Romney caught on tape

perhaps the people that go to work every day and pay taxes will agree with him

As someone who goes to work, I worry a lot more about the rich people who pretty much try to cheat me at every oppurtunity than I do about some person who is just doing what he has to do to get by.

I'd rather have him have a job, but if the other options are 1) getting a government check and 2) breaking into my house to take my TV, I'd go with one.

So let's try this. Everyone is entitled to a renumerative job. If the private sector won't provide them, the government will. Companies are no longer allowed (much less subsidized) to move jobs overseas... if I pick up a phone to customer service, I get to talk to a real person, not 10 minutes of machines before i talk to real person in India.

I'll agree with the first sentence,, but from there on you are going down hill fast.

I'm not sure that EVERYONE is entitled to a remunerative job. Care to elaborate?

And if someone breaks into my house while I'm there their ass is getting blasted off.

One less crook on welfare. Seems like you condone theft of the working class by the non-working class.

I don't condone or condemn... I think people will do what they have to do to survive.

No one is going to let his children starve to support your principles.

the fact is, there is enough wealth to EASILY provide everyone with a job. It's just that 1% of the population has 50%. The people in that room, who have nothing but contempt for the rest of us.

I am all for workfare instead of welfare. But our system is sort of based on keeping the wage slaves scared...
in your opinion

um, ya.... Im living proof that Romney is full of shit.

I work for Space X at the moment, a Privately owned business ill mind you. I also pay all my taxes as I always have. SO wtf is Romney talking about? I take nothing as a hand out AND pay into the system. My GF is just like me, as is my sister, mother, etc. We all work and pay taxes and we all vote Democratic.

You Republicans keep telling yourselves what you like, its has zero effect on me and mine. Just dont be surprised to see this topic dominate for the next two weeks.

You all are full of shit.
IF only Mittens would say these exact same things while he is out and about talking to people that can't afford 50,000 dollar dinners with Mitt. I am sure this will cause almost everyone to vote Mitt. ...........well....... almost sure...........well... mabe another 10 people will vote Mitt.

But why did Mitt want to insult me? My wife and I make over 100k, have property, have money in the bank still.

Why did Mitt want to insult people like me? Never had the guvmint hand me anything and sure don't live on guvmint assistance.

wtf is wrong with you rethugs?
IF only Mittens would say these exact same things while he is out and about talking to people that can't afford 50,000 dollar dinners with Mitt. I am sure this will cause almost everyone to vote Mitt. ...........well....... almost sure...........well... mabe another 10 people will vote Mitt.

But why did Mitt want to insult me? My wife and I make over 100k, have property, have money in the bank still.

Why did Mitt want to insult people like me? Never had the guvmint hand me anything and sure don't live on guvmint assistance.

wtf is wrong with you rethugs?

It really sucks when politicians are honest, isn't it?:eusa_shifty:

Romney's right.

What he didn't mention is that Obama intentionally wants people dependent on government so they have to vote for him out of fear. :oops:
IF only Mittens would say these exact same things while he is out and about talking to people that can't afford 50,000 dollar dinners with Mitt. I am sure this will cause almost everyone to vote Mitt. ...........well....... almost sure...........well... mabe another 10 people will vote Mitt.

But why did Mitt want to insult me? My wife and I make over 100k, have property, have money in the bank still.

Why did Mitt want to insult people like me? Never had the guvmint hand me anything and sure don't live on guvmint assistance.

wtf is wrong with you rethugs?

I wish Obama would be honest and keep reminding us how we didn't build that,
how we cling to our guns and our religion,
and how we are a bunch of rednecks that have antipathy for other races.

That would be refreshing.
Do you people notice how the lamestream media has PUSHED off what is going on over in the middle east to report on this TAPE?

the Lamestream media has become nothing but an DNC MOUTHPEICE people

vote Obama out in November, we can't AFFORD HIM or his ugly "visions" for us
Do you people notice how the lamestream media has PUSHED off what is going on over in the middle east to report on this TAPE?

the Lamestream media has become nothing but an DNC MOUTHPEICE people

vote Obama out in November, we can't AFFORD HIM or his ugly "visions" for us

When your guy screws up, blame the media...

