Romney finally admits I was right...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)
Because it would.
You have to get jobs back first.
Gov. Spending restraints require lay offs of government workers, they then need to find private sector jobs.
Is the OP really so stupid he doesn't see the difference between cutting spending over time, and cutting it all at once?

(that was a rhetorical question. I already know how stupid the OP is).
What happens when there are no more taxpayers to fund the government jobs? Cuz that day is fast approaching.
...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)

As usual, your ignorant misinterpretation is CLASSIC.

As usual, you used your "new math" to arrive at your knuckleheaded conclusions.

The "federal budget" is not the same as the "federal debt".

Obama's 2012 federal BUDGET is $3.7 trillion. The federal DEBT is $15.7 trillion.

But, the BEST part of your whole diatribe was your belief that "Romney finally admits that (you) was right".

It must be a feeding frenzy for your massive ego, believing that Mitt Romney has the time, and the need, to read your words here in this message board.

Now that is a true CLASSIC. Hall-Of-Fame potential.
And why is Romney now agreeing with me?

My past statements:

1. Jan. 2011 "Oh, and there's an 800 lb. gorilla of a reason the Republicans don't want to focus on the economy - they have no plan to help the economy. Period.

In fact, their plan, budget cutting, is a job killer." Romney now agrees with me.

2. Mar 2011 - "Basic economics means that if you are running a deficit, you are creating jobs that wouldn't otherwise exist if you weren't borrowing that money and then putting it into the economy.

The problem with Republicans is, they have constantly dishonestly said that cutting spending and balancing the budget would help the economy, including the jobs situation.

That is false. Eliminating the deficit, all or in part, by cutting spending, is a job killer.

It may be a good thing to do, but don't pretend it's a job creator." Romney now agrees with me.

3. Apr. 2011 - "Funny how no one on the conservative side wants to admit that their economic plan is a job killer, not a job creator." Romney now agrees with me

4. Jun 2011 - " Deficit spending boosts economic activity, yes. Cutting spending enough to cover the cost of lower taxes and balance the budget simply takes money out of the economy and reduces economic activity.

It might be the right thing to do, but it's a job killer not a job creator." Romney now agrees with me

5. The Rabbi says: "The multiplier effect of gov'r spending is non existent. Gov't spending does not create wealth."

and I reply: "Really? The government borrows a few hundred billion dollars and puts into defense contracts out there in the defense industry, buys planes, tanks, etc.,

no multiplier effect of all the paychecks that result from that? None?" Romney now thinks the Rabbi is full of shit, because Romney agrees with me.

6. Jul 2011 - " I've been trying for months to explain this to you people. Smaller government, whatever else it is, is a job killer, not a job creator." Romney now agrees with me

7. Jul 2011 - " Republicans have managed to entrench themselves around an insanely incongruous set of positions,

a. we can't have any tax increase of any sort because it would be a job killer, and,

b. we have to have massive cuts in federal spending.

The insanity is, of course, that tens of thousands of Americans in both the public and private sector will have to LOSE THEIR JOBS if massive cuts are made." Romney now agrees with me.

8. Sep 2011 - "We've pointed this out time after time to the ineducable Right on this forum.

Reducing the size of government means reducing the number of people who work for the government, or, who work in the private sector that does business with or gets business from the government.

The result is job loss, period. It may or may not be a good thing to make millions of government/government connected jobs disappear,

but pretending that shrinking government is a job creator, or even just pretending that it's not a job killer,

is idiocy." Romney now agrees with me.

9. And, for now, last but not least, just a few weeks ago:

" Austerity is a job killer, and job killers are vote killers, and vote killers are politician killers,

and no sane politician wants to commit political suicide."

And for CERTAIN, on that one, Romney now agrees with me.:lol::lol:
...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)

As usual, your ignorant misinterpretation is CLASSIC.

As usual, you used your "new math" to arrive at your knuckleheaded conclusions.

The "federal budget" is not the same as the "federal debt".

Obama's 2012 federal BUDGET is $3.7 trillion. The federal DEBT is $15.7 trillion.

But, the BEST part of your whole diatribe was your belief that "Romney finally admits that (you) was right".

It must be a feeding frenzy for your massive ego, believing that Mitt Romney has the time, and the need, to read your words here in this message board.

Now that is a true CLASSIC. Hall-Of-Fame potential.

Just answered. Boy do you look stupid.
Oh, and btw, I also predicted, about 50 times, that Romney would do just what Reagan did...

1. make the promise:

Cut taxes, increase defense spending, and promise to balance the budget by cutting 'other' stuff.

