Romney-Obama Debate Thread

No plan to cut education funding--Mitt Romney
No plan to cut defense--in fact raise it--Mitt Romney
No plan to cut taxes on the very wealthy--Mitt Romney

Gee, wonder what he plans to cut?

The "little people". Obviously.
Little. They were elected to grind the gears of Obama's administration BECAUSE they believed Obamacare was rammed down their throats. The nation appeared to agree with them and crushed the Democrats in 10.

Gotten in front of bad legislation.

Put another way, they've obstructed.

This is the empty well you're drilling when you say Obama has been divisive.

They obstructed BECAUSE that's what they were sent to DC to do BECAUSE of Obama's first two years.

Partisan liberals and Democrats don't seem to understand that Obama has been as divisive as Bush was.

Well, there goes your argument about Obama being "divisive" if that was your argument.

If the polls are to be believed, those who gave the GOP this victory are now shunning the GOP this year.
I give this debate to Romney. I think he's a clear winner. However the whole debate has been a bit slow and ramblely, no wow moments, or a-ha moments, no big flops... I don't think it's been anything anyone will be discussing past tomorrow.
Obama is straying big time
Deep down I think he might have a good heat, but I think he has to lie to cover for some corrupt elite players. I really think if he doesn't his life could be in danger. Added to that, his politics are probably at odds and quite a bit to the left from what he is really representing. So, speaking extemporaneously under such circumstances could be conceivably difficult. Nearly as difficult as being, say, Dan Quayle.

It's quite clear Romney is being more honest, passionate and speaking from the heart.
A "tell" that mitt is losing is all the faces he has made. Grimacing, sighing, smirking, shaking his head

BUT, then no hard facts to back his words.

But mitt has not done a really bad job. Just not good enough.

Like, even though he has been gone from Mass for many years, he's taking credit for their schools. Now he's just rambling nonsense.
A "tell" that mitt is losing is all the faces he has made. Grimacing, sighing, smirking, shaking his head

BUT, then no hard facts to back his words.

But mitt has not done a really bad job. Just not good enough.

Like, even though he has been gone from Mass for many years, he's taking credit for their schools. Now he's just rambling nonsense.

Again...if Romney believes vouchers are the answer for schools...did he do that in Massachusetts?
I give this debate to Romney. I think he's a clear winner. However the whole debate has been a bit slow and ramblely, no wow moments, or a-ha moments, no big flops... I don't think it's been anything anyone will be discussing past tomorrow.

I agree. Romney hit hard, but he could have made some more points. How did he not mention gas prices or inflation? Too much time on healthcare.

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