Romney Nails It

Fantasy of the cucks.
Leftists only like Romney because he stands for nothing and is about as dependable as wet toilet paper. Perfect for subversion.
For those who are religious, remember that cucks are going to hell, to the deepest levels. All that is required for evil to gain ground is for good people to do nothing.
If Romney is given leadership positions, Trump needs to start a new political party. RINOs will be our downfall.
So true, and the RINO Trump is fulfilling your prophecy! Bigly!!!
Romney is a member of the plantation class, inconsequential, just another politician fearful of rejection and ridicule. The striking example of what the liberals and media can push around and control.
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Believe what you want. I do not have time to list all of the criminal activities of the left ----- but you people are naïve. How did you react when it took the Mueller cabal 2 1/2 years to come up with nothing? You think that was an isolated example of skulduggery by the DNC? You think the mainstream media is innocent in hiding all the scandals of the left? Do any of these names mean anything to you?
Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, schiff, nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.
Yes I recognize most those names. What about them? If you have a charge to make then make it and be specific.

I will not take the time for your benefit. Except I'll give you one. In November 2016, Monica Peterson, a 32 year old Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center took on the mission of investigating child sex trafficking in Haiti. In addition she had good reason to believe some of the Clinton Foundation funds alleged to go to help the Haitians still reeling from a devastating earthquake a few years earlier. Well, based on some of her emails and quotes of hers on a friend's facebook page, there is bona fide evidence what she was finding about both child sex trafficking as well as some connection with Clinton Foundation funds. Wouldn't you know it, the 32 year old decided that was also a good time for her to commit suicide? Or so the national press in the USA decided to report it? Ho hum.

And don't pull out the vile WaPost article that denies it all from back then, they are part of the cover up of course. And if you go to Google, you may have to go ten pages in to find a source that is not biased and scrambles to deny the truth, just like they all do with pizzagate. But I went to and did find this one The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen’s mysterious death in Haiti last week As far as all those names above are concerned, shame on me wasting my time trying to convert the lifelong leftist secular cynics and skeptics. They know the truth, they just pretend it's all "nothing burgers." The Lord begs to differ.
Forgive me if I don’t push all in on somebody who I don’t knows Facebook posts that a USMB poster references as proof. If this really so proof then why didn’t Trumps DOJ act on it?
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Believe what you want. I do not have time to list all of the criminal activities of the left ----- but you people are naïve. How did you react when it took the Mueller cabal 2 1/2 years to come up with nothing? You think that was an isolated example of skulduggery by the DNC? You think the mainstream media is innocent in hiding all the scandals of the left? Do any of these names mean anything to you?
Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, schiff, nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.
Yes I recognize most those names. What about them? If you have a charge to make then make it and be specific.

I will not take the time for your benefit. Except I'll give you one. In November 2016, Monica Peterson, a 32 year old Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center took on the mission of investigating child sex trafficking in Haiti. In addition she had good reason to believe some of the Clinton Foundation funds alleged to go to help the Haitians still reeling from a devastating earthquake a few years earlier. Well, based on some of her emails and quotes of hers on a friend's facebook page, there is bona fide evidence what she was finding about both child sex trafficking as well as some connection with Clinton Foundation funds. Wouldn't you know it, the 32 year old decided that was also a good time for her to commit suicide? Or so the national press in the USA decided to report it? Ho hum.

