Roger Waters has officially taken too many drugs


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
I was watching a "making of" the other day concerning "The Wall" and how it drove the band apart, It looks like ole' Roger had a power trip going on maybe spurred by too many acid trips, who knows, but here about 5 minutes in where I stopped listening he says Trump and his crew of Bolton and someone else he named were "bent on getting us into WW3".

Not sure about that Roger, from what I see it looks like he's trying to avoid war all over the place and if Hillary was at the helm right now, we'd have already been dropping bombs and sending troops somewhere causing her resulting smug to ooze out of the nations TV screens, and leave a putrid stain on thier living room carpets.

Just repeating what he has been fed by the corrupt press. Too bad he fell for it. Yes, too much acid may have destroyed his critical thinking skills.
Jealous over an old acid head? C’mon guys you are better than this but you are no musician.

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