters of Each STATE decide. That is how it should be. Personally ,I think it is murder.
They decide that the government gets to ban or approve a medical procedure that fundamentalist Christian’s of the white Republican with an Absolute Biblical worldview variety believe is evil.

We are not supposed to have a Biblical Worldview being imposed on a state’s obligation to regulate medical facilities and doctors.

So why are voters deciding any transactions between a pregnant women and her doctor when there is only religious objection to it?
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They decide that the government gets to ban or approve a medical procedure that fundamentalist Christian’s of the white Republican with an Absolute Biblical worldview variety believe is evil.

We are not supposed to have a Biblical Worldview being imposed on a state’s obligation to regulate medical facilities and doctors.

So why are voters deciding any transactions between a pregnant women and her doctor when there is only religious objection to it?
For what it's worth, Jews consider human life to begin at..... wait for it ..... birth! Crazy talk, eh?
Of course ,people were more civilized back then. They did not murder their babies for convenience.
Second Request;

Back when? Jews long believed the sanctity of life begins at the start of birth. Are you saying Jews were never civilized?
What is a person? 240623 {post•319}
progressive hunter said: are you for abortion or against it?? prgrssvhntr 240623 V319

That is a question a pregnant woman should be able ask herself with a safe and legal option if she decides giving birth to a child is not in her plan. The public has absolutely no reason to answer your question.
Still tilting at those windmills I see...If ya ever decide to do yourself a favor and change your screen name I have one you should consider:

Hiroo Onoda, he lived in his own world fighting a fight for decades where he never knew victory and the world viewed him as both a humorous and sad curiosity...carry on​

All Biden really had to do was nothing. he fucked it up, and we're all suffering now
What is your suffering today Saint_Blasterfinger? Besides amnesia as to how bad it was for everyone for years ago.

Are you suffering from Biden’s infrastructure Bill in your state?

Or do you live in a white Christian nationalist state that will not take money from Satan’s political army.
i. War on Trump is Spreading 240307 {post•866}. NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Vwotis: The J6,2021 protest that you guys were involved in was just a side show.

The attempted conspiracy plot to overthrow the election to please you people in the mob that day was all Donald J Trump.

The FBI did not force Trump to hire the attorney John Eastman to write that memo, which outlines exactly how Mike Pence was supposed to throw the election to the Trump/Pence ticket by using fake elector certifications.

Trump verified that the Eastman memo was a plan in action when he told the mob on January 6 that if Mike Pence does the right thing we win.

The problem is Donald J Trump is so incompetent that he knew he needed to have Pence involved in the fraudulent scheme to make it work and he never got a commitment out of his White Christian Nationalist guy.

What a dumb fuck Donald J Trump is on top of everything else. {post•866}. nfbw 240307 Vwotis00866

ii. War on Trump is Spreading 240307 {post•869}. Blisterfinger Mar’24 Swotiss: “Donald Trump didn't try to overthrow the election and the protest gone wrong was for the gullible like you. blstrfngr 240307 Swotis00869

iii. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240704 {post•12296}

Do you think Saint_Blasterfinger that Trump’s appointed Three Catholics on the Supreme Court should have given the Three Catholic Republican appointees already these the corrupt USSC majority that decided a Christian Church State can deprive women of the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness seeing as how this is the Fourth of July? nfbw 240704 Vrvwgo12296

iv. Republicans are a subversive lot; DJT convicted for stealing election he won; indicted for attempt to steal election he lost. 2400704 {post•114}

Vrenn 240704 Vraasl insets a link on the 14 Characteristics of fascism - Number 8:

Religion and Government are Intertwined •¥•. Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions. The 14 Characteristics of Fascism.​
Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt vrvnn 240704 Vraasl00114

v. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240704 {post•12296}

Fascism behind the robes of Jesus Christ (Donald Trump’s Lord and Savior) is still fascism. Christo-Fascism is on the rise in America thanks to you Saint_Blasterfinger every time you vote for a Republican. nfbw 240704 Vrvwgo12296
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That is great news if true.
When you are an angry white male about everything not of the Biblical American days of yore. 1950s women and black folk knew their place and too many Mexicans were not here yet. MAGA in a nutshell,
What is your suffering today Saint_Blasterfinger? Besides amnesia as to how bad it was for everyone for years ago.

Are you suffering from Biden’s infrastructure Bill in your state?

Or do you live in a white Christian nationalist state that will not take money from Satan’s political army.
What am I suffering from? Same thing everybody is.
What am I suffering from? Same thing everybody is.
What do you want to buy but cannot go to the store and buy it because Biden has fucked up the global manufacturing and supply chain that keeps it off the shelves?

What is the missing product that causes you to suffer so Saint-Blisterfinger Snowflake extraordinaire?
What do you want to buy but cannot go to the store and buy it because Biden has fucked up the global manufacturing and supply chain that keeps it off the shelves?

What is the missing product that causes you to suffer so Saint-Blisterfinger Snowflake extraordinaire?
I have a car in the shop they can't get the part for Skippy

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