Romney only needs to bat .250 on election day

My analysis is based upon Florida, Virginia, NC and Colorado going for Romney.

Virginia: Romney's been routinely ahead by 3 to 4 points and assuming nothing there changes.

Based upon that; if Romney gets one of the four aforementioned states; he will win the election.

I'll note one caveat. If it's Wisconsin; then he could be 3 electoral votes short. However, I was just banking on at least one other close state (NH, NM, Iowa, Nevada or even PA, Ohio, Michigan) going his way.

My analysis is solid; based upon current projections. Your .600 crap is just desperation.


I failed to forsee that the election would be so rigged. Certainly I worried about it. But even this surpassed my worries.


Poor lil fella
Funny how libs don't even entertain the reality of cheating and automatically mock anyone that calls out their messiah. Someday, you'll perish and weep. So enjoy your day while you can.
Funny how libs don't even entertain the reality of cheating and automatically mock anyone that calls out their messiah. Someday, you'll perish and weep. So enjoy your day while you can.

Yes, you're right.

Never mind that Obama was leading in enough swing state polls to win if the election had been held on any day six months prior to the election. He won by "cheating."

In the meantime, the Republican party has lost four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the last six Presidential popular votes. But your problem is "cheating."

Run with it. You'll be successful. :thup:
Funny how libs don't even entertain the reality of cheating and automatically mock anyone that calls out their messiah. Someday, you'll perish and weep. So enjoy your day while you can.



Someone should go back and post the threads in Nov/Dec 2010 by conservatives proclaiming liberalism "dead."

Then, someone should go back and post the threads in Nov/Dec 2008 by liberals proclaiming conservatism "dead."

Young'ns generally don't know better.
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Funny how libs don't even entertain the reality of cheating and automatically mock anyone that calls out their messiah. Someday, you'll perish and weep. So enjoy your day while you can.

Yes, you're right.

Never mind that Obama was leading in enough swing state polls to win if the election had been held on any day six months prior to the election. He won by "cheating."

In the meantime, the Republican party has lost four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the last six Presidential popular votes. But your problem is "cheating."

Run with it. You'll be successful. :thup:

Successful at what? I have no illusions that I'll change the establishment or convince idiots such as yourself.

As for the polls; we knew they were getting rigged all the time. But only a fair election was ever going to refute them.

Do you think that it makes an ounce of sense that Obama couldn't get very many people to his rallies; but all of the sudden he is getting 90-95 percent turn-outs in his den of thieves counties? (Traditionally, less than half of Americans tend to vote as it is).

There's a reason that there was not one nail biter among the swing states. Clearly, Obama used his overseas money to pay off election officials.

Saint Lucie County Florida registered 275K votes for Obama. That's pretty remarkable considering there are only 176K registered voters there. All the more remarkable considering it was only 53 percent democrat during the 2000 census. Dude, that defies f'ing math and ethics. And that's just one of many blatant examples.

We saw how the military was not getting their ballots mailed to them too btw.

You can celebrate your deuche bag n' thief stealing an election. But you'll deserve everything you get. Cos the man that hands over his democracy deserves everything he/she gets. But you weasels keep pretending this is about my guy losing. I can accept a loss of my guy. But when the system is lost; then it's over. Don't think that the corruption won't hit. Hell, it's been hitting. America is fucked for a reason. Enjoy it bitches.
Funny how libs don't even entertain the reality of cheating and automatically mock anyone that calls out their messiah. Someday, you'll perish and weep. So enjoy your day while you can.

Yes, you're right.

Never mind that Obama was leading in enough swing state polls to win if the election had been held on any day six months prior to the election. He won by "cheating."

In the meantime, the Republican party has lost four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the last six Presidential popular votes. But your problem is "cheating."

Run with it. You'll be successful. :thup:

Successful at what? I have no illusions that I'll change the establishment or convince idiots such as yourself.

As for the polls; we knew they were getting rigged all the time. But only a fair election was ever going to refute them.

