Romney-Obama Debate Thread

first impression... I was actually very pleased there were no interruptions from the crowd. They were almost completely silent during the debate, which is exactly what they should be, out of respect for both candidates and the moderator trying to maintain the flow.
Obama seemed to lack passion. Romney was well prepped and sold himself well

Romney should see a boost from the debate.....but I doubt if it is enough
Romney's performance was good. If you take the time to listen to most of the stump speeches, you would know that he simply re-phrased his and delivered it well.

Obama went off of his stump speech quite a bit. I think he was impressed with Romney's ability to get his message out.

Obama came in with a lead. I'm guessing Romney probably helped himself with those who are just now starting to pay attention. He did what he set out to do.

Are you feeling alright?

Why do you ask?
First Debate.....I have to give to Romney

I didn't see the promised zingers from either side

Good job by Romney, but far from the home run that he needed

Just now checking in and only looking at the last page...any other libs besides rw seeing it this way??
Vouchers....Romney just came out for Education vouchers....did he initiate that in Massachusetts, which as he stated, has the best education system in the country?

no. no vouchers here, and romney had little to nothing to do with education reform here. that was weld's baby.

in fact, the only things he really did as governor were raise taxes (fees), sign romneycare into law and run for president.
First Debate.....I have to give to Romney

I didn't see the promised zingers from either side

Good job by Romney, but far from the home run that he needed

I agree... Romney took this one. I wonder what happened to all the zingers we were told Romney has been practicing? I guess he was too bust with substance. ;)

While I agree this was not a home run for Romney, I'd say it was a triple.
Romney's performance was great. He was more specific, detailed & confident than he has been in his stump speeches.

Obama was not as smooth or confident but had more detailed facts than Romney who just said he would sit down with Congress & work those details out.
Turn to MSNBC 's coverage of the debate, shaptons is about to blow a gasket....lmafo
Vouchers....Romney just came out for Education vouchers....did he initiate that in Massachusetts, which as he stated, has the best education system in the country?

no. no vouchers here, and romney had little to nothing to do with education reform here. that was weld's baby.

in fact, the only things he really did as governor were raise taxes (fees), sign romneycare into law and run for president.


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