And don't pull out the vile WaPost article that denies it all from back then, they are part of the cover up of course. And if you go to Google, you may have to go ten pages in to find a source that is not biased and scrambles to deny the truth, just like they all do with pizzagate. But I went to and did find this one The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen’s mysterious death in Haiti last week As far as all those names above are concerned, shame on me wasting my time trying to convert the lifelong leftist secular cynics and skeptics. They know the truth, they just pretend it's all "nothing burgers." The Lord begs to differ.
Forgive me if I don’t push all in on somebody who I don’t knows Facebook posts that a USMB poster references as proof. If this really so proof then why didn’t Trumps DOJ act on it?
I cannot answer that no more than I can tell you why those involved in the fake dossier, corrupt judges allowing illegal FISA warrants to be approved are not pursued. Why Hillary was not prosecuted for destroying her congressionally subpoenaed illegal server, 30,000 emails, and five of her staff's Blackberries, why Lois Lerner of the IRS had 11 of her staff's hard drives amazingly all crash within two months after that evidence was subpoenaed with the IRS scandal and non one was indicted or why Seth Rich's murder investigation was suddenly stopped by his family. I cannot even tell you why Durham never released his report on all this skulduggery before the election. It goes on and on from there. Do I believe there is a hard-to-define "deep state" cabal of global elitists, et al. controlling political figures and the mainstream media? Indubitably.
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Believe what you want. I do not have time to list all of the criminal activities of the left ----- but you people are naïve. How did you react when it took the Mueller cabal 2 1/2 years to come up with nothing? You think that was an isolated example of skulduggery by the DNC? You think the mainstream media is innocent in hiding all the scandals of the left? Do any of these names mean anything to you?
Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, schiff, nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.
Yes I recognize most those names. What about them? If you have a charge to make then make it and be specific.

I will not take the time for your benefit. Except I'll give you one. In November 2016, Monica Peterson, a 32 year old Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center took on the mission of investigating child sex trafficking in Haiti. In addition she had good reason to believe some of the Clinton Foundation funds alleged to go to help the Haitians still reeling from a devastating earthquake a few years earlier. Well, based on some of her emails and quotes of hers on a friend's facebook page, there is bona fide evidence what she was finding about both child sex trafficking as well as some connection with Clinton Foundation funds. Wouldn't you know it, the 32 year old decided that was also a good time for her to commit suicide? Or so the national press in the USA decided to report it? Ho hum.

And don't pull out the vile WaPost article that denies it all from back then, they are part of the cover up of course. And if you go to Google, you may have to go ten pages in to find a source that is not biased and scrambles to deny the truth, just like they all do with pizzagate. But I went to and did find this one The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen’s mysterious death in Haiti last week As far as all those names above are concerned, shame on me wasting my time trying to convert the lifelong leftist secular cynics and skeptics. They know the truth, they just pretend it's all "nothing burgers." The Lord begs to differ.
Forgive me if I don’t push all in on somebody who I don’t knows Facebook posts that a USMB poster references as proof. If this really so proof then why didn’t Trumps DOJ act on it?
I cannot answer that no more than I can tell you why those involved in the fake dossier, corrupt judges allowing illegal FISA warrants to be approved are not pursued. Why Hillary was not prosecuted for destroying her congressionally subpoenaed illegal server, 30,000 emails, and five of her staff's Blackberries, why Lois Lerner of the IRS had 11 of her staff's hard drives amazingly all crash within two months after that evidence was subpoenaed with the IRS scandal and non one was indicted or why Seth Rich's murder investigation was suddenly stopped by his family. I cannot even tell you why Durham never released his report on all this skulduggery before the election. It goes on and on from there. Do I believe there is a hard-to-define "deep state" cabal of global elitists, et al. controlling political figures and the mainstream media? Indubitably.
I can tell you. Because when all the evidence was reviewed in context with the law, those things did not warrant prosecution. In Hillary’s case Lynch, Comey, , Wray, Sessions, and Barr all had the opportunities to review the evidence and do something. None did. I trust that more than a spun up story. Sorry
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Believe what you want. I do not have time to list all of the criminal activities of the left ----- but you people are naïve. How did you react when it took the Mueller cabal 2 1/2 years to come up with nothing? You think that was an isolated example of skulduggery by the DNC? You think the mainstream media is innocent in hiding all the scandals of the left? Do any of these names mean anything to you?
Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, schiff, nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.
Yes I recognize most those names. What about them? If you have a charge to make then make it and be specific.