Do you think that it makes an ounce of sense that Obama couldn't get very many people to his rallies; but all of the sudden he is getting 90-95 percent turn-outs in his den of thieves counties? (Traditionally, less than half of Americans tend to vote as it is).

There's a reason that there was not one nail biter among the swing states. Clearly, Obama used his overseas money to pay off election officials.

Saint Lucie County Florida registered 275K votes for Obama. That's pretty remarkable considering there are only 176K registered voters there. All the more remarkable considering it was only 53 percent democrat during the 2000 census. Dude, that defies f'ing math and ethics. And that's just one of many blatant examples.

We saw how the military was not getting their ballots mailed to them too btw.

You can celebrate your deuche bag n' thief stealing an election. But you'll deserve everything you get. Cos the man that hands over his democracy deserves everything he/she gets. But you weasels keep pretending this is about my guy losing. I can accept a loss of my guy. But when the system is lost; then it's over. Don't think that the corruption won't hit. Hell, it's been hitting. America is fucked for a reason. Enjoy it bitches.

I voted for Romney.

Your response is sad.

But funny at the same time.
The question is whether any reflection or introspection followed this embarrassing denial of reality. My guess is no.

I failed to forsee that the election would be so rigged. Certainly I worried about it. But even this surpassed my worries.

Looks like I called it.

Yeah, well, that's like calling the sun would rise in the east in the morning.

Hopefully, the grown-ups in the Republican party are embarrassed.
Saint Lucie County Florida registered 275K votes for Obama. That's pretty remarkable considering there are only 176K registered voters there. All the more remarkable considering it was only 53 percent democrat during the 2000 census. Dude, that defies f'ing math and ethics. And that's just one of many blatant examples.

Are you mental? Florida's election results are certified. The St. Lucie County tally was 65,869 Obama to 56,202 Romney.
Saint Lucie County Florida registered 275K votes for Obama. That's pretty remarkable considering there are only 176K registered voters there. All the more remarkable considering it was only 53 percent democrat during the 2000 census. Dude, that defies f'ing math and ethics. And that's just one of many blatant examples.

Are you mental? Florida's election results are certified. The St. Lucie County tally was 65,869 Obama to 56,202 Romney.

It'd appear that I got a story wrong. I thought I save the link to check, but I can't find it. But there's really no denying the fraud. 59 Philly precincts not giving Romney one vote? 19,605 to 0? Come on. America isn't that racist.

The same BS happened in 9 Cleveland precincts.

In Chicago, vote error messages routinely happened when people tried to vote for Romney (Never for Obama).

Voters in Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio also said they had pushed a button on a touch-screen voting machine for Romney, but the machines recorded their vote for Obama.

The Columbus Dispatch estimated that more than 20 percent of registered Ohio voters aren’t eligible. “In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population,” the report said. And, it said, in 31 other counties, registrations are above 90 percent of the population, “a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts.”

The Washington Times reported that officials in Florida banned observers from seeing the absentee ballots being opened and “there was no way to know whether the absentee ballots that were produced were the same ones that were opened, or if all the ballots were produced.

The Washington Times reported its suspicions of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, including that “in Philadelphia, the [New] Black Panthers are currently standing outside polling booths, intimidating voters just like they did in 2008.” It said, too, that 70 Republican polling inspectors were blocked from access.

The fix was in dude. There's a reason there were no nail biters despite Romney's huge momentum heading into the election. We saw Obama cheating to get overseas money. You think a criminal is not going to buy his election?
It'd appear that I got a story wrong.

You get a lot of things wrong.

Let me spell it out for you because this doesn't seem to have sunken in. Obama won by 5 million votes. Not a precinct. Not a county. There are 27 states that have smaller populations than his margin of victory. He won every single swing state, with the exception of North Carolina (curious, since "the fix was in" there). Take away Florida, Ohio, and Nevada: he still wins handily.

