Romney-Obama Debate Thread

Romney is kicking Obamas azz.

Whether this will resonate in thepolls is another question.

It will have to for Obama. His celebrity wont cut it here like it did with that asshole McCain. Romney is coming off as pretty stable. Must have on his magic underwear.:badgrin:
Yeah, it's been pretty one-sided, Obama is losing badly and knows it. I am pretty surprised at all of the foolish smirks Obama is making, that isn't helping his cause one bit. His team should have practiced with him to avoid that usual crap of his.
Can't believe you people are actually watching this shit.

Yeah. Silly us for wanting to be informed on the what the candidates are saying.

Good point, and to be up to date on Mitt's new position on any given issue you really have to be on the ball as it changes day to day, as this debate has proven. Welcome Republicans on the guy proving he is as liberal as Obama in a debate, lol.
Okay and they've done what exactly since then?

Little. They were elected to grind the gears of Obama's administration BECAUSE they believed Obamacare was rammed down their throats. The nation appeared to agree with them and crushed the Democrats in 10.

Gotten in front of bad legislation.

Put another way, they've obstructed.

This is the empty well you're drilling when you say Obama has been divisive.

They obstructed BECAUSE that's what they were sent to DC to do BECAUSE of Obama's first two years.

Partisan liberals and Democrats don't seem to understand that Obama has been as divisive as Bush was.
He believes in great teachers... but Government is not responsible for that....

Romney has yet to be asked for those specifics.
And please, don't think you're side is pure here. Obama IS THE POTUS....He has done what you accuse Romney of while IN OFFICE....
Obama at 7:15 PT: "The genius of the American System is the free market system." :lmao:

The slogan "Forward!" reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism.

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times
They agree... They agree...

Why do we have to have this expensive election?

Maybe Romney can just come to work for Obama as an advisor.
No plan to cut education funding--Mitt Romney
No plan to cut defense--in fact raise it--Mitt Romney
No plan to cut taxes on the very wealthy--Mitt Romney

Gee, wonder what he plans to cut?

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