I will not take the time for your benefit. Except I'll give you one. In November 2016, Monica Peterson, a 32 year old Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center took on the mission of investigating child sex trafficking in Haiti. In addition she had good reason to believe some of the Clinton Foundation funds alleged to go to help the Haitians still reeling from a devastating earthquake a few years earlier. Well, based on some of her emails and quotes of hers on a friend's facebook page, there is bona fide evidence what she was finding about both child sex trafficking as well as some connection with Clinton Foundation funds. Wouldn't you know it, the 32 year old decided that was also a good time for her to commit suicide? Or so the national press in the USA decided to report it? Ho hum.

And don't pull out the vile WaPost article that denies it all from back then, they are part of the cover up of course. And if you go to Google, you may have to go ten pages in to find a source that is not biased and scrambles to deny the truth, just like they all do with pizzagate. But I went to and did find this one The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen’s mysterious death in Haiti last week As far as all those names above are concerned, shame on me wasting my time trying to convert the lifelong leftist secular cynics and skeptics. They know the truth, they just pretend it's all "nothing burgers." The Lord begs to differ.
Forgive me if I don’t push all in on somebody who I don’t knows Facebook posts that a USMB poster references as proof. If this really so proof then why didn’t Trumps DOJ act on it?
I cannot answer that no more than I can tell you why those involved in the fake dossier, corrupt judges allowing illegal FISA warrants to be approved are not pursued. Why Hillary was not prosecuted for destroying her congressionally subpoenaed illegal server, 30,000 emails, and five of her staff's Blackberries, why Lois Lerner of the IRS had 11 of her staff's hard drives amazingly all crash within two months after that evidence was subpoenaed with the IRS scandal and non one was indicted or why Seth Rich's murder investigation was suddenly stopped by his family. I cannot even tell you why Durham never released his report on all this skulduggery before the election. It goes on and on from there. Do I believe there is a hard-to-define "deep state" cabal of global elitists, et al. controlling political figures and the mainstream media? Indubitably.
I can tell you. Because when all the evidence was reviewed in context with the law, those things did not warrant prosecution. In Hillary’s case Lynch, Comey, , Wray, Sessions, and Barr all had the opportunities to review the evidence and do something. None did. I trust that more than a spun up story. Sorry
No problem, and I trust you are being honest, too.
But I ask: Are you saying you doubt these matters of traitorous acts against a president and deception did not take place because no one was indicted in the case of Hillary’s acts or the acts of the gang of thieves with the Russian hoax? Or are you merely saying what they did was not deemed a significant enough crime by DOJ operatives or whomever, and that is why it troubles you not?
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt
Mitt is as clueless as ever
A complete fake fraud
I disagree. What he said today was spot on
R is a quisling and a lemming !!!
They stoled an election and ridicule half the nation.
Nobody stole an election. Don’t be so gullible. Know when you’re being lied to. This is just sad
Millions of votes counted with zero signatures, zero signature verifications, zero post marks etc
Voter roles that have folks who have been dead for decades or moved out of the state . GOP pollsters who were kicked out ??
What a utter ignorant slob , you’re
Where did that happen?. Be specific. I’ll show you why you’re wrong
I have already posted that many times
You are a zero and you will get the Biden - meinhoff gang
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Believe what you want. I do not have time to list all of the criminal activities of the left ----- but you people are naïve. How did you react when it took the Mueller cabal 2 1/2 years to come up with nothing? You think that was an isolated example of skulduggery by the DNC? You think the mainstream media is innocent in hiding all the scandals of the left? Do any of these names mean anything to you?
Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, schiff, nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.
Yes I recognize most those names. What about them? If you have a charge to make then make it and be specific.