Romney's "huge momentum" was a myth, drummed up largely by the wingnut infotainment complex and media outlets that feed on horserace narratives. Many of you suckers fell for it hook, line, and sinker (despite a mountain of data clearly pointing to an Obama victory), which is why candycorn takes such relish in dredging up these ridiculous threads.

In the aftermath of the election, it's no secret that Romney's operation sucked. I'll grant you that during the election we didn't know how bad it was--but with the information that's since come out, now we do know. His people doctored their own internal polls to give the results they wanted and his GOTV software crashed on election day.

Romney's campaign and candidacy were inept, he faced structural barriers to victory via both the electoral college and the improving economic climate, and the "rigged" polls that showed an Obama victory virtually throughout the campaign are now known to have accurately sized up the demographics of the 2012 electorate (eliminating the only actual argument ever made to support the assertion they were wrong; despite that, you, bizarrely, seem to be clinging to the unskewed polls nonsense).

And yet you were surprised that Romney lost. Not only that, you deny it. Get a fucking grip.
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Let me spell it out for you because this doesn't seem to have sunken in. Obama won by 5 million votes.

Romney's "huge momentum" was a myth, drummed up largely by the wingnut infotainment complex and media outlets that feed on horserace narratives. Many of you suckers fell for it hook, line, and sinker (despite a mountain of data clearly pointing to an Obama victory), which is why candycorn takes such relish in dredging up these ridiculous threads.

In the aftermath of the election, it's no secret that Romney's operation sucked. I'll grant you that during the election we didn't know how bad it was--but with the information that's since come out, now we do know. His people doctored their own internal polls to give the results they wanted and his GOTV software crashed on election day.

Romney's campaign and candidacy were inept, he faced structural barriers to victory via both the electoral college and the improving economic climate, and the "rigged" polls that showed an Obama victory virtually throughout the campaign are now known to have accurately sized up the demographics of the 2012 electorate (eliminating the only actual argument ever made to support the assertion they were wrong; despite that, you, bizarrely, seem to be clinging to the unskewed polls nonsense).

And yet you were surprised that Romney lost. Not only that, you deny it. Get a fucking grip.

5 million votes? You really think that's shit when cheating is taking place in mass? Millions of dollars buys a lot of votes. Don't be so thick.

And you're talking trash about Romney's campaign b/c it's easy to trash talk the guy who's on the losing end.

And Romney did have momentum. It's why he was getting huge crowds and Obama was playing to crowds a quarter of the size; routinely.

You can ignore that the system is rigged if you want. But don't complain when you have these politicians who do what the f they want b/c they're more concerned with preserving the corruption than they are working for you.
I'll give you credit when you can admit Obama won the election. And when you show some sign of awareness of your drastic misreading of this country, the electorate, and the election results in the lead-up to the vote.
I haven't misread anything. The electoral process is thoroughly corrupted. You look the other way b/c it works in your favor. Obama literally committed felonies during the election process.
I haven't misread anything. The electoral process is thoroughly corrupted. You look the other way b/c it works in your favor. Obama literally committed felonies during the election process.

Also, this only validated the corrupt media. Again, nobody in there right mind is putting too much stock in polls. But b/c an election gets rigged, you want to pretend they were on the up and up all along.
The question is whether any reflection or introspection followed this embarrassing denial of reality. My guess is no.

I failed to forsee that the election would be so rigged. Certainly I worried about it. But even this surpassed my worries.

Looks like I called it.

Yeah, well, that's like calling the sun would rise in the east in the morning.

Hopefully, the grown-ups in the Republican party are embarrassed.

There are no grown ups in the republican party. No one with any sense of self respect from the old school republican party gives a damn about the party anymore.
I'll give you credit when you can admit Obama won the election. And when you show some sign of awareness of your drastic misreading of this country, the electorate, and the election results in the lead-up to the vote.


Bwahh! Boss Tweed had his finger on the pulse of the voters in Cleveland, Philly and Miami

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