2. make good on the first 2 and never do the last.

lol, now he's backing off from the last one 5 months BEFORE the election.
...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)

Gotta love it.

...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)

who said they would cut 1 trillion dollars in one year? :eusa_eh:
And why is Romney now agreeing with me?

My past statements:

1. Jan. 2011 "Oh, and there's an 800 lb. gorilla of a reason the Republicans don't want to focus on the economy - they have no plan to help the economy. Period.

In fact, their plan, budget cutting, is a job killer." Romney now agrees with me.

2. Mar 2011 - "Basic economics means that if you are running a deficit, you are creating jobs that wouldn't otherwise exist if you weren't borrowing that money and then putting it into the economy.

The problem with Republicans is, they have constantly dishonestly said that cutting spending and balancing the budget would help the economy, including the jobs situation.

That is false. Eliminating the deficit, all or in part, by cutting spending, is a job killer.

It may be a good thing to do, but don't pretend it's a job creator." Romney now agrees with me.

3. Apr. 2011 - "Funny how no one on the conservative side wants to admit that their economic plan is a job killer, not a job creator." Romney now agrees with me

4. Jun 2011 - " Deficit spending boosts economic activity, yes. Cutting spending enough to cover the cost of lower taxes and balance the budget simply takes money out of the economy and reduces economic activity.

It might be the right thing to do, but it's a job killer not a job creator." Romney now agrees with me

5. The Rabbi says: "The multiplier effect of gov'r spending is non existent. Gov't spending does not create wealth."

and I reply: "Really? The government borrows a few hundred billion dollars and puts into defense contracts out there in the defense industry, buys planes, tanks, etc.,

no multiplier effect of all the paychecks that result from that? None?" Romney now thinks the Rabbi is full of shit, because Romney agrees with me.

6. Jul 2011 - " I've been trying for months to explain this to you people. Smaller government, whatever else it is, is a job killer, not a job creator." Romney now agrees with me

7. Jul 2011 - " Republicans have managed to entrench themselves around an insanely incongruous set of positions,

a. we can't have any tax increase of any sort because it would be a job killer, and,

b. we have to have massive cuts in federal spending.

The insanity is, of course, that tens of thousands of Americans in both the public and private sector will have to LOSE THEIR JOBS if massive cuts are made." Romney now agrees with me.

8. Sep 2011 - "We've pointed this out time after time to the ineducable Right on this forum.

Reducing the size of government means reducing the number of people who work for the government, or, who work in the private sector that does business with or gets business from the government.

The result is job loss, period. It may or may not be a good thing to make millions of government/government connected jobs disappear,

but pretending that shrinking government is a job creator, or even just pretending that it's not a job killer,

is idiocy." Romney now agrees with me.

9. And, for now, last but not least, just a few weeks ago:

" Austerity is a job killer, and job killers are vote killers, and vote killers are politician killers,

and no sane politician wants to commit political suicide."

And for CERTAIN, on that one, Romney now agrees with me.:lol::lol:

god you're ride the short bus?
...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)

Seems like you are missing a few ingredients from the recipe. We get it, you are special needs. Let's consider the relation between what we spend, and on who, for starters, Sparky. Spending, for spending's sake is a fail. Spending, that is an investment, with a probable return is another matter.
...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)

Gee, if only I was on the record as saying that Romney is an idiot.

Wait, I am. That makes you an idiot too.
...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)

Gee, if only I was on the record as saying that Romney is an idiot.

Wait, I am. That makes you an idiot too.

As am I for certain issues...but NOT across the board.
...when I said, many times in the past, that cutting spending was a job killer, not a job creator:

In his inteview with Mark Halperin, the following exchange occcurred:

Halperin: You have a plan, as you said, over a number of years, to reduce spending dramatically. Why not in the first year, if you’re elected — why not in 2013, go all the way and propose the kind of budget with spending restraints, that you’d like to see after four years in office? Why not do it more quickly?

Romney: Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%.

That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression. So I’m not going to do that, of course.


As Limbaugh likes to say...

...See? I told you so. :lol::lol::lol:

Romney believes that cutting all that spending that you people have so much fun BLAMING Obama for,


(and this YOUR guy, not me, talking now, let's not forget)

Gee, if only I was on the record as saying that Romney is an idiot.

Wait, I am. That makes you an idiot too.

As am I for certain issues...but NOT across the board.

That is because you are a softy. I, on the other hand, am not.
Gee, if only I was on the record as saying that Romney is an idiot.

Wait, I am. That makes you an idiot too.

As am I for certain issues...but NOT across the board.

That is because you are a softy. I, on the other hand, am not.

*Point* Taken, and accepted.

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