I will not take the time for your benefit. Except I'll give you one. In November 2016, Monica Peterson, a 32 year old Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center took on the mission of investigating child sex trafficking in Haiti. In addition she had good reason to believe some of the Clinton Foundation funds alleged to go to help the Haitians still reeling from a devastating earthquake a few years earlier. Well, based on some of her emails and quotes of hers on a friend's facebook page, there is bona fide evidence what she was finding about both child sex trafficking as well as some connection with Clinton Foundation funds. Wouldn't you know it, the 32 year old decided that was also a good time for her to commit suicide? Or so the national press in the USA decided to report it? Ho hum.

And don't pull out the vile WaPost article that denies it all from back then, they are part of the cover up of course. And if you go to Google, you may have to go ten pages in to find a source that is not biased and scrambles to deny the truth, just like they all do with pizzagate. But I went to and did find this one The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen’s mysterious death in Haiti last week As far as all those names above are concerned, shame on me wasting my time trying to convert the lifelong leftist secular cynics and skeptics. They know the truth, they just pretend it's all "nothing burgers." The Lord begs to differ.
Forgive me if I don’t push all in on somebody who I don’t knows Facebook posts that a USMB poster references as proof. If this really so proof then why didn’t Trumps DOJ act on it?
I cannot answer that no more than I can tell you why those involved in the fake dossier, corrupt judges allowing illegal FISA warrants to be approved are not pursued. Why Hillary was not prosecuted for destroying her congressionally subpoenaed illegal server, 30,000 emails, and five of her staff's Blackberries, why Lois Lerner of the IRS had 11 of her staff's hard drives amazingly all crash within two months after that evidence was subpoenaed with the IRS scandal and non one was indicted or why Seth Rich's murder investigation was suddenly stopped by his family. I cannot even tell you why Durham never released his report on all this skulduggery before the election. It goes on and on from there. Do I believe there is a hard-to-define "deep state" cabal of global elitists, et al. controlling political figures and the mainstream media? Indubitably.
I can tell you. Because when all the evidence was reviewed in context with the law, those things did not warrant prosecution. In Hillary’s case Lynch, Comey, , Wray, Sessions, and Barr all had the opportunities to review the evidence and do something. None did. I trust that more than a spun up story. Sorry
No problem, and I trust you are being honest, too.
But I ask: Are you saying you doubt these matters of traitorous acts against a president and deception did not take place because no one was indicted in the case of Hillary’s acts or the acts of the gang of thieves with the Russian hoax? Or are you merely saying what they did was not deemed a significant enough crime by DOJ operatives or whomever, and that is why it troubles you not?
I’m saying that in these cases the FBI and DOJ held investigations they saw all the evidence, interviewed witnesses and assessed the situation to determine what action should be taken and in no cases they decided to pursue criminal charges. I trust that more than I trust your spun up partisan and ignorant characterizations of what happened
Entire election was an utter sham
USA is dead and buried
I have not even mentioned the hundreds of thousands of illegal peasants who voted along with the voting machines that give a Biden vote more weight
Totally unfounded claims. Give a specific example. I don’t think you can
You don’t have the intellect to follow a sentence , you pathetic old worm
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt
Mitt is as clueless as ever
A complete fake fraud
I disagree. What he said today was spot on
R is a quisling and a lemming !!!
They stoled an election and ridicule half the nation.
Nobody stole an election. Don’t be so gullible. Know when you’re being lied to. This is just sad
Millions of votes counted with zero signatures, zero signature verifications, zero post marks etc
Voter roles that have folks who have been dead for decades or moved out of the state . GOP pollsters who were kicked out ??
What a utter ignorant slob , you’re
Where did that happen?. Be specific. I’ll show you why you’re wrong
I have already posted that many times
You are a zero and you will get the Biden - meinhoff gang
So you can’t point to anything specific?! Saying you’ve posted many times means nothing to me or this discussion. Sounds like you want out. Fine with me
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt
Mitt is as clueless as ever
A complete fake fraud
I disagree. What he said today was spot on
R is a quisling and a lemming !!!
They stoled an election and ridicule half the nation.
Nobody stole an election. Don’t be so gullible. Know when you’re being lied to. This is just sad
Millions of votes counted with zero signatures, zero signature verifications, zero post marks etc
Voter roles that have folks who have been dead for decades or moved out of the state . GOP pollsters who were kicked out ??
What a utter ignorant slob , you’re
Where did that happen?. Be specific. I’ll show you why you’re wrong
I have already posted that many times
You are a zero and you will get the Biden - meinhoff gang
So you can’t point to anything specific?! Saying you’ve posted many times means nothing to me or this discussion. Sounds like you want out. Fine with me
You’re a vermin !! Not worth my time .I bet you support Antifa
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt
Mitt is as clueless as ever
A complete fake fraud
I disagree. What he said today was spot on
R is a quisling and a lemming !!!
They stoled an election and ridicule half the nation.
Nobody stole an election. Don’t be so gullible. Know when you’re being lied to. This is just sad
Millions of votes counted with zero signatures, zero signature verifications, zero post marks etc
Voter roles that have folks who have been dead for decades or moved out of the state . GOP pollsters who were kicked out ??
What a utter ignorant slob , you’re
Where did that happen?. Be specific. I’ll show you why you’re wrong
I have already posted that many times
You are a zero and you will get the Biden - meinhoff gang
So you can’t point to anything specific?! Saying you’ve posted many times means nothing to me or this discussion. Sounds like you want out. Fine with me
You’re a vermin !! Not worth my time .I bet you support Antifa
No prob, great talking with you! :cuckoo:
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt
Mitt is as clueless as ever
A complete fake fraud
I disagree. What he said today was spot on
R is a quisling and a lemming !!!
They stoled an election and ridicule half the nation.
Nobody stole an election. Don’t be so gullible. Know when you’re being lied to. This is just sad
Millions of votes counted with zero signatures, zero signature verifications, zero post marks etc
Voter roles that have folks who have been dead for decades or moved out of the state . GOP pollsters who were kicked out ??
What a utter ignorant slob , you’re
Where did that happen?. Be specific. I’ll show you why you’re wrong
I have already posted that many times
You are a zero and you will get the Biden - meinhoff gang
So you can’t point to anything specific?! Saying you’ve posted many times means nothing to me or this discussion. Sounds like you want out. Fine with me
You’re a vermin !! Not worth my time .I bet you support Antifa
No prob, great talking with you! :cuckoo:
You’re an insect to me and I would wipe you off my shoe
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Romney is a loser that abused his dog by tying him to the roof of his car, killed that steel worker's wife with cancer, and is out of touch with his dancing horses. The man has been described as a racist/nazi draft dodger.

