Romney deliberately lost election

It was so stupid, it did kind of seem like it. Even if he tried to lose the election, he couldn't have done a better job. My personal favorite was the binders full of women thing...
Sorry, but diliberatly throwing an election means jail time, loss of credibility and billions and billions of lawsuits!
Sorry, but diliberatly throwing an election means jail time, loss of credibility and billions and billions of lawsuits!
there is no law against deliberately throwing an election. And theory says he did it a the behest of his donors.
Sorry, but diliberatly throwing an election means jail time, loss of credibility and billions and billions of lawsuits!
there is no law against deliberately throwing an election. And theory says he did it a the behest of his donors.

Now we see he may be up to the same trick again.

MSNBC is again hyping Romney.....citing name-recognition numbers as some sort of proof Romney has a lot of support.....remember MSNBC also had, maybe still does, a former Bain capital person as a commentator, and I believe had/has other ties to the company.
Romney Rash

I was in my quiet room late one night
When my eyes beheld a young gun
of the right
He wrote a marvelous budget and his star began to rise
Name of Paul Ryan and much to my surprise

He had the rash
He had the Romney Rash
The Romney Rash
It was a Wall Street smash
He had the rash
He caught it in a flash
He had the rash
He had the Romney Rash

It's something in your past that's icky and itchy
And you don't dare explain 'cause it's sticky and fishy
A guy like that could be another jokester and funster
And on top of that, he looks just like ...Eddie Munster

Suddenly they were all in my room
Celebrating what Ryan caught so soon
The also-rans so clueless and confused on facts
Crawling out the doors of Ann's two Cadillacs

There's Rick Santorum with Michele Bachmann
Without her husband but with her eyes wide open
Newt Gringrich and his Booty Callista
Brought her favorite party favor, a game of twister

There was Rick Perry, all forgiving with no regret
Trying hard to remember the Texas Two Step
And Herman Cain was looking so fine
Ready to Tea Party like it's 18-999

I put on a lampshade, made of magic underwear
We partied all night and nobody mentioned Romneycare
I was glad the gang was all there and getting down
For what is a circus without all the clowns

They had the rash
The Romney Rash
They brought the cash
The Romney cash
It's in my stash
The Romney stash
We're ready to bash
At the Romney Bash

Sarah Palin fell out of the dumbwaiter with a scream
Seems she was troubled by just one thing
She looked around the room and shook her fist
And said, "Whatever happened to my Peppermint Twist?"

We'll take back the White House, wait and see
Who wouldn't vote for an Anglo-Saxon like me?
We'll win on Tuesday without much hullabaloo
Then there'll be no more Watusi or Boogaloo

The USA will have the Rash
They'll have the Romney Rash
The Romney Rash
It was a Wall Street smash
It caught on in a flash
Since we had the cash
To buy the white trash
The Romney white trash
yet more evidence

"After years of denying that Obamacare was closely modeled on the universal healthcare insurance plan Romney helped pass as Massachusetts governor, the former presidential candidate took credit for its influence in a Boston Globe obituary for a longtime friend,"

Mitt Romney says Mass. healthcare plan influenced Obamacare

you mean he finally told the truth.

good on him.

i love the rightwingnut butthurt, though.
yet more evidence

"After years of denying that Obamacare was closely modeled on the universal healthcare insurance plan Romney helped pass as Massachusetts governor, the former presidential candidate took credit for its influence in a Boston Globe obituary for a longtime friend,"

Mitt Romney says Mass. healthcare plan influenced Obamacare

you mean he finally told the truth.

good on him.

i love the rightwingnut butthurt, though.

who?,,,me?, I'm not really a rt-winger....just a guy who thinks truth in politics is badly needed

and Romney/Obama care.....with its roots in just plain Romney Care..both heavily influenced by big pharma and other corporate medical bad for all Americans
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud

do you really believe the insane conspiracy theories you post?

nut bar....

Have you seen other posts of mine you would consider "insane conspiracy theories"?

I dont think too many people would deny that corporate special interests have a huge influence on politics in this country. That they would treat politicians as just little pawns to play in their interest I dont consider too much of a stretch either, do you?
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud
lol. He lost because he's an out of touch rich guy w/ 14 bank accounts.

He didn't really lose, he took a dive for his corporate masters.
And again, this is ridiculous nonsense.

This is typical of a partisan rightist who refuses to accept the fact that a majority of the voters rejected the republican agenda.
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud
lol. He lost because he's an out of touch rich guy w/ 14 bank accounts.

He didn't really lose, he took a dive for his corporate masters.
And again, this is ridiculous nonsense.

This is typical of a partisan rightist who refuses to accept the fact that a majority of the voters rejected the republican agenda.
Of course. You have to really be stupid to blow your campaign right out of the water completely by not being able to control your own stupid mouth like Romney did. It had to be on purpose... :)
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud
lol. He lost because he's an out of touch rich guy w/ 14 bank accounts.

He didn't really lose, he took a dive for his corporate masters.
And again, this is ridiculous nonsense.

This is typical of a partisan rightist who refuses to accept the fact that a majority of the voters rejected the republican agenda.

Im not a rightist,

and it looks like Obama fooled the majority of voters to accept the republican or rather corporatist agenda in Romney care
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud
lol. He lost because he's an out of touch rich guy w/ 14 bank accounts.

He didn't really lose, he took a dive for his corporate masters.
And again, this is ridiculous nonsense.

This is typical of a partisan rightist who refuses to accept the fact that a majority of the voters rejected the republican agenda.

Im not a rightist,

and it looks like Obama fooled the majority of voters to accept the republican or rather corporatist agenda in Romney care
No. Voters just saw what a pair of psychos the Romneys are and voted for the best choice.

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