Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

WE ALL KNOW OBama will increase Government if re-elected, he ALREADY did with OBamaCare when we could least AFFORD IT

vote this man out of office, we CAN'T AFFORD him another four years

So, you feel the fact that Obama increased the number of people working in the field of medical insurance in government, was sufficient motivation for 15 non-appointee economists, working in a completely different department, to commit fraud?


Unfortunately, when their bosses can make or break their careers, government employees will most often do what their bosses order them to do; produce the figures they are ordered to produce; make the presentation they are ordered to present. And how do I know that? 1) by working for government a long time ago and 2) from the testimony of those I know who are working in government now, and 3) it isn't a whole lot different in the private sector.
Unfortunately, when their bosses can make or break their careers, government employees will most often do what their bosses order them to do; produce the figures they are ordered to produce; make the presentation they are ordered to present. And how do I know that? 1) by working for government a long time ago and 2) from the testimony of those I know who are working in government now, and 3) it isn't a whole lot different in the private sector.

While that is a good point, if someone were to come out about it, their career would be made by the person taking over their bosses office on Nov 6th.

The bureaucracy in this case is less transient than the "boss". Most of them have already been around for at least 3 administrations.
Unfortunately, when their bosses can make or break their careers, government employees will most often do what their bosses order them to do; produce the figures they are ordered to produce; make the presentation they are ordered to present. And how do I know that? 1) by working for government a long time ago and 2) from the testimony of those I know who are working in government now, and 3) it isn't a whole lot different in the private sector.

While that is a good point, if someone were to come out about it, their career would be made by the person taking over their bosses office on Nov 6th.

The bureaucracy in this case is less transient than the "boss". Most of them have already been around for at least 3 administrations.

And they are around because they don't make waves for their bosses. Capice?

And the word gets out all the time, but the current Administration enjoys a mostly surrogate media that runs interference for them and makes sure nothing is much of a scandal that most people ever see. Those of us who do know about it get it from the politically incorrect sources like talk radio, Fox News, and some of the better researched websites. The rest of the MSM eventually reports it, but always where most people won't see it.
The thread title is BS, no one is panicking. That is just what a few left MSM pundits have been trying to push today. If anything the Romney camp is likely enjoying this as they know it will be shown to ba another lie put out by the Obama Bots. It's much more likely that team Obama is panicking knowing that their are more debates headed their way.
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The thread title is BS, no one is panicking. That is just what a few left MSM pundits have been trying to push today. If anything the Romney camp is likely enjoying this as they know it will be shown to ba another lie put out by the Obama Bots. It's much more likely that team Obama is panicking knowing that their are more debates headed their way.

But you have to understand that "PANIC" is the Obama cultists' codeword for "I hope, I hope, I hope this glimmer of good news develops some legs" or "I hope, I hope, I hope they can make this dirt stick on Romney (or whoever is the target of the day.)"

And in fairness to the Obama cultists, his opponents also have a code word: MELTDOWN which means "I'm having fun watching them go into apolexy (or contortions or whatever) over today's events. . . . "

The Labor Department, based on a broad survey of employers, said 114,000 jobs were added in September.

But the unemployment rate itself is based on a separate "household survey," which showed a whopping 873,000 new jobs in September.

"This must be an anomaly," former Congressional Budget Office director Doug Holtz-Eakin said in a snap analysis of the numbers. "It is out of line with any of the other data.."
Holtz-Eakin noted the household survey is smaller, suggesting it is not as reliable. He called estimate of 873,000 new jobs "implausible."
He said the report was otherwise "solid," but reflected "the economy is merely moving sideways."

You mean this Douglas Holtz-Eakin?

former chief economic policy adviser to U.S. Senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He might be correct. It is an unusually large discrepancy. It may be revised downward in the future.
BuSH!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are so pathetic. We would have been out of this recession years ago if it wasn't for this President.

Yet, people do blame Bush for the recession. The recession did start under Bush.

You can complain about "blaming Bush" all you want, but the truth is the truth!

Actually Bush inherited Clintons recession.

But don't let the facts get in your way.

Get a real source.
More Americans have jobs

No wonder Republican are so pissed
Why are you guys even dignifying this stupid thread with more Responses? If they want to cheer about the UE rate dropping to 7.8% (which still sucks) Because yet again a shit ton of People left the work force. If they want to cheer about 114,000 Jobs Created (not net, the net was closer to 0) which is less than last month, which was less than the month before, let them.

It only shows how out of touch they are.

If they want to celebrate when UE6(real UE) is unchanged at 14.7% I say let them. Let them have their Delusions.
He might be correct. It is an unusually large discrepancy. It may be revised downward in the future.

True. I will not say that this is not a possibility, it is. These figures almost always have some error.

I of course remain an optimist.

I do strongly dispute the implication that the figures were intentionally changed, however.

And of course, there is always the possibility that the figures were too low... Sure, it's a slim one, but it's there nonetheless.

I will say this:

Though I know personal experience rarely reflects large-scale data, the commuter station where I catch my train to the city has had a completely full parking lot for the past month, after years of being half empty.

And that's even on days when the Yankees aren't playing.

Is this a strong indicator of economic recovery? No, probably not. But the job market does seem to be picking up, at least in my area.
Unemployment under Obama's first term mirrors unemployment under Reagan's first term.

Reagan started with a 7.5% unemployment rate, it rose to 10.8%, and was over 8% for two plus years.

Then by the time Reagan was seeking reelection, it was at 7.4%


Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
Why are you guys even dignifying this stupid thread with more Responses? If they want to cheer about the UE rate dropping to 7.8% (which still sucks) Because yet again a shit ton of People left the work force. If they want to cheer about 114,000 Jobs Created (not net, the net was closer to 0) which is less than last month, which was less than the month before, let them.

It only shows how out of touch they are.

If they want to celebrate when UE6(real UE) is unchanged at 14.7% I say let them. Let them have their Delusions.

Why? Because there are a lot of decent, hard working people out there who simply don't have the time or inclination to be the political wonks and news hounds that many of us on the message boards are. So we can't leave it to the leftwingers or the MSM to inform them of what the situation is and thus mislead them. If we don't accomplish more than peak their curiosity so they look up the facts, we have done a good thing for America.
“This is not what a real recovery looks like. We created fewer jobs in September than in August, and fewer jobs in August than in July, and we’ve lost over 600,000 manufacturing jobs since President Obama took office. If not for all the people who have simply dropped out of the labor force, the real unemployment rate would be closer to 11%. The results of President Obama's failed policies are staggering – 23 million Americans struggling for work, nearly one in six living in poverty and 47 million people dependent on food stamps to feed themselves and their families. The choice in this election is clear. Under President Obama, we’ll get another four years like the last four years. If I’m elected, we will have a real recovery with pro-growth policies that will create 12 million new jobs and rising incomes for everyone.”

Romney: 'This Is Not What A Real Recovery Looks Like' | TPM LiveWire
No they are not. Funny the numbers come out right after obamaturd gets his ass handed to him in the first debate. Besides the numbers are not totally true with the unemployed that have quit filing for unemployment and quit looking for work not figured in. Obamaturd has done little.

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