So why do you like him now?
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt
Mitt is as clueless as ever
A complete fake fraud
I disagree. What he said today was spot on
R is a quisling and a lemming !!!
They stoled an election and ridicule half the nation.
Nobody stole an election. Don’t be so gullible. Know when you’re being lied to. This is just sad
Millions of votes counted with zero signatures, zero signature verifications, zero post marks etc
Voter roles that have folks who have been dead for decades or moved out of the state . GOP pollsters who were kicked out ??
What a utter ignorant slob , you’re
Where did that happen?. Be specific. I’ll show you why you’re wrong
I have already posted that many times
You are a zero and you will get the Biden - meinhoff gang
So you can’t point to anything specific?! Saying you’ve posted many times means nothing to me or this discussion. Sounds like you want out. Fine with me
You’re a vermin !! Not worth my time .I bet you support Antifa
No prob, great talking with you! :cuckoo:
You’re an insect to me and I would wipe you off my shoe
Wow, that sounds pretty small and weak and insignificant. That’s some deep shit there dude. My mind is blown
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Believe what you want. I do not have time to list all of the criminal activities of the left ----- but you people are naïve. How did you react when it took the Mueller cabal 2 1/2 years to come up with nothing? You think that was an isolated example of skulduggery by the DNC? You think the mainstream media is innocent in hiding all the scandals of the left? Do any of these names mean anything to you?
Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, schiff, nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.
Yes I recognize most those names. What about them? If you have a charge to make then make it and be specific.

