Romney-Obama Debate Thread

First Debate.....I have to give to Romney

I didn't see the promised zingers from either side

Good job by Romney, but far from the home run that he needed

Just now checking in and only looking at the last page...any other libs besides rw seeing it this way??

I've been following the thread, Id say everyone pretty much sees this one as an Romney win.
Still no specifics from mitt. Just more pie in the sky.

When does he have to say where he's getting all tht money?

And I still hate his phony smiling stutter.

No specifics? Clean your ears.

Okay.... Like what?

Where did he say all tht money is coming from?

What about his archaic states rights crap? Where were the specifics.

Like I said, mitt didn't do near as ad as he has in the past and I really wonder why Obama didn't nail him on his lies but mitt slimed through with his usual generalities.
Vouchers....Romney just came out for Education vouchers....did he initiate that in Massachusetts, which as he stated, has the best education system in the country?

no. no vouchers here, and romney had little to nothing to do with education reform here. that was weld's baby.

in fact, the only things he really did as governor were raise taxes (fees), sign romneycare into law and run for president.


no, thanks

want some fish? it's brain food.
Obama seemed to lack passion. Romney was well prepped and sold himself well

Romney should see a boost from the debate.....but I doubt if it is enough

I agree , one of the talking heads said Obama doesn't enjoy debating and I'd say it showed, he looked sparkelss at times.

As far as "enough"? Enough for what? Outside a hammer lock, Romney had to o what he did, show well and sound imformed and confident and meet the mo,d of what folks would say is presidential. So in that sense he surely won.
Obama seemed to lack passion. Romney was well prepped and sold himself well

Romney should see a boost from the debate.....but I doubt if it is enough

Again, I agree with most of that.

Romney smiled when not talking, but not in a derisive or condescending manner... unlike my impression of Obama's facial expressions when he was silent.

I think Romney was deliberate, concise, and while he did talk over Obama the one time, it was only for a second, and I don't think it was malicious.

One thing about Romney he just has to address..

'And by the way...'. WAY too many times,
I watched on and off from what I saw Obama almost seemed bored with the debate and disinterested Romney seemed more energetic at least for him and more engaged any way that's my observation.
now the media gets to look at everything Mitt said and destroy him with his own words on just how liberal he really is. That will be the big killer, not the bullshit in a debate, but what is talked about for days and days after it.

Admit it, most you "conservatives" were only happy Mitt was talking, on a very shallow level you know he was not talking in a strait line and you prolly hated a good deal of what he said... That will be all over the news.
Still no specifics from mitt. Just more pie in the sky.

When does he have to say where he's getting all tht money?

And I still hate his phony smiling stutter.

No specifics? Clean your ears.

Okay.... Like what?

Where did he say all tht money is coming from?

What about his archaic states rights crap? Where were the specifics.

Like I said, mitt didn't do near as ad as he has in the past and I really wonder why Obama didn't nail him on his lies but mitt slimed through with his usual generalities.

archaic? dumb ass.
You can't balance the budget without raising taxes.

Can't do it.

Yes you can... It's called fiscal responsibility. Curtailing reckless spending and loosening the Tax noose on Businesses will result in more people being hired, which will result in more Tax revenue.
romney had all his ducks in a row
obama needs a teleprompter to repeat what his handlers tell him
You can't balance the budget without raising taxes.

Can't do it.

Yes you can... It's called fiscal responsibility. Curtailing reckless spending and loosening the Tax noose on Businesses will result in more people being hired, which will result in more Tax revenue.

Amen. Fiscal responsibility plus policy that turns the economy loose to generate revenue as only Americans are capable of doing is a far better plan than trying to tax and spend us into prosperity. I wish Romney had pushed that theme harder, but he did make the point.

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