Yup, that always works.
Republicans created the 47%, with their tax policies, and now they're trying to beat the Democrats up over them?

Very ironic.

If Romney so resents the 47% who pay no federal income tax, then why won't he tell us how and how much he would like to raise their taxes?
perhaps the people that go to work every day and pay taxes will agree with him

Which of your own tax credits, deductions, exemptions would you be willing to see raised in order to raise them on those paying nothing? How much would you be willing to see your marginal rates raised?

Be specific.
Do you people notice how the lamestream media has PUSHED off what is going on over in the middle east to report on this TAPE?

the Lamestream media has become nothing but an DNC MOUTHPEICE people

vote Obama out in November, we can't AFFORD HIM or his ugly "visions" for us

When your guy screws up, blame the media...

Yup, that always works.

well why not, when your guy screws up, you all BLAME BUSH
Republicans created the 47%, with their tax policies, and now they're trying to beat the Democrats up over them?

Very ironic.

If Romney so resents the 47% who pay no federal income tax, then why won't he tell us how and how much he would like to raise their taxes?

Romney complains about the 47% who don't pay federal taxes while he takes advantage of every loophole to pay a lower rate than the average working American

Enough of the bullshit Mitt

If you are going to complain about us YOURS
[ How many times people on the left been caught on tape you guys act like its nothing..

How about we just treat it the same way the Right treats something like this when it happens to a Democrat?

Would that be fair? If we go hysterical for days weeks months years about it the way the Right does,

wouldn't that be fair?
Do you people notice how the lamestream media has PUSHED off what is going on over in the middle east to report on this TAPE?

the Lamestream media has become nothing but an DNC MOUTHPEICE people

vote Obama out in November, we can't AFFORD HIM or his ugly "visions" for us

We can count on the lamestream media constantly attacking the Romney administration 24/7 with lies and trivialities once he makes it into the WH.

I'm for boycotting the bastards.
Republicans created the 47%, with their tax policies, and now they're trying to beat the Democrats up over them?

Very ironic.

If Romney so resents the 47% who pay no federal income tax, then why won't he tell us how and how much he would like to raise their taxes?

Romney complains about the 47% who don't pay federal taxes while he takes advantage of every loophole to pay a lower rate than the average working American

Enough of the bullshit Mitt

If you are going to complain about us YOURS

LOL, back to this
and you people ELECT Representatives who take advantage of those SAME LOOPHOLES, yet no bitching about them, how funny
Republicans created the 47%, with their tax policies, and now they're trying to beat the Democrats up over them?

Very ironic.

If Romney so resents the 47% who pay no federal income tax, then why won't he tell us how and how much he would like to raise their taxes?

Yeah, cutting taxes really pisses people off.:eusa_whistle:

How dare they.
Republicans created the 47%, with their tax policies, and now they're trying to beat the Democrats up over them?

Very ironic.

If Romney so resents the 47% who pay no federal income tax, then why won't he tell us how and how much he would like to raise their taxes?

Romney complains about the 47% who don't pay federal taxes while he takes advantage of every loophole to pay a lower rate than the average working American

Enough of the bullshit Mitt

If you are going to complain about us YOURS

Romney thinks he's overtaxed and poor/low income Americans are undertaxed.

The dollar value of all the tax breaks, credits, loopholes etc., etc., etc., that a low income person takes to get their taxes down to zero amount to a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

Romney takes tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of breaks on this taxes to get his rate down to 14%.

This is what pure greed looks like.
Romney caught on tape

What can you say, but.....




:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
Republicans created the 47%, with their tax policies, and now they're trying to beat the Democrats up over them?

Very ironic.

If Romney so resents the 47% who pay no federal income tax, then why won't he tell us how and how much he would like to raise their taxes?

Yeah, cutting taxes really pisses people off.:eusa_whistle:

How dare they.

You conservatives, and Romney, are the ones who are pissed off that the Republican tax cuts created 47% of households paying no federal income taxes.

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