I will not take the time for your benefit. Except I'll give you one. In November 2016, Monica Peterson, a 32 year old Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center took on the mission of investigating child sex trafficking in Haiti. In addition she had good reason to believe some of the Clinton Foundation funds alleged to go to help the Haitians still reeling from a devastating earthquake a few years earlier. Well, based on some of her emails and quotes of hers on a friend's facebook page, there is bona fide evidence what she was finding about both child sex trafficking as well as some connection with Clinton Foundation funds. Wouldn't you know it, the 32 year old decided that was also a good time for her to commit suicide? Or so the national press in the USA decided to report it? Ho hum.

And don't pull out the vile WaPost article that denies it all from back then, they are part of the cover up of course. And if you go to Google, you may have to go ten pages in to find a source that is not biased and scrambles to deny the truth, just like they all do with pizzagate. But I went to and did find this one The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen’s mysterious death in Haiti last week As far as all those names above are concerned, shame on me wasting my time trying to convert the lifelong leftist secular cynics and skeptics. They know the truth, they just pretend it's all "nothing burgers." The Lord begs to differ.
Forgive me if I don’t push all in on somebody who I don’t knows Facebook posts that a USMB poster references as proof. If this really so proof then why didn’t Trumps DOJ act on it?
I cannot answer that no more than I can tell you why those involved in the fake dossier, corrupt judges allowing illegal FISA warrants to be approved are not pursued. Why Hillary was not prosecuted for destroying her congressionally subpoenaed illegal server, 30,000 emails, and five of her staff's Blackberries, why Lois Lerner of the IRS had 11 of her staff's hard drives amazingly all crash within two months after that evidence was subpoenaed with the IRS scandal and non one was indicted or why Seth Rich's murder investigation was suddenly stopped by his family. I cannot even tell you why Durham never released his report on all this skulduggery before the election. It goes on and on from there. Do I believe there is a hard-to-define "deep state" cabal of global elitists, et al. controlling political figures and the mainstream media? Indubitably.
I can tell you. Because when all the evidence was reviewed in context with the law, those things did not warrant prosecution. In Hillary’s case Lynch, Comey, , Wray, Sessions, and Barr all had the opportunities to review the evidence and do something. None did. I trust that more than a spun up story. Sorry
No problem, and I trust you are being honest, too.
But I ask: Are you saying you doubt these matters of traitorous acts against a president and deception did not take place because no one was indicted in the case of Hillary’s acts or the acts of the gang of thieves with the Russian hoax? Or are you merely saying what they did was not deemed a significant enough crime by DOJ operatives or whomever, and that is why it troubles you not?
I’m saying that in these cases the FBI and DOJ held investigations they saw all the evidence, interviewed witnesses and assessed the situation to determine what action should be taken and in no cases they decided to pursue criminal charges. I trust that more than I trust your spun up partisan and ignorant characterizations of what happened

“Openness to truth demands openness to conversion.” --- John Henry Cardinal Newman

Pardon me, I thought I was talking to a serious poster open to truth.
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Romney is a loser that abused his dog by tying him to the roof of his car, killed that steel worker's wife with cancer, and is out of touch with his dancing horses. The man has been described as a racist/nazi draft dodger.

So why do you like him now?
Like him? I don’t know him. I know what he said the other night was spot on and that’s what this thread is about
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Believe what you want. I do not have time to list all of the criminal activities of the left ----- but you people are naïve. How did you react when it took the Mueller cabal 2 1/2 years to come up with nothing? You think that was an isolated example of skulduggery by the DNC? You think the mainstream media is innocent in hiding all the scandals of the left? Do any of these names mean anything to you?
Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, schiff, nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.
Yes I recognize most those names. What about them? If you have a charge to make then make it and be specific.

