Romney-Obama Debate Thread

Romney's performance was good. If you take the time to listen to most of the stump speeches, you would know that he simply re-phrased his and delivered it well.

Obama went off of his stump speech quite a bit. I think he was impressed with Romney's ability to get his message out.

Obama came in with a lead. I'm guessing Romney probably helped himself with those who are just now starting to pay attention. He did what he set out to do.
A "tell" that mitt is losing is all the faces he has made. Grimacing, sighing, smirking, shaking his head

BUT, then no hard facts to back his words.

But mitt has not done a really bad job. Just not good enough.

Like, even though he has been gone from Mass for many years, he's taking credit for their schools. Now he's just rambling nonsense.

The only face Romney has been making is a confident smile. He knows he won this one by a good margin and so do you I bet. Obama has been smirking like a spoiled child.
Romney's performance was good. If you take the time to listen to most of the stump speeches, you would know that he simply re-phrased his and delivered it well.

Obama went off of his stump speech quite a bit. I think he was impressed with Romney's ability to get his message out.

Obama came in with a lead. I'm guessing Romney probably helped himself with those who are just now starting to pay attention. He did what he set out to do.

Are you feeling alright?
Still no specifics from mitt. Just more pie in the sky.

When does he have to say where he's getting all tht money?

And I still hate his phony smiling stutter.
You don't know either.

I just told you, you should also be thankful.

You should be smarter. The ship has sailed on that one.

Not sailed... Sank.
They obstructed BECAUSE that's what they were sent to DC to do BECAUSE of Obama's first two years.

Partisan liberals and Democrats don't seem to understand that Obama has been as divisive as Bush was.

Well, there goes your argument about Obama being "divisive" if that was your argument.

If the polls are to be believed, those who gave the GOP this victory are now shunning the GOP this year.

Can you please explain your logic that because the Republicans were obstinate in 11 & 12, Obama wasn't divisive in 09 & 10?


Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. I doubt many who go into the polling place are thinking about 09, and 10 though.

It's a dry well you're drilling with that one.
I give this debate to Romney. I think he's a clear winner. However the whole debate has been a bit slow and ramblely, no wow moments, or a-ha moments, no big flops... I don't think it's been anything anyone will be discussing past tomorrow.

I agree. Romney hit hard, but he could have made some more points. How did he not mention gas prices or inflation? Too much time on healthcare.

Why no specifics?
Thought Romney did pretty well. But was it enough? Romney needs something to shift the tide. I don't think it was. Obama did well and made no mistakes. So I'd say Obama won.
LOL, Romney slammed him with his closing statement! With Obama's incredibly poor presidency I doubt that anyone is surprised.
First Debate.....I have to give to Romney

I didn't see the promised zingers from either side

Good job by Romney, but far from the home run that he needed

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