I will not take the time for your benefit. Except I'll give you one. In November 2016, Monica Peterson, a 32 year old Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center took on the mission of investigating child sex trafficking in Haiti. In addition she had good reason to believe some of the Clinton Foundation funds alleged to go to help the Haitians still reeling from a devastating earthquake a few years earlier. Well, based on some of her emails and quotes of hers on a friend's facebook page, there is bona fide evidence what she was finding about both child sex trafficking as well as some connection with Clinton Foundation funds. Wouldn't you know it, the 32 year old decided that was also a good time for her to commit suicide? Or so the national press in the USA decided to report it? Ho hum.

And don't pull out the vile WaPost article that denies it all from back then, they are part of the cover up of course. And if you go to Google, you may have to go ten pages in to find a source that is not biased and scrambles to deny the truth, just like they all do with pizzagate. But I went to and did find this one The Complete Guide to Monica Petersen’s mysterious death in Haiti last week As far as all those names above are concerned, shame on me wasting my time trying to convert the lifelong leftist secular cynics and skeptics. They know the truth, they just pretend it's all "nothing burgers." The Lord begs to differ.
Forgive me if I don’t push all in on somebody who I don’t knows Facebook posts that a USMB poster references as proof. If this really so proof then why didn’t Trumps DOJ act on it?
I cannot answer that no more than I can tell you why those involved in the fake dossier, corrupt judges allowing illegal FISA warrants to be approved are not pursued. Why Hillary was not prosecuted for destroying her congressionally subpoenaed illegal server, 30,000 emails, and five of her staff's Blackberries, why Lois Lerner of the IRS had 11 of her staff's hard drives amazingly all crash within two months after that evidence was subpoenaed with the IRS scandal and non one was indicted or why Seth Rich's murder investigation was suddenly stopped by his family. I cannot even tell you why Durham never released his report on all this skulduggery before the election. It goes on and on from there. Do I believe there is a hard-to-define "deep state" cabal of global elitists, et al. controlling political figures and the mainstream media? Indubitably.
I can tell you. Because when all the evidence was reviewed in context with the law, those things did not warrant prosecution. In Hillary’s case Lynch, Comey, , Wray, Sessions, and Barr all had the opportunities to review the evidence and do something. None did. I trust that more than a spun up story. Sorry
No problem, and I trust you are being honest, too.
But I ask: Are you saying you doubt these matters of traitorous acts against a president and deception did not take place because no one was indicted in the case of Hillary’s acts or the acts of the gang of thieves with the Russian hoax? Or are you merely saying what they did was not deemed a significant enough crime by DOJ operatives or whomever, and that is why it troubles you not?
I’m saying that in these cases the FBI and DOJ held investigations they saw all the evidence, interviewed witnesses and assessed the situation to determine what action should be taken and in no cases they decided to pursue criminal charges. I trust that more than I trust your spun up partisan and ignorant characterizations of what happened

“Openness to truth demands openness to conversion.” --- John Henry Cardinal Newman

Pardon me, I thought I was talking to a serious poster open to truth.
That I am, very open to truth. I also have a nose so I can smell BS
Just heard Romney on the floor of the senate... In reference to the Trump supporters that think the election was stolen he accurately noted that the 10 day commission that was supposed to ease their doubts was pointless. No commission is going to change their minds. He said the greatest gift you can give those people is the TRUTH. The election was not stolen. Wake the hell up people! Cruz and his band of idiots need to start telling the truth. Trump needs to be flat out ignored. Enough with the lies.

Nice one Mitt

Romney is so stupid that he couldn't "nail" his own wife.
Good thread. Mitt is principled. He values this country over politics. His policies are definitely right wing but he does have a conscious. He’d have beat any candidate other than Obama. That was a fools errand. Obama was invincible.
Conservatives would do well to build a coalition back around compassionate conservatism or they are dead as a party with the draw of only the far right margins aka the deplorables.

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